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European Union equality and anti-discrimination law was revolutionised
by the incorporation of Article 13 into the EC Treaty, adding new anti-
discrimination grounds and new possibilities. This comprehensive vol-
ume provides a fresh approach to Article 13 and its directives; it adopts
acontextual framework to equality and anti-discrimination law in the
European Union. Part I deals with the evolution of Article 13, demo-
graphic and social change and the interrelationship between European
equality law and human rights. Part II contains expert essays on each of
the Article 13 anti-discrimination grounds: sex, racial or ethnic origin,
religion or belief,disability, age and sexual orientation, with common
themes weaving throughout. This book will be of interest to everyone con-
cerned with combating discrimination, academics, NGOs, lawyers, human
resource professionals, employers, employees, research students and many
others in the European Union and beyond.
HELEN MEENAN holds the Jean Monnet Chair at Kingston University.
Her research interests include age discrimination, human rights, elder law,
European company law and European social policy.

Understanding the
Article 13 Directives
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo

Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK
First published in print format
ISBN-13 978-0-521-86530-2
ISBN-13 978-0-511-36631-4
© Cambridge University Press 2007
Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521865302
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of
relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place
without the written
ermission of Cambrid
e University Press.
ISBN-10 0-511-36631-0
ISBN-10 0-521-86530-1
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls
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eBook (EBL)

Preface page vii
Acknowledgements x
List of contributors xii
Abbreviations xv
Ta b l e o f Cases xviii
part i
1Introduction 3
helen meenan
2Article13 EC, evolution and current contexts 38
robin allen qc
3Human rights and European equality law 73
christopher m
ccrudden and haris kountouros
4Demographic, social change and equality 117
israel doron
part ii
5EUsex equality law post-Amsterdam 145
ann numhauser-henning
6EUanti-racism policy; the leader of the pack? 178
mark bell
7Religion or belief; aiming at the right target? 202
gwyneth pitt
vi contents
8Disability discrimination law in the European Union 231
gerard quinn
9Age discrimination – Of Cinderella and The
Golden Bough 278

helen meenan
10 The ‘mainstreaming’ of sexual orientation into European
equality law 313
barry fitzpatrick
11 Conclusion 342
helen meenan
Index 358
viii preface
should receiveequalpay for equalwork andtheprinciple of freemovement
of workers within the Community, without discrimination on grounds
of nationality. These founding principles have developed in rich and var-
ied ways. More recent EU anti-discrimination grounds breathe with their
memory and their development through the case law of the European
Court of Justice and secondary legislation.
The concrete emergence of a broader equality culture can be seen,
above all, in the Treaty of Amsterdam’s amendment of the EC Treaty
in 1999, with the inclusion of Article 13. The proclamation of the EU
Charter of Fundamental Rights in 2000,andthe recent cautiousexpansion
of European non-discrimination law into the provision of goods and
services, support the idea of a new equality era. Following the most recent
enlargements, the European equality matrix must now rise to meet two
challenges: (1) cater for the rich diversity brought about by the addition
and integration of new EU Member States; and (2) ensure the workability
of the Article 13 Directives, which represent a major positive change for
the individual even in most, older Member States. Yet these new grounds
are predictable and possibly conservative. Their addition may be seen in
retrospect as an important point on the journey but far from the end of
the road.
We now live in a newly enlarged European Union, increasingly ‘united
in diversity’ so European equality law requires a different and deeper

academic scrutiny at this point in time. The authors have chosen the self-
selecting subject of Article 13 EC and its grounds of sex, racial or ethnic
origin, religion or belief, disability, age and sexual orientation which may
be protected from discrimination thereunder, as a discreet and logical
focus for this book. However, they have adopted a unique contextual and
thematic approach to their work. They deal with all of the Article 13
grounds in a single academic book, as they have much in common by
virtue of their cohabitation in this important provision and the family of
resulting Directives. Surprisingly, this approach is rarely taken outside the
realm of the textbook. The authors also examine these grounds against a
contextual background with Article 13 providing the first and mostimme-
diate context for them all. The contextual and thematic approaches aim to
achieve distinctive insights and perspectives on these non-discrimination
grounds. They also seek to make a striking contribution to the present
body of mainly journal literature on Article 13. The authors are faced in
the first place with the uniqueness of each Article 13 ground as a human
characteristic. In the second place, these grounds share many common
and similar provisions within the Article 13 legislation. However, very
preface ix
distinct legal exceptions and provisions exist within this legislation for
some of their number namely, disability, race, sex, age and religion or
belief. Intersections between these grounds and issues of multiple iden-
tity and multiple discrimination only serve to make their scrutiny more
interesting and more complex.
Thus the authors have constructed this book around three important
endeavours: (1) to locate and examine each Article 13 ground within its
Directive and as a component of an integrated approach to combating dis-
crimination and promoting equality, so that differences among them and
any exceptions and special provisions for them may be better understood;
(2) to set this understanding against three carefully chosen and salient

contexts, the history and evolution of Article 13 EC, European Human
Rights and demographic and social change; and (3) to address certain
common issues, questions and themes including, human rights, access to
justice and the effects of enlargement on each ground, which help to bind
the chapters together. This solidly constructed approach aims to achieve a
certain level of coherence among the diverse authorship and grounds, yet
its outcomes will doubtless also illuminate areas where grounds can only
be converged so far. The emergent conclusions both convergent and diver-
gent will be one of the main strengths of this book, which will reveal fresh
insights and make a meaningful and timely contribution to the existing
body of literature in this field.
The structure of this book is designed to support a strong and judi-
ciously constructed contextual approach. Part I contains the context-
setting chapters and Part II contains a chapter on each of the grounds in
Article 13 EC. Thisbookalso brings together adenovo international group
of authors with a rich command of their subject. Many of the authors are
members of the European Network of Experts on non-discrimination
and the European Networks of Experts on disability and equality between
men and women, among many other high profile committees.
The starting point for this volume was a private workshop, which
enabled the authors to set about writing with a shared vision. The result-
ing approach nonetheless aims to preserve the freshness and passion of
the authors, to connect the authors and their chapters in all their diver-
sity and generate stimulating thoughts and conclusions. Whether we have
fulfilled our mission in this rewarding enterprise I will leave to you, the
reader, todecide.
Helen Meenan
July 2007
acknowledgements xi
volume. I would also like to thank my colleagues at Kingston University

especially Graeme Broadbent, Nicola Aries and Phil Harris.
Edited volumes can present unique challenges and although more per-
sonal thanks by the editor may not be the norm I have no choice but to
make further acknowledgements. Above all, they are to my husband, John,
for his unstinting support and encouragement and to our young son,
Sander, whose tremendous love makes everything worthwhile. I would
like also to remember many other relatives and friends, too numerous to
mention here. It is my sincere wish that I have not omitted anyone and
that this book will prove useful and stimulating to the very wide range of
people involved in this most human field.
Helen Meenan
July 2007
list of contributors xiii
European Law (1998–2002) and Head of the Law School (2001–2002).
He was Head of Legal Policy and Advice at the Equality Commission for
Northern Ireland from 2002–2005. Much of his professional work has
centred upon issues of EU sex equality law and now the wider EU equal-
ity law agenda. Most recently he has been closely involved in EU equal-
ity training programmes with Maastricht University and the European
Disability Forum. He has also acted as UK National Expert in a Euro-
pean Commission funded project mapping non-employment equality
law across the EU. He is now an employment and equality law consultant
Dr Haris Kountouros has specialised in European Labour Law. From
1999 to 2004 he was a Visiting Lecturer in European Law at King’s Col-
lege London. He has also taught Legal Theory at London Metropolitan
University and has given a number of lectures on European Employment
Law at Kingston University. His published work concentrates on EU law,
labour law and related themes.
Professor Christopher McCrudden LLB (1974, first class honours),

Queen’s University, Belfast; LLM from Yale (1995); D Phil from Oxford
University (1981); holds an honorary LLD from Queen’s University,
Belfast (2006). He is a Fellow and Tutor in Law, at Lincoln College,
Oxford; Professor of Human Rights Law at the University of Oxford;
non-practising Barrister-at-Law (Gray’s Inn; Bar of Northern Ireland);
Overseas Affiliated Professor of Law at the University of Michigan Law
School. He is a member of editorial boards of several journals, including
European Public Law, the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies,theInternational
Journal of Discrimination and the Law, and the Journal of International
Economic Law,aswellasbeingco-editor of the Cambridge University
Press Law inContext series. Public service: UK member of the European
Commission’s Expert Network on the Application of the Gender Equal-
ity Directives; scientific director of the European Commission’s Network
of Experts on Non-Discrimination, member of the Procurement Board
for Northern Ireland. His published work spans among others, equality
and non-discrimination law, international, European and comparative
human rights, public procurement and international law.
Helen Meenan has held the Jean Monnet Chair in European Law at
Kingston University since 1998. She read law at University College Dublin
(BCL), European Business Lawat theUniversity of Amsterdam (LLM)and
started her working life as a solicitor of the Irish Courts. Helen has worked
xiv list of contributors
as a consultant to TAEN (the Age and Employment Network) and Age
Concern England and speaks and publishes nationally and internationally
on all aspects of age discrimination. She has also lectured to judges and
jurists from all EU Member States ().
Professor Ann Numhauser-Henning, LLD, is professor of Civil Law at
the Law Faculty, Lund University, Sweden and has been the head of the
Norma Research Programme since its start in 1996. She is currently also
the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Lund University. She has written widely on

labour law, especially employment law and non-discrimination law. A
more recent field of research is social security in a European integration
perspective. She is a member of the European Commission’s Network of
Legal Experts on Equal Treatment between Men and Women; the Com-
mission’s Network on Non-Discrimination and the Commission’s Net-
work on Training and Reporting on European Social Security.
Professor Gwyneth Pitt is Professor of Law at Kingston University. She
previously taught at the Universities of Nottingham, Leeds and Hudders-
field, specialising in employment, discrimination and commercial law.
Gwyneth is the author of a number of books and articles on employment
and discrimination law. She is a member of the editorial committee of the
Industrial Law Journal.
Professor Gerard Quinn is a professor of law at the National University
of Ireland (Galway). He specialises in international and comparative dis-
ability law. He is a member of the Irish Human Rights Commission and a
former First Vice President of the European Committee of Social Rights
(Council of Europe’s European Social Charter). He is a member of the
scientific board of the EU Network on Discrimination Law. He is a former
official at the European Commission and a former Director of Research
of the Law Reform Commission of Ireland. His ‘Study on the Current Use
and Future Potential of UN Human Rights Instruments in the Field of
Disability’ which he co-directed was published by the Office of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in 2002. He led the dele-
gation of Rehabilitation International to the UN Working Group, which
drafted the initial text of the recently agreed UN Treaty on the Human
Rights of Persons with Disabilities. His current research focuses on the
UN disability treaty and on internet accessibility for persons with disabil-
ities. He is a barrister-at-law (King’s Inns) and graduate of Harvard Law
School. His first child has a disability.
xvi list of abbreviations

EHRLR European Human Rights Law Review
EHRR European Human Rights Reports
EIDHR European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights
ELRev European LawReview
ENAR European Network Against Racism
EOC Equal Opportunities Commission
ESC European Social Charter
ETD Equal Treatment Directive
ETS European Treaty Series
ETUC European Trades Union Congress
ETUI European Trade Union Institute
EU European Union
EUCFR European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights
EUI European University Institute
EUMap EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program
EUMC European Union Monitoring Centre on Racism and
EWHC High Court(England and Wales)
EYPD European Year of Young Persons with Disabilities
FET Fair Employment Tribunal
FRA Fundamental Rights Agency
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GOQ Genuine Occupational Qualification
GOR Genuine Occupational Requirement
HLG High Level Group
HRLJ Human Rights Law Journal
ICCPR International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights
ICERD International Convention Against All Forms of Racial
ICLQ International Comparative Law Quarterly

ICR Industrial Cases Reports
IJDL International Journal of Discrimination and the Law
ILGA International Gay and Lesbian Association
ILJ Industrial Law Journal
ILO International Labour Organisation
IRLR Industrial Relations Law Reports
JPE Journal of Political Economy
KB Law Reports: Kings Bench
LGB Lesbian Gay Bisexual
LT R Long Term Resident
list of abbreviations xvii
MJ Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law
NBER National Bureau of Economic Research
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
NIACE National Institute of Adult Continuing Education
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
OJ Official Journal (of European Community)
OMC Open Method of Co-ordination
PRIAE Policy Research Institute on Ageing and Ethnicity
QB Law Reports: Queens Bench
RAXEN European Racism and Xenophobia Information Network
RED Race Equality Directive
SCR Supreme Court Reports (Canada)
SI Statutory Instrument
SO Sexual Orientation
TCN Third Country National
TEU Tre at y on Euro pean Union
UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights
UKHL House of Lords (UK)

UN United Nations
UNICE Union des Conf
erations de l’Industrie et des
Employeurs d’Europe
UNTS United Nations Treaty series
US United States
WEBJCLI Web Journal of Current Legal Issues
table ofcases xix
British Airways Plc v. Starmer [2005] IRLR 862
Brown v. Board ofEducation 347 US 483 (1954)
Brunnhofer v. Bank der
Osterreichischen C-381/99 [2001] ECR I-4961
Busch v. Klinikum Neustadt GmbH & Co. C-320/01 [2003] ECR I-2041
Byrne v. Fas DEC-E2002-045
C v. IarnrodEireann, DEC E/2003/054
C.P.M Meeusen v. Hoofddirectie van de Informatie Beheer Groep C-337/97
[1997] ECR I-3289
Campbell and Cosans v. UK (1982) 4 EHRR 293, 304
Centre public d’aide sociale de Courcelles v. Lebon C-316/85 [1987] ECR
Chac´on Navas v. Eurest Colectividades SA C-13/05 [2006] ECR 0000
Chappell v. UK App. No. 12587/86, 53 D & R 241 (1987)
Choudhury v. UK,App. No. 17439/90 (1991) 12 HRLJ 172
Coleman v. Attridge Law Case No. 2303745/2005 Decision of Employment
Tr ibunal, 17 February 2006
Coleman v. Attridge Law C-303/06 pending

Commission v. Austria C-133/05 [2006] ECR 0000
Commission v. Austria C-203/03 [2005] ECR I-935
Commission v. Austria C-335/04 [2005] ECR 0000
Commission v. Belgium C-278/94 [1996] ECR I-4307
Commission v. Finland C-327/04 [2005] ECR 0000
Commission v. Finland C-99/05 Removed from register 18/5/2006
Commission v. France C-35/97 [1998] ECR I-5325
Commission v. Germany C-329/04 [2005] ECR 0000
Commission v. Germany C-43/05 [2006] ECR 0000
Commission v. Luxembourg C-320/04 [2005] ECR 0000
Commission v. Luxembourg C-70/05 [2005] ECR 0000
Confidential parties C-2004/150, 15 November 2004, Dutch Equal Treat-
ment Commission
Connolly v. Commission C-274/99 P [2001] ECR I-1611
Copsey v. WWB Devon Clays Ltd [2005] IRLR 811
Council v. Hautala C-353/99 P [2001] ECR I-9596
D. and Sweden v. Council C-122 & 125/99 P [2001] ECR I-4319
D.H. and Others v. Czech Republic App. No. 57325/00, Judgement of the
Court, 7 February 2006
Dahlab v. Switzerland App. No. 42393/98 (2001)
Dawkins v. Dept of the Environment [1993] IRLR 284
xx table ofcases
Defrenne v. Sabena (Defrenne III) 149/77 [1978] ECR 1364
Dekker v. StichtingVJV C-177/88 [1990] ECR I-3941
Deutsche PostAG v. Elisabeth Sievers C-270–97 [2000] ECR I-933
Deutsche TelekomAG v. Lili Schroeder C-50/96 [2000] ECR I-743
De Weerd (nee Roks) and Others v. Bestuur van de Bedrijfsvereniging voor
de Gezondheid, Geestelijke en Maatschappelijke Belangen and Others C-
343/92 [1994] ECR I-571
Di Lenardo Adriano Srl v. Ministero del Commercio con l’Estero C-37/02

and C-38-02 [2004] ECR I-6911
Dory v. Germany C-186/01 [2003] ECR I-2479
Dudgeon v. UK (1982) 4 EHRR 149
Elsner-Lakeberg C-285/02 [2004] ECR I-5861
Equality Authority v. Ryanair DEC-E-2000-14
ERT v. DEP & Sotirios Kouvelas C-260/89 [1991] ECR I-2925
F´elix Palacios de la Villa v. Cortefiel Servicios SA, Jos´eMaria Sanz Corral
and Martin Tebar Less C-411/05 pending
Finanzamt K¨oln-Alstadt v. Schumacker C-279/93 [1995] ECR I-225
Fishermen’s Organisations and Others C-44/94 [1995] ECR I-3115
Flexo Computer Stationery Ltd.v.Kevin Coulter EED 2003–13, 9 October
Francovich and Bonifaci v. Italy C-6 and 9/90 [1991] ECR I-5357
Glass v. UK App. No.61827/00, 18 March 2003 EHRR
Christine Goodwin v. UK App. No.28957/95, Judgment 11 July 2002
Grant v. Southwest Trains Ltd C-249/96 [1998] ECR I-621
Haakert v. Pensionsversicherungsantalt der Angestellten, C-303/02 [2004]
ECR I-2195
Handels-og Kontorfunktionærernes Forbund i Danmark v. Dansk Arbejds-
giverforening (Hertz) C-179/88 [1990] ECR I-3979
Hazar, Hazar and A¸cik v. Tu rkey App. No. 16311,16312,16313/90, 72 D &
Hill and Stapleton v. Revenue Commissioners C-243/95 [1998] ECR I-3739
Hlozek v. Roche Austria Gesellschaft mbH C-19/02 [2004] ECR 11491
Hoekstra (nee Unger) v. Bestuur der Bedrijfsvereniging Voor Detailhandel
en Ambachten 75/63 [1964] ECR 177
Hughes v. AerLingus DEC-E2002-049
table ofcases xxi
Inter-Environnement Wallonie C-129/96 [1997] ECR I-7411
Internationale Handelsgesellschaft mbH v. Einfuhr-und Vorratssttelle fur

Getreide und Futtermittel 11/70 [1970] ECR 1125
J.H. Walker v. Hussain [1996] IRLR II
James v. Eastleigh Borough Council [1990] 2 AC 765
J´ego-Qu´er´eetCieSA v. the Commission T-177/01 [2002] ECR II-2365
Jenkins v. Kingsgate (Clothing Productions) Ltd C-96/80 [1981] ECR 911
Johnston v. The Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary C-222/84
[1986] ECR I-1651
K.B. v. NHS Pensions Agency C-117/01 [2004] ECR I-541
Kaba v. Home Secretary C-356/98 [2000] ECR I-2623
Kalanke v. Freie Hansestadt Bremen C-450/93 [1995] ECR I-3051
Karaduman v. Tur ke y App. No. 16278/90 (1993) 74 D & R 93
John Kerrigan v. Peter Owens Advertising and Marketing Ltd C-UD 31/97
Kokkinakis v. Greece (Series A) No. 260-A (1993) ECtHR
KO v. De Agostini (Svenska) ForlagAB &TV-Shop i Sverige AB C-34/95
[1997] ECR I-3843
Kowalska v. Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg C-33/89 [1990] ECR I-2591
Kutz-Bauer v. Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg C-187/00 [2003] ECR I-2741
Land Brandenburg v. Ursula Sass C-284/02 [2004] ECR I-11143
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen v. Uecker and Jacquet v. Land Nordhrein-
Westfalen C-64/96 and C-65/96 [1997] ECR I-3171
Landesamt fur Ausbildungsforderung Nordrhein-Westfalen v. Lubor Gaal
C-7/94 [1995] ECR I-1031
Larissis v. Greece (Series A) No. 65 (1998-V) ECtHR 263
Lawrence andOthersv. Regent OfficeCareLtd., Commercial Catering Group
and Mitie Secure Services Ltd. C-320/00 [2002] ECR I-7325
Lawrie-Blum v. Land Baden-Wurttemberg 66/85 [1986] ECR 2121
Levin v. Staatssecretaris van Justitie 53/81 [1982] ECR 1035
Leyla Sahin v. Tu rke y App. No. 44774/98 (2004)
Lindorfer v. Council C-227/04 P [2005] ECR 0000
Lustig-Prean and Beckett v. UK (2000) 29 EHRR 548

Macarthys Ltd v. Smith 129/79 [1980] ECR 1275
Mahlburg v. Land Mecklenburg C-207/98 [2000] ECR I-549
Malone v. UK App. No. 25290/94, 28 February 1996
Mandla v. Dowell Lee [1983] ICR 385
xxii table ofcases
Mangold v. Rudiger Helm C-144/04 [2005] ECRI-9981
Margaret O’Neill v. Board of Management St Gabriel’s National School
Marschall v. Land Nordrhein Westfalen C-409/95 [1997] ECR I-6363
Marshall v. Southampton and South West Hampshire Area Authority 152/84
[1986] ECR 723
Marshall v. Southampton and South West Hampshire Area Authority (II)
C-271/91 [1993] ECR 4367
Martinair Holland NV v. Vere niging van Nederlandse Verkeervliegers Nr.
C03/077HR, Dutch Supreme Court, 9 October 2004
Martinez Sala v. Freistaat Bayern C-85/96 [1998] ECR I-2691
Max.Mobil Telekommunikation Service GmbH v. Commission T-54/99
[2002] ECR II-313
Mayer v. Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der L¨ander C-356/03 [2005]
ECR I-295
Meek v. Fire Authority for Northern Ireland (FET, 22 July 1992)
Megner & Scheffel C-444/93 [1995] ECR I-4741
Melgar (Jim´enez) v. Ayuntamiento de Los Barrios C-438/99 [2001] ECR
Merino G´omez v. Continental Industrias del Caucho SA C-342/01 [2004]
ECR I-2605
Metronome Musik C-200/96 [1998] ECR I-1953
Morson and Jhanjan v. Netherlands 35 and 36/82 [1982] ECR 3723
Murphy v. United Parcel Service Inc 527 US 555 (1999)
N.v.Commission C-252/97 [1998] ECR I-4871

Nasri v. France (Series A) no 324 21 EHRR 458
Netherlands v. Reed 59/85 [1986] ECR 1283
Netherlands v. the European Parliament, and the Council of the European
Union C-377/98 [2001] ECR I-7079
Niemi, Re C-351/00 [2002] ECR I-7007
Nikoloudi v. OTE C-196/02 [2005] ECR I-1789
Nold v. Commission 4/73 [1974] ECR 491
Noonan v. Accountancy Connections DEC-E2004-042
NorthWestern Health Board v. Margaret McKenna C-191/03 [2005] ECR
O’Flynn v. Adjudication Officer C-237/94 [1996] ECR I-2617
O’Mahony v. Offices of the House of the Oireachtas DEC-E2005-044
table ofcases xxiii
O’Neill v. Governers of St. Thomas More Roman Catholic Voluntarily Aided
Upper School [1997] ICR 33
Omega Spielhalen-und Automatenaufstellungs GmbH v. Bundessradt Bonn
C-36/02 [2004] ECR I-9609
Omkarananda and the Divine Light Zentrum v. UK App. No.8188/77, 25
Oserreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund v. Wirtschaftskammer
Osterreich C-
220/02 [2004] ECR I-5907
Otto-Preminger-Institut v. Austria (1994) 19 EHRR 1
P v. S and Cornwall County Council C-13/94 [1996] ECR I-2143
Panesar v. Nestl´e [1980] ICR 64
Perry v. Garda Commissioner DEC-E2001-029
Plattform ‘

Arzte f¨ur das Leben’ v. Austria App. No. 10126/82, 44 D & R 65
Plessy v. Ferguson 163 US 537 (1896)
Pretty v. UK App. No.2346/02 (2002) 35 EHRR 1
Price v. CivilService Commission [1978] ICR 27
Price v. UK App. No.33394/96 (2001) 34 EHRR 1285
R. (on the application of A & B) v. East Sussex CC High Court (Admin)
R. (on the application of Yvonne Watts) v. Bedford Primary Care Trust, and
the Secretary of State for Health C-372/04 [2006] ECR 0000
R. v. Birmingham City Council, ex parte EOC [1989] AC 1155 (HL)
R. v. Immigration Appeal Tribunal, ex p. Secretary of State for the Home
Department C-370/90 [1990] ECR I-4265
R. v Secretary of State for Employment Ex p. Seymour-Smith and Perez
C-167/97 [1999] ECR I-623
Reed and Bull Information Systems Ltd v. Stedman [1999] IRLR 299 (EAT)
Refah Partisi v. Turke y (2003) 37 EHRR 1
Riga Regional Court Case No. 04386004 C20203 (12 July 2005)
Roquette Fr`eres v. Directeur g´en´eral de la concurrence, de la consomma-
tion et de la r´epression des fraudes, and Commission of the European
Communities C-94/00 [2002] ECR I-9011
Jim Ross v. Royal & Sun Alliance Plc DEC-S2003-116
S. v. UK No 11716/85 47 DR 274
Schmidberger v. Austria C-112/00 [2003] ECR I-5659
xxiv table ofcases
Schutzverband gegen unlauteren Wettbewerb v. TK-Hiemdienst Sass GmbH
C-254/98 [2000] ECR I-151
Seide v. Gillette Industries [1980] IRLR 427
Silva Mouta v. Portugal (2001) 31 EHRR 47
Singh v. BRB Engineering [1986] ICR 22

Smith and Grady v. UK (2000) 29 EHRR 493
Sotgiu v. Deutsche Bundespost 152/73 [1974] ECR 153
Stadt Lengerich v Helmig C-78/93 Joined cases C-399/92,C-409/92, C-
425/92, C-34/93, C-50/93 and C-78/93 [1994] ECR I-5727
Stauder v. City of Ulm 29/69 [1969] ECR 419
Stedman v. UK App. No.29107/95,89-AD&R104(1997)
Steinicke v. Bundesanstalt f¨ur Arbeit C-77/02 [2003] ECR I-9027
Superquinn v. Freeman AEE/09/8 Determination No. 0211, Labour Court,
14 November 2002
Sutton v. United Air Lines Inc 527 US 471 (1999)
Suzanne and Margaret Crawford v. Bootlegger Bar DEC-S2003–146 & 147
Tele DenmarK A/S v. Handels-og Kontorfunktionærernes Forbund in Den-
mark C-109/00 (2001) ECR I-6993
Thlimmenos v. Greece (2001) 31 EHRR 411
Timishev v. Russia (2006) 55762/00; 55974/00 [2005] ECHR 858
Tzoanos v. Commission C-191/98 P [1999] ECR I-8223
Uni´on de Peque˜nos Agricultores C-50/00 P [2002] ECR I-6677
Union Royal Belge des Soci´et´es de Football Association ASBL and Others v.
Jean-Marc Bosman C-415/93 [1995] ECR I-4921
VanRaalte v. The Netherlands no. 20060/92 [1997] ECHR 6
Verga nivAgenziadelleEntrate Ufficio di Arona C-207/04 [2005] ECR
Von Col so n v. Land Nordrhein-Westfalen 14/83 [1984] ECR 1891
Walker v. Hussain [1996] IRLR 11
Webb v. EMO Cargo (UK) Ltd C-32/93 [1994] ECR I-3567
Wessels-Bergervoet v. The Netherlands no. 34462/97 [2004] 38 EHRR (4
June 2002)
Wingrove v. UK (1997) 24 EHRR 1
Wippel v. Peek & Cloppenburg Gmbh & Co.KG C-313/02 [2004] ECR I-

Worringham & Humphreys v. Lloyds Bank Ltd 69/80 [1981] ECR 767
table ofcases xxv
X and Church of Scientology v. Sweden App. No. 7805/77, 16 D & R 68
X v. Austria App. No 1747/62, 13 CD 42 (1963)
X v. Austria App. No.8652/79,26D&R89(1981)
X v. Commission C-404/92 P [1994] ECR I-4737
X v. Germany App. No. 8741/79, 24 D & R 137 (1981)
X v. Italy App. No.6741/74,5D&R83(1976)
X v. UK App. No.7291/75, 11 D & R 55 (1977)
Z v. Parliament C-270/99 P [2001] ECR I-9197
Zarcynska v. Levy [1978] IRLR 532 (EAT)
Zhu and Chen v. Secretary of State for the Home Department C-200/02
ECR I-9923
Zucker v. Astrid Jewels [1978] ICR 1088

