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ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HỌC KỲ II - Test 9 potx

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A. Structure
1. Indian summer is a period of mild weather during the autumn.
A) occurs B) occurring
C) it occurs D) is occurring
2. Bacteria may be round, , or spiral.
A) rod shapes B) in the shape of rods
C) like a rod's shape D) rod-shaped
3. of his childhood home in Hannibal, Missouri, provided Mark Twain with the
inspiration for two of his most popular novels.
A) Remembering B) Memories
C) It was the memories D) He remembered
4. The yearly path of the sun around the heavens .
A) is known as the ecliptic
B) known as the ecliptic
C) it is known to be ecliptic
D) knowing as the ecliptic
5. many improvements made to highways during the nineteenth century, but
Americans contributed to depend on water routes for transportation.
A) Despite the B) There were
C) However D) Though there were
6. There are believed over 300 species of trees in EI Yunque rain forest in
Puerto Rico.
A) to be B) being
C) they are D) there are
7. First performed in 1976, .
A) William Lane wrote the one-character play 'The Belle of Amberst' about the life of
Emily Dickinson
B) The life of Emily Dickinson was the subject of the one-character play 'the Belle of
Amberst' by William Lane
C) William Lane's one-character play 'The Belle of Amberst' was about the life of

Emily Dickinson
D) There was only one character in William Lane's play 'The Belle of Amberst' about
the life of Emily Dickinson
8. Minnesota's thousands of lakes over 4,000 square miles.
A) that cover B) covering
C) are covered D) cover
9. Mushrooms have no vascular tissue, they reproduce by means of spores, and they
A) lack B) no
C) without D) not have

10. get older, the games they play become increasingly complex.
A) Children B) Children, when they
C) As children D) For children to
11. is the ancestor of most types of domestic ducks is well documented.
A) That the mallard B) The mallard
C) Because the mallard D) The mallard which
12. Rarely last longer than an hour.
A) do tornadoes B) tornadoes
C) tornadoes that D) tornadoes do
13. Adobe bricks tend to crumble if to excessive moisture or cold.
A) they expose B) exposed
C) are exposed D) to be exposed
14. play Alison's House, the author Susan Glaspell won a Pulitzer Prize in
A) Her B) By her
C) It was her D) For her
15. type of insects that pollinate plants.
A) Not only are the bees

B) Bees are not the only
C) Not the only bees are
D) Bees are not only the

B. Written Expression
16. Machines (A. used to) harvest tree crops, (B. such as) cherries and almonds, can
be classified (C. both) as shakers or (D. as) pick up machines.
17. An extended family consists (A. not only) of parents and (B. children) but also of
(C. others) relatives, such as grandparents and (D. unmarried) aunts and uncles.
18. Draft horses (A. are) the (B. tallest), most (C. powerful), and (D. heavy) group of
19. The (A. sculptor) John Rogers produced many (B. replica) of (C. his) (D. bronze
20. (A. Archaeological) sites are sometimes revealed (B. when) the (C. construction)
of roads (D. and buildings)
21. (A. Acting teacher) Stella Adler (A. played) a (C. pivotal role) in the (D. develop)
of the Method school of acting.
22. Medical students must (A. learning) both the theory (B. and) the (C. practice) of
(D. medicine)
23. The first (A. recorded) use of natural gas (B. to light) street lamps (C. it was) in
(D. the) town of Frederick, New York, in 1825.
24. Quinine, cinnamon, and other (A. useful) substances (B. are) all derived (C. of)
the (D. bark of trees)
25. Although the social sciences (A. different) a (B. great deal) from (C. one another),
they share a common interest in human (D. relationships)
26. Admiral Grace Hopper (A. created) the (B. computer) language COBOL, which is
used (C. primary) for scientific (D. purposes)
27. Unlike competitive (A. running), race walkers must (B. always) keep some
portion of (C. their) feet (D. in contact with) the ground.
28. Henry David Thoreau's book Walden ; A life in the Woods is a (A. record) of (B.

his) (C. simply) existence (D. in a cabin) on Walden Pond.
29. A promissory note is a (A. written agreement) (B. to pay) a certain sum of money
(C. at) some (D. time future)
30. Mario Pei helped (A. provide) the world (B. with) a popular (C. understand) of
(D. linguistics)
31. (A. Even though) they are among (B. the smallest) carnivores, weasels will attack
animals (C. that) are (D. double) their size.
32. Wilson Alwyn Bentley was a Vermont (A. farmer) who (B. took) over 6,000 (C.
close-up) photographs of snowflakes during (D. the) lifetime.
33. New York City (A. surpassed) the other Atlantic seaports in (B. partly) because it
(C.developed) the best transportation links (D. with) the interior of the country.
34. (A. All of) mammals, dolphins are (B. undoubtedly) (C. among) the (D.
friendliest) to humans.
35. (A. Harmonize), melody, and (B. rhythm) are important elements in (C. most)
forms of (D. music)
36. (A. When) babies are around fifteen months old, (B. they) can (C. pick up) objects
and put (D. themselves) into small containers.
37. Loblolly pines, (A. chiefly) found in the Southeastern Unites States, (B. has)
strong wood used (C. as lumber) and (D. for) paper pulp.
38. All (A. root) vegetables grow underground, (B. and) not all vegetables that grow
(C. underground) are (D. roots)
39. Tiny pygmy shrews (A. breathe) ten (B. times) (C. as fast as) (D. humans) beings.
40. (A. Before) diamonds can be used (B. as jewels), they (C. must be) cut and (D.

Answer Sheet
1 B) 2 D) 3 B) 4 A) 5 B) 6 A) 7 C) 8 D) 9 A) 10 C)
11 A) 12 A) 13 B) 14 D) 15 B) 16 C) 17 C) 18 D) 19 B) 20 B)
21 D) 22 A) 23 C) 24 C) 25 A) 26 C) 27 A) 28 C) 29 D) 30 C)
31 D) 32 D) 33 B) 34 A) 35 A) 36 D) 37 B) 38 B) 39 D) 40 D)
