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Đơn vị dự thi: THPT Chuyên Bắc Ninh
Nội dung Điểm
I. Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from
the other three in each question.
1. A. latter B. label C. ladder D. latitude
2. A. pour B. roar C. flour D. soar
3. A. chase B. purchase C. bookcase D. suitcase
4. A. thread B. feather C. bread D. bead
5. A. prepare B. preface C. preparation D. prejudice
II. Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other
three words in each question.
1. A. organism B. cathedral C. probable D. missile
2. A. activity B. biology C. geography D. scientific
3. A. colonel B. conference C. Canadian D. document
4. A. participate B. dominant C. capital D. mutual
5. A. photography B. photographic C. photographer D. advertisement
1. Read the sentences carefully and choose the best answers to make
complete ones. (10 pts)
1. Those interested in the post of Assistant Manager are requested to apply
A. as a person B. in person C. as persons D. by person

2. I don’t care _______ you go or not.
A. where B. when C. why D. whether
3. If it wasn’t you who took my pen, it must have been _______.
A. somebody B. somebody else C. another one D. anybody
4. Did the man _______ by the committee accept the job?
A. appointing B. appointed C. was appointed D. to appoint
5. Don’t leave your clothes _______ about on the bedroom floor.
A. lie B. lay C. lying D. laying
6. She raced by in a car, with her hair _______ behind.
A. streamed B. stream C. streams D. streaming
7. I had my younger brother _______ the newspaper to me while I was
A. to send B. sent C. send D. sending
8. Joe, I am inclined _______ Appiah’s complicity in the big fraud.
A. about believing B. to believe C. for believing D. in
9. Now listen to me John. As far as your examination results are concerned,
you needn’t worry so much, _______?
A. isn’t it B. need you C. do you D. aren’t they
10. His arrogance makes him _______ whenever he goes.
A. hate B. hated C. to hate D. hating
11. From 1949 onward ,the artist Georgia O’keeffe made New Mexico
A. her permanent residence was B. where her permanent residence
C. permanent residence for her D. her permanent residence
12. Just as remote-controlled satellites can be employed to explore outer
space, _______ employed to investigate the deep sea.
A. can be robots B. robots can be C. can robots D. can robots that are
13. In _______ people, the areas of the brain that control speech are located

in the left hemisphere.
A. mostly of B. most C. almost the D. the most of
14. Stars shine because of _______ produced by the nuclear reactions taking
place within them.
A. the amount of light and heat is
B. which the amount of light and heat
C. the amount of light and heat that it is
D. the amount of light and heat
15. _______ is not clear to researchers.
A. Why dinosaurs having become extinct.
B. Why dinosaurs became extinct
C. Did dinosaurs become extinct
D. Dinosaurs became extinct
16. Although many people use the word “milk” to refer to cow’s
milk,_______ to milk from any mammal, including human milk and goat’s
A. applying it also B. applies also C. it also applies D. but it also applies
17. The first transatlantic telephone cable system was not established
_______ 1956.
A. while B. until C. on D. when
18. _______ on two people think exactly alike, there will always be
disagreement, but disagreement should not always be avoided: it can be
healthy if handled creatively.
A. There are B. Why C. That D. Because
19. Drinking water _______ excessive amounts of fluorides may leave a
stained or mottled effect on the enamel of teeth.
A. containing B. in which containing
C. contains D. that contain
20. In the 1820’s physical education became _______ of the curriculum of

Harvard and Yale Universities.
A. to be part B. which was part C. was part D part
2. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in
order for the sentence to be correct.
1. Had the committee members considered the alternatives more carefully,
they would have realized that the second was superior than the first:
2. Malnutrition is a major cause of death in those countries where the
cultivation of rice have been impeded by recurrent drought.
3. Because the residents had worked so diligent to renovate the old building,
the manager had a party.
4. John’s wisdom teeth were troubling him, so he went to a dental surgeon to
see about having them pull.
5. Time spends very slowly when you are waiting for a bus to arrive
6. Judy decided to wait until after she had taken her exams before having her
wisdom teeth pull.
7. Hardly the plane had landed when Adam realized that he had left the file
that he needed at his office.
8. When she was asked for her opinion on the course, she said it had been a
waist of time.
9. I try to remember your name but I am afraid I cannot remember it.
10. I’d prefer to do it on myself because other people make me nervous.
3. Fill each of the numbered blanks with one suitable preposition.
1. I don’t know her exact age; I can only guess ________ how old she really
2. Tall people are definitely ________ an advantage at a football match.
3. After the war, several people were tried for crimes ________ humanity.
4. I know ________ experience that I do my best work early in the morning.
5. I am astonished ________ the way my students can spend all night at the
disco and still remember their prepositions next morning.
6. Is it possible to insure yourself ________ nuclear attack?

7. I bought an old car cheaply, cleaned it up and sold it next day ________ a
8. At school today, we had a long discussion _______ the best way to learn a
foreign language.
9. “How can I discourage my boyfriend _______ trying to kiss me all the
time?” “Eat plenty of garlic.”
10. Raise the gun to your shoulder, aim _______ the target, and try not to kill
1. Read the passage and choose the best answer to the questions that
If you were to stop people in the street and ask them to name a ship that
had been sunk, it is likely that nearly all of them would say the Titanic. For
the sinking of the Titanic was, if not the most tragic, certainly the most
famous sea disaster in the history of ocean travel.
The Titanic was built as a luxury liner, intended to be the fastest in the
world, and a great deal of publicity had surrounded it. The last point probably
explains why so many important people from all walks of life were on the
boat when it went down.
The Titanic was on its maiden voyage to America in 1912 when it struck an
iceberg and sank. Of its 2,300 passengers, more than two-thirds were
Because the Titanic was thought to be virtually unsinkable, no one was
prepared for the tragedy. There was total panic as very few of the passengers
had bothered to learn the necessary drill in the event of trouble. There was
severe shortage of life boats and those that were launched still half-empty.
The one point of calm was to be found in the ballroom where the band carried
on playing right to the very end.

What makes the sinking of the Titanic even more tragic is the fact that
warnings of icebergs had been sent, yet the liner was still continuing at full
speed. In addition, one ship was only ten miles away but did not receive the
distress signal.
One good thing did, however, result from the disaster. The whole question
of safety at sea was looked into, resulting in much better safety measures,
including stricter lifeboat regulations and establishment of an iceberg patrol.
1. The sinking of the Titanic was _______.
a. the most tragic sea disaster. b. the most historic sea disaster
c. the most famous sea disaster. d. the most great sea disaster.
2. Why were so many important people on board?
a. The Titanic had received a lot of publicity.
b. The Titanic was a luxury liner.
c. It was the fastest liner in the world.
d. They wanted to go to America.
3. The lifeboats were _______.
a. too short. b. launched too soon.
c. half finished. d. poorly equipped.
4. The chances of disaster were increased because _______.
a. no warning had been sent. b. the dance band was playing too
c. the Titanic was travelling too fast. d. there were no distress calls.
5. The positive result of the disaster was that _______.
a. a full inquiry was made.
b. a programme of iceberg destruction was started.
c. lifeboats were made larger.
d. sea travel was safer.
2. Read the passage and the questions or unfinished sentences. Then
choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) that you think fits best. (10 pts)

Paper is everywhere. We use it for homework, money, checks, books,
letters, wallpaper, and greeting cards. We have paper towels, napkins plates,
cups, and tissues. We print the news every day on newspaper. Our history
and knowledge is written on paper. Without paper, our lives would be
completely different.
From the very beginning of time, people have tried to record their thoughts
and lives. The earliest humans drew pictures on cave walls. Later, people
used large pieces of clay to write on. Almost 5,000 years ago, the Egyptians
wrote on pieces of plants called papyrus. Papyrus was used throughout the
ancient world of the Mediterranean for thousands of years. Eventually it was
replaced by parchment. Parchment was made from animal skins. It was
stronger and lasted longer than any other material.
The Chinese made the first real paper in the year A.D. 105. They mixed
tree bark and small pieces of old cloth with water. They used a screen to
remove the thin, wet piece of paper. Then they let the paper dry in the sun.
The Chinese kept papermaking a secret until after 751, in that year there was
a war between the Chinese and the Muslims. Many Chinese papermakers
were taken away from China to live in Muslim countries. The art of
papermaking soon spread throughout the Muslim world. Finally, by the end
of the twelfth century, papermaking reached Europe. The first paper made in
Europe was in Spain in 1151.
The first important improvement on the Chinese method of papermaking
was in France in 1798. A man named Nicholas Louis Robert invented a
machine for making paper. His machine could make paper much faster than
one person could by hand. However, his machine was not very successful.
About ten years later an Englishman improved on Robert’s machine and
began producing paper.
The most important improvement in papermaking also happened in France.
A scientist observed a wasp making its nest. The wasp chewed up pieces of

wood, mixed it with the chemicals in its mouth, and made a paper nest. The
scientist realized that people could make paper from wood, too. Finally, a
machine was invented for grinding wood into pulp to use for making paper.
Today, the principal ingredient in paper is wood pulp. It is made by machine.
There are also other kinds of paper made from rice, wheat, cotton, corn, and
other plants. Paper from wood pulp is the most common. Canada and the
United States are the world leaders in paper production, due in part to the
quantity, of wood that is available in the forests of these two countries.
Because paper is made of wood, many people are becoming concerned that
too many trees are being chopped down every year in order to produce paper.
Trees are an important part of the environment. As a result, many companies
that produce paper are using old paper instead of new wood pulp to make
paper. This method of using old products again instead of simply throwing
them away is called recycling. Recycling paper helps reduce the number of
trees that are used every year. Many people also try to use less paper in their
daily lives. They use both sides of a sheet of paper instead of just one. They
use cloth handkerchiefs instead of paper tissues. There are also special
containers in many schools and public places where people can put used
paper instead of throwing it into the garbage can. Then this paper is collected
to be recycled.
Whether we use a little or a lot, paper has an important place in our lives.
The books we read and write are made of paper. Our history and scientific
inventions have all been recorded on paper. This, however, is changing.
Other methods of storing information are becoming common. Computers can
store an enormous amount of information in a much smaller space. Computer
faxes, electronic mail, and the Internet are only three examples of technology
that have replaced paper, Who knows, perhaps one day people will not use
paper to write at all!
1. In order to record their thoughts and lives, the earliest humans _______.

A. drew pictures on cave walls. B. wrote on cave walls.
C. invented a system of writing. D found a way to make paper.
2. Papyrus was _______.
A. a kind of paper made from a plant.
B. made by ancient Egyptians.
C. a kind of plant that ancient Egyptians wrote on.
D. a special kind of clay.
3. Parchment was used to write on because _______.
A. it was stronger and lasted longer than papyrus.
B. the plant it was made from died out.
C. it could be made into slabs of clay.
D. there were a lot of animals.
4. The Chinese kept papermaking a secret _______.
A. because they were afraid of the Muslims
B. so that they could keep exporting paper to the Muslim world
C. until the Muslims found out about the special tree bark
D. for more than 6 centuries
5. The Chinese secret of papermaking was discovered _______.
A. by some Muslims who went to live among the Chinese
B. as a result of a war between the Chinese and the Muslims
C. by the Spanish in the 12th century
D. because the Chinese let the paper dry in the Sun
6. The Chinese method of papermaking was first improved by _______.
A. a papermaking machine B. an Englishman
C. Nicholas Louis Robert D. employing people with faster hands
7. Paper was first made from wood pulp _______.
A. in France B. by a wasp C. by a machine D. by a
8. The United States and Canada _______.

A. import most of the paper they need
B. have the largest forests in the world
C. consume most of the paper they produce
D. are the biggest producers of paper
9. Some people think that producing a lot of paper is not good because ____.
A. papermaking factories are polluting the environment
B. a lot of trees have to be chopped down for wood pulp
C. recycling old paper is expensive
D. there is not enough land to plant trees for wood pulp
10. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. Paper and computers play the same role in our lives.
B. New technology that helps recycling paper.
C. Paper is an important part of our life, but technology is changing this fast.
D. Those who know how to use a computer don’t need paper at all.
1. Read the passage and choose the most suitable word to complete each
blank in the passage.
Every (1)_______ wants to work on one of the big national newspapers but
most of us have to start on a small local paper. Local papers (2)_______ in a
town or a particular area. They have small circulations, perhaps only a few
thousand (3)_______. National papers circulate throughout the whole country
and may have circulations of eight million readers.
There are two (4)_______ of national papers, the “quality papers” and the
“popular papers”. In a popular paper you may see a girl in a bathing suit or
even less on the second page and the (5)_______ often has a different angle
to it. It is often more sensational.
A few years ago a driving (6)_______ refused to give a girl a driving test.
He said her skirt was too short. In one of the popular (7)_______ this story

was on the front page. Eight paragraphs were written about it and there was
also a (8)_______ of the girl. In one of the quality papers the story was on a
back (9)_______ and only two paragraphs were (10)_______ about it.
1. a. actor b. journalist c. actress d. editor
2. a. circulate b. talk c. calculate d. estimate
3. a. editors b. journalists c. readers d. speakers
4. a. journalists b. circulations c. markets d. types
5. a. news b. facts c. advertising d. ads
6. a. policeman b. examiner c. examinee d. teacher
7. a. articles b. documents c. leaves d. papers
8. a. shelter b. shade c. picture d. image
9. a. page b. article c. news d. ad
10. a. drawn b. painted c. spoken d. written
2. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word of your own.
Henry bought some presents and came out of the shop. (1) _____ the sun
had clouded (2) _____, he did not feel (3) _____ hurrying. There was (4)
_____ the time he needed to do (5) _____ he wanted. He (6) _____ regretted
that it was not quite warm (7)_____ to sit down (8)_____ one of those little
tables (9)_____ the pavement and take a cup of coffee. (10)_____ would
have reminded him (11) _____ his first trip abroad (12)_____ the delight he
had taken in such every day differences (13)_____ the drinking of coffee
(14)_____ the open air. He wanted to experience all (15)_____ simple
pleasures again. As he walked (16)_____ the quiet London street and turned
(17)_____ the avenue in (18)_____ he lived, he felt (19)_____ glad to be
alive that he almost shouted (20)_____ with joy.
3. Give the correct form of the words given in capitals.
Cleopatra was not beautiful, at least according to her (1)_____ on coins.
But she was loved by very (2) _____ men, like Caesar and Anthony. The (3)
_____ of beauty is similar everywhere. For example, many people think

Sharon Stone is an (4) _____ woman. Males can (5) _____ handsome men
and lovely women. We don't learn this (6) _____, but we're born with it.
We also believe that good-looking people are more (7) _____, competent
and intelligent. It is an extremely (8) _____ form of stereotyping.
However, in one (9) _____ experiment, researchers brought a group of
(10) _____ together for an hour a day. Happily, after four days, factors such
as friendship had become more important than looks.
1. PORTRAYAL ____________ 6. RESPOND _____________
2. POWER _____________ 7. LIKE _____________
3. APPRECIATE ____________ 8. PLEASANT ____________
4. ATTRACT ____________ 9. REMARK ____________
5. IDENTITY ____________ 10. STRANGE ____________
1. Rewrite each sentence using the words given in block letters.
1. I’d like you to wait until they bring out a new model. RATHER
2. We couldn’t find the cat anywhere. NOWHERE
3. What finally ended the dispute was the fact that the union agreed to go to
arbitration. AGREEMENT
4. He won’t let anyone else touch his records. OBJECTS
5. The fact that nobody said anything at the time surprised me. WHAT
6. I admitted it was my fault for burning the house. BLAME
7. It’s becoming extremely expensive to maintain the museum. UPKEEP


8. He failed the exam because he missed classes so often. RESULT
9. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. OBLIGATION
10. We didn’t go out as the weather was so bad. BUT
2. Essay
The responsibility for the environment rests with the individual and not only
with the government. Do you agree?
Write an essay on this topic. Your writing should be between 200 and 250
Nội dung Điểm
I. Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from
the other three in each question.
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A
II. Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other
three words in each question.
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B

1. Read the sentences carefully and choose the best answers to make
complete ones. (10 pts)
1. B 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C
6. D 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. B
11. D 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. B
16. C 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. D
2. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in
order for the sentence to be correct.(5 pts)
1. to the first 2. has 3. diligently 4. them pulled 5. Time
6. pulled 7. had the plane 8. waste of time 9. am trying 10. by
3. Fill each of the numbered blanks with one suitable preposition.
1. at 2. at 3. against 4. from 5. at/ by
6. against 7. at 8. about 9. from 10. at
1. Read the passage and choose the best answer to the questions that
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D
2. Read the passage and the questions or unfinished sentences. Then
choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) that you think fits best.(10 pts)
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B
6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C
1. Read the passage and choose the most suitable word to complete each

blank in the passage.
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. a 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. a 10. b
2. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word of your own.
1. although/ though 11. of
2. over 12. and
3. like 13. as
4. all/ just 14. in
5. what/ everything/ anything 15. those/ these/ the/ such
6. only/ just/ merely/ suddenly/ really 16. along/ up/ down/ through/ in
7. enough 17. into/ down/ up/ along
8. at/ beside/ by 18. which
9. on 19. so
10. This/ That/ It 20. out/ aloud
3. Give the correct form of the words given in capitals.
1. portrait 2. powerful 3. appreciation 4. attractive 5. identify
6. responsively 7. likeable/ likable 8. pleasing 9. remarkable 10. strangers
1. Rewrite each sentence using the words given in block letters.
1. I would rather you waited until they bring out a new model.
2. The cat was nowhere to be found.
3. The union’s agreement to go to arbitration finally ended the dispute.
4. He objects to anyone’s touching his records.
5. What surprised me was (that) nobody said anything at the time.
6. I was to blame for burning the house.
7. The upkeep of the museum is becoming extremely high.
8. (The fact) that he failed the exam was the result of his regular absence
from class.
9. It’s not your obligation to do it if you don’t want to.
10. But for the weather we would have gone out.

2. Essay
