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Trang 1/4 - Mã đề thi AV12(CT)

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút;
(50 câu trắc nghiệm)

Mã đề thi
Họ, tên thí sinh:
Số báo danh:

Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest:
Câu 1: A. employers B. weekends C. reasons D. photographs
Câu 2: A. stopped B. answered C. believed D. determined
Câu 3: A. society B. initiate C. international D. protection

Pick out the word whose main stress syllable is in a position different from the rest:
Câu 4:

C. primary


Câu 5: A. information B. optimistic C. university

Choose the right word or phrase that best completes the sentence:
Câu 6: By next week, they ____________ resurfacing the road.
A. will have finished B. will finish C. will be finishing D. finish
Câu 7: I __________ here for hours and I feel tired.
A. stood B. have been stood C. have been standing D. am standing
Câu 8: I can’t remember the name of the hotel __________ we stayed at.
A. where B. which C. when D. whose
Câu 9: Mai: “Wow, I’ve never seen such a nice cell phone, Nam”
Nam: “_______________________”.
A. Oh, I don’t know B. Thank you. I’m glad you like it.
C. You’re welcome D. I agree with you
Câu 10: “_________” is used to express disagreement.
A. I couldn’t disagree with you any more B. That’s what I’m not thinking of
C. That’s the way I see it D. That’s not a good idea
Câu 11: Can you tell me how ________the feeling of pressure before an interview?
A. to reduce B. reduce C. reducing D. to be reduced
Câu 12: School uniform is compulsory in most of Vietnamese schools.
A. depended B. required C. divided D. paid
Câu 13: Peter: “Would you like some more tea?”
Mary: “__________.”
A. Here you are B. It doesn’t matter C. Yes, please D. I’m OK
Câu 14: Jane couldn’t decide where to go for her holidays. She didn’t go anywhere ________ the

A. at B. in C. of D. on
Câu 15: _______he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.
A. In spite of B. Because C. Because of D. Although
Câu 16: After the guests __________, I ___________ to bed.
A. had left/went B. left/went C. left/had gone D. had left/had gone
Câu 17: The woman asked _________get lunch at school.
A. if can the children B. if the children could
C. if the children can D. if could the children
Câu 18: The boy ________painted this picture is a classmate of mine.
A. where B. which C. who D. whom

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Câu 19: He’ll be late for the train ________he starts at once.
A. unless B. if C. otherwise D. when
Câu 20: What is _____purpose of _______meeting?
A. a- the B. the- a C. a- a D. the- the
Câu 21: I still can’t believe it! My bicycle ____________ some minutes ago.
A. is stolen B. was stolen C. had been stolen D. stole
Câu 22: Parents should ___________their children from computer games.
A. discourage B. encourage C. encouragement D. courage
Câu 23: The whole world will ___________ a period of economic depression.
A. be experienced B. be experience C. experience D. experienced
Câu 24: ____________ that you were coming, I ____________you at the airport.
A. If I have known- would have met B. If I know- will meet
C. If I knew- would meet D. Had I known- would have met
Câu 25: When he graduated ___________ university, he had been famous __________ his first
A. for- from B. from- for C. at- for D. for- at
Câu 26: Home is a base from which we can go into the world with __________.
A. confidence B. impression C. pressure D. shortcoming

Câu 27: I used to take part in the English Competition __________by our English teachers.
A. was organized B. organizing C. organized D. organize
Câu 28: High school students should be __________ for employment before leaving school.
A. well- made B. well- spoken C. well- done D. well- prepared
Câu 29: These are the boys_________ yesterday.
A. whom I went fishing with them B. with that I went fishing
C. whom I went fishing D. I went fishing with
Câu 30: He was refused because he had no _______ experience related to _______ job he applied.
A. a / the B. an / Ø C. the / a D. Ø / the

Read the test carefully and choose the correct answers:
Robots are replacing people in many jobs. They are used in the car industry. People complain that
they take needed jobs away from people. But there is one place where robots are welcome to do
A robot astronaut was developed by NASA. It is called Robonaut. Robonauts look like
humans. However, they have more flexible arms and hands than humans. They can do some of the
more difficult work in space. Robonauts are expected to work with human astronauts in future
missions. They need no spacesuits, oxygen, and meals to survive in space. Humans need air to
breathe and protection from extreme temperature changes. Most importantly, Robonauts will be sent
where astronauts cannot go yet because the risks are too high.
Câu 31: How do people feel about robots?
A. They do not like how robots take jobs.
B. They do not want Robonauts to hurt astronauts.
C. they think robots are of great help.
D. They want robots to replace astronauts.
Câu 32: According to the passage, where is the one place robots are welcome to do work?
A. AT NASA B. On the sun C. On earth D. In space
Câu 33: According to the passage, what is one advantage of Robonauts?
A. They do not need extra fuel to keep working in space.
B. They resemble humans in appearance.

C. they do not need food or oxygen to survive in space.
D. They were developed by NASA, which ensures their quality.
Câu 34: The word “extreme” in the passage is closest in meaning to _________
A. various B. radical C. distant D. unreasonable
Câu 35: Which of the following is NOT true of Robonauts?
A. They will replace humans where risks are too high.

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B. They do not wear spacesuits.
C. They have less flexible arms and hands than humans.
D. They do not need air to breathe.

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase:
Susan was very nervous about her interview. For at least three weeks before it, she was worried
(36)____it. She really wanted the job but she knew that a lot of people wanted to do that too. She had
been told that there were a great many applicants for it, so she prepared herself. She made notes of
what she might (37)____ and of what she wanted to ask. When the day came, she arrived half an
hour early. There were six other people waiting to be interviewed. They looked (38)____ than her.
She began to feel even more nervous. One by one, the others were called. Each of them came out
looking satisfied. Susan was the last one to be called into the interview room. She had decided by
then that she had no chance of getting the job, so she felt relaxed as she walked in, she felt that she
had nothing to lose. The three (39)____ were all very serious and they didn’t seem to be interested in
her. She forgot all the answers she had prepared and said the first things that came into her head.
Afterwards she was sure she wouldn’t get the job, but two days later she got a letter telling her she
had been chosen because she had been (40)____ who acted naturally.
Câu 36: A. about B. with C. at D. of
Câu 37: A. ask B. be asking C. be asked D. be ask
Câu 38: A. much confident B. more much confident
C. as confident D. much more confident
Câu 39: A. interviews B. interviewers C. interviewees D. interviewing

Câu 40: A. the only one B. person C. only one D. one

Choose the words or phrases that are not correct:
Câu 41: He didn’t get the job despite of his experience in the field.
Câu 42: I will tell John about it when I will see him this afternoon.
Câu 43: In America, it’s not impolite to ask questions about age, marriage and income
Câu 44: In Vietnam, the wedding day is usually chosen careful by the groom’s parents.
Câu 45: The house which was painted more than three days ago, but I’m going to have it done again.

Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one
Câu 46: She has played the piano for 5 years.
A. She didn’t play the piano 5 years ago.
B. She started playing the piano 5 years ago.
C. She played the piano 5 years ago.
D. The last time she played the piano was 5 years ago.
Câu 47: They stayed in that hotel despite the noise.
A. In spite of the hotel was noisy, they stayed there.
B. In spite of the noisy hotel and they stayed there.
C. Noisy as the hotel was, they stayed there.
D. Although the hotel is noisy, they stayed there.
Câu 48: Lady Astor was the first woman to take her seat in the Parliament.
A. Taking the first seat in the Parliament was Lady Astor.
B. Lady Astor was the first woman that took her seat in the Parliament.
C. Lady Astor, who was the first woman, was taken her seat in the Parliament.

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D. Lady Astor was the first woman who takes her seat in the Parliament.
Câu 49: He got a terrible punishment from his father.
A. He punished terribly from his father.
B. He was terribly punished by his father.
C. His father was got a terrible punishment from him.
D. His father was got a terrible punishment by him.
Câu 50: The mother asked her son, "Why didn't you do the exercises?"
A. The mother asked her son why he had not done the exercises.
B. The mother asked her son why he did not do the exercises.
C. The mother asked her son why hadn’t he done the exercises.
D. The mother asked her son why didn't he do the exercises.

