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I- Make the correct choice :
1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
a. future b. closure c. furniture d. pure
2. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
a. snow b. low c. slow d. now
3. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
a. Indian b. precise c. miss d. inside
4. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
a. doubtful b. solidify c. fathom d. stimulate
5. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
a. silent b. awareness c. alternate d. majestic
6. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
a. gathering b. tolerate c. assemble d. safeguard
7. Conservation also includes searching ____ alternative fuels, such ____ the energy of the Sun.
a. with /as b. about / of c. for /of d. for /as
8. Why don’t we stay at home ____ a change?
a. in b. for c. with d. as
9. This service is free ____ charge.
a. off b. in c. of d. for
10. The purpose of the examination is to ____ the students’ knowledge of the subject.
a. try b. inspect c. prove d. test
11. Ask the watchman ____.
a. whose is this car b. this is whose car c. whose car that is d. whose car is that
12. I must get my office ____ before the boss sees it.
a. tidied up b. tidy up c. to tidy up d. tidying up
13. “You look tired. Have a rest ____ I’ll get the dinner. ”
a. so b. but c. therefore d. and
14. “Who is the new professor?” “He’s the man ____. ”

a. which is talking to Mr Smith now b. that talk to Mr Smith now
c. talk to Mr Smith now d. talking Mr Smith now
15. I feel sick. I wish I ____ so much cake.
a. ate not b. ate no c. hadn’t eaten d. would have eaten
16. Henry and Tom were badly injured in the last match, so ____ can play today.
a. both of them b. either one of them c. neither of them d. not any of them
17. “I understand that you didn’t do the work. ”- “Oh ____!”
a. no, I did b. yes, I did c. no, I didn’t do d. yes, I didn’t
18. He was willing to explain the reason ____ his absence.
a. for b. why c. of d. with
19. ____ unprepared for the exam, I felt sure I would get a low score.
a. Having b. Being c. Because of d. Despite
20. My brother can’t play tomorrow and ____.
a. either can I b. neither can I c. I can’t too d. I can’t, neither
21. I didn’t like the noise in the city at first. But now _______ here.
a. I got used to living b. I’m used to living
c. I used to live d. I used to living
22. _____ the storm, I would have been home before eight.
a. Instead of b. But for c. During d. Because of

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23. Butter is one of the ____ of milk.
a. products b. production c. producers d. productivity
24. The street is very noisy, _____ makes sleeping difficult.
a. that b. what c. which d. it
25. I _____ able to play tennis since I _____ my arm.
a. wasn’t/ broke b. haven’t been/ had broken
c. wasn’t/ had broken d. haven’t been/ broke

26. Conservation is also concerned ____ the reclaiming ____ land by irrigating deserts and
draining swamps.
a. with /of b. with /by c. in /of d. in /by
27. What sort of research is being _______ in the laboratory ?
a. made b. done c. created d. searched
28. Matches ______ out of reach of children.
a. should place b. should have placed c. should be placed d. should be placing
29. ______ universe started to be discovered by scientists thousands of years ago.
a. The b. A c. An d. Any
II. Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect:
30. Tom was stopped on the highway and make to show his I. D card.
31. He is thinking to be a dangerous criminal.
32. That old building is going to pull down by the workers.
33. A mosquito is filled with blood is carrying twice its own body weight.
34. Oxygen plays an important role in maintaining live.
III- Read the following passage and choose the best answer :
ild animals should not be kept in (35) ____ for many reasons. First, animals are often
kept in poor and inhumane (36) ____such as small iron cages. In addition, many
suffer poor health (37) ____ lack of exercise and indicate frustration and stress through their
neurotic behavior. Also, some animals will not breed in captivity Those animals (38)___ mate
often do so with a close relative such as a sister or brother. In conclusion, money (39)____on the
upkeep of zoos would be better spent in (40) ____ natural habitats.
35 a. capture b. captive c. captivity d. captor
36. a. changes b. positions c. cases d. conditions
37. a. from b. for c. with d. in
38. a. who b. whom c. that d. they
39. a. spent b. use c. waste d. pay
40. a. protect b. protecting c. protected d. protects

IV. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one :

41. My father said I could use his car.
a. My father allowed to use his car. b. My father allowed me use his car.
c. My father allowed me to use his car. d. My father allowed me using his car.
42. Scientists began to carry out researches on AIDS in 1980.
a. Researches on AIDS began to be carried out by scientists in 1980.
b. Researches on AIDS were begun to carry out by scientists in 1980.
c. Researches on AIDS were begun to be carried out by scientists in 1980.
d. Researches on AIDS began to be being carried out by scientists in 1980.
43. That girl is very beautiful.

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a. How a beautiful girl ! b. How beautiful that girl is!
c. What is a beautiful girl ! d. What beautiful girl !
44. The last time I wrote to him was in 1996.
a. I haven’t written to him in 1996.
b. I haven’t written to him was in 1996.
c. I haven’t written to him since 1996.
d. I haven’t written to him was since 1996.
45. It took him only ten minutes to get there.
a. He spent on ten minute to get there.
b. He got there in ten minute.
c. He spent on ten minute getting there.
c. He needed ten minute getting there.
46. I didn’t meet him yesterday so I couldn’t tell him about that.
a. If I had met him yesterday, I could have told him about that.
b. If I hadn’t met him yesterday, I couldn’t have told him about that.
c. I could tell him about that because I met him yesterday.
d. I met him yesterday so that I could tell him about that.

47. Could you turn the radio down, please?
a. Would you mind to turn down the radio?
b. Would you like turning down the radio?
c. Would you mind turning down the radio?
d. Would you turning down the radio?
48. The man was very tired, so he didn’t answer my question.
a. The man was so tired that he could answer my question.
b. The man was too tired for him to answer my question.
c. The man was tired enough to answer my question.
d. The man was too tired to answer my question.
49. Nobody could move the piano. It was too heavy.
a. It was such a heavy piano that everybody could move it.
b. It was such a heavy piano that nobody couldn’t move it.
c. The piano was so heavy that nobody could move.
d. The piano was too heavy to be moved.
50. You’d better apologize to Sally.
a. I advise you should apologize to Sally.
b. I advise you apologize to Sally.
c. I advise you to apologize to Sally.
d. I advise you had better to apologize to Sally.

