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The Future Governance of Citizenship Part 10 pot

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219 Bibliography
Abu-Lughod, Lila, 152
Adams, John, 24
adoption, 122
affirmative action, 169–70, 190–1
Al-Qaeda, 5
Alexander the Great, 15
circular definition, 196
English 17th century, 23
feudalism, 89
French revolutionary citizenship, 24
medieval cities, 18, 155–6
property rights, 155
suffrage, 110–11, 201
allegiance, 17, 89, 90, 98, 117, 130,
134, 155

Allott, P., 126
alternative models
See also anational citizenship
desirability, 76
deterritorialisation, 76
domicile model. See domicile citizenship
feasibility, 196
multicultural citizenship, 67, 77–9
new forms of citizenship, 75–80
postnational citizenship, 67, 76
transformation costs, 7–8
transnational citizenship, 67, 77, 78
utopianism, 6–9, 125–6, 199
American Council of Trustees and
Alumni, 34
anational citizenship
citizenship as network good, 107–11, 112
diplomatic protection and, 128–9
domicile model. See domicile citizenship
futility, 7, 8
international law and, 128
loss of citizenship, 132–8
nation state role, 127
nationality of international claims and,
public opinion and, 8
substantive rights, 143–5
transformation costs, 7–8
utopianism, 6–9, 125–6, 199
ancient Greece, 14–16

anthropology, 60–1, 62
anti-subordination literature, 145
Antigua, 159
Aquinas, Thomas, 19
Aristotle, 14–15, 19
assimilation, 35, 81, 85–6, 95, 99, 172, 174
association theory, 108
Athenians, 14–15
Australia, 27, 34, 88, 95
Austria, 26, 88, 94
automatic citizenship, 88, 106–7, 115
Bacon, Francis, 155
Bader, Veit, 69, 72
Balkenende, Jan-Peter, 34
Bar-Yaacov, N., 91
Barber, B., 20, 83
Barbuda, 159
Barry, Brian, 59
Barth, F., 61
Baubock, R., 67, 77, 78, 82, 83, 106
Bauman, Zygmunt, 6–7
aliens’ voting rights, 110
deportation, 139
medieval representation, 18
Moustaquim case, 139
national identification, 73–4
nationality law, 26
visa policy, 40
Belize, 159

Berlin, Isaiah, 145
Bermuda, 159
Berns, Walter, 58
Beveridge Report, 29
Billing, M., 49
Blackstone, William, 156
Blunkett, David, 67, 96
Bodin, Jean, 21, 155
Bolivia, 87
Bosniak, L., 78
Bracton, Henry de, 19
Brubaker, R., 23, 27, 116
Cameron, David, 178, 179
Canada, 27, 34, 54–5, 64
Carens, J., 61, 64, 93
Castells, Manuel, 111
Cato the elder, 16
CEDAW, 118
Charles I, 22
chauvinism, 53, 66
disabled children, 174
domicile of association, 121–2
nationality, 131
China, 31
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 16
cities, 14–16, 17–19, 71, 147
assumptions, 2–3, 4, 58, 66, 100–1, 123–4
challenges, 2

cohesion thesis, 3
constants, 12–13
debate, 1–2, 13
definition, 1
differentiated. See differentiated
diversity and, 30–4
European Union. See European Union
exclusivity thesis, 2
history, 12–35, 45
liberalism. See liberal citizenship
medieval cities, 16–19, 71
new forms. See alternative models
origins, 14–16
post-9/11 debate, 13, 34–5, 199
priority thesis, 2
Renaissance, 19–20
republican citizenship, 19–21
social citizenship, 27–30
supremacy thesis, 2
turning point, 6
unfinished institution, 14, 198–9
civic citizenship, 161–6
civic education, 184
civic nationalism, 67, 73–4, 82
civic registration
absence of criminal records, 87–8
de-ethnicisation and, 97–9
fraudulent acquisition, 136, 137

lack of allegiance, 89–91
lack of knowledge, 92–3
linguistic competence and, 93–7
model, 10, 84–99
objections, 89–99
opting out, 88
proposals, 84–8
residence requirement, 86–7
revocation, 137
civic republicanism, 74, 85, 145, 181, 184
civil rights, Marshall, 28
civilisation discourse, 34
club analogy, 6, 104
cohesion thesis, 3, 25, 35, 102–11
Coke, Edward, 155
Cole, P., 6
collective rights, 151–2
Comaroff, I.L. & J., 63
Commission for Racial Equality, 150
communitarian liberals, 143
communitarian naturalisation, 85–6, 87,
88, 95
communitarianism, 83, 102–11, 146
conflict of laws, 91, 120
Connolly, W., 174, 178
constitutional patriotism, 10, 67, 68, 82
constructivism, 62–3
contractarian theory, 23, 134
Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness
(1961), 137

cosmopolitanism, 16
Council of Europe, 97, 138
Crick Report, 99, 179
criminal records, 87–8, 140–1
Cromwell, Oliver, 22
as antiform, 63–5
changing, 183–4
constructivist perspectives, 62–3, 64
container view, 9, 60–3, 64, 66
221 Index
culture (cont.)
contextual approach, 45, 63–4, 65
diversity, 30–4
domicile model and, 122–4
essentialism, 61, 149–50, 152
etymology, 64
fuzziness, 62
nationality and, 49–60
practice, 64
process, 64
project, 65
right of peoples, 61
significance, 51–2
societal cultures, 61, 144
survival, 54–5
Cusanus, Nicholas, 19
Czechoslovakia, 136
Dallmayr, F., 179
Dante Alighieri, 19

de-ethnicisation, 97–9, 106
De Groot, Ge
, 120
anti-institutional force, 6–7
definition, 4
diversity and, 102
effect of exclusion, 105–7
equality and, 45
ethnarchy, 196
inclusion requirement, 8, 102
long-term residents and, 75
nationalism and, 4
nationality and, 87
naturalisation and, 84
political participation, 191–2
requirements, 87
variable geometry of citizenship, 167
Denmark, 26, 33, 110, 139
deportation, 138–42
deterritorialisation, 76, 124–5
Dewey, J., 184
differentiated citizenship
advocates, 143–4
arguments, 145–53
case-by-case, 168
civic citizenship, 161–6

corrective differentiation, 167–8
embedded differentiated citizenship, 153
enabling differentiation, 167
essentialism, 149–50, 152
group differentiated citizenship, 32, 159–61
group entitlement, 151–2
institutional differentiation, 168
institutionalising, 161–6
long-term foreign residents in EU,
revisiting, 153–66
UK nationality and citizenship law,
value, 11
Young and, 30–1, 147–8, 149, 150, 152
Diggers, 22
dignity, 167, 183, 198
Diogenes of Sinope, 16
diplomatic protection, 128–9
discrimination. See equality
distributive justice, 49
See also differentiated citizenship
assimilation policies, 35
cultural diversity, 30–4
democracy and, 102
inclusion mechanisms, 173–9
multiculturalism. See multiculturalism
UK integration with diversity policy,

domicile citizenship
advantages, 112–13
alternative model, 3–4, 10, 112–26
automatic citizenship, 115
concept of domicile, 113–15
criminal records and, 140–1
declarations of renunciation, 133
deprivation, 135–8
diplomatic protection and, 128–9
domicile of association, 121–2
domicile of birth, 116–17, 120, 121
domicile of choice, 120–1
domicile templates, 119–22
dual citizenship, 112, 114, 119
expatriation and, 133–5
free will principle, 119
long residence abroad, 137–8
loss of citizenship, 132–8
nationality of international claims and,
objections, 122–6
plural citizenship, 130–2
principles, 113–19
role of states, 127
security of residence, 138–42
spouses’ independence, 118
222 Index
substantive rights, 143–5
territorial principle, 26, 124–5
utopianism, 6–9, 125–6, 199

weakness of ties, 122–4
Dominican Republic, 130
Dossa, S., 79
dual citizenship, 5, 76, 82, 90–1, 112, 114,
119, 130–2
Dworkin, Ronald, 105, 191
Eagleton, Terry, 62
education, civic education, 184
Elizabeth I, 156
employment, 192–4
See also United Kingdom
17th century citizenship, 21–3
1688 Revolution, 22
Calvin’s case (1608), 89, 155
Civil War, 22
medieval government, 19
nationality law, 134
origin of Parliament, 18
English Pluralist School, 108
Enlightenment, 23–4
anti-discrimination legislation,
188–91, 192
democracy and, 45
differentiated citizenship and, 149
domicile citizenship, 141
equal dignity, 198
EU citizenship, 39–40, 42
exclusion from citizenship and, 105, 111

liberal citizenship and, 145
mainstreaming, 180–1
margizens and, 46
marriage and nationality, 118
nationality citizenship and, 101
non-EU nationals and, 161–6
US constitutional principle, 25
variable geometry of citizenship, 167
essentialism, 61, 149–50, 152
Estonia, 110
ethnonationalism, 74, 82
European Convention on Human Rights
deprivation of citizenship, 137
non-discrimination, 189
security of residence, 139
European Convention on Nationality
(1963), 91
European Convention on Nationality (1997),
112, 117, 131, 132
European Union
affirmative action, 158, 169–70
anti-discrimination legislation, 189–90
citizenship. See European Union
deportation restrictions, 140–1
deprivation of citizenship and, 135
free movement principle, 36, 38–9, 43–4,
95, 161
housing and race discrimination, 186
Lisbon agenda, 194

long-term non-EU residents, 161–6
long-term residence permits, 164–5
proportionality principle, 39, 41–2
Schengen Information System, 41, 140
single market, 37
European Union citizenship
challenge, 35–44
determination of nationality and, 36–7
dynamics, 40
equality principle, 39–40, 42
exclusions, 38
maturation, 131
minimalism, 37
nationality discrimination and, 38–9
postnational citizenship, 76
public employment, 43
public policy and security
exceptions, 40
rights of third country nationals, 162
social assistance, 42–3
substantive rights, 42–3
transformation potential, 4, 43–4
weak affective dimension, 37
See also inclusion
1970s margizens, 46
Athenian polis,15
basis of citizenship, 2
club analogy, 6
EU citizenship, 38

exclusionary patriotism, 71
externalities, 104, 105–7
failure to address, 102–11
French revolutionary citizenship, 24
legitimacy, 123–4
liberal citizenship, 26
long-standing residents, 6
long-standing residents in EU, 161–6
223 Index
exclusion (cont.)
Middle Ages, 17, 18
national identity and, 82
republican patriotism, 73
social exclusion, 29
expatriation, 133–5
faith schools, 179, 185–6
Falklands Islands, 158, 160
Favell, A., 150
fear, 148, 197
feminism, 29, 30, 145, 146, 152
feudalism, 16–17, 45, 89,
117, 130
Fiji, 64
Finland, 26, 110, 139, 169
Fortescue, John, 19
Fortuyn, Pim, 34
assimilation, 174
automatic citizenship, 88
deportation, 139

Djeroud case, 139
Enlightenment, 23
Estates General, 18
foulard affair, 33, 150, 179
group differentiated citizenship, 171
, 150, 171, 185
multiculturalism and, 32
Muslims’ riots, 178, 179
nationality law, 26, 27, 116
naturalisation ceremonies, 99
naturalisation law, 84, 88
race and unemployment, 182
Revolution, 20, 24, 25–6
fraternity, 27, 55
fraud, naturalisation, 136
Frazer, N., 150
free will principle, 119, 134
freedom of expression, 22, 110
Friedman, Milton, 29
fugitives from justice, 121
Fuller, Lon, 144
Geertz, C., 63

See also women
feminist critique of liberalism, 146
mainstreaming, 181
quotas, 169
19th century citizenship, 26
automatic deportations, 41, 141
constitutional patriotism, 68
guestworkers, 94
medieval representation, 18
multiple citizenship, 130
Muslim test, 34
nationality law, 26, 27, 116
naturalisation ceremonies, 99
Nazi denationalisation of Jews, 136
reunification, 69
Romantics, 25
Gibraltar, 158, 160, 169–70
Gierke, Otto von, 108
global cities, 147
globalisation, 57, 197
governance, multi-level, 35, 128
Greece, nationality law, 26
Greek city states, 14–16
Greenfeld, L., 49
Grimsley, M., 97
Groenendijk, K., 162
Grotius, Hugo, 134
guilds, 18

Habermas, J
urgen, 10, 67, 68, 82, 173
habitual residence, 113
Hague Convention on Nationality Laws, 90
Hayek, Friedrich von, 29
health equality, 187–8
Hegel, Georg, 20, 180
Henry VIII, 156
Herder, Johann Gottfried, 25, 60
Hirschman, A.O., 7, 8
citizenship, 12–35, 45
concept of democracy and, 103–4
intergenerational communities, 58–9
relevance, 50
shared memory, 62, 70, 71
UK nationality law, 154–9
Hobbes, Thomas, 21
Hobsbawm, Eric, 49
homage, 89
Hong Kong, 158–9, 160
housing, 186–7
human rights
anti-terrorism and, 5, 13
security of residence, 139
224 Index
humanism, 19
Hungary, 110
Huntington, Samuel, 34

affective identity, 70
dynamics, 146
hybrids, 55
multiple identities, 31, 55, 91,
119, 124
nationality and, 53–5
reactive ethnic identities, 81
social construction, 53
See also exclusion
affirmative action, 169–70, 190–1
anti-discrimination legislation, 188–91, 192
assimilation, 172, 174
changing attitudes and culture, 183–4
education, 184
encouraging participation, 181–2
foreign residents in EU, 166
health, 187–8
horizontal pathways, 180–4
housing, 186–7
integration, 174
labour market participation, 192–4
mainstreaming equality, 180–1
millet mode, 177
pathways, 179–94
pluralist mode, 177–9
political participation, 191–2
proceduralist mechanisms, 174–7
responsive public services, 180

separation mechanisms, 174
typologies of incorporation, 173–9
vertical pathways, 184–94
democracy and, 6–7
futility of changes, 7
institutional differentiation, 168
institutional racism, 192
reconstruction, 197
integration, 97–9, 174
intergenerational community, 58–9
international law
anational model and, 128
deprivation of citizenship, 135, 137
flexibility, 127, 128, 131
function of nationality, 128–9
marriage and nationality, 118
plural citizenship and, 130–2
security of residence, 138–42
international tribunals, 127, 128
internationalism, 197
interpretation services, 187
Ireland, 26, 110, 134, 136
Islam. See Muslims
Israel, 91
anti-Fascist resistance, 71
city states, 71
medieval representation, 18
nationality law, 26

Renaissance, 19–20
ius sanguinis, 26, 116, 117
ius soli, 26, 115–17, 122
Jaume, Lucien, 24
Jews, 18, 24, 136
Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, 96
Judge, H., 185
Kant, Immanuel, 128
Kedurie, E., 49
Kennedy, John F., 190
Kingsbury, Benedict, 52
Kohn, Hans, 25–6
Kristeva, Julia, 71
Kukathas, C., 149
Kymlicka, Will, 33, 51–2, 59, 61–2, 143, 148, 173
Laborde, C., 70
labour market participation, 192–4
citizenship and linguistic competence, 93–7
regional languages, 168
Lawrence, Stephen, 181
Legomsky, H.S., 80, 81
Lepsius, Rainer Maria, 49
Leuprecht, P., 61
Levellers, 22
liberal citizenship
citizens as right bearers, 20–1
critiques, 11
difference and, 148

equality and, 145
history, 21–7
multiculturalist critique, 146
participation and, 181
liberal communitarians, 143
225 Index
autonomy, 145
consensual liberalism, 117
contradictions, 47–8
egalitarian liberals, 59
feminist critique, 146
liberalism of fear, 148
nationality and, 56
perfectionist liberals, 59
politics of deception, 145
priorities, 145
libertarian naturalisation, 85
Lister, R., 152, 153, 169
Lithuania, 110
Locke, John, 22–3
Lorenzo de Medici, 20
Lovenduski, J., 170
Luxembourg, 26, 110
MacCormick, Neil, 55
MacIntyre, Alasdair, 71
McLennan, Gregor, 61
MacPherson Inquiry, 192
Machiavelli, Niccol

o, 19–20
Maier, C., 15
Mann, M., 25, 145
Mansbridge, J., 170
margizens, 46
Markell, P., 70
marriage, domicile and, 118
Marshall, T.H., 28–30
Marsilius of Padua, 19
Marxism, 145
Mason, A., 10, 57–8, 67, 68, 72–5
Meehan, Elizabeth, 35
Mexico, 115
middle ages, 155–6
See also exclusion; inclusion
anti-immigration discourse, 33
deportation, 138–42
expansion of rights, 80
expatriation and domicile citizenship,
linguistic competence, 95
militarism, 71
military obligations, 132
Mill, John Stuart, 3, 58
Miller, D., 49, 57, 58, 59, 62, 74, 84, 92, 96
millet mode, 177
Milton, John, 22
See also exclusion; inclusion

incorporation, 11
internal restrictions, 32
multicultural citizenship, 67, 77–9
national minorities, 52, 143, 144, 173
Minow, M., 145
mobilities, 197
Montesquieu, Charles de, 23–4, 71
More, Thomas, 20
Mouffe, Chantal, 149
advantages and dangers, 31–5, 179
critique of liberal citizenship, 146
multicultural citizenship, 67, 77–9
retreat from, 34, 83, 99, 110, 173
France, 33, 150, 171, 178, 179
Germany, 34
Islam as marker of ‘otherness,’ 177
Islamophobia, 33, 34–5
loyalty, 5, 34
sharia courts, 34
stereotyping, 33
myths, 50
20th century stability, 27
affective resources, 51
citizenship alternatives and, 78–80
eclipse, 5, 124
Habermas, 69
naturalisation and, 84

necessity, 51
new patriotism discourse, 10, 75
origins, 50, 201
relevance, 47–9
success, 50
See also patriotism
19th century, 25–7
civic nationalism, 67, 73–4, 82
civic religion, 80
democracy and, 4
discourses, 8
ethnic nationalism, 74, 82
post-9/11 interest, 48
significance, 47–9
social construction, 58
solidarity, 57–9
versions, 66
226 Index
See also dual citizenship
defence, 49–60
democracy and, 87
EU free movement and, 161
function, 128–9
human need, 55–7
identity and, 53–5
international law and, 128
marriage and, 118
relevance to citizenship, 47–9

solidarity thesis, 57–9
nationality model
alternatives. See alternative models
anachronism, 3, 5, 46–7, 200
assumptions, 2–3, 4, 58, 66, 100–1, 123–4
defence, 49–60, 76
limitations, 59–60
oligarchic good, 101–7
origins, 23
relevance of nationality, 47–9
turning point, 6
natural law, 19, 22
absence of criminal records, 87–8
assimilation process, 81, 85–6, 95, 99
civic registration model, 10, 84–99
communitarian model, 85–6, 87, 88, 95
conformity, 82
definition, 80
fraudulent, 136
integration requirements, 85–6, 106, 123
issue, 10
libertarian model, 85
optional naturalisation, 82
outdated institution, 84
rationales, 80–4
relaxing requirements, 81–3
republican model, 88
residence requirement, 86–7, 123
rite of passage, 80

strengthening requirements, 83–4
neo-Kantianism, 74
neo-liberalism, 29, 194
neo-republicans, 20–1
aliens’ voting rights, 110
civic participation of migrants, 182
medieval representation, 18
nationality law, 26
naturalisation ceremonies, 99
naturalisation law reform, 84
retreat from multiculturalism, 34, 173
network good, 107–11, 112
New Right, 13, 29, 32, 161
New Zealand, 27
Nino, S.C., 87
non-refoulement principle, 139
Norman, W., 33
Norris, P., 170
Norway, 110, 169
Ockham, William of, 19
Offe, Claus, 45, 65, 149
oligarchy, 101–7
ordinary residence, 113
Ottoman Empire, 177
outsiders. See exclusion
Parekh, B., 5, 32, 52, 64, 65, 67, 77–9, 149,
174–7, 180
constitutional patriotism, 10, 67, 68, 82

nationality and, 49
new discourse, 9–10, 67, 68
patriotism of liberty, 70–2
republican, 10, 25, 67, 68, 71, 72–5
rooted patriotism, 10, 67, 68, 70–2
variants, 68–75
Patten, Alan, 52
Peloponnesian War, 14
perennialism, 50
Pericles, 14
Peru, 115
Philips, A., 149, 169, 173
Philips, Trevor, 150, 172
Plender, R., 127, 128
pluralist mechanisms, 177–9
Pluralist School, 108
Plutarch, 16
Poland, 136
political participation, 191–2
political rights, Marshall, 28
politics of difference, 30, 33–4, 61, 83, 144
Portes, Alejandro, 96
Portugal, 26, 88, 110
postcolonial criticism, 145
postnational citizenship, 67, 76
poststructuralism, 30–2, 145
priority thesis, 2
proceduralist mechanisms, 174–7
public goods, 107–8
227 Index

public opinion, 5, 8
public policy, EU free movement and, 40
public services, 180
Pufendorf, Samuel von, 133
Quebec culture, 54–5, 64
racism, 32, 82, 99, 189, 192
Ramadan, Tariq, 171
rationalism, 19
Rawls, John, 103
Reagan, Ronald, 29
recognition of states, 127
recognition theorists, 143
reflectivism, 145
Refugee Convention, 139
Refugee Council, 90, 96
conversion, 80
faith schools, 179, 185–6
role, 56
Renaissance, 19–20
Renan, Ernest, 71
republican citizenship, 19–21
republican naturalisation, 85, 88
republican patriotism, 10, 25, 67, 68, 71, 72–5
republicanism, 23–4
concept, 113
EU long-term residents, 161–6
naturalisation requirements, 86–7, 123
security, 138–42

Roma, 52
Rome, 16, 19, 23
Roosevelt, Franklin, 96
rooted patriotism, 10, 67, 68, 70–2
rootlessness, 125
Rosberg, G., 104, 123
Rosenblum, N., 149
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 23–4, 184
Rubio-Marin, R., 83, 106
Rumbaut, R., 96
Rushdie, Salman, 33
St Kits, 159
Schengen Information System, 41, 140
Schuck, P., 81, 117
Scott, D., 60
authoritarian agenda, 5
denationalised citizenship and, 199
discourse, 8
domicile model and, 123, 140–1
EU citizenship and, 40
post-9/11 citizenship debate, 13, 34–5
self-employment, 193
separation mechanisms, 174
sharia courts, 34
Shklar, J., 145, 148
s, Abbe

Joseph, 25
Sikhs, 149–50
slaves, 15
Slovakia, 110
Slovenia, 110
Smith, A., 3, 49, 50
Smith, R., 83, 89, 107, 117
social citizenship, 27–30
social contract, 21, 23
social co-operation, 110
social exclusion, 29
social rights, Marshall, 28
social trust, 57–9
societal cultures, 61, 144
solidarity, 57–9, 152
solidarity mechanisms, 170, 171
sovereignty, 21, 124
Soviet Union, 136
Soysal, Y., 67, 76
Spain, 18, 26, 110, 115, 130
Sparta, 15
spouses, domicile, 118
stereotypes, 33, 123
stoicism, 15–16, 19
Straw, Jack, 150
suffrage, 109, 110–11, 201
supremacy thesis, 2
Sweden, 26, 88, 110, 169
Swidler, A., 63
Switzerland, 18, 73–4

symbolisms, 50
Taguieff, P., 32
Tamir, Y., 49, 55–6, 57, 59, 92, 96
Tan, K C., 50
Taylor, C., 53–5, 61, 143, 173
territorial principle, 26, 115–17, 122, 124–5
terrorism, 5, 8, 199
Thatcher, Margaret, 29
Thucydides, 14
Tilley, Christopher, 62
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 20
transition theories, 6
228 Index
transnational citizenship, 67, 77, 78, 174
treason, 136
Tully, James, 62, 173
Turner, B., 29–30
United Kingdom
See also England
1812 war with US, 134
Act of Settlement (1707), 23
aliens’ voting rights, 110
anti-discrimination legislation, 189, 192
citizenship ceremonies, 91
citizenship classes, 92–3
differentiated citizenship, 154–9
disabled children, 174
faith schools, 185–6
group differentiated citizenship, 160–1
health inequalities, 187–8

imperial citizenship, 25
integration with diversity, 97–9, 174
linguistic competence and naturalisation, 94
married women’s nationality, 118
multiculturalism and, 34–5, 173
nationality law, 26, 134
nationality law, history, 154–9
naturalisation law, 34, 67, 84, 88
Navigation Acts, 156
niqab wearing, 179
oath of allegiance, 90, 98
promotion of race equality, 181
race and unemployment, 182
Sikhs, 149–50
women MPs, 169
work-welfare programmes, 161
United States
1812 war with Britain, 134
affirmative action, 169
African Americans, 52, 109
alien suffrage, 111, 201
assimilation, 174
citizens’ knowledge of English, 95
civil rights legislation, 109, 189
civilisation discourse, 34
Constitution, 24
deprivation of citizenship, 135, 136–7
dual citizenship, 132
equality principle, 25
expatriation, 134

extension of suffrage, 109
married women’s nationality, 118
migrants’ restricted rights, 110
multiculturalism and, 32, 96
national identification, 73–4
nationality law, 27, 134
naturalisation ceremonies, 99
naturalisation law, 81, 83, 88, 107
revocation of naturalisation, 136
Revolution, 20, 23, 24–5
significance of citizenship, 123
undocumented migrants’ children, 117
work-fare, 161
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 137
communitarian, 146
false universalism, 143, 152
rooted patriotism and, 71
stoicism and, 15
suppression of difference, 146
universal class, 180
utopianism, 6–9, 125–6, 199
Van Gusteren, H., 87
variable geometry of citizenship
See also inclusion
affirmative action, 169–70
case-by-case, 168
corrective differentiation, 167–8
enabling differentiation, 167
implications, 144–5

institutional differentiation, 168
meaning, 166–71
objectives, 167
variables, 168–70
Vattel, Emmerich de, 127, 128, 129, 133
Vincent, A., 47, 57
Viroli, M., 10, 67, 68, 70–2
Vitoria, Francisco de, 115
Wala Island, 62
Waldron, Jeremy, 31
Wallmans, S., 151
war on terror. See security
war veterans, 161
welfare states, 13, 29, 103, 161
Williams, M., 170
Winstanley, Gerrard, 22
Wolf, E, 62
See also gender
Athenian exclusion, 15
domicile, 118
EU citizenship and, 39–40
229 Index
Women (cont.)
French revolutionary exclusion, 24
Scandinavian quotas, 169
world community, 200
xenophobia, 66, 99, 189
Xenos, Nicholas, 27
Yack, B., 49

Young, Iris Marion, 30–1, 143, 146,
147–8, 149, 150, 152, 170, 173,
177, 183
Zeno of Citium, 16
Zolo, D., 45
230 Index
