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Hướng dẫn thiết kế : Thiết kế Forum nhanh chóng và đơn giản phần 6 pot

Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (239.45 KB, 7 trang )

Bài 12: Bài viết cuối theo từng Diễn đàn

1. Mở file default.asp
a.1. Tìm dòng code
Dim intTotalViewingForum 'Holds the number of people
viewing the forum, including sub forums
a.2. Thêm xuống dưới
Dim strSubject
b.1. Tìm dòng code
If lngNumberOfPosts <> 0 Then 'Don't disply last post details if
there are none
b.2. Thêm xuống dưới
strSQL = "SELECT TOP 1 " & strDbTable & "Topic.Subject, " &
strDbTable & "Topic.Topic_ID, "& strDbTable &
"Topic.Last_Thread_ID, "& strDbTable & "Topic.Icon FROM " &
strDbTable & "Topic WHERE " & strDbTable &
"Topic.Forum_ID=" & intForumID & " ORDER BY " &
strDbTable & "Topic.Last_Thread_ID DESC;"
rsCommon.Open strSQL, adoCon
If NOT rsCommon.EOF Then
strSubject = "<a href=""forum_posts.asp?TID=" &
rsCommon("Topic_ID") & strQsSID2 & """>" &
rsCommon("Subject") & "</a>"
strSubject = ""
End If
Response.Write(strSubject & "<br />")

Bài 13: Bạn có gửi bài/không gửi bài theo từng Chủ đề

1. Tạo file participated_inc.asp trong thư mục inlcudes có nội dung
Dim rsParticipated
if(lngLoggedInUserID <> 2) then 'checks to see if it's a
guest i'm not sure exactly how to check if no user is logged in :(

set rsParticipated = server.createobject("ADODB.recordset")

rsParticipated.CursorType = 1
rsParticipated.Open "select top 1 tblThread.Thread_ID from
tblThread where tblThread.Topic_Id = " & lngTopicID & " AND
tblThread.Author_ID = " & lngLoggedInUserID, adoCon

if(NOT rsParticipated.EOF)then 'a thread was found
authored by them and they are not a guest
Response.Write("<img src=""" &
"./forum_images/mod/topic_read.gif"" border=""0"" alt=""" &
strTxtYouHavePost & """>")'Whatever u need to indicate to the
user that he/she has participated in the forum
Response.Write("<img src=""" &
"./forum_images/mod/topic_not_read.gif"" border=""0"" alt=""" &
strTxtYouHaveNot & """>")'Whatever u need to indicate to the
user that he/she has participated in the forum
end if


set rsParticipated = Nothing

end if
2. Mở file active_topics.asp
a.1. Tìm dòng code
If blnAdmin OR blnModerator Then Response.Write("<a
href=""javascript:winOpener('pop_up_topic_admin.asp?TID=" &
lngTopicID & strQsSID2 & "','admin',1,1,480,265)""><img
src=""" & strImagePath & "small_admin_icon.gif""
align=""absmiddle"" border=""0"" alt=""" & strTxtTopicAdmin &
a.2. Thêm xuống dưới
%><! #include file="includes/participated_inc.asp" ><%
3. Mở file forum_topics.asp
a.1. Tìm dòng code
If blnAdmin OR blnModerator Then Response.Write("<a
href=""javascript:winOpener('pop_up_topic_admin.asp?TID=" &
lngTopicID & strQsSID2 & "','admin',1,1,480,265)""><img
src=""" & strImagePath & "small_admin_icon.gif""
align=""absmiddle"" border=""0"" alt=""" & strTxtTopicAdmin &
a.2. Thêm xuống dưới
%><! #include file="includes/participated_inc.asp" ><%
4. Mở file _language_file_inc.asp
a.1. Tìm dòng code

Const strTxtAddMedia = "Nh&#7841;c Media"
a.2. Thêm xuống dưới
Const strTxtYouHavePost = "B&#7841;n c&#243; g&#7917;i
Const strTxtYouHaveNot = "B&#7841;n kh&#244;ng c&#243;
g&#7917;i b&#224;i"
5. Copy file post vào thư mục forum_images/mod

Bài 14: Sắp xếp bài viết trong từng Box cho việc hiển thị

1. Hình vẽ

2. Tạo file form_sort_inc.asp trong thư mục inlcudes có nội dung
<br />
<fieldset STYLE="PADDING: 2px;BORDER: solid 1px;WIDTH:
<form name=frmsort action="" method=Get>
<input type=hidden name=FID value="<%=intForumID%>"
<select name=SO onchange="frmsort.submit()">
Dim arrSortBy(5), arrLabelSortBy(5), nSortBy

arrSortBy(1) = "T"
arrLabelSortBy(1) = strtxtTopics
arrSortBy(2) = "A"
arrLabelSortBy(2) = strtxtAuthor
arrSortBy(3) = "R"
arrLabelSortBy(3) = strtxtReplies
arrSortBy(4) = "V"
arrLabelSortBy(4) = strtxtViews
arrSortBy(5) = ""
arrLabelSortBy(5) = strTxtLastPost
For nSortBy = 1 to Ubound(arrSortBy)
if Request.QueryString("SO") =
arrSortBy(nSortBy) then
Response.Write "<option selected
value=" & arrSortBy(nSortBy) & ">" & arrLabelSortBy(nSortBy)
& "</option>"
Response.Write "<option value=" &
arrSortBy(nSortBy) & ">" & arrLabelSortBy(nSortBy) &
end if

<select name=OB onchange="frmsort.submit()">
<option value="desc"><%=strTxtDESC%></option>

<option <%if Request.QueryString("OB") = "asc"
then Response.Write "Selected"%>
<td><input class=button type=submit
value="<%=strTxtResult%>" /></td>
<br />
3. Mở file forum_topics.asp
a.1. Tìm dòng code
<td align="right" nowrap><! #include
file="includes/page_link_inc.asp" ></td>
a.2. Thay thế bằng
<! #include file="includes/form_sort_inc.asp" >
<td align="right" nowrap><! #include
file="includes/page_link_inc.asp" ></td>
4. Mở file ha_language_file_inc.asp
a.1. Tìm dòng code
Const strTxtYouHaveNot = "B&#7841;n kh&#244;ng c&#243;
g&#7917;i b&#224;i"
a.2. Thêm xuống dưới
Const strTxtSortBy = "S&#7855;p x&#7871;p theo"

Const strTxtOrderBy = "chi&#7873;u"
Const strTxtASC = "T&#259;ng d&#7847;n"
Const strTxtDESC = "Gi&#7843;m d&#7847;n"
Const strTxtResult = "K&#7871;t qu&#7843;"
