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PHP in Action

PHP in Action
Objects, Design, Agility
(74° w. long.)
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brief contents
Part 1 Tools and concepts 1
1 PHP and modern software development 3
2 Objects in PHP 18
3 Using PHP classes effectively 40
4 Understanding objects and classes 65
5 Understanding class relationships 87
6 Object-oriented principles 102
7 Design patterns 123
8Design how-to: date and time handling 152
Part 2 Testing and refactoring 187
9 Test-driven development 189
10 Advanced testing techniques 210
11 Refactoring web applications 232
12 Taking control with web tests 269
Part 3 Building the web interface 293
13 Using templates to manage web presentation 295
14 Constructing complex web pages 325
15 User interaction 338
16 Controllers 356
17 Input validation 377
18 Form handling 413
19 Database connection, abstraction, and configuration 432
Part 4 Databases and infrastructure 449
20 Objects and SQL 451

21 Data class design 470
preface xvii
acknowledgments xix
about this book xxi
about the title xxv
about the cover illustration xxvi
Part 1 Tools and concepts 1
1 PHP and modern software development 3
1.1 How PHP can help you 4
Why PHP is so popular 4 ✦ Overcoming PHP’s limitations 8
1.2 Languages, principles, and patterns 10
Agile methodologies: from hacking to happiness 10 ✦ PHP 5 and
software trends 12
✦ The evolving discipline of object-oriented
programming 12
✦ Design patterns 13 ✦ Refactoring 14
Unit testing and test-driven development 15
1.3 Summary 17
2 Objects in PHP 18
2.1 Object fundamentals 19
Why we’re comparing PHP to Java 19 ✦ Objects and classes 20
Hello world 20
✦ Constructors: creating and initializing
objects 21
✦ Inheritance and the extends keyword 23
Inheriting constructors 24
2.2 Exception handling 25
How exceptions work 25 ✦ Exceptions versus return codes—

when to use which 27
✦ Creating your own exception classes 29
Replacing built-in PHP fatal errors with exceptions 30
Don’t overdo exceptions 30
2.3 Object references in PHP 4 and PHP 5 31
How object references work 32 ✦ The advantages of object
references 33
✦ When references are not so useful 33
2.4 Intercepting method calls and class instantiation 34
What is “method overloading”? 34 ✦ Java-style method
overloading in PHP 35
✦ A near aspect-oriented experience:
logging method calls 36
✦ Autoloading classes 38
2.5 Summary 39
3 Using PHP classes effectively 40
3.1 Visibility: private and protected methods and variables 41
How visible do we want our methods to be? 42 ✦ When to use
private methods 43
✦ When to use protected methods 44
Keeping your instance variables private or protected 44
Accessors for private and protected variables 45
✦ The best of
both worlds? Using interception to control variables 46
Final classes and methods 48
3.2 The class without objects: class methods, variables, and constants 49
Class (static) methods 50 ✦ When to use class methods 51
Class variables 52
✦ Class constants 53

The limitations of constants in PHP 54
3.3 Abstract classes and methods (functions) 56
What are abstract classes and methods? 56
Using abstract classes 56
3.4 Class type hints 57
How type hints work 58 ✦ When to use type hints 58
3.5 Interfaces 60
What is an interface? 60 ✦ Do we need interfaces in PHP? 61
Using interfaces to make design clearer 61
✦ Using interfaces to
improve class type hints 62
✦ Interfaces in PHP 5 versus Java 64
3.6 Summary 64
4 Understanding objects and classes 65
4.1 Why objects and classes are a good idea 66
Classes help you organize 67 ✦ You can tell objects to do
things 67
✦ Polymorphism 67 ✦ Objects make code easier to
read 68
✦ Classes help eliminate duplication 73 ✦ You can
reuse objects and classes 74
✦ Change things without affecting
everything 75
✦ Objects provide type safety 75
4.2 Criteria for good design 76
Don’t confuse the end with the means 78 ✦ Transparency 78
Simple design 79
✦ Once and only once 80
4.3 What are objects, anyway? 82

Objects come from the unreal world 82 ✦ Domain object
basics 84
4.4 Summary 85
5 Understanding class relationships 87
5.1 Inheritance 88
Inheritance as a thinking tool 88 ✦ Refactoring to inheritance 89
5.2 Object composition 94
5.3 Interfaces 96
The interface as a thinking tool 97 ✦ Single and multiple inheritance 98
5.4 Favoring composition over inheritance 99
Avoiding vaguely named parent classes 99
Avoiding deep inheritance hierarchies 100
5.5 Summary 101
6 Object-oriented principles 102
6.1 Principles and patterns 103
Architectural principles or patterns 104 ✦ Learning OO principles 104
6.2 The open-closed principle (OCP) 105
OCP for beginners 105 ✦ Replacing cases with classes 106
How relevant is the OCP in PHP? 108
6.3 The single-responsibility principle (SRP) 109
Mixed responsibilities: the template engine 110 ✦ An experiment:
separating the responsibilities 112
✦ Was the experiment successful? 114
6.4 The dependency-inversion principle (DIP) 115
What is a dependency? 116 ✦ Inserting an interface 118
6.5 Layered designs 119
The “three-tier” model and its siblings 119
Can a web application have a Domain layer? 120
6.6 Summary 122
7 Design patterns 123

7.1 Strategy 125
“Hello world” using Strategy 125 ✦ How Strategy is useful 127
7.2 Adapter 128
Adapter for beginners 128 ✦ Making one template engine look
like another 129
✦ Adapters with multiple classes 131
Adapting to a generic interface 134
7.3 Decorator 135
Resource Decorator 135 ✦ Decorating and redecorating 136
7.4 Null Object 139
Mixing dark and bright lights 140 ✦ Null Strategy objects 140
7.5 Iterator 142
How iterators work 142 ✦ Good reasons to use iterators 143
Iterators versus plain arrays 143
✦ SPL iterators 144
How SPL helps us solve the iterator/array conflict 145
7.6 Composite 145
Implementing a menu as a Composite 146 ✦ The basics 148
A fluent interface 149
✦ Recursive processing 149
Is this inefficient? 150
7.7 Summary 151
8Design how-to: date and time handling 152
8.1 Why object-oriented date and time handling? 153
Easier, but not simpler 153 ✦ OO advantages 154
8.2 Finding the right abstractions 155
Single time representation: Time Point, Instant,
DateAndTime 155
✦ Different kinds of time spans: Period,

Duration, Date Range, Interval 156
8.3 Advanced object construction 158
Using creation methods 158 ✦ Multiple constructors 159
Using factory classes 162
8.4 Large-scale structure 163
The package concept 164 ✦ Namespaces and packages 165
PHP’s lack of namespace support 166
Dealing with name conflicts 167
8.5 Using value objects 173
How object references can make trouble 173 ✦ Implementing
value objects 174
✦ Changing an immutable object 175
8.6 Implementing the basic classes 176
DateAndTime 176 ✦ Properties and fields 177
Periods 183
✦ Intervals 185
8.7 Summary 186
Part 2 Testing and refactoring 187
9 Test-driven development 189
9.1 Building quality into the process 190
Requirements for the example 191 ✦ Reporting test results 192
9.2 Database select 192
A rudimentary test 193 ✦ The first real test 194 ✦ Make it
pass 196
✦ Make it work 198 ✦ Test until you are confident 200
9.3 Database insert and update 201
Making the tests more readable 201 ✦ Red, green, refactor 203
9.4 Real database transactions 205
Testing transactions 205 ✦ Implementing transactions 207

The end of debugging? 208
✦ Testing is a tool, not a substitute 209
9.5 Summary 209
10 Advanced testing techniques 210
10.1 A contact manager with persistence 211
Running multiple test cases 212 ✦ Testing the contact’s
persistence 213
✦ The Contact and ContactFinder classes 215
setUp() and tearDown() 217
✦ The final version 218
10.2 Sending an email to a contact 219
Designing the Mailer class and its test environment 219 ✦ Manually
coding a mock object 220
✦ A more sophisticated mock
object 221
✦ Top-down testing 222 ✦ Mock limitations 224
10.3 A fake mail server 225
Installing fakemail 225 ✦ A mail test 227
Gateways as adapters 230
10.4 Summary 230
11 Refactoring web applications 232
11.1 Refactoring in the real world 233
Early and late refactoring 234
Refactoring versus reimplementation 235
11.2 Refactoring basics: readability and duplication 236
Improving readability 236 ✦ Eliminating duplication 238
11.3 Separating markup from program code 241
Why the separation is useful 242 ✦ Using CSS
appropriately 242
✦ Cleaning up a function that generates a

link 243
✦ Introducing templates in SimpleTest 248
11.4 Simplifying conditional expressions 253
A simple example 254 ✦ A longer example: authentication
code 255
✦ Handling conditional HTML 261
11.5 Refactoring from procedural to object-oriented 262
Getting procedural code under test 263
Doing the refactorings 264
11.6 Summary 267
12 Taking control with web tests 269
12.1 Revisiting the contact manager 270
The mock-up 271 ✦ Setting up web testing 272
Satisfying the test with fake web page interaction 274
Write once, test everywhere 275
12.2 Getting a working form 277
Trying to save the contact to the database 278 ✦ Setting up the
database 279
✦ Stubbing out the finder 281
12.3 Quality assurance 283
Making the contact manager unit-testable 283
From use case to acceptance test 285
12.4 The horror of legacy code 288
12.5 Summary 292
Part 3 Building the web interface 293
13 Using templates to manage web presentation 295
13.1 Separating presentation and domain logic 296
To separate or not to separate… 296 ✦ Why templates? 297
13.2 Which template engine? 299

Plain PHP 301 ✦ Custom syntax: Smarty 302
Attribute language: PHPTAL 304
13.3 Transformation: XSLT 308
“XMLizing” a web page 309 ✦ Setting up XSLT 309
The XSLT stylesheet 310
✦ Running XSLT from PHP 312
13.4 Keeping logic out of templates 313
View Helper 314 ✦ Alternating row colors 315 ✦ Handling
date and time formats 315
✦ Generating hierarchical
displays 318
✦ Preventing updates from the template 321
13.5 Templates and security 322
PHPTAL 322 ✦ Smarty 323 ✦ XSLT 323
13.6 Summary 323
14 Constructing complex web pages 325
14.1 Combining templates (Composite View) 325
Composite View: one or several design patterns? 326
Composite data and composite templates 326
14.2 Implementing a straightforward composite view 326
What we need to achieve 327 ✦ Using Smarty 328
Using PHPTAL 330
✦ Using page macros with PHPTAL 331
14.3 Composite View examples 332
Making print-friendly versions of pages 333
Integrating existing applications into a Composite View 335
Multi-appearance sites and Fowler’s Two Step View 336
14.4 Summary 337
15 User interaction 338

15.1 The Model-View-Controller architecture 340
Clearing the MVC fog 341 ✦ Defining the basic concepts 342
Command or action? 344
✦ Web MVC is not rich-client MVC 345
15.2 The Web Command pattern 346
How it works 347 ✦ Command identifier 347
Web handler 348
✦ Command executor 349
15.3 Keeping the implementation simple 349
Example: a “naive” web application 349
Introducing command functions 351
15.4 Summary 355
16 Controllers 356
16.1 Controllers and request objects 357
A basic request object 357 ✦ Security issues 358
16.2 Using Page Controllers 361
A simple example 361 ✦ Choosing Views from a Page
Controller 363
✦ Making commands unit-testable 364
Avoiding HTML output 365
✦ Using templates 365
The redirect problem 366
16.3 Building a Front Controller 369
Web Handler with single-command classes 370 ✦ What more does
the command need? 371
✦ Using command groups 371
Forms with multiple submit buttons 373
✦ Generating commands
with JavaScript 374
✦ Controllers for Composite Views 374

16.4 Summary 376
17 Input validation 377
17.1 Input validation in application design 378
Validation and application architecture 378 ✦ Strategies for
validation 379
✦ Naming the components of a form 380
17.2 Server-side validation and its problems 381
The duplication problem 381 ✦ The styling problem 382
Testing and page navigation problems 383
How many problems can we solve? 383
17.3 Client-side validation 384
Ordinary, boring client-side validation 384 ✦ Validating field-by-
field 386
✦ You can’t do that! 388 ✦ The form 391
17.4 Object-oriented server-side validation 393
Rules and validators 393 ✦ A secure request object
architecture 394
✦ Now validation is simple 399 ✦ A class to make it
simple 400
✦ Using Specification objects 403 ✦ Knowledge-rich
design 407
✦ Adding validations to the facade 407
17.5 Synchronizing server-side and client-side validation 409
Form generator 410 ✦ Configuration file 410
Generating server-side validation from client-side validation 410
17.6 Summary 412
18 Form handling 413
18.1 Designing a solution using HTML_QuickForm 414
Minimalistic requirements and design 414 ✦ Putting generated

elements into the HTML form 415
✦ Finding abstractions 416
More specific requirements 417
✦ The select problem 418
18.2 Implementing the solution 419
Wrapping the HTML_QuickForm elements 420 ✦ Input
controls 421
✦ Which class creates the form controls? 425
Validation 426
✦ Using the form object in a template 427
What next? 430
18.3 Summary 431
19 Database connection, abstraction, and configuration 432
19.1 Database abstraction 433
Prepared statements 434
Object-oriented database querying 437
19.2 Decorating and adapting database resource objects 438
A simple configured database connection 438
Making an SPL-compatible iterator from a result set 440
19.3 Making the database connection available 442
Singleton and similar patterns 443
Service Locator and Registry 445
19.4 Summary 448
Part 4 Databases and infrastructure 449
20 Objects and SQL 451
20.1 The object-relational impedance mismatch 452
20.2 Encapsulating and hiding SQL 453
A basic example 454 ✦ Substituting strings in SQL statements 455
20.3 Generalizing SQL 459

Column lists and table names 460 ✦ Using SQL aliases 463
Generating INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements 463
Query objects 468
✦ Applicable design patterns 468
20.4 Summary 469
21 Data class design 470
21.1 The simplest approaches 471
Retrieving data with Finder classes 471
Mostly procedural: Table Data Gateway 474
21.2 Letting objects persist themselves 479
Finders for self-persistent objects 480
Letting objects store themselves 485
21.3 The Data Mapper pattern 486
Data Mappers and DAOs 487 ✦ These patterns are all the
same 488
✦ Pattern summary 490
21.4 Facing the real world 490
How the patterns work in a typical web application 490
Optimizing queries 492
21.5 Summary 492
appendix A Tools and tips for testing 493
appendix B Security 503
resources 511
index 513

The story behind this book is personal. A few years ago, I came to the realization that
what I had done in my professional life until then was not quite up to my own expec-
tations. Though not dramatic enough to qualify as a midlife crisis, this realization got

me thinking in new ways.
I was doing web programming in
PHP at the time. I was in an isolated position in
the company I was working for, so I decided to put my own work under the micro-
scope. I asked myself, “How can I boost myself to a higher level of performance?” One
idea that occurred to me was to review my own work at the end of every day. What
did I do that was most successful? How could I do more of that? What was less suc-
cessful? How could I do less of that?
The task that stood out like a sore thumb was debugging. It was obviously taking
up a major part of my time, and anything that would make debugging more efficient
or diminish the need for it should make me more productive. I looked around for ways
to catch bugs earlier. I tried defensive programming, with limited success. Then I
stumbled across agile processes and test-driven development, Extreme Programming,
and refactoring. It seemed like what my colleagues and I had been doing for some
years, only better. I took up the methodology first in my own, individual work. At this
point, there was little recognition of it in the
PHP community. I was early; I worked
test-first with the very first alpha version of
PHPUnit that appeared in March 2002.
The idea of writing this book occurred to me when I inherited some nasty
code from a fellow programmer. I realized that the code could be improved, refac-
tored, in ways that I could describe systematically. This had to be useful to someone,
I thought. And there was no book about agile processes and test-driven development
Then, one event jump-started the project: I got fired from my job. (A few months
later, I became a member of the board at the company I had been fired from, but that’s
an entirely different story.) It took about three years to finish the book. It was hard
to get it into a shape that the reviewers were sufficiently enthusiastic about, and I had

to rewrite most of it a couple of times. Marcus Baker and Chris Shiflett came into the
process near the end. In the meantime, the marriage of
PHP, agility, design patterns,
and unit testing had become a mainstream subject. The most important official events
in this process were the release of
PHP 5 and the start of the Zend Framework project.
Among the many things I learned along the way is the importance of reading books
yourself if you want to write one. I believe in the importance of deep understanding,
not as knowing a lot of details, but as knowing each detail in depth. And I believe that
comes from having a strong foundation and from being able to see one issue from sev-
eral perspectives.
That has led me to repeatedly reexamine the basics. I keep asking seemingly stupid
questions; in fact, I'm often mistaken for a beginner in web forums, even when dis-
cussing subjects I know well. And I believe that the deeper my own understanding is,
the better I can explain the subject to others. I hope this quest will prove helpful to
you too.
I wrote this book with a little help from my friends, and enemies.
To get the enemies out of the way first, I use that word to make a point; they are
not bad people, nor are they out to get me (I hope). But there were a few who made
my life a little more difficult, pushing me into doing things I would otherwise not have
done and into raising own level of performance. And I am grateful to them for that,
but I’ll show my gratitude by not naming them.
On the friendly side, I thank my wife, Regine, and my daughter, Maria, for love,
support, and challenge. I thank my son Jacob (now six years old) for his reckless enthu-
siasm and original wisdom, some of which is reflected in this book.

On a more practical level, the most important contributions have come from the
co-authors: my good friend, Marcus Baker, whom I have never met; and Chris Shi-
flett, who took the time out of a busy schedule to produce an introduction to security.
Like many other Manning authors, I am deeply impressed with the Manning staff
and their commitment to quality. They know and do what it takes to lift a book to a
higher level of readability and interest. Maybe I’m just conceited, but I like the result
so much that whenever I need to reread a chapter, I actually enjoy it!
The review process is exhausting but important. Publisher Marjan Bace, in partic-
ular, has a unique ability and determination to take the least-uplifting feedback, even
when it’s unspecific, and squeeze something useful out of it.
Thanks to these reviewers who took the time out of their busy schedules to read
the manuscript at various stages of development: Richard Lynch, Andrew Grothe,
Kieran Mathieson, Jochem Maas, Max Belushkin, Dan McCullough, Frank Jania, Jay
Blanchard, Philip Hallstrom, Robin Vickery, David Hanson, Robbert van Andel, Jer-
emy Ashcraft, Anthony Topper, Wahid Sadik, Nick Heudecker, and Robert D.
McGovern. Special thanks to Mark Monster who did an extra pass through the book
just before it went to press, checking it for technical accuracy.
Another indirect contributor is my long-term friend and colleague, Per Einar
Arnstad. The ideas from our creative discussions and interactions are part of the bed-
rock of my thinking about software, and his entrepreneurial spirit inspired me to
take the risks necessary to make this work possible.
Thanks also to another colleague, Tarjei Huse, who gave me what may be the
most intelligent overall feedback on the manuscript.
Finally, a special word of thanks to Kathrine Breistøl, who promised me the full
proceeds from the return bottles in her kitchen if my financial situation were to
become intolerable. I never had to ask her to round them up.
about this book
This book’s purpose involves a kind of bigamy. It introduces state-of-the art object-

oriented design principles, patterns, and techniques. Then it weds these to two differ-
ent partners. The first partner is
PHP, the programming language. The second partner
is the
PHP programmer’s everyday work.
More specifically, this book is about handling and implementing these principles,
patterns, and techniques in
PHP with its specific syntax and characteristics. It is also
about how to apply them to the specific and common challenges of web programming.
Who should read this book?
This book is for programmers who develop applications in
PHP and want to learn
modern object-oriented practices, principles, and techniques, and how to apply them
to the everyday challenges of web programming.
It is not a beginner’s book in
PHP; it presupposes a minimum of familiarity with
PHP—or experience in other programming languages—and with the basic ideas and
challenges of web programming.
How this book is organized
The book is divided into four parts. Parts 1 and 2 introduce the principles, patterns,
and techniques mentioned initially and demonstrate how they can be implemented
PHP. Part 1 introduces and develops the subjects of object-oriented programming
and design. Part 2 deals with unit testing and refactoring.
Parts 3 and 4 apply the material from the first two parts to the everyday challenges
of web programming. Part 3 is about the web interface, while part 4 deals with data-
bases and data storage.
Part 1: Basic tools and concepts
Part 1 moves gradually, chapter by chapter, from the nuts and bolts of object-ori-
ented programming in

PHP to the more conceptual subject of object-oriented
application design.
Chapter 1 introduces and discusses the pros and cons of
PHP and agile practices.
Chapter 2 and chapter 3 deal with the mechanics and syntax of object-oriented pro-
gramming in
PHP. Although objects and classes are ultimately inseparable subjects,
chapter 2 focuses mostly on object features and chapter 3 on class features.
Chapter 4 discusses why objects and classes are a good idea, how they relate to
the real world, and how we can tell the difference between good and bad object-ori-
ented designs.
Chapter 5 is about the basic class relationships—inheritance, association, and com-
position—and the role of interfaces in program design.
Chapter 6 is where we start to go into object-oriented design in earnest. It deals
with object-oriented principles that serve as general guidelines for design.
Chapter 7 introduces the subject of design patterns—recurrent solutions to com-
mon design problems—and describes some of the most common ones.
Chapter 8 shows how design principles and patterns work in the context of an
extended example: date and time handling.
Part 2: Testing and refactoring
Part 2 focuses on testing and refactoring (improving the design of existing code) from
two perspectives: as quality assurance, and as a learning process.
Chapter 9 introduces unit testing and test-driven development, using a database
transaction class as an example.
Chapter 10 digs deeper into the realm of unit testing, showing how to set up tests
properly and use mock objects and other fakes to make testing easier. It builds on the
previous example by creating a contact manager on top of the transaction class.
Chapter 11 is about refactoring, with a particular focus on web applications. It deals
with refactoring in the traditional object-oriented sense as well as techniques for get-

ting poorly designed procedural code into a more manageable state.
Chapter 12 finishes the subject of testing by moving the searchlight from unit test-
ing to web testing. Using the contact manager once again, it shows how to make sure
the user interface is what the customer wanted and how to design the entire web appli-
cation top-down.
Part 3: Building the web interface
Part 3 is about the defining feature of web programming: the web interface.
Chapter 13 explains the principles of separating
HTML markup from program code,
and describes how this can be done by using template engines and specific techniques.
Chapter 14 takes on the challenge of assembling web pages from many separate
components and tells you how to implement the Composite View design pattern.
Chapter 15 introduces the subject of user interaction and the Model-View-Con-
troller (
MVC) design pattern.
Chapter 16 teaches you how to implement the web-specific variations on
including Page Controller and Front Controller.
Chapter 17 deals in depth with server-side and client-side input validation and how
to synchronize these.
Chapter 18 shows how to develop form handling, building on the
PEAR package
Part 4: Databases and infrastructure
Part 4 deals with the subject of databases and data storage from an object-oriented
point of view.
Chapter 19 tells two different stories. One is about how to handle database connec-
tions appropriately in an object-oriented application and how to deal with the configu-
ration the database connection requires. The other is about database abstraction: how to

make the code independent of the specifics of one database management system.
Chapter 20 is about the challenges posed by the fact that we have to use a com-
pletely separate programming language—
SQL—to query the database. It shows how
to encapsulate, hide, and generalize
SQL code.
Chapter 21 assembles some of the pieces from the two previous chapters into com-
plete design patterns for object-oriented data access.
Appendix A gives some specific information on testing and test tools that did not fit
into the chapters on testing. Reference material on the essential parts of the Sim-
pleTest and
PHPUnit APIs is included.
Appendix B is an introduction to security in
How to use this book
The parts of this book are relatively independent. It should be possible to start reading
any one of them without reading the earlier parts. Unless you already have a strong
grasp of object-oriented programming and design, reading part 1 first is likely to make
your understanding of part 3 and part 4 easier, deeper, and more complete. But the
workings of all the examples in the later parts are explained in detail. The examples
throw light on the concepts from part 1, but generally do not depend on them.
On the other hand, some of the chapters in each part depend heavily on each other.
For example, it may be difficult to read the refactoring examples in chapter 11 without
understanding the basics of unit testing as explained in chapters 9 and 10.
Source code
All source code in listings or in text is in a f
ixed-width font like this to sep-
arate it from ordinary text. Annotations accompany many of the listings, highlighting
important concepts. In some cases, numbered bullets link to explanations that follow

the listing.
Source code for all of the working examples in this book is available for download
from www.manning.com/reiersol or www.manning.com/PHPinAction.
Author Online
Purchase of PHP in Action includes free access to a private web forum run by Man-
ning Publications where you can make comments about the book, ask technical ques-
tions, and receive help from the authors and from other users. To access the forum
and subscribe to it, point your web browser to www.manning.com/reiersol or
www.manning.com/PHPinAction. This page provides information on how to get on
the forum once you are registered, what kind of help is available, and the rules of con-
duct on the forum.
Manning’s commitment to our readers is to provide a venue where a meaningful
dialog between individual readers and between readers and the authors can take place.
It is not a commitment to any specific amount of participation on the part of the
authors, whose contribution to the AO remains voluntary (and unpaid). We suggest
you try asking the authors some challenging questions, lest their interest stray!
The Author Online forum and the archives of previous discussions will be acces-
sible from the publisher's website as long as the book is in print.
About the authors
AGFINN REIERSØL has been designing and developing web applications, web con-
tent mining software, web programming tools, and text analysis programs, mostly in
PHP, since 1997. He also has a long history as a technical writer of software manuals.
He lives in Oslo, Norway.
ARCUS BAKER has been a software consultant for many years specializing in OO
design and development as well as web application development and testing. He is
also a columnist for PHP Architecture Magazine and lives in London, England.

HRIS SHIFLETT is a PHP consultant and security expert as well as a leader in the
PHP community. He is the founder of the PHP Security Consortium and the author
of the HTTP Developer’s Handbook and Essential PHP Security. He lives in Brooklyn,
New York.

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