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ĐỀ KIỂM TRA LỚP 12 ( Lần 1 – Học kỳ II ) pot

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ĐỀ KIỂM TRA LỚP 12 ( Lần 1 – Học kỳ II )
Thời gian : 45 phút ( không kể thời gian phát đề )
I. Pick out the word which has different pronunciation:
1. a. protect b. movement c. introduction d. comfortable
2. a. rarely b. shake c. way d. case
3 .a. classmate b. handle c. attitude d. xelaxation
4. a. laughs b. lends c. looks d. stops
II. Pick out the word which has stress differently
5. a. liquor b. relaxed c. realy d. instance
6. a. militant b. associate c. formality d. nonsmoker
7. He will not learn much ___ he works harder.
a. if b. unless c. when d. while
8. Can you suggest a time ___ it will be convenient to meet?
a. why b. to which c. when d. where
9. He said the custom was ___ in good sense.
a. grounded b. based c. illegal d. reserved
10. After he ___ , he went straight home.
a. has finished b. had finished c. was finishing d. would finish
11. A horse is always mounted ___ the left side .
a. on b. to c. from d. at
12. Thimgs are going on ___ everything is great.
a. nice b. nicer c. niciest d. nicely
13. They are used ___ their own money
a. earning b. to earn c. earn d. to earning
14. Look ____ ! There’s a bus coming.
a. on b. up c. out d. at
15. ____ the weather is very hot , our children are going swimming a lot .
a. Although b. Because c. dispite d. because of
16. It rained ___ for five hours

a. continously b. continous c. continue d. continuation
17. I think my computer is not capable ___ runningthis software .
a. at b. in c. of d. for
18. We are looking forward ___ you .
a. to see b. see c. to seeing d. seeing
19. They had a boy __ that yesterday .
a. done b. to do c. did d. do
20. Women usually don’t shake hands when being ___ to each other .
a. introduced b. introduce c. to introduce d. introducing
21. Nonsmokers have become ___ about smoking in public.
a. militant b. militancy c. military d. militaristic
22. If I ____ ill , I wouldn’t have been absent from school
a. were not b. am not c. hadn’t been d. not being
23. I sometimes do not feel ___ when I am at a party .
a.comfort b. comforter c. comfortable d. comfortably
24. Mr Pike invited some ___ to his house for dinner.
a. hosts b. guests c.cookers d. host
25. It is necessary for the host to make his guests feel comfortable and ___
a. relax b. relaxing c. relaxed d. relaxation
I. Pick out the part of sentence ( A,B,C or D ) which is not correct in standard written English .
26. American man usually shake hands when they are introduced.
27. It is surprising the most tourists which come to the town visit this small.
28. If you will see Mike to day , please ask him to phone me.
29. It was such a small town that I had difficulty to find a job.
30. Yesterday evening while I was watching , Mary pays me a visit

II. Pick out the phrase or clause which best completes each sentence
31. Have you heard of their marriage?
a.She asked me weather I had heard of their marriage.
b.She ask me if I hear of their marriage
c. She asked me whether I heard of their marriage.
d. She ask me if I had heard of their marriage
32. We wrote the report in half an hour.
a.It took us hafl an hour writing the report
b. It takes us half an hour we write the report
c. It took us half an hour write the report
d. It took us half an hour to write the report
33. Shall we go the cinema tonight ?
a.How about to go the cinema to night ?
b. How about tonight we shall go to the cinema?
c. How about shall we go to the cinema tonight?
d. How about going to the cinema tonight?
34. The cake was too hot for him to eat.
a.The cake was so hot that he can’t eat it
b.The cake was so hot that for him to eat.
c.The cake was so hot that he couldn’t eat it
d. It was such so hot cake that he couldn’t eat.
35. The teacher makes the children do many exercises
a.The childern are made to do many exercises
b.The children are made doing many exercises
c. The children are made do many exercises
d. The children were made to do many exercises
I. Read the passage below , fill in each of the numbered blanks ( 36-45 ) with one suitable word
from the list below:

There are a lot of American ( 36 ) don’t smoke or drink and many who don’t want people to do
those (37) in their houses . It’s always best to ask before you (38) a cigarette , if you’re with people
don’t know you ( 39 ). Nowadays, many restaurants , for intance have established ( 40 ) sections for
smokers . When house guests come to visit , they may bring ( 41 ) . As a guest , you may want to ask
your host or hostess if there is ( 42) .You can do to help in the kictchen . In many cases , the (43 ) is
more important than actually helping . You also want to take your friends ( 44 ) dinner , at the end of
your stay , but It’s not ( 45 ) for you to do so .
36. a. who b. whom c. whose d. All are correct
37. a. anything b. things c. thing d. a great deal things
38. a. light on b. light in c. light of d. light up
39.a. very good b. very much c. very better d. very well
40. a. specialize b. specially c. special d. speciaally
41. a present b. gift c. gifts d. presently
42. a. some thing b. anything c. a few things d. a little thing
43. a. protection b. help c. formal d. guesture
44. a. out b. out off c. out to d. out in
45. a. introduced b. relaxed c. invited d. expected
II. Read the passage below the pick out one best answer in each question ( 46-50)
If you are invited to an American friend’s home for dinner , remember these general rules for
polite behaviour . First of all , arrive approximately on time but not early. Americans export
promptness . It will be all right to be 10 or 15 minutes late but not 45 minutes late.Dinner might over
cooked are ruined by then. When you are invited to someone’s home for a meal , it have an attractive
thing made in your native country , your host or hostess will certainly enjoy receiving that gift .What
will you do if you are served some food that you cannot eat or you do not like ? Do not make a fuss
about compliment the cook on the food that you are enjoying . Do not leave immediately after dinner ,
but do not overstay you welcome, either. The next day , call or write a thank – you . You note to say
how much you enjoyed the evening.
46. When an American invites you to have dinner at his home ________
a. you should arrive on time
b. you needn’t arrive on time

c. you should arrive late to show that you are polite
d. you should arrive early to help the host
47. When you come to someone’s home for a meal _________
a. take some food or drink
b. do not bring anything with you
c. do not care about gifts
d. bring some flowers, candy or something made in your native country .
48. If you are served some food that you can not eat _______
a. apologize for being unable to eat
b. do not make fuss about it
c.immediately tell the host about this
d. ask for another fish
49. After dinner , ________________________
a. stay there until bed time
b. leave immediately
c. do not leave immediately or do not overstay your wellcome
d. do not say anything about the cook.
50. The next day __________________
a. you do not need to thak
b. immediately invite him to your home . It is your turn
c. remember to thank the host for the dinner.
d. All are correct



1.B 11.C 21.A 31.D 41.C
2.A 12.D 22.C 32.D 42.B
3.A 13.D 23.C 33.D 43.D

4.B 14.D 24.B 34.C 44.C
5.A 15.B 25.C 35.A 45.D
6.B 16.A 26.A 36.A 46.A
7.B 17.C 27.C 37.B 47.D
8.C 18.C 28.B 38.D 48.B
9.A 19.D 29.D 39.D 49.C
10.B 20.A 30.C 40.C 50.C
