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I- Make the correct choice:
1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
a. ago b. machine c. station d. material
2. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
a. occur b. oblige c. occasion d. oxygen
3. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
a. capital b. indicate c. nice d. complicated
4. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
a. dangerous b. assignment c. completion d. collaborate
5. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
a. conventional b. pronounce c. mountain d. acceptable
6. The _____ of the moon for the earth causes the tides.
a. attractiveness b. attraction c. action d. movement
7. He is not very _____ of criticism.
a. tolerable b. tolerance c. tolerant d. tolerably
8. He has suffered many _____ in his new job.
a. disappointing b. disappointments c. disappointedly d. disappoints
9. They are not _____ good at their future job.
a. expectedly b. expectant c. expected d. expecting
10. They got the _____ of being successful in life.
a. satisfactory b. satisfactorily c. satisfying d. satisfaction
11. We can only get there by plane. There’s no _____.
a. choose b. chose c. choice d. chosen
12. He seldom goes to market, _____?
a. doesn’t he b. does he c. is he d. isn’t he
13. The fewer bags you take, _____ trouble you will have en route.
a. the fewer b. the little c. the less d. the least
14. Electric engines are very clean, for there’s no burning fuel to make _____.

a. smoke or dirty b. smoky or dirt c. smoke or dirt d. smoky or dirty
15. Most people prefer flying _____ going by sea because it’s so much faster.
a. from b. to c. than d. with
16. We might have a picnic. It depends _____ the weather.
a. in b. on c. up d. about
17. Thank you very much. It was kind _____ you to help me.
a. of b. to c. with d. off
18. That hotel is famous _____ its pleasant atmosphere and fine food.
a. with b. in c. for d. about
19. They wonder if they will be sacked _____ the spot.
a. in b. with c. at d. on
20. She has _____ with me for an hour about the future job.
a. reasoned b. reasonable c. reasonably d. unreasonable
21. There’s nothing like _____ as a means of keeping fit.
a. to walk b. walking c. walked d. walk
22. Your doctor advised ______ to bed early, so I can’t understand your wanting to stay up late.
a. going b. you go c. you going d. to go
23. We considered _____ her a dress for her birthday, but couldn’t help ______ her some flowers.
a. to give / to buy b. to give / buying c. giving / to buy d. giving / buying

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24. There’s nothing to be done about it now except ______ the police the truth.
a. speak b. tell c. say d. talk
25. I remember hearing him say the grass needed ______.
a. cutting b. to cut c. cut d. being cut
II. Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect:
26. Would you like keeping quiet for a moment ? I’m trying to fill in a form.
27. They don’t allow smoking in the auditorium; they don’t want to risk setting it with fire.

28. Would you mind me to turn down the radio a bit ?
29. We couldn’t help laughing when he was making fun of ourselves.
30. One of books I lent you is very interesting.
III- Read the passage and put a cross on the letter next to the word that best fits each space.
fter inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However,
he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Noble preferred not to be
(31)______ as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a
(32) ______ to be used for (33) ______ prizes to people who had made (34) ______ contributions
to mankind. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine, and
peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awards (35) ______.
obel’s original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum
is used for the awards which (36) _____ from 30,000 to 125,000 dollars.
Every year on December 10, the (37) ______ of Nobel’s death, the awards (gold medal,
illuminated diploma, and money) are (38a) ______ to the winners. Sometimes politics plays an
important role in the judges’ (39) _____. Americans have won numerous science awards, but
relatively few literature prizes.
No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some
people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have (40) _____ their prizes.
31. a. remembered b. reminded c. enlisted d. enjoyed
32. a. fund b. store c. treasure d. property
33. a. rewarding b. extending c. professing d. awarding
34. a. trustworthy b. estimated c. esteemed d. worthwhile
35. a. opening b. recession c. adoption d. ceremony
36. a. divide b. separate c. vary d. prolong
37. a. anniversary b. remembrance c. memorization d. memory
38. a. demonstrated b. represented c. presented d. extended
39. a. decisions b. theories c. theology d. practice
40. a. removed b. shared c. deposited d. joined
IV. Read the passage and make the correct choice:
harmacy is a profession, a business, and a science. It is one of the world’s oldest

professions and is the companion of medical, dental, and public health sciences. A
pharmacist compounds, preserves, and dispenses drugs. He understands their chemical properties
and how they are manufactured and used. He is also able to test them for purity and strength.
s a pharmacist you assume responsibility for human life. Carelessness in filling a
prescription could cost a life. Therefore, accuracy, cleanliness, and orderliness are
required. You should be good at details, and willing to check and double-check your work.
Because you work with people constantly, you must have good judgement and tact.
41. Pharmacy is not related to _____.
a. medicine b. dentistry c. public health d. manufacture




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42. A pharmacist knows how to do the following things except ____.
a. fill a prescription b. write a prescription c. preserve drugs d. compound drugs

43. Which of the following is not required of a pharmacist?
a. carelessness b. accuracy c. orderliness d. cleanliness
44. A pharmacist must _____.
a. take no responsibility for human life b. be responsible for human life
c. be careless in filling a prescription d. be unwilling to check his work
45. The word “ dispense” in line 3 is nearest in meaning to _____.
a. produce b. distribute c. contribute d. reduce
46. The word “them” in line 4 is used to stand for ____.

a. properties b. professions c. details d. drugs
V. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one :
47. Despite having a lot of money, he wasn’t happy.
a. Even though a lot of money, he wasn’t happy.
b. Even though having a lot of money, he wasn’t happy.
c. Even though he was having a lot of money, he wasn’t happy.
d. Even though he had a lot of money, he wasn’t happy.
48. Our life is becoming more comfortable because the national economy is developing steadily.
a. Because of the steadily developing of the national economy, our life is becoming more comfortable.
b. Because of the steady development of the national economy, our life is becoming more comfortable
c. Because of the national economy of the steady development, our life is becoming more comfortable
d. Because of the developing steadily of the national economy, our life is becoming more comfortable
49. Mr. Brown is going to the circus tonight. So are his children.
a. Mr. Brown with his children is going to the circus tonight.
b. Mr. Brown with his children are going to the circus tonight.
c. Neither Mr. Brown nor his children are going to the circus tonight.
d. Either Mr. Brown or his children are going to the circus tonight.
50. They know little about what to expect when they start work.
a. They have little knowledge about what to expect when they start work.
b. They have little knowledgeable of what to expect when they start work.
c. They have little known of what to expect when they start work.
d. They have little knowledge of what to expect when they start work.

