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Android development summary

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Android Development
Presenter: Trinh Dang
SME: Dung Nguyen
Table of Content
▪ Why Android?

Android Development

Android Activity

Android UI and Event

Android ListView and Menu Adapter

Android Web Services

Android SQLite
▪ Android Map and Location
1. Why Android?

Android is a mobile operating system based on
the Linux Kernel that is currently developed by

As of July 2013 the Google Play store has had
over 1 million Android apps published, and over
50 billion apps downloaded.

At Google I/O 2014, the company revealed that
there were over 1 billion active monthly Android

2. Android Development

The latest version of Android OS is Android 4.4.2.

Android provides a rich application framework that
allows you to build innovative apps and games for
mobile devices in a Java language environment.

Eclipse with ADT bundle (or Android Studio)

Android Emulator: Genymotion (Bluestack or
Android Virtual Device on Eclipse)
3. Android Activity

An Activity is an application component that provides a
screen with which users can interact in order to do
something, such as dial the phone, take a photo, send
an email, or view a map.

An activity is launched by passing an Intent object to

 or Activity.startActivityForResult()
3. Android Activity

It is simple to run one activity from other, and some data need
to be sent to the new. Bundle is used to passing data.
4. Android UI and Event

Android UI using a
hierarchy of View and
ViewGroup nodes, as
shown in the diagram
4. Android UI and Event

Using an XML layout file to define layout and express the view.

All xml layout files are in ProjectName/res/layout
4. Android UI and Event

Define an event listener and register it with the
View class. The View class contains a collection of
nested interfaces named On<something>Listener
e.g. View.OnClickListener(). These interfaces, called
event listeners.

Override an existing callback method for the View
e.g. onTouchEvent(). This is usewhen implementing
own View class. This way is called event handlers
5. Android ListView and Menu Adapter
5. Android ListView and Menu Adapter

Bind data source into ListView

SimpleAdapter for static data (Maps)

SimpleCursorAdapter for Cursor query result
5. Android ListView and Menu Adapter

SimpleCursorAdapter class
 Specify columns
 Specify views to display the columns

Specify the XML file that defines the appearance of these views
SimpleCursorAdapter(Context context, int layout, Cursor c,
String[] from, int[] to)Constructor
5. Android ListView and Menu Adapter
Menu Adapter
Options Menu: The primary menu for an Activity, which appears
when the user presses the device MENU key
Context Menu: a floating list of menu items that appears when the
user performs a long-press on a View
Submenu: a floating list of menu items that the user opens by
pressing a menu item in the Options Menu or a context menu
5. Android ListView and Menu Adapter

Inflating a Menu Resource: create menu by override
method onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu). This
method is called only the first time the Options
Menu is opened

Handle select a menu item from the Options Menu
by override method onOptionsItemSelected
(MenuItem item)
6. Android Web Services

Parsing XML data



Android SAX

XML Pull
6. Android Web Services
▪ Parsing JSON data

JSON library

GSON library

Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java
Objects into its JSON representation. It can also be used to
convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object. Gson
can work with arbitrary Java objects including pre-existing
objects that you do not have source-code of.
7. Android SQLite

SQLite is a database support structured data

Android provides full support for SQLite databases. Any databases you
create will be accessible by name to any class in the application, but not
outside the application

SQLite run on phone OS services, not a database server like SQL server
or MySQL. It stores data in local phone.

Database file can be found at the following location
7. Android SQLite

Insert data
public long insert (String table, String nullColumnHack, ContentValues values)
▪ Update data:
update(String table, ContentValues values, String whereClause, String[]
▪ Delete data:
public int delete (String table, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs)
8. Android Map and Location
8. Android Map and Location
8. Android Map and Location

Using Location Service
Thank you for your listening

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