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ĐỀ THI TỔNG HỢP TRẮC NGHIỆM Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 024 potx

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Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 024

I. Make the correct choice:
1.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
a.calls b.airplanes c.accidents d.newspapers
2.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
a. buys b. advise c. forks d. precise
3.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
a. knees b. please c. trees d. bats
4. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
a. customer b. difficult c. require d. musical
5. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
a. grateful b. enthusiasm c. promotion d. intensity
6. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
a. method b. invention c. intense d. effective
7. The little boy felt very ______ because his parents did not let him go with them.
a. disappointing b. disappointed c. disappointedly d. disappoints
8. The surgeons tried their best to save his life, but unfortunately the operation was _____.
a. succeeding b. successful c. successfully d. unsuccessful
9. During his _______ the family lived in Cornwall.
a. childhood b. child c. childlike d. childless
10. The ______ of world population is being studied.
a. length b. width c. growth d. depth
11. If you want the two sides to be even, you must _____ from the centre.
a. take b. measure c. preserve d. assure
12. How many ______ were there in all ?
a. competition b. competitive c. competitors d. competes
13. A fertilizer is any substance that _______ the soil and helps plants grow.
a. enables b. enriches c. encourages d. encloses
14. Scientists know ______ mineral soil needs.

a. what b. that c. how d. why
15. He was _______ for the job by a committee.
a. selection b. selective c. selectively d. selected
16. We won’t buy the car until the ______ arises.
a. necessity b. necessary c. unnecessary d. necessarily
17. ______ is my favourite subject.
a. Historian b.History c.Historic d.Historical
18. Industrial waste is one of the ______ of air pollution.
a. reasons b.sourses c.causes d.results
19. That old palace ______ as a library.
a. first used b. was first used c. was first using d. first using
20. I have a long trip ahead of me tomorrow, so I think I’d better ______ to bed.
a. went b. to go c. gone d. go
21. Doing mathematic puzzles ______ very interesting to me.
a. are b. is c. were d. have been
22. Neither Tom nor I ______ mathematics. We prefer English.
a. likes b. like c. am liking d. are liking
23. ______ do you look unhappy ? – I got bad marks in mathematics.
a. Why b. What c. How d. Which
24. Although some students do not like mathematics, they must learn ______.
a. them b. it c. its d. it’s
25. Their study is getting on _____.
a. satisfaction b. satisfactory c. satisfactorily d. unsatisfactory
26. _____ for the job you should have a knowledge of English and French.
a. Prepare b. Prepared c. Preparing d. To prepare
27. You can get _____ treatment in this hospital.
a. occupying b. occupied c. occupational d. to occupy
28. He did some odd jobs at home _____.
a. disappointed b. disappointedly c. disappointing d. disappointment
29. He is occupied _____ his new job.

a.in b.at c.about d.with
30. I took a taxi to the hotel but the traffic was very bad. It _____ quicker if I _____.
a. would be / walked b. would be / had walked c. would have been / had walked d.was / walked
II.Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect:
31. He has made a great contribution for the development of the country.
a b c d
32. He is thinking of leaving his job and goes to America.
a b c d
33. When you come to see me tomorrow, please phoning me in advance.
a b c d
34. The air is constant polluted by smoke and by chemicals such as carbon monoxide.
a b c d
35. It kills all kinds of sea animals, including birds which feathers become covered with oil , as well as fish and
a b c d
forms of marine life.
III. Read the passage and make the correct choice:
Most of the people who like films are only (36) _____ in the leading actor or actress when they enjoy a
film. It seems to them that it is only the actors or actresses that have made the film successful and interesting.
They always pay attention (37) _____ the actors’ or actresses’ appearance, performance, and fashion. There are
many film viewers (38) _____ have no awareness of the other people’s work to make a film. A finished film,
actually, is the result of the collaboration of many persons, and the most important among them are the
scriptwriter, the cinematographer, the film editor, the actor, and the director. Especially, in some thrilling
scenes, the (39) _____ of the stuntmen are very important. They are always in (40) _____ when they are acting,
some of them are even badly hurt or dead. But what a pity, many film viewers rarely appreciate their work.
36.a. rich b. interested c. keen d. fond
37.a. with b. for c. to d. about
38.a. who b. whom c. which d. they
39.a. work b. rolls c. part d. roles
40.a. fact b. advance c. danger d. particular

III. Read the passage and make the correct choice:
Language is not necessarily the private property of those who use it, just as French is not the private
property of French people, nor English of English people. English is spoken as a first language in the United
States, in Australia, in New Zealand, in most of Canada, in certain nations of Africa, and in other areas of the
world. It is unreasonable to regard any language as the possession of a particular nation, and with no language is
it more unreasonable than with English. This is not to say that English is used by a greater number of speakers
than any other languages, for it is easily outnumbered in this respect by Chinese. But it is the most international
of languages. A Dane and a Dutch person meeting in Rome will almost automatically find themselves speaking
to each other in English. The pilot of a Russian plane approaching Cairo will use English to ask for landing
instructions. Malaysian lecturers us English when addressing their Malaysian students in Kuala Lumpur. To
people in Africa, Asia, and South America, English is an important foreign language to master, not merely
because it is the language of Britain or the United States, but because it provides ready access to world
scholarship and world trade. It is understood more widely than any other languages.
41.Where isn’t English spoken as a first language?
a. the United States b. Australia and New Zealand c. Britain d. France
42. Which language is used by by a greater number of speakers than any other languages?
a. English b. Chinese c. French d. American
43. Which is the most international of languages?
a. English b. Chinese c. French d. Japanese
44. Which of the following IS NOT TRUE?
a. English is the private property of those who use it.
b. English is understood more widely than any other languages
c. English provides ready access to world scholarship and world trade
d. English is an important foreign language to master
V. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one :
45. She has studied French for five years.
a. She began to study French five years ago. b. She began to study French was five years ago.
c. She began studied French five years ago. d. She began to study French in five years ago.
46 He collects old coins. He likes it.
a. He is fond of liking old coins. b. He is fond of he collects old coins.

c. He is fond of collecting old coins. d. He is like fond of collecting old coins.
47. She said, “ Have you got a new car, Jack ?”
a. She asked Jack that he had got a new car. b. She asked Jack if she had got a new car.
c. She asked Jack if he has got a new car. d. She asked if he had got a new car.
48. Jane didn’t go to your party because you didn’t invite her.
a. If you hadn’t invited Jane, she wouldn’t have gone to your party.
b. If you hadn’t invited Jane, she would have gone to your party.
c. If you had invited Jane, she wouldn’t have gone to your party.
d. If you had invited Jane, she would have gone to your party.
VI. Choose the best sentence made from the given cues:
49. he /prefer / play golf / swim.
a. He prefers playing golf than swimming. b. He prefers to play golf to swim.
c. He prefers playing golf to swimming. d. He prefers to play golf than swimming.
50. The bag / heavy / she / not carry / it / upstairs.
a. The bag was too heavy for her to carry it upstairs.
b. The bag was so heavy that she couldn’t carry it upstairs.
c. The bag was so heavy that she couldn’t carry upstairs.
d. The bag was too heavy for her not to carry upstairs.
