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ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP ANH VĂN 9 (Năm học : 2013 – 2014)
1. Adjective
Tính từ là loại từ dùng để miêu tả tính chất, màu sắc, trạng thái, kích cỡ của 1 người hay 1 vật nào đó.
Tính từ thông thường được theo sau bởi các động từ như:
Tobe, look, feel, get, become, taste, smell…etc.
Vị trí thứ 2: Tính từ thường đứng trước 1 danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ theo sau nó
2. Adverb
Trạng từ là loại từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ và miêu tả cách thức của một hành động diễn ra như thế nào
Trạng từ thông thường được thành lập bằng cách thêm “LY” vào sau 1 tính từ.
Bad + ly = Badly
Slow + ly = Slowly
Happy + ly = Happily…
Một số trường hợp ngoại lệ:
Good -> Well (Tốt, giỏi); Hard -> Hard (chăm chỉ); Fast-> Fast ( nhanh); Early – early (sớm); Late – late (trễ)
Đây là phần quan trọng nhất nên cần chú ý kỹ
Hãy làm theo các bước sau :
+ Nhìn phía sau chổ trống (kế bên ) nếu gặp DANH TỪ thì điền TÍNH TỪ .Nếu gặp TÍNH TỪ hoặc ĐỘNG TỪ thì điền
Ví dụ :
I have a ________ book .( beautiful/beautifully )
Nhìn phía sau có book là danh từ nên ta điền tính từ .
I have a ____beautiful____ book.
It was ___ done .( careful / carefully ).
Nhìn phía sau có động từ done nên chọn trạng từ
=> It was __carefully_ done .(câu này nhiều bạn vội vàng nhìn thấy was ở trứoc điền tính từ vào là trật lất )
+ Nếu nhìn phía sau không có các loại từ trên thì nhìn từ từ ra phía trước :

- Nếu gặp ĐỘNG TỪ thì chọn TRẠNG TỪ
- Nếu gặp BE ,LOOK, FEEL, SEEM ,GET ,BECOME thì chọn TÍNH TỪ ( lưu ý chữ look có at thì vẫn dùng trạng từ ,còn
không có at thì mới dùng tính từ )
I. Điền vào 1 tính từ hoặc trạng từ.
1.I have just bought an______ book. ( interesting/interestingly )
2. These are _______ students. ( good /well )
3. It was raining ______. ( heavy / heavily )
4. The dog looks ________ .( fierce/ fiercely )
5. He works ________. ( hard / hardly )
6. I looked________ at him .( careful /carefully )
7. They did it very________ .( bad / badly )
8. The man was ________ injured ( serious / seriously )
9. It was really a ______party . ( awful / awfully )
10. She seemed very ________ when she saw me . ( happy / happily )
II. Fill in the blank with “ Adj. “ or “ Adv. “
1. I can do this exercise…………………… (easy)
2. Helen works very…………………… (hard) in her new job.
3. They look …………………… (serious) students
4. I agree with you…………………… (complete) about that matter
5. This apple is very……………………(soft)
6. They both study English very……………………(good)
7. Helen is a ……………………(beautiful) girl
8. Her sister play the piano……………………(beautiful)
9. He does his work…………………… (good)
10. Tom is a ……………………(lazy) pupil
Mệnh đề trạng từ chỉ lí do : As/Since/Because
Đây là 1 mệnh đề phụ, thông thường nó bổ nghĩa cho động từ chính trong 1 câu phức. Nó giải thích bằng cách cho nguyên nhân

để làm rõ mệnh đề chính.
Note: (Lưu ý)
Nếu mệnh đề phụ đứng ở đầu câu làm trạng từ chỉ nguyên nhân thì giữa câu có dấu chấm phẩy. Nếu nó đứng sau mệnh đề chính
thì ở giữa 2 mệnh đề không có dấu phẩy.
Combine these pairs of sentences. Use “Because/ Sin/ As”.
1. The water is highly polluted. We can not swim in this part of the river.
2. It started to rain. We could not keep on the cleaning the beach.
3. We want people to be aware of the problem of pollution. We have “a green week” three times a year.
4. Mr. Minh is admired. He dedicates all his life to protecting the environment.
5. The area around the beach is full of trash. No one wants to go swimming or sunbathing there.
6 . I have a broken leg. I fell over while I was playing basket ball. .
7. Hoa wants to go home. Hoa feels sick. .
8. I broke the cup. I was careless. .
9. Ba is tired. Ba stayed up late watching TV. .
10. I am hungry. I haven’t eaten all day. .
11. Nga is going to be late for school. The bus is late. .
Đây là 1 mệnh đề phụ danh từ, nó nối với mệnh đề chính ở trước nó bằng liên từ “THAT” mang nghĩa “Rằng, là,

Thông thường nó đứng sau 1tính từ và bổ nghĩa cho tính từ này.
S + tobe + Adjective + That + S + V
Mrs. Johnson is afraid that Mr. Johnson is out.
I’m disappointed that people have spoiled this area
* EXECISE: Combine each pair of sentences into one.
1) No one stopped those people cutting down the trees. I was surprised.
2) The oil will pollute the sea. People are worried.
3) My team has won the first award of the competition. I am proud.
4) They can help us to clean the beach. They are certain.
5) People can recover very quickly. I am very happy.
6) They didn’t tell us how to do it. I am disappointed.
7) I am working hard. My father is pleased.
8) I broke your bicycle this morning. I’m very sorry.
9) You did not phone me. I’m very disappointed.
10) I could win the first prize. I’m amazed.
IV. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 1 ( Câu điều kiện loại 1 )
Câu điều kiện thông thường được chia ra làm 2 phần:

Một phần nêu lên điều kiện thường bắt đầu với IF và ta gọi nó là mệnh đề chỉ điều kiện (IF CLAUSE)
Phần còn lại nêu lên kết quả và ta gọi nó là mệnh đề kết quả (Result Clause ) hay mệnh đề chính (Main clause)
• Conditional Sentences type 1 ( Câu điều kiện loại 1)
Đây là loại điều kiện có thật, nghĩa là nó có khả năng xảy ra trong hiện tại hoặc tương lai)
Simple Present Tense(Hiện Tại Đơn)
If + S + V (s/es) + O
am/ is / are
Simple Future ( Tương lai đơn)
S + will + V (bare infinitive) + O
S + modal verb + V-inf
Simple Present Tense
If you help me, I will help you.
We will go picnic if It is fine tomorrow.
Make up sentences with IF. Use the words in the box
a, She comes late again A, I’ll give you some
b,I win this completiion B,It will be cheaper
c,We go by train C,That will pollute the wood
d,We will go by plane D,She will lose her job
e,You need more bags E,It will be quicker
f,We throw these bottles over the hedge F,I will give the award to the unlucky people
a,If she comes late again, she will lose her job

V .C ONNECTIVES (từ nối)
a/ Từ nối hoặc liên từ, tiếng Mỹ gọi là connectives, còn tiếng Anh gọi là conjunctions
b/ Nó có chức năng nối các từ với nhau, các mệnh đề với nhau, các câu với nhau.
c/ Có hai loại từ nối chính: từ nối tập hợp (co- ordinating) và từ nối phụ thuộc (subordinating)
c/1. Từ nối tập hợp nối các từ, các mệnh đề, các câu cùng loại, hàng với nhau. Các từ nối tâp hợp được dạy ở bài 7 này là: and
(và), but (nhưng) , or (hoặc/ hay), therefore ( do đó, cho nên), however (tuy nhiên).
c/2. Từ nối phụ thuộc nối mệnh đề phụ với mệnh đề chính. Ở bài 7 này, đó là because (vì,bởi, do, tại). Đồng nghĩa với because
cón có since và as
d/VD (EX):
+ Baths use twice as much water as showers, so I suggest talking showers.
+ Mr. Robinson suggest talking showers bacause they can save water.
EXERCISE:. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence: and. but. or, so, because, however, therefore.
1. You can take it ……… leave it.
2. She closed the door …………………left for the city.
3. She’s beatiful, ………………………I don’t like her.
4. Jane is intelligent …………………….hard-working.
5. We often have eggs ……………… bread for breakfast.
6. Would you like tea, ………………… coffee? Tea, plaese.
7. She can dance, ……………………she can’t sing.
8. We want a small party, ……………………… 60 people came.
9. I like bananas, oranges, apples …… pears.
10. She tried hard, ……………………… she failed the tst.
11. Tom is handsome, …………………… short.
12. She plays tennis …………………volleyball.
13. I opened the door looked out.
14. I arrived 20 minutes early, I had time for a cup of tea.
15. We looked everywhere. , we could not find the keys.
16. I read the book, did not understand it.
17. We had to wait we arrived early.

18. I would like to go swimming. , I have too much work to do.
19. Do you know his address telephone number ?
20. Yesterday , Lan went to the stationer's to buy some notebooks , a pen…………………….a compas.
21. John is sometimes rude. ……………………… , I am very fond of him.
22. Hoa's eyes are weak. ……………………. , she has to wear glasses.
23. He didn't take a raincoat along with him , ……………………… he got wet.
24. Quang failed the exam ……………………………. he was very lazy.
25. Mary eats green vegetables. …………………………… , she can get enough vitamins.
26. Which color do you want - red , green , yellow ………………………. blue?
27. She isn't English ………………………… she speaks English perfectly.
VI .P HRASAL VERBS (Ng ữ động từ)
a/ Phrasal verbs là ngữ động từ, ở bài 7 này là động từ kép/ ghép, gồm một động từ chính đi liền với một giới từ, tạo nên những
nghĩa khác hẳn nhau
b/ Có người còn gọi chúng là những động từ hai từ (two –words verbs). Tuy chỉ có một động từ chính (đứng trước), nhưng giới
từ (đứng sau)tạo nên vói nó những động từ ghép có nghĩa khác nhau.
c/VD ( EX):
turn off ( tắt), turn on ( mở, bật), look for ( tìm, kiếm), look after( trông nom, chăm sóc),go on ( tiếp tục), go about (đi đây đi
đó), find out ( tìm ra, khám phá), find out about ( tìm hiểu về)…etc.
*EXERCIS: Join the sentences. Use the words in brackets:
1. Thu Ha is not satisfied with her preparations for Tet. Thu Ha has decorated her house and made plenty of cakes. (even
2. We don’t have a Mother’s Day in Viet Nam. Dad and I have special gifts and parties for my mom every year on the 8
March. (although)
3. It rained heavily. My father went to work on time. (though)

4.The children ate all the cakes. They didn’t like such sweets cakes. (even though)
5. We went to Ha Noi to watch the parade on National Day last year. We live in Nam Dinh. (though)
VI. MAKING SUGGESTIONS (Đưa ra lời đề nghị)
Sau động từ Suggest luôn luôn là 1 động từ thêm ING
I suggest collecting some money
I suggest taking shower
I suggest going to the cinema.
2.SUGGEST + that + S+ should +V:
I suggest that you should save money.
I suggest that you should work harder.
Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form:
1. The doctor suggested that his patient (stop)……………………smoking.
2. How about (dine)……………………… out tonight?
3. I suggest that you should (take)………………………a vacation.
4. She suggest that he (leave)………………… now.
5. I suggested (help)…………………… our mother with the housework.
6. Why don’t we (go)………………….to the library now?
7. Let’s (do)………………………some reading every day.
8. We suggested his (see)………………………… a doctor.
9. What about (ask)………………….our teacher for help.
10. I suggest we should (work)…………………harder.
VII. RALATIVE CLAUSE ( Mệnh đề quan hệ)
Mệnh đề là một thành phần của câu. Mệnh đề quan hệ (relative clause) cho chúng ta biết rõ hơn người hay vật mà người nói
muốn nói tới. Những từ đứng đầu
những mệnh đề tính ngữ (Who/Whom/Which ) được gọi là những mệnh đề quan hệ vì chúng được dùng để thay thế cho danh

từ đứng trước.
1. M ệ nh đề x á c đị nh (defining) là mệnh đề cần thiết để làm chức năng rõ nghĩa danh từ đứng trước nó. Mệnh đề này thường
không có dấu phảy trước và sau nó.
Ex: I don’t know the girl who/ that you meet yesterday.
2. M ệ nh đề kh ô ng x á c đị nh (non-defining) là mệnh đề không cần thiết phải có để làm chức năng giới hạn danh từ đứng trước
nó, nghĩa là bản thân danh từ trước nó đã rõ. Vì thế mệnh đề này thường dùng sau danh từ riêng hoặc các cụm danh từ đã rõ
nghĩa và thường có dấu phảy trước và sau nó.
Ex: Mr. Pike, who is my neighbor, is very nice.
3. C á ch d ù ng:
People WHO(M) / THAT WHO(M)
I. Put which/ who/ whom/ whose/ that. There may be more than one answer for each sentence:
1. What’s the name of the man ………………hair is red?
2. I met a man ………………knows you.
3. Your mother, answered the phone, told me you were away.
4. She has borrowed money from everyone, ……………dissapointed us a lot.
5. They are at Heathrow Airport, …………… is one of the biggest airports in the world.
6. We walked down the steps …………………….led to the basement.
7. Hide and seek is a game ………… I liked to play as a child.
8. The woman ………….son I work with owns this store.
9. The woman …………I spoke to is in the next room.

10. Please show me the book in ………… you found this material?
11. I don’t like cafes __________ don’t have chairs.
12. I’m not one of the people ______________ can eat standing up.
13. Mary, ______________ sits next to me, is good at Maths.
14. That’s the man ____________ Nelly gave the money to.
15. Is this the ring _______________ you were looking for ?
16. An orphan is a child _________ parents are dead.
17. My class ________ is on the second floor of the school, is very small.
18. The car, ___________ won the race looked very lucxury.
19. That’s Jack, ___________ lives next door.
20. The people __________ we meet at the party were very friendly
II. Combine the sentences using appropriate relative pronouns:
1. This morning I missed the train. I usually catch this train …………………… ……………………………
2. I met Mary. She asked me to give you this ……………………………………………………………………
3. This is my neighbor. Her children are lovely …………………………………………………………………………
4. Jack was the goalkeeper. His injuries were not serious.……………………………………………………………………
5. I gave you the book. It had many interesting drawings.…………………………………………………………………
6. I am reading a book at the moment It is interesting.……………………………………………………………………
7. I’ve lived in hanoi. It’s a very ancient and beautiful city.……………………………………………………………………
8. These cakes are very delicious. I bought them yesterday.…………………………………………………………………
9. They are singing a song. Do you like it?……………………………………………………………………………………
10. This is a story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.……… ……………………………………………
11. I was waiting for a man. He didn’t turn up…………………………………………………………………………….
12. This is the house. I was born there.………………………………………………………………………………………….
13. A building has now been rebuilt. It was destroyed in the fire ………………………………………………
14. A girl is now in hospital. She was injured in the accident ………………………………………………………
15. A bomb caused a lot of damage. It went off this morning.…………………………………………………………
16. Ann is very friendly. She lives next door ………………………………………………………………….
17. The man is famous actor. You met him at the party last night.…………………………………………………………….

18. There are some words. They are very difficult to translate
19. Is that the car? You want to buy it
20. Lake Prespa is a lonely beautiful lake.It’s on the North Greek border
21. I don’t know the name of the woman. I spoke to her on the phone
22. This is Mr. Carter. I was telling you about him
23. A man has gone to prison. He shot two policemen.
24. A building has now been rebuilt. It was destroyed in the fire.
25. The old man is my grandfather. He lives next door.
26. Mai is very friendly. She is a friend of Lan.
27. We stay at the Grand Hotel. Ann recommended it to us.
28. The trousers are too small for me. I bought them yesterday.
29. The man is a computer expert. You were talking to him.
30. The new stadium will be opened next month. It can hold 90 000 people.
31. Minh plays the guitar well. He is Nam’s brother.
32. This morning I met Diana. I hasn’t seen her for ages.
33. The postcard was from Harriet. It came this morning.
34. Tulip computers are very good. They are made in Holland.
35. John is one of my closet friends. I’ve known him for a very long time.
36. I saw a girl. Her beauty took my breath away.
37. John is absent from school. His mother is in the hospital.
38. The car had bad brakes. We were in this car.
39. This bed looks very old. It belong to Mr. Pike.
40. This is a story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.
III. Choose the best answers :
1. He came in and didn’t say anything, _________ worried all of us. (that/ whose/ whom/which)
2. Daisy,________ is always well dressed, has won the beauty contest. ( that/ who/ which/ whom)
3. This is the man __________ has asked me to marry him. ( who/ whose/ which/whom
4. The man _________ repaired my car was very old. ( whose/who/that/ b and c)
5. Bill,_________ apartement I stayed in, Is also a student. (which/who/whose/ that)

6. He is the man _________ I told you about. (which/ that/whom/ a and b)
7. What’s the name of the man _________ gave us a lift? ( he/whom/which/who)
8. She is very shy, _________ surprises me a lot. (which/who/what/whom)
9. My brother, _________ I look like, lives in Dallas. (which/who/whom/b and c)
10. The man, ________ son was ill called the doctor. (X/whose/which/that)
11. The person ________ injured twenty people happened at about 11:P.M. (which/whose/who/what)
12. How about the shirt ________ you wore Saturday night ? (which/who/that/ a and c)
13. My friend Tom, ______ works in a City Bank, earns much more than I do. (that/which/who/whose)
14. Atlanta is a city ________ the Olympic Games were held in 1996. (that/when/where/which)
15. Sandra can’t remember the name of the shop _____ she bought the sofa from. (where /whose/ which/what)
IV. Match the words in column A to its definition or meaning in column B:
1. Snowstorm a. A very large wawe
2. Earthquake b. A storm with a lot of rain, thunder and lightning
3.Volcano c. A sudden strong shaking of the ground
4. Typhoon d. A storm with a lot of snow and strong winds.
5. Thurnderstorm e. A tropical storm with strong winds.
6. Tidal wawe f. A very strong wind that goes quickly around in a circle.
7. Tornado g. A mountain with a hole in the top where fire, gas and hot liquid rock ( lava)
sometimes come out.
VIII. ADVERB CLAUSES OF CONCESSION (M ệ nh đề tr ạ ng t ừ ch ỉ s ự nh ượ ng b ộ )
1. Althouhg / even though / though + Clause (m ặ c d ù / cho d ù )
Ex: Although we were tired, we continued working.
2. In spite of / Despite + noun / noun phrase :
Ex: in spite of / Despite the traffic, I arrived on time.
Combine the sentences using Although/ even though/ Though:
1. I couldn’t sleep. I was tired.………………………………………………… ……………………………….
2. We enjoyed the holiday. It rained a lot.……………………………… …………………………………….

3. He’s moving to London next month. He doesn’t like big cities …………………………………………….
4. She isn’t English. She speaks English perfectly.…………………………………………………………………
5. They have very little money. They are happy.…………………………………………………………………
6. We live in the same street. We hardly ever see each other.………………………………………………………
7. The house looked old. It’s really quite modern
1. Diễn tả một khả năng có thể xảy ra, chứ không phải chắc chắn 100% ở hiện tại:
MAY/MIGHT + V (bare infinitive)
Ex: What is in this box? -> It may / might be a watch.
Ex: Where’s Jim? He may/ might be doing his homework.
* Note: Khi diễn tả sự chắc chắn hơn, ta dùng must + V-inf
Ex: What’s that? It must be a star.
2. MAY NOT/ MIGHT NOT là dạng phủ định của may, might
4. MAY/ MIGHT khả năng không chắc chắn ở tương lai.
Ex: He may/ might come tomorrow.
5. MAY có thể dùng để xin phép và cho phép:
Ex: May I go out? Yes, you may.
Simple Past (Quá Khứ Đơn)
If + S + V (2/ed) + O
(Dùng WERE nếu là tobe)
Simple Conditional
S + would + V (bare infinitive) + O
=> Diễn tả điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại
Ex: If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.
* Note : Unless = If …not

I. Write these sentences using MAY/ MIGHT:
0. Maybe she is not coming today > She may/ might not be coming today.
1. Perhaps she is working. ->…………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Perhaps, it’s not a train -> ……………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Perhaps, I don’t know her. -> ……………………………………………………………… ………………….
4. Maybe she has this book. -> ………………………………………………………………… ……………….
5. Perhaps they won’t come . -> …………………………………………………………………… …………….
MAY/MIGHT+ BE + V-ING ( Có thể đang làm gì )
6. Maybe they want to go home. -> ………………………………………………… ……………………….
7. He will probably . -> ………………………………………………… ………….
8. perhaps it is a meteor -> …………………………………….
9. Perhaps there will be snow -> ………………………………………………………………………………….
10. Maybe the plane will be late tonight. -> ……………………………………………………………………….
II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Conditional sentence Type 1):
1. If I find it, I (give)……………….you a call.
2. If you (like)……………, I can get you a job in this company.
3. If he pays me tonight, I (have)…………………………… enough money for the tickets.
4. If I (pass) …………the exam, I will go to the university next October.
5. If I tell the police the truth, I’m sure they (believe )…………………… you.
6. We (be)………………………able to walk across the river if the ice is thick enough.
7. If it (be)…………………fine tomorrow, we’ll go for a walk.
8. You can see my phone if yours (not work)…………………………………….
9. Unless I (hear)………… the alarm, I won’t wake up.
10. if you put these glasses into very hot water, they (crack)……………………………………………….
III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Conditional sentence Type 2):
1. If you ate less, you (not be)………………… healthy enough
2.If you (have)…………………a typewriter, I would type it myself.
3. If he worked more slowly, he (not make)……………………….so many mistakes.
4. You could get a job easily if your degrees (be)………………………good.

5. He might get fat if he (stop)………………….smoking.
6. You (not have)………………………………….so much trouble if you had your car.
7. I would keep a horse if you (can)………………………afford it.
8. If he knew it was dangerous, he (not come)………………………………………
9. He (look)………………….better if he ironed his clothes more often.
10. If I (look)………………………… her address, I would give it to you.
1. The air is polluted there is too much traffic. (because/ therefore/ however/ but.)
2. They are discussing about the celebration is going to hold (what / this/ that / it)
3. If you use water wastefully, you to pay a large bill. (has/ will have/ would have/ have)
4. Mary loves in the river with her friends (swim/ swimming/ swam/ swims).
5. Lan did’nt come to the party because she had to look her brother. ( at/ for/ forward/ after.)
7. If John became rich,he travel around the world. (can/ should/ will/ would.)
8. We felt when the New year’s Eve was coming near. (excitement/ excited / excitely/ exciting)
9. If she … enough money, she’ll buy her son a motorbike (Earn/ will earn / earns/ to earn)
10. Children should drink milk …… it’s good for their health (and/ as/ but/ however)
11. Our teacher suggests …… a meeting to discuss about the solution to keep our environment clean
(to hold/hold/held/holding)
12. The little girl … is wearing the red dress sings beautifully (Which/ who/ whom/ when)
13. ……is a tropical storm which reaches 120 km per hour (Earthquakes/ Typhoon/Tornado/Volcano)
14. If he … you, he would do this work. (were /is/had /be)
15. Mr Brown is 85 and living alone. He needs somebody to look….him. (at/ for/ after/ on)
16.My friend Nigel,……work in the city bank, earns much more than I (that /which /who /whose)
17. Tornadoes are……storms which pass overland below a thunderstorm
(a funnel-shaped/ circle-shaped /tropical / snow)
18.Thuy’s grandma turn the TV…… to see the weather forecast (off/up /on /down)
19. I think we should…… a shower instead of a bath to save energy (took / taking / taken / take)
20. We…… happier and healthier,if we keep our environment clean (don’t live /will live /won’t live /lives)
21.Mrs Smith has……… provided a picnic lunch for us. (kind / kindly / kindness / unkind)

22. She sings very………. (beauty /beautify / beautiful / beautifully)
23 air is one of the many problems we have to solve ( Pure/ Polluted/ Dust / Pleasant)
24.We couldn't go on a picnic as planted it was raining hard (however/ but/ because/ so)
25.If you Joanna, ask her to come and see me. (meet/will meet/ met /can meet)
26.I think people should usetree leaves for food (wrapping/ rolling/ making/ recycling)
27. Solar energy doesn’t cause (pollution /polluted / pollute / pollutant)
28. Many people are interested………… the product that save energy. (on / in / to / for)
29. Hoa missed the bus ……….she went to school late. (but/so/however/ because)
30. My friend Mary,……… works in the hospital, went abroad two days ago.(which/who/ whose /that)
31. On Tet holidays in Vietnam , families members who live ,……… try to be together?( alone/ apart/ again/ far)
32.Scientists are thinking of how to use the rise and fall of the………….to produce electricity.
( tide/ water/ sun / moon)
33. Our teacher didn’t come late ……….the traffic was terrible ( however/ so/ though/ because)
34 The architect ………….is standing near the garage is her uncle . ( who/ what/ which/ that)
35. A typhoon in Asia is called a…………in Autralia . ( storm/ hurricane / cyclone/ tornado)
36.Why don’t you bring ………….a raincoat ? (of / for /along /with)
37. There are many celebrations………….the year, but the Lunar New year is the most Important for Vietnamese
people . (during / througout/ in/ all)
38 If they ……………you the job, will you accept it ? (would offer/ have offered/ offered/ offer)
39. You should………….the cooker after you’ve finished the cooking. (turn up/ turn down/ turn off/ turn on)
40. It was raining very……… so I took my raincoat. ( wet /badly /hard/ well)
41. Helen asked me …………the film called “Stars Wars” (have I seen/ have you seen/ if I had seen/ if had I seen)
42. Why don’t we go…………………collecting stamps. (on/ for/ about/ at)
43. You should reduce the ………………….of water your family use. (amount/ number /much/ many)
44. Lan always does the work ………………. (care / careful / carefully / careless)
45. She was tired. ,she had to continue to work. (because /however /so/as)
46. The baby laughed …………………as she played with her toys. (happy /happily/ happily / happyly)
47. Hoa failed her math test. ,she has to do the test again. (However/ Therefore/ Moreover/ because.)
48. I suggest ………… to the movie. (going /go /to go / went)

49. I’m very …………. that I will go to DaLat tomorrow. (excite / excited / exciting / excitedly)
50. I

ve looked …………. My new pen every where and I can

t find it any where. (at/ for/ up/ On)
51. If you ………… UFO, what would you do? (see/ to see/ seeing/ Saw)
52. What would you do if you ……….the lottery ? (win / won / wins / winning)
*****************The end – Success to you!*******************

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