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Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 3 ppt

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<section name="castle"
Castle.Windsor" />
<! leave all the other section nodes as before >
Then, directly inside the <configuration> node, add a <castle> node:
<! etc >
<! etc >
You can put the <castle> node immediately before <system.web>. Finally, instruct
ASP.NET MVC to use your new controller factory by calling
SetControllerFactory() inside
Application_Start handler in Global.asax.cs:
protected void Application_Start()
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new WindsorControllerFactory());
At this point, it’s a good idea to check that everything still works as before when you run
your application. Your new IoC container should be able to resolve
ProductsController when
ASP.NET MVC requests it, so the application should behave as if nothing’s different.
Using Your IoC Container
The whole point of bringing in an IoC container is that you can use it to eliminate hard-coded

dependencies between components. Right now, you’re going to eliminate
ProductsController’s current hard-coded dependency on SqlProductsRepository (which, in
turn, means y

ll eliminate the hard-coded connection string, soon to be configured else-
where). The advantages will soon become clear.
When an IoC container instantiates an object (e.g., a controller class), it inspects that type’s
list of constructor par
ameters (a.k.a. dependencies) and tr
ies to supply a suitable object for
each one. So, if you edit
ProductsController, adding a new constructor parameter as follows:
public class ProductsController : Controller
private IProductsRepository productsRepository;
public ProductsController(IProductsRepository productsRepository)
this.productsRepository = productsRepository;
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public ViewResult List()
return View(productsRepository.Products.ToList());
then the IoC container will see that ProductsController depends on an IProductsRepository.
When instantiating a
ProductsController, Windsor will supply some IProductsRepository

instance. (Exactly which implementation of IProductsRepository will depend on your
web.config file.)
This is a great step forward:
ProductsController no longer has any fixed coupling to any
particular concrete repository. Why is that so advantageous?
• It’s the starting point for unit testing (here, that means automated tests that have their
own simulated database, not a real one, which is faster and more flexible).
• It’s the moment at which you can approach separation of concerns with real mental
clarity. The interface between the two application pieces (
ProductsController and the
repository) is now an explicit fact, no longer just your imagination.
• You protect your code base against the possible future confusion or laziness of yourself
or other developers. It’s now much less likely that anyone will misunderstand how the
controller is supposed to be distinct from the repository and then mangle the two into a
single intractable beast.
• You can trivially hook it up to any other
IProductsController (e.g., for a different data-
base or ORM technology) without even having to change the compiled assembly. This is
most useful if you’re sharing application components across different software projects
in your company.
OK, that’s enough cheerleading. But does it actually work? Try running it, and you’ll get an
error message like that shown in Figure 4-11.
Figure 4-11. Windsor’s error message when you haven’t registered a component
Whoops, you haven’t yet registered any IProductsRepository with the IoC container. Go
back to y
web.config file
and update the
<castle> section:

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<component id="ProdsRepository"
service="DomainModel.Abstract.IProductsRepository, DomainModel"
type="DomainModel.Concrete.SqlProductsRepository, DomainModel">
your connection string goes here</connectionString>
Try running it now, and you’ll find that things are working again. You’ve nominated
SqlProductsRepository as the active implementation of IProductsRepository. Of course, you
could change that to
FakeProductsRepository if you wanted. Note that the connection string is
now in your
web.config file instead of being compiled into the binary DLL.
■Tip If you have several repositories in your application, don’t copy and paste the same connection string
value into each
<component> node. Instead, you can use Windsor’
s properties feature to make them all
share the same value. Inside the
<castle> node, add <properties><myConnStr>XXX</myConnStr>
(where XXX is your connection string), and then for each component, replace the connec-
tion string value with the reference tag #{myConnStr}.
Choosing a Component Lifestyle

Castle Windsor lets you select a lifestyle for each IoC component—lifestyle options include
Transient, Singleton, PerWebRequest, Pooled, and Custom. These determine exactly when the
container should create a new instance of each IoC component object, and which threads
share those instances. The default lifestyle is
Singleton, which means that only a single
instance of the component object exists, and it’s shared globally.
SqlProductsRepository currently has this Singleton lifestyle, so you’re keeping a sin-
gle LINQ to SQL
DataContext alive as long as your application runs, sharing it across all
That might seem fine at the moment, because so far all data access is r
ead-only, but
it would lead to problems when you start editing data. Uncommitted changes would start
leaking across requests.
oid this pr
oblem b
y changing
s lifestyle to
PerWebRequest, b
updating its registration in
<component id="ProdsRepository"
service="DomainModel.Abstract.IProductsRepository, DomainModel"

type="DomainModel.Concrete.SqlProductsRepository, DomainModel"
10. That’s not a record-breaking feat—ASP.NET has native support for configuring connection strings in the
<connectionStrings> node of your web.config file anyway. What’s advantageous about IoC is that you
can use it to configure any set of component constructor parameters without writing any extra code.
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Then register Windsor’s PerRequestLifestyle module in your <httpModules> node:
add name="PerRequestLifestyle"
Castle.MicroKernel" />
<! Leave the other modules in place >
If you’re later going to deploy to an IIS 7 web server, then be sure to add the following
equivalent configuration to your
web.config file’s <system.webServer>/<modules> node, too
(you’ll learn more about configuring IIS 7 in Chapter 14):
<remove name="PerRequestLifestyle"/>
<add name="PerRequestLifestyle" preCondition="managedHandler"
Castle.MicroKernel" />
This is the great thing about IoC containers: the amount of work you can avoid doing.
You’ve just accomplished the
DataContext-per-HTTP-request pattern purely by tweaking your
web.config file.
So that’s it—you’ve set up a working IoC system. No matter how many IoC components
and dependencies you need to add, the plumbing is already done.

Creating Automated Tests
Almost all the foundational pieces of infrastructure are now in place—a solution and project
structure, a basic domain model and LINQ to SQL repository system, an IoC container—so
now you can do the real job of writing application behavior and tests!
ProductsController currently produces a list of every product in your entire catalog. Let’s
improve on that: the first application behavior to test and code is producing a
paged list of
products. In this section, you’ll see how to combine NUnit, Moq, and your component-
oriented architecture to design new application behaviors using unit tests, starting with that
paged list.
■Note TDD
not about testing,
s about design (although it also takes care of some aspects of testing).
you describe intended beha
viors in the form of unit tests,
so you can la
ter run those tests and verify that
your implementation correctly satisfies the design. It allows you to decouple a design from its implementation,
ting a permanent record of design decisions tha
t you can ra
pidly recheck a
gainst an
y future version of your
code base. “Test-driven development” is an unfortunate choice of name that misleads by putting the emphasis
on the word

test. You might prefer the more up-to-date buzzphrase “Behavior-Driven Design (BDD)” instead,
though how that differs from TDD (if indeed it differs at all) is a topic for another debate.
11. Windsor uses this IHttpModule to support PerWebRequestLifestyleModule, so that it can intercept the
Application_EndRequest event and dispose of anything it created during the request.
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Each time you create a test that fails or won’t compile (because the application doesn’t yet satisfy that
test), that
drives the requirement to alter your application code to satisfy the test. TDD enthusiasts prefer
never to alter their application code except in response to a failing test, thereby ensuring that the test suite
represents a complete (within practical limits) description of all design decisions.
If you don’t want to be this formal about design, you can skip the TDD in these chapters by ignoring the
shaded sidebars. It isn’t compulsory for ASP.NET MVC. However, it’s worth giving it a try to see how well it
would fit into your development process. You can follow it as strictly or as loosely as you wish.
You’ve already made a Tests project, but you’ll also need a couple of open source unit testing tools. If you
don’t already have them, download and install the latest versions of NUnit (a framework for defining unit tests
and running them in a GUI), available from
and Moq (a mocking framework designed
especially for C# 3.5 syntax), from
Add references from your
Tests project to all these assemblies:

nunit.framework (from the Add Reference pop-up window’s .NET tab)
• System.Web (again, from the .NET tab)
• System.Web.Abstractions (again, from the .NET tab)

System.Web.Routing (again, from the .NET tab)

System.Web.Mvc.dll (again, from the .NET tab)

Moq.dll (from the Browse tab, because when you download Moq, you just get this assembly file—it’s
not registered in your GAC)
• Your
DomainModel project (from the Projects tab)
• Your WebUI project (from the Projects tab)
Adding the First Unit Test
To hold the first unit test, create a new class in your Tests project called ProductsControllerTests.
The first test will demand the ability to call the
List action with a pa
ge number as a parameter (e.g.,
List(2)), resulting in it putting only the relevant page of products into Model:
public class ProductsControllerTests
public void List_Presents_Correct_Page_Of_Products()
12. I’m using version 2.5 Beta 2
13. I’m using v
ersion 3.0
10078ch04.qxd 3/26/09 12:52 PM Page 103
/ Arrange: 5 products in the repository
IProductsRepository repository = MockProductsRepository(

new Product { Name = "P1" }, new Product { Name = "P2" },
new Product { Name = "P3" }, new Product { Name = "P4" },
new Product { Name = "P5" }
ProductsController controller = new ProductsController(repository);
controller.PageSize = 3; // This property doesn't yet exist, but by
// accessing it, you're implicitly forming
// a requirement for it to exist
// Act: Request the second page (page size = 3)
var result = controller.List(2);
// Assert: Check the results
Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Didn't render view");
var products = result.ViewData.Model as IList<Product>;
Assert.AreEqual(2, products.Count, "Got wrong number of products");
// Make sure the correct objects were selected
Assert.AreEqual("P4", products[0].Name);
Assert.AreEqual("P5", products[1].Name);
static IProductsRepository MockProductsRepository(params Product[] prods)
// Generate an implementor of IProductsRepository at runtime using Moq
var mockProductsRepos = new Moq.Mock<IProductsRepository>();
mockProductsRepos.Setup(x => x.Products).Returns(prods.AsQueryable());
return mockProductsRepos.Object;
As you can see, this unit test simulates a particular repository condition that makes for a meaningful
test. Moq uses runtime code generation to create an implementor of
IProductsRepository that is set up
to behave in a certain way (i.e., it returns the specified set of

Product objects). It’s far easier, tidier, and
faster to do this than to actually load real rows into a SQL Server database for testing, and it’s only possible
ProductsController accesses its repository only through an abstract interface.
Check That You Have a Red Light First
Try to compile your solution. At first, you’ll get a compiler error, because List() doesn’t yet take any param-
eters (and you tried to call
List(2)), and there’s no such thing as ProductsController.PageSize (see
Figure 4-12).
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Figure 4-12. Tests drive the need to implement methods and properties.
It may feel strange to deliberately write test code that can’t compile (and of course, IntelliSense starts to
break down at this point), but this is one of the techniques of TDD. The compiler error is in effect the first
failed test, driving the requirement to go and create some new methods or properties (in this case, the com-
piler error forces you to add a new
page parameter to List()). It’s not that we want compiler errors, it’s just
that we want to write the tests
first, even if they do cause compiler errors. Personally, I don’t like this very
much, so I usually create method or property stubs at the same time as I write tests that require them, keep-
ing the compiler and IDE happy. You can make your own judgment. Throughout the SportsStore chapters,
we’ll do “authentic TDD” and write test code first, even when it causes compiler errors at first.
Get the code to compile by adding
PageSize as a public int member field on ProductsController,
page as an int parameter on the List() method (details are shown after this sidebar). Load NUnit GUI
(it was installed with NUnit, and is probably on your Start menu), go to File
➤ Open Project, and then browse to
find your compiled
Tests.dll (it will be in yoursolution\Tests\bin\Debug\). NUnit GUI will inspect the

assembly to find any
[TestFixture] classes, and will display them and their [Test] methods in a graphical
hierarchy. Click Run (see Figure 4-13).
Figure 4-13. A red light in NUnit GUI
Unsurprisingly, the test still fails, because your current ProductsController returns all records from
the repository, instead of just the requested page. As discussed in Chapter 2, that’s a good thing: in red-green
development, you need to see a failing test before you code the behavior that makes the test pass. It confirms
that the test actually responds to the code you’ve just written.
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If you haven’t already done so, update ProductsController’s List() method to add a page
parameter and define PageSize as a public class member:
public class ProductsController : Controller
ublic int PageSize = 4; // Will change this later
private IProductsRepository productsRepository;
public ProductsController(IProductsRepository productsRepository)
this.productsRepository = productsRepository;
public ViewResult List(int page)
return View(productsRepository.Products.ToList());
Now you can add the paging behavior for real. This used to be a tricky task before LINQ
(yes, SQL Server 2005 can return paged data sets, but it’s hardly obvious how to do it), but now
it all goes into a single, elegant C# code statement. Update the
List() method once again:

public ViewResult List(int page)
return View(productsRepository.Products
.Skip((page - 1) * PageSize)
Now, if you’re doing unit tests, recompile and rerun the test in NUnit GUI. Behold . . . a
green light!
Configuring a Custom URL Schema
Adding a page parameter to the List() action was great for unit testing, but it causes a little
oblem if y
ou try to run the application for real (see Figure 4-14).
How is the MVC Framework supposed to invoke your
List() method when it doesn’t
w what v
alue to supply for
page? I
f the par
ameter wer
e of a
or nullable type

it would just pass null, but int isn’t one of those, so it has to throw an error and give up.
14. A nullable type is a type for which null is a valid value. Examples include object, string,
System.Nullable<int>, and any class y
ou define. These are held on the heap and referenced via a
pointer (which can be set to
null). That’s not the case with int, DateTime, or any struct, which are
held as a block of memory in the stack, so it isn’t meaningful to set them to null (there has to be
something in that memor
y space).
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Figure 4-14. Error due to having specified no value for the page parameter
As an experiment, try changing the URL in your browser to http://localhost:xxxxx/
or http://localhost:xxxxx/?page=2 (replacing xxxxx with whatever port number was
already there). You’ll find that it works, and your application will select and display the rele-
vant page of results. That’s because when ASP.NET MVC can’t find a routing parameter to
match an action method parameter (in this case, page), it will try to use a query string parame-
ter instead. This is the framework’s
parameter binding mechanism, which is explained in
detail in Chapters 9 and 11.
But of course, those are ugly URLs, and you need it to work even when there’s no query
string parameter, so it’s time to edit your routing configuration.
Adding a RouteTable Entry
You can solve the problem of the missing page number by changing your routing configura-
tion, setting a default value. Go back to
Global.asax.cs, remove the existing call to MapRoute,
and replace it with this:
null, // Don't bother giving this route entry a name

"", // Matches the root URL, i.e. ~/
new { controller = "Products", action = "List", page = 1 } // Defaults
null, // Don't bother giving this route entry a name
"Page{page}", // URL pattern, e.g. ~/Page683
new { controller = "Products", action = "List"}, // Defaults
new { page = @"\d+" } // Constraints: page must be numerical
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What does this do? It says there are two acceptable URL formats:
• An empty URL (the root URL, e.g.,
http://yoursite/), which goes to the List() action
ProductsController, passing a default page value of 1.
• URLs of the form
Page{page} (e.g., http://yoursite/Page41), where page must match the
regular expression
meaning that it consists purely of digits. Such requests also
go to
List() on ProductsController, passing the page value extracted from the URL.
Now try launching the application, and you should see something like that shown in
Figure 4-15.
Figure 4-15. The paging logic selects and displays only the first four products.
Perfect—now it displays just the first page of products, and you can add a page number to
the URL (e

http://localhost:port/Page2) to get
the other pages.
Displaying Page Links
It’s great that you can type in URLs like /Page2 and /Page59, but you’re the only person who
will realize this. Visitors aren’t going to guess these URLs and type them in. Obviously, you
15. In the code, it’s preceded by an @ symbol to tell the C# compiler not to interpret the backslash as the
start of an escape sequence.
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need to render “page” links at the bottom of each product list page so that visitors can navi-
ate between pages.
You’ll do this by implementing a reusable
HTML helper method (similar to Html.TextBox()
and Html.BeginForm(), which you used in Chapter 2) that will generate the HTML markup for
these page links. ASP.NET MVC developers tend to prefer these lightweight helper methods
over WebForms-style server controls when very simple output is needed, because they’re
quick, direct, and easy to test.
This will involve several steps:
1. Testing—if you write unit tests, they always go first! You’ll define both the API and the
output of your HTML helper method using unit tests.
2. Implementing the HTML helper method (to satisfy the test code).
3. Plugging in the HTML helper method (updating ProductsController to supply page
number information to the view and updating the view to render that information
using the new HTML helper method).
You can design a PageLinks helper method by coding up some tests. Firstly, following ASP.NET MVC con-
ventions, it should be an extension method on the
HtmlHelper class (so that views can invoke it by calling

<%= Html.PageLinks( ) %>. Secondly, given a current page number, a total number of pages, and a func-
tion that computes the URL for a given page (e.g., as a lambda method), it should return some HTML markup
containing links (i.e.,
<a> tags) to all pages, applying some special CSS class to highlight the current page.
Create a new class,
PagingHelperTests, in your Tests project, and express this design in the form
of unit tests:
using WebUI.HtmlHelpers; // The extension method will live in this namespace
public class PagingHelperTests
public void PageLinks_Method_Extends_HtmlHelper()
HtmlHelper html = null;
html.PageLinks(0, 0, null);
public void PageLinks_Produces_Anchor_Tags()
// First parameter will be current page index
// Second will be total number of pages
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// Third will be lambda method to map a page number to its URL
string links = ((HtmlHelper)null).PageLinks(2, 3, i => "Page" + i);
// This is how the tags should be formatted
Assert.AreEqual(@"<a href=""Page1"">1</a>
<a class=""selected"" href=""Page2"">2</a>

<a href=""Page3"">3</a>
", links);
Notice that the first test doesn’t even contain an Assert() call. It verifies that PageLinks() extends
HtmlHelper simply by failing to compile unless that condition is met. Of course, that means these tests
won’t compile yet.
Also notice that the second test verifies the helper’s output using a string literal that contains both new-
lines and double-quote characters. The C# compiler has no difficulty with such multiline string literals as long
as you follow its formatting rules: prefix the string with an
@ character, and then use double-double-quote ("")
in place of double-quote. Be sure not to accidentally add unwanted whitespace to the end of lines in a multi-
line string literal.
Implement the PageLinks HTML helper method by creating a new folder in your WebUI
project called HtmlHelpers. Add a new static class called PagingHelpers:
namespace WebUI.HtmlHelpers
public static class PagingHelpers
public static string PageLinks(this HtmlHelper html, int currentPage,
int totalPages, Func<int, string> pageUrl)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 1; i <= totalPages; i++)
TagBuilder tag = new TagBuilder("a"); // Construct an <a> tag
tag.MergeAttribute("href", pageUrl(i));
tag.InnerHtml = i.ToString();
if (i == currentPage)

return result.ToString();
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■Tip In custom HTML helper methods, you can build HTML fragments using whatever technique pleases
you—in the end, HTML is just a string. For example, you can use
string.AppendFormat(). The preceding
code, however, demonstrates that you can also use ASP.NET MVC’s
TagBuilder utility class, which ASP.NET
MVC uses internally to construct the output of most its HTML helpers.
As specified by the test, this PageLinks() method generates the HTML markup for a set
of page links, given knowledge of the current page number, the total number of pages, and a
function that gives the URL of each page. It’s an extension method on the
HtmlHelper class
(see the
this keyword in the method signature!), which means you can call it from a view tem-
plate as simply as this:
<%= Html.PageLinks(2, 3, i => Url.Action("List", new { page = i })) %>
And, under your current routing configuration, that will render the following:
<a href="/">1</a>
<a class="selected" href="/Page2">2</a>
<a href="/Page3">3</a>
Notice that your routing rules and defaults are respected, so the URL generated for page 1
is simply / (not /Page1, which would also work but isn’t so concise). And, if you deployed to a
virtual directory,
Url.Action() would automatically take care of putting the virtual directory

path into the URL.
Making the HTML Helper Method
Visible to
All View Pages
Remember that extension methods are only available when you’ve referenced their containing
namespace, with a
using statement in a C# code file or with an <%@ Import %> declaration
in an ASPX view template. So, to make
PageLinks() available in your List.aspx view, you could
add the following declaration to the top of List.aspx:
<%@ Import Namespace="WebUI.HtmlHelpers" %>
But rather than copying and pasting that same declaration to all ASPX views that use
PageLinks(), how about registering the WebUI.HtmlHelpers namespace globally? Open
web.config and find the namespaces node inside system.web/pages. Add your HTML helper
namespace to the bottom of the list:
<add namespace="System.Web.Mvc"/>
<add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax"/>
<add namespace="WebUI.HtmlHelpers
You can no
w call
<%= Html.PageLinks( ) %> fr
om any
MVC view template.
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Supplying a Page Number to the View

You might feel ready to drop a call to <%= Html.PageLinks( ) %> into List.aspx, but as
ou’re typing it, you’ll realize that there’s currently no way for the view to know what page
number it’s displaying, or even how many pages there are. So, you need to enhance the con-
troller to put that extra information into
ProductsController already populates the special Model object with an IEnumerable<Product>.It
can also supply other information to the view at the same time by using the
ViewData dictionary.
Let’s say that it should populate
ViewData["CurrentPage"] and ViewData["TotalPages"] with
int values. You can express this design by going back to ProductsControllerTests.cs
(in the Tests project) and updating the // Assert phase of the List_Presents_Correct_Page_Of_
// Assert: Check the results
Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Didn't render view");
var products = result.ViewData.Model as IList<Product>;
Assert.AreEqual(2, products.Count, "Got wrong number of products");
Assert.AreEqual(2, (int)result.ViewData["CurrentPage"], "Wrong page number");
Assert.AreEqual(2, (int)result.ViewData["TotalPages"], "Wrong page count");
// Make sure the correct objects were selected
Assert.AreEqual("P4", products[0].Name);
Assert.AreEqual("P5", products[1].Name);
Obviously, this test will fail at the moment, because you aren’t yet populating
ViewData["CurrentPage"] or ViewData["TotalPages"].
Go back to the List() method on ProductsController, and update it to supply page num-
ber information via the

ViewData dictionary:
public ViewResult List(int page)
int numProducts = productsRepository.Products.Count();
ViewData["TotalPages"] = (int)Math.Ceiling((double) numProducts / PageSize
ViewData["CurrentPage"] = page;
return View(productsRepository.Products
.Skip((page - 1) * PageSize)
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This will make your unit test pass, and it also means you can now put an Html.PageLinks()
into your List.aspx view:
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<% foreach(var product in Model) { %>
div class="item">
<h3><%= product.Name %></h3>
<%= product.Description %>
<h4><%= product.Price.ToString("c") %></h4>
<% } %>
<div class="pager">
<%= Html.PageLinks((int)ViewData["CurrentPage"],

x => Url.Action("List", new { page = x })) %>
■Tip If IntelliSense doesn’t recognize the new PageLinks extension method on Html, you probably forgot
to register the
WebUI.HtmlHelpers namespace in your web.config file. Refer back a couple of pages to
the “Making the HTML Helper Method Visible to All View Pages” section.
Check it out—you’ve now got working page links, as shown in Figure 4-16.
Figure 4-16. Page links
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■Note Phew! That was a lot of work for an unimpressive result! If you’ve worked with ASP.NET before, you
might wonder why it took nearly 30 pages of this example to get to the point of having a paged list. After all,
GridView control would just do it out of the box, right? But what you’ve accomplished here is
quite different. Firstly, you’re building this application with a sound, future-proof architecture that involves
proper separation of concerns. Unlike with the simplest use of
GridView, you’re not coupling SportsStore
directly to a database schema; you’re accessing the data through an abstract repository interface. Secondly,
you’ve created unit tests that both define and validate the application’s behavior (that wouldn’t be possible
with a
GridView tied directly to a database). Finally, bear in mind that most of what you’ve created so far is
reusable infrastructure (e.g., the
PageLinks helper and the IoC container). Adding another (different) paged
list would now take almost no time, or code, at all. In the next chapter, development will be much quicker.
Styling It Up
So far, you’ve built a great deal of infrastructure, but paid no attention to graphic design. In
fact, the application currently looks about as raw as it can get. Even though this book isn’t
about CSS or web design, the SportsStore application’s miserably plain design undermines its
technical strengths, so grab your crayons!

Let’s go for a classic two-column layout with a header—that is, something like Figure 4-17.
Figure 4-17. Quick sketch of intended site layout
In terms of ASP.NET master pages and content pages, the header and sidebar will be defined
in the master page
, while the
main body will be a ContentPlaceHolder called MainContent.
Defining Page Layout in the Master Page
You can easily achieve this layout by updating your master page template, /Views/Shared/
, as follows:
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<%@ Master Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewMasterPage" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
" /><html xmlns=" /><head runat="server">
<title><asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="TitleContent" runat="server" /></title>
<div id="header">
<div class="title">SPORTS STORE</div>
<div id="categories">
Will put something useful here later
<div id="content">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="MainContent" runat="server" />
This kind of HTML markup is characteristic of an ASP.NET MVC application. It’s extremely

simple and it’s purely semantic: it describes the content, but says nothing about how it should
be laid out on screen. All the graphic design will be accomplished through CSS.
So, let’s add a
CSS file.
Adding CSS Rules
Under ASP.NET MVC conventions, static files (such things as images and CSS files) are kept
in the
/Content folder. Add to that folder a new CSS file called styles.css (right-click the
/Content folder, select Add ➤ New Item, and then choose Style Sheet).
■Tip I’m including the full CSS text here for reference, but don’t type it in manually! If you’re writing code as
you follo
w along,
you can do
wnload the completed CSS file along with the rest of this book’
s downloadable
code samples, available from the Source Code/Download page on the Apress web site (www.apress.com/).
BODY { font-family: Cambria, Georgia, "Times New Roman"; margin: 0; }
DIV#header DIV.title, DIV.item H3, DIV.item H4, DIV.pager A {
font: bold 1em "Arial Narrow", "Franklin Gothic Medium", Arial;
DIV#header { background-color: #444; border-bottom: 2px solid #111; color: White; }
DIV#header DIV.title { font-size: 2em; padding: .6em; }
16. Some very old web browsers might not like this much. However, that’s a web design topic (and this
book is about ASP.NET MVC, which is equally able to render any HTML markup), so it won’t be cov-
ered dur
ing these chapters

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DIV#content { border-left: 2px solid gray; margin-left: 9em; padding: 1em; }
DIV#categories { float: left; width: 8em; padding: .3em; }
DIV.item { border-top: 1px dotted gray; padding-top: .7em; margin-bottom: .7em; }
DIV.item:first-child { border-top:none; padding-top: 0; }
DIV.item H3 { font-size: 1.3em; margin: 0 0 .25em 0; }
DIV.item H4 { font-size: 1.1em; margin:.4em 0 0 0; }
DIV.pager { text-align:right; border-top: 2px solid silver;
padding: .5em 0 0 0; margin-top: 1em; }
DIV.pager A { font-size: 1.1em; color: #666; text-decoration: none;
padding: 0 .4em 0 .4em; }
DIV.pager A:hover { background-color: Silver; }
DIV.pager A.selected { background-color: #353535; color: White; }
Finally, reference the new style sheet by updating the <head> tag in your master page,
<head runat="server">
<title><asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="TitleContent" runat="server" /></title>
<link rel="Stylesheet" href="~/Content/styles.css" />
■Note The tilde symbol (~) tells ASP.NET to resolve the style sheet file path against your application root,
so even if you deploy SportsStore to a virtual directory, the CSS file will still be referenced correctly. This
works because the <head> tag is marked as runat="server" and is therefore a server control. You can’t
use a virtual path like this elsewhere in your view templates—the framework will just output the markup
verbatim and the browser won’t know what to do with the tilde. To resolve virtual paths elsewhere, use
Url.Content (e.g., <%= Url.Content("~/Content/Picture.gif") %>).
Et voila, your site now has at least a hint of graphic design (see Figure 4-18).
Figure 4-18. The updated master page and CSS in action
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Now that you’re combining master pages with CSS rules, you’re ready to bring in your
riendly local web designer or download a ready-made web page template, or if you’re so
inclined, design something fancier yourself.
Creating a Partial View
As a finishing trick for this chapter, let’s refactor the application slightly to simplify the
List.aspx view template (views are meant to be simple, remember?). You’ll now learn how to
create a
partial view, taking the view fragment for rendering a product and putting it into a sep-
arate file. That makes it reusable across view templates, and helps to keep
List.aspx simpler.
In Solution Explorer, right-click the
/Views/Shared folder, and choose Add ➤ View. In the
pop-up that appears, enter the view name
ProductSummary, check “Create a partial view,”
check “Create a strongly typed view,” and from the “View data class” drop-down, select the
model class
DomainModel.Entities.Product. This entire configuration is shown in Figure 4-19.
Figure 4-19. Settings to use when creating the ProductSummary partial view
When you click Add, Visual Studio will create a partial view template at ~/Views/Shared/
. This will be almost exactly like a regular view template, except that it’s
supposed to render just a fragment of HTML rather than a complete HTML page. Because it’s
strongly typed, it has a pr
operty called
Model that you


e configur
ed to be of type
Product. S
add some markup to render that object:
<%@ Control Language="C#"
Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<DomainModel.Entities.Product>" %>
<div class="item">
<h3><%= Model.Name %></h3>
<%= Model.Description %>
<h4><%= Model
17. I’ve hear
d you can get the Internet in color these days.
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Finally, update /Views/Products/List.aspx so that it uses your new partial view, passing a
product parameter that will become the partial view’s Model:
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<% foreach(var product in Model) { %>
% Html.RenderPartial("ProductSummary", product); %>
<% } %>
<div class="pager">
<%= Html.PageLinks((int)ViewData["CurrentPage"],
x => Url.Action("List", new { page = x })) %>

■Note The syntax surrounding Html.RenderPartial() is a little different from that surrounding
most other HTML helpers. Look closely, and you’ll see that it’s surrounded with
<% ; %> rather than
<%= %>. The difference is that Html.RenderPartial() doesn’t return an HTML string, as most other
HTML helpers do. Instead, it emits text
directly to the response stream, so it’s a complete line of C# code
rather than a C# expression to be evaluated. That’s because it might in theory be used to produce giant
amounts of data, and it wouldn’t be efficient to buffer all that data in memory as a string.
That’s a satisfying simplification. Run the project again, and you’ll see your new partial
view in action (in other words, it will appear that nothing’s changed), as shown in Figure 4-20.
Figure 4-20. A series of ProductSummary.ascx partials
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n this chapter, you built most of the core infrastructure needed for the SportsStore applica-
tion. It doesn’t yet have many features you could show off to your boss or client, but behind
the scenes you’ve got the beginnings of a domain model, with a product repository backed by
SQL Server database. There’s a single MVC controller,
that can produce
a paged list of products, and there’s an IoC container that coordinates the dependencies
between all these pieces. Plus, there’s a clean custom URL schema, and you’re now starting to
build the application code on a solid foundation of unit tests.
In the next chapter, you’ll add all the public-facing features: navigation by category, the

shopping cart, and the checkout process. That will make for a much better demo to your boss
or client!
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SportsStore: Navigation and
Shopping Cart
In Chapter 4, you set up the majority of the core infrastructure needed to build SportsStore.
There’s already a basic product list backed by a SQL Server database. However, you’re still sev-
eral steps away from dominating global online commerce. In this chapter, then, you’ll get
deep into the ASP.NET MVC development process, adding catalog navigation, a shopping cart,
and a checkout process. As you do, you’ll learn how to do the following:
• Use the
Html.RenderAction() helper method to create reusable, testable, templated
• Unit test your routing configuration (both inbound and outbound routing)
• Validate form submissions
• Create a custom
model binder that separates out the concern of storing the visitor’s
shopping cart—allowing your action methods to be simpler and more testable
• Leverage your IoC infrastructure to implement a pluggable framework for handling
completed orders
Adding Navigation Controls
SportsStore will be a lot more usable when you let visitors navigate products by category. You
can achieve this in three stages:
1. Enhance ProductsController’s List action so that it can filter by category.
2. Improve your routing configuration so that each category has a “clean” URL.
3. Create a category list to go into the site’s sidebar, highlighting the current product
category and linking to others. This will use the
Html.RenderAction() helper method.

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Filtering the Product List
The first task is to enhance the List action so that it can filter by category.
To support filtering by category, let’s add an extra string parameter to the List() action method, called
• When
category is null, List() should display all products.
• When
category equals any other string, List() should display only products in that category.
Make a test for the first behavior by adding a new
[Test] method to ProductsControllerTests:
public void List_Includes_All_Products_When_Category_Is_Null()
// Set up scenario with two categories
IProductsRepository repository = MockProductsRepository(
new Product { Name = "Artemis", Category = "Greek" },
new Product { Name = "Neptune", Category = "Roman" }
ProductsController controller = new ProductsController(repository);
controller.PageSize = 10;
// Request an unfiltered list
var result = controller.List(null, 1);
// Check that the results include both items
Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Didn't render view");
var products = (IList<Product>)result.ViewData.Model;
Assert.AreEqual(2, products.Count, "Got wrong number of items");

Assert.AreEqual("Artemis", products[0].Name);
Assert.AreEqual("Neptune", products[1].Name);
This test will cause a compiler error at the moment (“No overload for method ‘List’ takes ‘2’ argu-
ments”), because the
List() method doesn’t yet take two parameters. If it wasn’t for that, this test would
pass, because the existing behavior for
List() does no filtering.
Things get more interesting when you test for the second behavior (i.e., that a non-
null value for the
category parameter should cause filtering):
public void List_Filters_By_Category_When_Requested()
// Set up scenario with two categories: Cats and Dogs
repository = MockProductsRepository(
new Product { Name = "Snowball", Category = "Cats" },
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new Product { Name = "Rex", Category = "Dogs" },
new Product { Name = "Catface", Category = "Cats" },
ew Product { Name = "Woofer", Category = "Dogs" },
new Product { Name = "Chomper", Category = "Dogs" }
ProductsController controller = new ProductsController(repository);
controller.PageSize = 10;
// Request only the dogs
var result = controller.List("Dogs", 1);

// Check the results
Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Didn't render view");
var products = (IList<Product>)result.ViewData.Model;
Assert.AreEqual(3, products.Count, "Got wrong number of items");
Assert.AreEqual("Rex", products[0].Name);
Assert.AreEqual("Woofer", products[1].Name);
Assert.AreEqual("Chomper", products[2].Name);
Assert.AreEqual("Dogs", result.ViewData["CurrentCategory"]);
As stated, you can’t even compile these tests yet, because List() doesn’t yet take two parameters.
The requirement for a new
category parameter is therefore driven by these tests. This test also drives a
further requirement, that the
List() action populates ViewData["CurrentCategory"] with the name of
the current category. You’ll need that later when generating links to other pages on the same category.
Start the implementation by adding a new parameter, category, to ProductsController’s
List() action method:
public ViewResult List(string category, int page)
// rest of method unchanged
en though ther
e’s no
category par
ameter in the r
outing configuration, it won’t stop the
application from running. ASP.NET MVC will just pass
null for this parameter when no other

value is available.
Before you can compile your solution again, you’ll have to update your
List_Presents_Correct_Page_Of_Products() unit test to pass some value for the new parameter:
// Act: Request the second page (page size = 3)
var result = controller.List(null, 2);
is a good enough value, because it has nothing to do with this test.
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