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ĐỀ 17
I. Rewrite the sentences by using Present participle :
1. I was lost, so I had to ask someone the way.

2. I am out of work, so I spend a lot of time at home.

3. There was so much noise. I could not hear what was going on.

4. It was a holiday, so there were thousands of cars on the roads.

5. They were in no mood for jokes because they had been up all night.

II. Rewrite the following sentences by using past participle :
1. The painting was lost for many years. It turned up at an auction.

2. Although the meet was cooked for several hours. It was still tough.

3. The vegetables which are sold in this shop are grown without chemical.

4. If you are accepted for the job, you’ll be informed soon.

5. When it was viewed from a distance, it resembled a cloud.

III. Translate the texts into Vietnamese :
A. China said today that there was heavy lost of life in the earthquake which struck
Tangshan city yesterday. Survious said that Tangshan, an Industrial city of one million
people, 160 kilometres east of Peking, was completely devastated. Observers living in
Peking said it appeared that only a small part of the one million inhabitants escaped death
or injury. Many of the man of Tangshan were working in the mines deep under the
earth’s surface when the earthquake occurred. Unfortunately, few of those miners have
B. During world war II, a group people in Oxford, England, organized Oxfam to send
money to Greece. When the war was over, they continued to give money, food and
clothing to other countries. It wanted to prevent problems instead of trying to solve them
after they start. However, it continues to provide food to the hungry, sick and homeless.
C. London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the largest city in the world. It is
situated on the both banks of the river Thames. The west end is the business heart of
London. This is the Britain’s commercial and banking centre. The East end, which lies on
the left bank of the Thames, sprawls out into upon row of flow, dark houses making up
the slumps inhabited by working people. Many of them have to toil away day and night
to drag out their miserable existence.
IV. Combine the following sentences by using Relative clause :
1. I’ve seen only a few. They were all black.(Begin the combination with “the few”)

2. Bring me the cigarettes. I left them on the table.(Combine into one sentence)

3. What was the name of the girl ? She came here last night.

4. Who would stay away from home as he does ? He has such a charming wife.

5. My old music teacher has left the country. You were taken his bicycle last week.
V. Turn the following sentences into Passive form :
1. It astonished us to hear that you had not received our letter.

2. They say that John is the cleverest student in the class.

3. The president had suffered a heart attack.

4. It’s time someone told him to be polite.

5. They ought to repair their bicycle.

VI. Rewrite the following sentences with appropriate verb-form tense :
1. So far, no real progress (make), have it ?
- It two months now since they (start) complaining.
2. you (hear) from Mac Donald ? - Not since he
(settle) in Wales in 1990.
3. Their style came as a revolution, nothing like it (grow)
4. Bill had his hair cut last month, but now it (grow)
5. When I got home, I (feel) very tired, so I
(go) to bed.
6. He was feeling very tired. He (study) all day.
VII. Supply the tag-questions :

1. Let’s go for a walk,

2. Listen,

3. I am too fat,

4. He had his hair cut last month,

5. You have to get a ticket,

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences as directed :
1. We can’t exchange articles which customers have bought during the sale.(turn into
passive voice)

2. This work is so heavy that it can’t be done by one man (using the structure
“too to” or “enough to”)

3. It’s important to be polite to other people.(Change into Gerund subject)

4. I suggest (telephone) the hospital before (ask) the police(look) for him. (using the
correct forms of the verbs in parentheses)

5. School children should do their homework.(using “It + adj + to V”)

6. She was named Sarah by her Godparents.(change into active voice)

7. There was no one in, so I left a message. (Rewrite into participle phrase)

8. They were both tired and hungry . (Rewrite with the structure “not only but also”)

9. I was tired because of the hard work yesterday. (make + O + V )

10. They asked the boy to do their homework.(turn into the passive voice)
