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ĐỀ KIỂM TRA ANH VĂN 12 SỐ 2 HK2 - Trường THPT Nguyễn Khuyến doc

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Trường THPT Nguyễn Khuyến
Năm học : 2019 – 2011 - Thời lượng: 60 phút
Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
Question 1. A. combined B. planned C. recorded D. aimed
Question 2. A. south B. although C. without D. southern

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
Question 3. A. emergency B. independent C. development D. enthusiast
Question 4. A. goalie B. tsunami C. promote D. combine

Choose A, B, C, or D that best complete each sentence.
Question 5. The International Red Cross helps people in need without any discrimination based on
_______, race, religion, class or political opinions.
A. national B. nationally C. nationality D. native
Question 6. American women live more _______ than women in Asian countries.
A. independent B. independently C. dependent D. dependently
Question 7. My sister __________ to ride the motorbike since her first year at university.
A. allowed B. was allowed
C. has allowed D. has been allowed
Question 8. Nhung will have finished her homework _______ .
A. as soon as her teacher returned B. until her teacher will return
C. by the time her teacher returns D. when her teacher will return
Question 9.
The policeman _________me not to park there.

A. said B. suggested C. made D. told
Question 10.

The larger the apartment is , the the rent is .

A. expensive B. expensively C. more expensive D. most expensive
Question 11. “ you hand me that pair of scissors, please?” -“ Certainly.”
A. Will B. May C. Shall D. Should
Question 12. If Charlie _______, he could have been injured.
A. had been run the street B. had been run into the street
C. had run the street D. had run into the street
Question 13. After Mariana _______ her exam, I _______ her out to eat.
A. was finishing / would take B. finished / had taken
C. will finish / have taken D. has finished / will take
Question 14. ,John would buy a private plane.
A. Were he rich B. If he rich
C. Unless he were rich D. Didn’t he be rich
Question 15. I have been learning English _______ I was twenty years old.
A. while B. as soon as C. since D. till
Question 16.The little girl ____ I borrowed this pen has gone.
A. whose B. from that C. whom D. from whom
Question 17. By the end of this year my father _____ in the company for 10 years.
A. will work B. has worked
C. will have worked D. has been worked
Question 18. Can you manage the report in the morning ?
A.to finish / to write B. finishing / to write
C.to finish / writing D.finishing / writing
Question 19. I wish I _______ to the football match last night. It was very exciting.
A. went B. would go C. had gone D. didn’t go
Question 20. It took women a long time to struggle ________ the right to vote.
A. for B. with C. against D. upon
Question 21. I can’t find my cellphone. I it in the bar last night.
A. must have left B. had left C. left D. might leave
Question 22. When someone sneezes, the British people often say : “ ”

A. Bless you B. What a shame C. Never mind D. Come on
Question 23 “ I wish you wouldn’t smoke in here!” -“ ”
A. I don’t agree, I’m afraid! B. Sorry, Shall I open the window?
C. sorry I don’t mind. D. I don’t mind
Question 24 “ How do you do. I’m Bill Thompson.” -“ ”
A. How do you do. B. Very well thank you.
C. How are you ? D. Fine, thanks.
Question 25. Ann: “ Why don’t we go to the concert for a chance?”
Jim: “ ”
A. Because we can’t B. Yes, let’s
C. we are busy D. It’s very boring
Question 26 Brenda: “ Do you think it will rain?
Carol: “ Oh! _______”
A. I don’t hope so B. I don’t hope C. It’s hopeless D. I hope not
Question 27 Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become _______.
A. good and good B. better and better C. better and good D. good and better
Question 28 What a lovely baby ! He certainly after his father, doen’t he ?
A. looks B.takes C. goes D. gets
Question 29 I must say that you have done very well. ________, you still have a lot of thing to learn.
A. Therefore B. So C. But D. However
Question 30 Have you ever considered to live in another country?
A. going B. to go C. gone D. goes
Error Identification
Question 31. 1975 is the year in when the revolution took place in Sai Gon
Question 32. You had better learn a foreign language before apply for a job
Question 33. There are many people visit the Statue of Liberty in the United States everyday.
Question 34. I found some milk in the refrigerator, so we mustn’t go to the store after all.

Question 35 A vegetarian is someone who doesn’t eat the meat.
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best answers about the passage.
Today, more and more women are actively participating in social activities both in urban and rural
areas. Specifically, they have shined brightly in even many fields commonly regarded as the man's
areas such as business, scientific research and social management. The image of contemporary
Vietnamese women with creativeness, dynamism, success has become popular in Vietnam's society.
The fact reveals that the gender gap has been remarkably narrowed and women enjoy many more
opportunities to pursue their social careers and obtain success, contributing to national socio-economic
development. The rate of Vietnamese women becoming National Assembly members from the 9th
term to the 11th term increased 8.7%, bringing the proportion of Vietnamese women in authority to
27.3%, the highest rate in Southeast Asia. There is no big gap in the level of literacy and schooling
between men and women. Women account for about 6.7% of professors and associate professors.
The legitimate rights of women and children are ensured more than ever before with more
complete legal documents including laws, conventions and national action plans
Mass media also highlights the continued success of women in every field and honors their great
importance in modern society, helping to do away with outdated perceptions about traditional women's
duties. Many projects on reproductive health care, children protection, and family income
improvement jointly conducted by various mass organizations, state agencies and non-governmental
organizations have created favorable conditions for women .
36.The text is about ________.
A. the changes in the status of Vietnamese women
B. the Vietnamese women's liberation
C. the Vietnamese sex discrimination
D. the discrimination that Vietnamese women have to face
37.Which adjective is not used to describe Vietnamese women?
A. successful B. creative C. narrow D. dynamic
38.According to the data in the text, ________.
A. Vietnamese women do not take part in authority

B. the level of literacy and schooling between men and women in Vietnam is the same
C. there are more women in authority in Vietnam than those in any other countries in Southeast
Asia .
D. there are no female professors in Vietnam
39.Vietnamese women ________.
A. have few opportunities to develop their intellectual ability
B. have only shined brightly in doing housework
C. cannot do any scientific research
D. are ensured their rights with laws, conventions and national action plans
40.Which is NOT mentioned in the text as a project to create condition for Vietnamese women?
A. Traditional women's duties B. Reproductive health care
C. Children protection D. Family income improvement
Choose the word or phrases that beast fits the blank space in the following passage.
What is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and what is its purpose? The
ASEAN is a multilateral organization which was (41) _____ to give Southeast Asian states a forum to
communicate (42) _____ each other. Since the region had a long colonial past and a history of endemic
warfare, there has never been much peaceful and constructive (43) _____ between kings, presidents
and other officials. A neutral forum was, (44) _____, a very useful development for all of those
ASEAN was formed as a result of the Bangkok (45) _____ of 1967 and initially had five
members: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Singapore.
41. A. created B. made C. done D. discovered
42. A. in B. on C. for D. with
43. A. interflow B. interaction C. interference D. intercommunity
44. A. nevertheless B. moreover C. therefore D. however
45. A. Entitle B. Requirement C. Independence D. Declaration
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 46. You must never take your helmet off while you are riding a motorcycle.
A. If you are riding a motorcycle, you needn't wear a helmet.
B. When you are riding a motorcycle, wearing a helmet is not a must.

C. You needn't wear a helmet whenever you are riding a motorcycle.
D. Helmets must be worn at all times when you are riding a motorcycle
Question 47. “ Are you coming to the party tonight, Mary?” said Adam.
A. Adam said if Mary was coming to the party that night.
B. Adam said if Mary was coming to the party tonight.
C. Adam asked Mary if she was coming to the party tonight.
D. Adam asked Mary if she was coming to the party that night.

Question 48. _______ you study for these exams, _______ you will do.
A. The harder / the better B. The more / the much
C. The hardest / the best D. The more hard / the more good
Question 49 The Canterbury Tales, , have often been often been interpreted into
plays and films.
A. who are written by Geoffrey Chaucer.
B. that are written by Geoffrey Chaucer
C. written by Geoffrey Chaucer
D. which written by Geoffrey Chaucer
Question 50: He said, “I write home every week.”
A. He said that he wrote home every week.
B. He told that he wrote home every week.
C. He said that he writes home every week.
D. He said that I write home every week.

The end
