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stranger pptx

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You: hi
Stranger: I wonder if there are any non trolls here
You: asl
Stranger: It'd be nice to talk with someone.
Stranger: The idea behind this site is nice, I think.
Stranger: Talking to people from anywhere.
Stranger: I wonder what we could create.
Stranger: Could we do a skit? Or maybe sing a song in text together?
Stranger: The possibilities are endless, I imagine.
You: asl
Stranger: In any case, I have but one question. Do you like Gears of War? Not many do, as they do
not understand the idea behind the universe.
Stranger: It is a sad one, to be sure.
Stranger: To most, it is but a gun-toting muscle-bound hulk fest chainsawing people with guns and
testosterone flying around all willy nilly.
Stranger: But to some, who truly see it for what it is, Gears of War is a hope where there is none,
unfortunate battle for survival.
Stranger: It's truly hard to express in words, especially across this medium.
You: r y english people?
Stranger: I wonder, myself, whether english people are the only ones who frequent this site.
Stranger: I do not know, my friend.
Stranger: If I may be so bold as to call you one.
Stranger: This reminds me of a day, just like this one, even though it is night outside at this time.
The day was a cold, September morning, blustery as can be.
Stranger: I was drinking my tea on this day, so clear and warm, watching the clouds roll by.
Stranger: Entertaining a guest who knew nothing of which I spoke.
Stranger: It's quite a feat, if I do say so myself, to entertain one who does not speak the same
Stranger: I wonder, once more, if you are running this through Babblefish or Google, thinking,
somehow, that you will find the true meaning of what I say.
Stranger: Unfortunately, it is impossible.

Stranger: Google is but a shallow pool of inadequacy.
You: yes
Stranger: Ah, such an answer, good sir. Such an answer.
Stranger: Such an answer has been the beginning of many an adventure.
Stranger: Through the stars, from a tavern, to the largest mountain you can imagine.
Stranger: The amount of trolling going on here is by far exceeding the amount of which you are
entertained, no doubt.
Stranger: However, I shall continue on, heedless of this.
Stranger: As I have nothing better to do in my spare time.
Stranger: Facebook, perhaps, or Youtube.
Stranger: But, nay. Nay, I say! This place, this wonderous -Omegle- is a valley of interest to me.
Stranger: I have braved this place before, only to find myself belittled and alone.
Stranger: Great were the conversations, regardless of the trolls.
Stranger: Impressive, it was, I know. Only you, my friend, can truly understand the rigors I have
gone thrStranger: To be sure, the very fact that you remain to read these texts is proof of my
entertaining ability.
Stranger: Or perhaps you just love to see a Stranger, someone you will never know outside of this
conversation, talk to himself in abject dismay as he whiles away time.
You: wat your name
Stranger: My name, my friend, is but a shell. I am Joseph.
Stranger: And you?
You: linh i come from vietnam
You: how old r y
Stranger: I am seventeen, my fair Linh. You, lad, will be a great companion through these dark
days, I can tell.
You: I am 14
You: Y r the same age my sister
Stranger: I see. Your sister must be a great maid. I am sorry for my ancestor's treatment of your
country. However, the fact remains, our tale shall be told throughout the ages.

Stranger: Linh and Joseph, the traveling duo, fighting crime and saving the world, one galaxy at at
You: do y have nickyahoo?
You: fb?
Stranger: Unfortunately, I do not use yahoo, my young friend. I am a patron of the hotmail
Stranger: I, do, however, have a Facebook, though I doubt you shall find me, even with such a
name as I have given you.
Stranger: For, you see, the internet is filled with dark creatures, liars, and cheats. We know not
what we do, but I am not one of them, you may be at ease.

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