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I. Choose the best answer
1) Many rare _______ animals are in danger of extinction.
A. species B. classes C. beings D. pairs
2) People are destroying the environment by adding ____ to it.
A. pollutes B. pollutions C. pollutives D. pollutants
3) Many efforts have been made to protect ____ nature.
A. danger B. dangerous C. endanger D. endangered
4) Many species of animals are threatened and could easily become ____.
A. disappeared B. vanished C. empty D. extinct
5) Many animals are ____ for their fur and other valuable parts of their bodies.
A. hunted B. chased C. run after D. followed
6) They started a campaign to ____ smoking among teenagers.
A. encourage B. decrease C. discourage D. prohibit
7) Dinosaurs became ____ millions of years go.
A. disappear B. extinct C. lost D. endangered
8) The chemical ____ from cars and factories make the air, water and soil dangerously dirty.
A. pollution B. polluted C. pollutants D. pollute
9) Human beings are ____ for the changes in the environment.
A. account B. faulty C. blame D. responsible
10) By cutting down trees, we ____ the natural habitat of birds and animals.
A. hurt B. would C. damage D. injure
11) ____ aren’t effective anymore because insects have become resistant to them.
A. Fertilizer B. Pesticides C. Herbicides D. Composts
12) They started a campaign to ____ smoking among teenagers.
A. encourage B. decrease C. discourage D. prohibit
II. Complete each sentence, using relative pronouns:
1. Mrs. Brown,……………….is 45, as four children.
2. This is the boy ……………studied with me in high school.

3. Mary said something …………….I couldn’t hear clearly.
4. Sydney,……………….I live, is a very beautiful place.
5. I don’t know the name of the woman ……………….I met yesterday at the station.
6. Mary,……………sits next year to me, is good at math.
7. That’s the man ………… Nelly gave the money to.
8. Is this the ring………… you were looking for?
9. An orphan is a child ………….parents are dead.
10. Colin told me about his new job,………….he’s enjoying very much.
11. This morning I met somebody……………I hadn’t seen for ages.
12. My office,………….is on the second floor of the building ,is very small.
13. The people………….we met at the party were very friendly.
14. Amy,………….car had broken down, was in a very bad mood.
15. The man………… repaired my car is a real expert.
16. The detective lost sight of the man ……………he was following.
17. The car ………… won the race looked very futuristic.
18. Is this article,………………you were interested in.
19. That’s Jack, ……………lives next door.
20. I thought I recognized the assistant…………… served us.
III. Join the sentence, using relative pronouns:
1. I met Tom’s mother. She works at the university.
I met…………………………………………………………………………………….
2. The movie is very interesting. We are talking about it.
The movie………………………………………………………………………………
3. I saw several houses. They were quite unsuitable.
I saw ………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Her many friends gave her encouragement. I like to be considered among them.
Her many friends………………………………………………………………………
5. We are moving to Manchester. Manchester is in the north-west.
IV. Combine the following sentences using relative pronouns.

1. The story was very boring. We listened to it last night.
2. The films is so thrilling. Everyone is talking about them.
3. The man taught us English. We’re telling you about him.
4. The pretty girl is Sally. I introduced you to her.
5. The bookstore is closed. I bought the books from it.
6. The fare-well is next Sunday evening. We are all invited to it.
7. Mr. Long apologized for the mistake. The headmaster complained to him.
8. Our English teacher is Mr. Jimmy. We had great respect for him.
9. A new film is showing next week. I’ve heard good reports about it.
10. Our class had some students. We are talking about them.
V. Choose the best answer.
1. My bother Chan is someone………………… about sports.
A. to whom I always enjoy talking B. I always enjoy talking to him
C. with who I always enjoy talking D. whom I always enjoy talking to him.
2. This is the book. He’s almost proud of it.
A. This is the book which he’s almost proud of. B. This is the book which he’s almost proud.
C. This is the book of which he’s almost proud. D. A & C are correct.
3. She gave us lots of suggestions……….we must think.
A. about that B. about which C. that D. which
4. The historical facts………….this document bases are very worth considering.

A. about which B. for which C. at which D. on which
5. He is the actor about …………. I often tell you.
A. that B. who C. whom D. him
6. The song …………. I listened last weekend was boring.
A. to that B. to which C. for what D. for which
7. That’s the girl to …………. my brother got engaged.
A. which B. who C. whom D. her
8. I don’t know the reason …………. she hasn’t talked to me recently.
A. on which B. for which C. of which D. about which
9. The little girl …………. I borrowed this pen has gone.
A. whose B. from who C. from that D. from whom
10. The speech …………. we listened last night was information.
A. to which B. which to C. to that D. that
11. The boy to …………. I lent my money is poor.
A. that B. who C. whom D. B and C are correct
12. The knife …………. we cut bread is very sharp.
A. with that B. which C. with which D. that
13. It is right that politicians should make important decisions without consulting the public to who
they are accountable?
14. The song to that we listened last night was beautiful.
