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I. Read the passage and answer the question
A team of Russian scientists has challenged the theory that the woolly mammoths
became extinct 10,000 years ago at the end of the Ice Age. The scientists have reported
that the beasts may have survived until 2000 B.C. on an island off the coast of Siberia,
where researchers 5 uncovered 29 fossilized woolly mammoth teeth ranging in age from
4,000 to 7,000 years. The question to be asked now is, how did these prehistoric
pachyderms survive in their island environment? One possibility is that they adapted to
their confined surroundings by decreasing their bulk. This theory is based on their smaller
tooth size, which 10 has led scientists to believe that they were only 6 feet tall at the
shoulder compared with 10 feet of their full-sized counterpart. But would this be enough
to enable them to survive thousands of years beyond that of other mammoths?
Researchers are still working to uncover the reasons for this isolated group’s belated
1. With which topic is this passage mainly concerned?
(A) Some scientists have challenged a theory.
(B) Some small teeth have been discovered.
(C) Some mammoths lived longer than others.
(D) Some pachyderms survived on an island.
2. According to the passage, some researchers suggest that mammoths became extinct
(A) about 2,000 years ago (B) about 4,000 years ago
(C) about 7,000 years ago (D) about 10,000 years ago
3. The word “woolly” as used in line 1 refers to the animal’s
(A) body size (B) feet size (C) hair (D) teeth
4. The word “adapted” in line 8 could best be replaced with
(A) lept (B) penetrated (C) revealed (D) accommodated
5. The author uses the word “counterpart” in line 11 to refer to
(A) mammoths with more feet (B) mammoths in an earlier time
(C) mammoths with smaller teeth (D) larger mammoths on the island
6. According to the scientists, the woolly mammoths may have managed to survive
because they

(A) shed their hair (B) grew smaller teeth
(C) became herbivores (D) decreased in size
7. According to the passage, the reason for the disappearance of the mammoths on the
island is
(A) that the temperature changed (B) is not yet known
(C) that they were isolated (D) that larger mammoths killed them
8. Which of the following terms from the passage is NOT used to refer to the
(A) beasts (B) pachyderms (C) bulk (D) group

II. Choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks
are related
be divided
except for
for example
in many ways
1. There are two … … of bank account: current and deposit
2. Most Chinese words have one syllable, … most Japanese words have two or more
3. British and American people are like each other …
4. Some birds … robins – eat insects
5. … bats can fly, they are not birds
6. Cows … to a group of mammals called herbivores … grass - eaten

7. Dogs can … into two kinds; those that … to wolves and those that are more like
8. All European languages belong to the same family … finish, Hungarian, Basque and
one or two …

III. Fill in the blank with one preposition
When he was 22 Chaplin left England (1) America. He soon became admired
(2) an actor, comedian and a director. In his early work as a director he worked very
fast producing 62 films (3) four years. However, it is the figure of the tramp that we
always connect (4) his name. The tramp is both lovable and amusing: his feet always
get (5) the way, his cane punishes his enemy (6) a distance. In some of his films
Chaplin comments (7) the fate of the world and in others he tells (8) his own

IV. Find the mistakes in the sentence
1. The Prime Minister suddenly died with a heart attack
2. I’ve had so few free time recently – I think I’ve forgotten how to relax
3. I’m sure that’s the man whose car I bumped into last week. He didn’t stop giving me
his address, that I found very strange. After all the accident was my fault
4. The film was very wonderful. I was so exciting. I hadn’t an idea how it was going to
5. I asked the receptionist for help, but he couldn’t give me many informations
6. No one died in the plane crash, but many people were wound
7. When Robert was in hospital he had to stay in the bed all day

V. Choose one of two words
1. The answer to the crossword is on the (backside/ back)
2. Was it Bell who (invented/ discovered) the telephone?
3. If people must smoke in bed, then they should at least take the precaution of buying
(non-flammable/ inflammable) sheets and blankets

4. Did you know that Peter had arranged the party (specially/ especially) for you?
5. The dress doesn’t fit. I’ll have to have it (changed/ altered)
6. Many people nowadays are changing from large cars to small ones because they are
far more (economic/ economical)
7. Who else was at the party (beside/ besides) the people from the office?
8. I’m afraid the boot is full. There is no (room/ space) for any more suitcases

VI. Rewrite the sentences
1. “John, please don’t tell anyone my new address”, said Mary
2. Bill will finish the test in one hour
3. Three men are said to have been arrested after the explosion
4. He can speak English well enough to go to the conference
5. It wasn’t my intention to upset you
6. My father speaks very little English
7. In spite of the terrible weather they decided to go for a ramble as planned
8. We ought to be on our way now; it’s getting late

VII. Fill in the blank with one word
John liked to (1) his hair very long. Some of his friends thought that it looked like a
girl’s hair, but they never made (2) about it, because John was a big strong young man,
and he did not think jokes about his hair were (3).
John usually went to the barber's twice a month to (4) his hair cut and washed, and

one day the barber said to him, “Now why don't you (5) me cut most of this hair (6) and
make your head tidy? Nobody would recognize you if I did that, I am sure.”
John said (7) for a few seconds, and then he said, “Perhaps you are right. But I am
sure nobody would recognize you (8) if you did that to my hair.”

I. 1C 2B 3C 4D 5B 6D 7B 8C
II. 1. main, kinds 2. while 3. in many ways 4. for example 5. although 6. belong, or 7. be
divided, are related 8. except for, other
III. 1. for 2. as 3. in 4. with 5. on 6. in 7. on 8. about
IV. 1. with -> of 2. few -> little 3. giving -> to give, that -> which 4. exciting -> excited,
hadn’t an -> has no 5. many informations -> any information 6. would -> injured 7. in the
bed -> in bed
V. 1. back 2. invented 3. non – flammable 4. specially 5. altered 6. economical 7. besides
8. room
VI. 1. Mary asked John not to tell anyone her new address
2. It will take one hour to finish the test
3. People say that three men were arrested after the explosion
4. His English is fluent enough to go to the conference
5. I didn’t mean to upset you
6. My father speak hardly any English
7. Although the weather was terrible, they decided to go for a ramble as planned
8. It’s time we were on our way, it’s getting late
VII. 1. wear 2. jokes 3. funny 4. have 5. let 6. off 7. nothing 8. either

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