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Unit 12: A vacation abroad Period 79– Lesson 6: Language focus potx

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Unit 12: A vacation abroad
Period 79– Lesson 6: Language focus

I. Objectives:
-After the lesson Ss will be able to review the past continuous tense and the use of
always in the present continuous tense.
-To drill Ss writing and reading skills.
II.Teaching aids
Textbook + work sheet.
III. Teaching procedure.
1. Class organization:
2. Oral test:
Ask Ss to do exercise 4+5 in the work book ( Page 73)?
3. New lesson:
A. Warm up.
Ask Ss to read the post card that they wrote to friends to tell them the journey that
they are going on.
-Give the remark if necessary.
B. The past progressive tense.
a. Presentation.
- Ask Ss to give the form and the uses of the past progressive tense.
- Make examples with the sentences.
+ The form:
S + was/were + V-ing + O
+ The use:
-Express the action that was happening at the fix time in the past.
Eg: I was watching TV at 7 p.m last night.
- Express the action that was happening and the other action happened.
Eg: I was watching TV when the phone rang.
- Express two actions were happening at the same time in the past.

Eg: I was doing my homework while my mother was watching TV.
-Read the examples aloud.
b. Practice.
- Ask Ss to do the exercise in the text book.( p: 119).
b) Hoa was eating dinner at 8 o’clock.
c) Bao was doing his home work at 8 o’clock.
d) Nga was writing a letter at 8 o’clock.
e) Na was walking with her dog at 8 o’clock.
Ex2: Match the sentences in A with the sentences in B.
a-C , b- F ,c- E , d-B , e- D , f –A.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the exercise 2 in the text book.
c. Production
- Ask Ss to retell the use of the past progressive tense used in this exercise and
give the examples;
C. Always in the present progressive tense.
a) Presentation.
-Ask Ss to give the theory of the word” always’ in this tense.
He is always talking in the class.
b) Practice.
- Ask Ss to complete the exercise 3 in the text book ( p: 120). Work in pairs.
a) Bao is always forgetting his home work.
b) Mrs Nga is always losing her umbrella.
c) Mr and Mrs Thanh are always missing the bus.
d) Nam is always watching TV.
e) Na is always talking on the phone.
f) Liem is always going out.
- Read the sentences aloud.
- Write the sentences on the BB.
- Check if necessary.
c) Production.

- Ask Ss to make the complaint by making the examples.
- Read the sentences aloud.
- Write the sentences on the BB.
1) Ha is always making a phone call.
2) My teacher is always complaining about my studying.
3) My mother is always complaining about my laziness.
4. Consolidation:
-Ask Ss to give the main content of the lesson.
5. Home work:
- Ask Ss to do the exercise 6+7 in the work book ( p: 74)
- Prepare the new lesson (getting started+ listen and read)
