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Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each
1. A. houses B. faces C. horse D. places
2. A. pudding B. put C. bull D. puncture
3. A. medicine B. then C. help D. reflect
4. A. season B. treasure C. pleasure D. dreadful
5. A. danger B. angel C. anger D. magic

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. eating B. requests C. follow D. notice
7. A. listen B. cancel C. travel D. regret
8. A. author B. painter C. permit D. surfing
9. A. detail B. distress C. symbol D. sausage
10. A. embarrassing B. communicate C. advertisement D. babysitting

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. She has just bought_________
A. an old interesting painting French B. old an interesting painting French
C. a French old interesting painting D. an interesting old French painting
12. He looks younger than his wife, in _______ fact he is a lot older.
A. actual B. actually C. action D. acting
13. _______ those present were the Prime Minister and his wife.
A. Whatever B. Actually C. Among D. Whoever
14. He didn't wear warm clothes______ cold it was.
A. whenever B. however C. whoever D. whatever

15. What is the synonym of trader?
A. vendor B. merchant C. seller D. business
16. I have known Jack________ ten years
A. since B. in C. almost D. for
17. What do you call the person who collects stamps?
A. stamper B. collector C. collecting stamps D. stamp
18. The New Oxford Garage is_________ for more salesmen.
A. advertising B. informing C. requesting D. advising
19. I have three books. One is mine________ are yours.
A. the others B. another C. the other D. others
20. You are________ your time trying to persuade him. He will never help.
A. wasting B. spending C. losing D. missing
21. He learnt that the house was for sale through a (n)_________
A. billboard B. product C. advertising D. advertisement
22. We are very disappointed _________ her exam results.
A. by B. with C. for D. to
23. She is always afraid________ ghost.
A. by B. of C. for D. with
24. _______ of you broke that window will have to pay for it.
A. Whoever B. However C. Whichever D. Whatever
25. He will graduate in __________ two years.
A. another B. other C. the other D. others

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?
26. Payment must be made at the time of booking
A. You must pay before you book
B. You are not allowed to pay before you book
C. You must pay when you book
D. You can delay payment when you book

27. The team is sponsored by a tourist company
A. The team is part of the company
B. The team is a local one
C. The company is giving money to support the team's activities.
28. Should you see Eric, tell him I haven't forgotten my promise.
A. You must see Eric and tell him I haven't forgotten my promise.
B. You really ought to see Eric and tell him I haven't forgotten my promise
C. If you see Eric, tell him I haven't forgotten my promise
D. If you had seen Eric, you could have told him I hadn't forgotten my promise
29. You needn't have bought me an expensive birthday present.
A. There was no need to buy me an expensive birthday present but you did.
B. There was no need to buy me an expensive birthday present and you didn't
C. Why didn't you buy me an expensive birthday present?
D. I am glad you didn't buy me an expensive birthday present
30. People who live by the river are often good swimmers
A. People who live far from the river cannot swim
B. To be a good swimmer you need to live by the river
C. They are good swimmers because they live by the river
D. Good swimmers often live by the river

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
31. To eliminate (A) any delays on handover we would (B) remember you to bring (C)
all the (D) necessary documentation.
32. I (A) would like (B) to express my (C) thankfulness to you for your (D) business.
33. Foreign (A) ministers from the six countries involved (B) have gon (C) to the
conference (D) last week.
34. After about (A) an one hour the director (B) appeared and announced that there (C)
would be no (D) redundancies.
35. The point (A) of these event is (B) to give colleagues a chance to (C) recognize
each (D) other better.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

One of the most dangerous drugs for pregnant women to consume is alcohol .
Because alcohol. Because alcohol is delivered quickly into the blood and passes quickly
into the tissues and membranes, the human fetus is particularly vulnerable to its effects.
In fact, the negative effects on a fetus are so pronounced that babies born after exposure
to alcohol are said to be suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome.
As a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, the alcohol is passed into her bloodstream
almost simultaneously. Moreover, because the bloodstream of the fetus is inextricably
tied to that of the mother, the alcohol passes directly into the bloodstream of the fetus as
well. And what is more, the concentration of alcohol in the fetus is exactly the same as in
the mother. For the mother, this concentration is not a problem because her liver can
remove one ounce of alcohol from her system per hour. However, the fetus's liver is not
completely developed (how developed it is depends on its stage of development). The
rate at which it is able to eliminate the alcohol from the blood of the fetus is much slower.
Eventually, the alcohol will be returned to the mother's system by passing across the
placenta, but this process is slow. By the time this takes place, major neurological
damage may have already occurred. Research has shown that as little as one drink of
alcohol can produce significant, irreversible damage to the fetus. Babies born after
exposure to alcohol generally exhibit facial distortion, inability to concentrate, and
difficulty in remembering. Simply speaking, it is imperative that pregnant women avoid

36. What is the main topic of this reading?
A. Women and drugs B. The dangers of pregnancy
C. The fetus and alcohol D. Drinking and the human body
37. How much time can it be inferred that it takes alcohol to enter a woman's
bloodstream after she takes a drink?

A. about one hour B. a few seconds
C. several minutes D. at least 24 hours
38. According to the passage, how does the concentration of alcohol in a fetus compare
to that in the mother.
A. The concentration is more B. The concentration is less
C. The concentration is equivalent D. The concentration cannot be
39. It can be inferred that the development of a fetal liver depends on
A. how many months pregnant the mother is
B. how much alcohol the mother has consumed
C. how large the fetus is
D. how well the mother has taken care of the fetus.
40. According to the passage, how is alcohol finally returned to the mother's system?
A. It is carried through the bloodstream B. It is transferred across the placenta
C. It is expelled by the fetus's liver D. It is not completely returned

How Television has changed

You really have to get very old before you realize you're old. I'm in my middle
fifties and I don't feel old yet. However, sometimes I look back at my childhood and
(41)_______ things to the way life is for (42)_______ kids. Some things have certainly
One area of change is television. Some changes have been improvements. Some
changes, on the other hand, have been (43)_______
When I started school, most people didn't have a television; TV was just beginning
to get (44)_______ My father decided to go all out and buy a 16 inch black and white
Motorola set. I still remember watching the Lone Ranger save people from the
(45)_______ guys on that awesome electronic machine. That was exciting!
Now, (46)_______ have larger pictures in full color. The pictures are clearer and
the sound is much more realistic. The new high definition sets are made to rival

(47)_______ screens.
The variety and quantity of programming has (48)_______ greatly. There are hundreds of
channels and more shows than one person could ever watch. There are many fine
entertainment and educational (49)_______ There's also a lot of garbage, stuff that most
parents don't want their kids exposed to. Overall, we have more choices, and that is good.
I wonder what (50)_______ will be like when today's kids are my age.

41. A. forget B. remember C. compare D. miss
42. A. tomorrow's B. today's C. yesterday's D. poor
43. A. great B. huge C. setbacks D. remarkable
44. A. gone B. replaced C. expensive D. popular
45. A. old B. good C. bad D. best
46. A. films B. movies C. billboards D. televisions
47. A. movie B. video C. watch D. telephone
48. A. loss B. increased C. decreased D. played
49. A. books B. shows C. authors D. awards
50. A. movies B. food C. cars D. television

1. A 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. D
11. D 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. B 16. D 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. A
21. D 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. D
31. B 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. C 36. C 37. B 38. C 39. C 40. B
41. C 42. B 43. C 44. D 45. C 46. D 47. A 48. B 49. B 50. D
