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( Time allowed: 45 minutes)
Full name:………………………………
Group: …………………………………

I. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in bracket. (2.5p)
1. If we _________________( miss) the train, we ___________________( be)
late for the important meeting yesterday.
2. _______________you _____________ ( get) her address and phone number
3. She thanked me for _____________________ ( give) her useful advice.
4. By the time she _________________ ( come) home yesterday, her sister
_____________________ ( already leave).
5. The house _______________________ ( repaint) every year before Tet.
6. She told me that she ____________________ ( travel) to Spain the following
7. Unless he finishes his homework, he _________________ ( not be) allowed to
go out.
8. When ____________ this radio ___________ ( buy)? – Ten years ago.

II. Choose one word which has the underlined part pronounced differently.
Circle either A, B, C or D. ( 0.5p)
1. A. academic B. campus C. apply D.
2. A. certificate B. compulsory C. secondary D. category

III. Rewrite the sentence so that its meaning stays the same, beginning with
the words given. ( 3p)
1. People said that Clare passed the exam with good result.

 Clare
2. Students will not be permitted to enter the classroom. The students arrived
 Students
3. She last phoned her friend few days ago.
 She hasn’t
4. He came from a poor family but he succeeded in his life.
 Although
5. We don’t live in a big city, so we can’t easily access to the Internet.
 If we
6. “ I went out with my friends yesterday evening.”
 She said that
IV. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. Circle either A,
B, C or D. ( 0.5p)
1. A. academic B. calculation C. curriculum D.
2. A. cinema B. computer C. primary D. government

V. Complete the sentence with ONE suitable word given. Use each word ONCE
ONLY. ( 1.5p)
since which in unless in
spite of
that although if for of

1. _______________ he failed the final exam, he wouldn’t be able to graduate.
2. He works at Heathrow Airport, ________________ is one of the biggest
airports in the world.
3. I haven’t seen him _________________ we were at a party.
4. _________________ he had only entered the contest for fun, he won the first

5. Peter apologized _______________ breaking the expensive vase.
6. We won't catch the last bus ___________________ we leave early.

VI. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. (2p)
I have been traveling to different parts of my country, and I have learned a lot
about interesting lifestyles and customs. In many ethnic villages I went to, I was
impressed by some of their beautiful traditional customs. For instance, most of the
villagers lived in extended families, and they held a close relationship among family
members. In addition, young people always showed respect for their ancestors and
for elderly people. People were also willing to give a hand when someone was in
need. Members of the family helped one another with household chores as well as
the farm work. While men were working in the field, women were doing the
household chores. While we were staying there, the villagers always gave us a
helping hand and invited us to have dinner with their families on special occasions.
In short, I highly valued the close ties in human relationship shown in the villagers’
way of living.
1.What has the writer learned from traveling?

2. In what types of family did most of the villagers live?

3. How do men and women share their work?

4.What did the writer think about the villagers’ way of living?

( Time allowed: 45 minutes)
Full name:………………………………
Group: …………………………………

I. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. (2p)
I have been traveling to different parts of my country, and I have learned a lot
about interesting lifestyles and customs. In many ethnic villages I went to, I was
impressed by some of their beautiful traditional customs. For instance, most of the
villagers lived in extended families, and they held a close relationship among family
members. In addition, young people always showed respect for their ancestors and
for elderly people. People were also willing to give a hand when someone was in
need. Members of the family helped one another with household chores as well as
the farm work. While men were working in the field, women were doing the
household chores. While we were staying there, the villagers always gave us a
helping hand and invited us to have dinner with their families on special occasions.
In short, I highly valued the close ties in human relationship shown in the villagers’
way of living.
1. By what was the writer impressed in the ethnic villages?

2. How do young people always behave?

3. What did members of the family do to help each others?

4.What did the villagers do while the writer and his friends were staying their

II. Choose one word which has the underlined part pronounced differently.
Circle either A, B, C or D. ( 0.5p)
1. A. computer B. secretary C. certificate D.
2. A. received B. obtained C. harbored D.

III. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. Circle either A,
B, C or D. ( 0.5p)
1. A. necessary B. preparation C. economics D. education
2. A. physics B. history C. primary D. biology
IV. Complete the sentence with ONE suitable word given. Use each word ONCE
ONLY. ( 1.5p)
unless since that in
although if in spite of which

1. ____________ you tell me the whole story, I will not be able to help you.
2. The train was on time ___________________ the thick fog.
3. Please forgive me _______________ not writing you soon.
4. He has been collecting stamps ______________ he lived in France.
5. I made an appointment with Dr. Raven, ________________ is considered an
expert on eye disorders.
6. My friend didn’t get the job _______________ he had all the necessary

V. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in bracket. (2.5p)
1. I’m sure that he will attend her party if he ___________________ (invite).
2. When ______________this school ______________ (build)? – In 1965.
3. If I ___________________ (not drink) so much coffee, I
____________________ (sleep) better yesterday.
4. Their house _______________________ (clean) once everyday.
5. He left home two weeks ago and we _______________(not hear) from him
since then.
6. He was accused of _____________ (leak) classified information to the press.
7. When I ____________________ (come)to his house yesterday, his mother

___________________ (work) in the garden.
8. She told me that her mother _________________ (not go) to work the
Sunday before.

VI. Rewrite the sentence so that its meaning stays the same, beginning with the
words given (3p)
1. We don’t visit you very often because you live so far away.
 If
2. “ I have spent a lot of time with my children.” Mary said to me.
 Mary told me that
3. My brother began working as a tourist guide when he was 22.
 My brother has
4. They reported that the President had suffered a heart attack.
 The President
5. The children are taken home by bus. Their parents work late.
 The children
6. I enjoyed the film although the story was silly.
 In spite of
I. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in bracket.
1. had missed – would have been
2. Have you got
3. giving
4. came – had already left
5. is repainted
6. would travel
7. won’t be
8. was this radio bought

II. Choose one word which has the underlined part pronounced
differently. Circle either A, B, C or D. ( 0.5p)
1. B 2. A

III. Rewrite the sentence so that its meaning stays the same, beginning
with the words given. ( 3p)
1. Clare was said to have passed the exam with good result.
2. Students who/ that arrived late will not be permitted to enter the
Students arriving late will not be permitted to enter the classroom.
3. She hasn’t phoned her friend for few days.
4. Although he came from a poor family, he succeeded in his life.
5. If we lived in a big city, we could easily access to the Internet.
6. She said that she went/ had gone out with her friends the evening before/
the previous evening.

IV. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. Circle
either A, B, C or D. ( 0.5p)
1. C 2. B

V. Complete the sentence with ONE suitable word given. Use each word
ONCE ONLY. ( 1.5p)
1. If 2. which 3. since
4. Although 5. for 6. unless

VI. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. (2p)
1. He has learned a lot about interesting lifestyle and customs.
2. Most of the villagers lived in extended families.
3. While men were working in the field, women were doing the household

4. He highly valued the close ties in human relationship shown in the villagers’
way of living.

I. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. (2p)
1. He was impressed by some of their beautiful traditional customs.
2. young people always showed respect for their ancestors and for elderly
3. Members of the family helped one another with household chores as well as
the farm work.
4. While they were staying there, the villagers always gave them a helping
hand and invited them to have dinner with their families on special occasions.

II. Choose one word which has the underlined part pronounced
differently. Circle either A, B, C or D. ( 0.5p)
1. C 2. D

III. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. Circle
either A, B, C or D. ( 0.5p)
1. A 2. D

IV. Complete the sentence with ONE suitable word given. Use each word
ONCE ONLY. ( 1.5p)

1. Unless 2. in spite of 3. for
4. since 5. who 6. although

V. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in bracket.
1. is invited
2. was this school built
3. hadn’t drunk – would have slept
4. is cleaned
5. haven’t heard
6. leaking
7. came – was working
8. didn’t go/ hadn’t gone

VI. Rewrite the sentence so that its meaning stays the same, beginning
with the words given (3p)
1. If you didn’t live so far away, we would visit you often.
2. Mary told me that she had spent a lot of time with her children.
3. My brother has worked as a tourist guide since he was 22.
4. The President was reported to have suffered a heart attack.
5. The children whose parents work late are taken home by bus.
6. In spite of the silly story, I enjoyed the film.


I. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in bracket. (2.5p)
1. had missed – would have been
2. Have you got
3. giving
4. came – had already left
5. is repainted
6. would travel
7. won’t be
8. was this radio bought
II. Choose one word which has the underlined part pronounced differently. Circle
either A, B, C or D. ( 0.5p)
1. B 2. A
III. Rewrite the sentence so that its meaning stays the same, beginning with the
words given. ( 3p)
1. Clare was said to have passed the exam with good result.
2. Students who/ that arrived late will not be permitted to enter the classroom.
Students arriving late will not be permitted to enter the classroom.
3. She hasn’t phoned her friend for few days.
4. Although he came from a poor family, he succeeded in his life.
5. If we lived in a big city, we could easily access to the Internet.
6. She said that she went/ had gone out with her friends the evening before/ the previous
IV. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. Circle either A, B, C or
D. ( 0.5p)
1. C 2. B
V. Complete the sentence with ONE suitable word given. Use each word ONCE ONLY.
( 1.5p)
1. If 2. which 3. since
4. Although 5. for 6. unless

VI. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. (2p)
1. He has learned a lot about interesting lifestyle and customs.
2. Most of the villagers lived in extended families.
3. While men were working in the field, women were doing the household chores.
4. He highly valued the close ties in human relationship shown in the villagers’ way of

I. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. (2p)
1. He was impressed by some of their beautiful traditional customs.
2. young people always showed respect for their ancestors and for elderly people.
3. Members of the family helped one another with household chores as well as the farm
4. While they were staying there, the villagers always gave them a helping hand and invited
them to have dinner with their families on special occasions.
II. Choose one word which has the underlined part pronounced differently. Circle
either A, B, C or D. ( 0.5p)
1. C 2. D
III. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. Circle either A, B, C or
D. ( 0.5p)
1. A 2. D
IV. Complete the sentence with ONE suitable word given. Use each word ONCE ONLY.
( 1.5p)
1. Unless 2. in spite of 3. for
4. since 5. who 6. although
V. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in bracket. (2.5p)
1. is invited
2. was this school built
3. hadn’t drunk – would have slept
4. is cleaned

5. haven’t heard
6. leaking
7. came – was working
8. didn’t go/ hadn’t gone
VI. Rewrite the sentence so that its meaning stays the same, beginning with the
words given (3p)
1. If you didn’t live so far away, we would visit you often.
2. Mary told me that she had spent a lot of time with her children.
3. My brother has worked as a tourist guide since he was 22.
4. The President was reported to have suffered a heart attack.
5. The children whose parents work late are taken home by bus.
6. In spite of the silly story, I enjoyed the film.
