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Các hàm UNICODE thông dụng pptx

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Các hàm UNICODE thông dụng
Đổi chữ thường thành chữ hoa:
Function UpperUniChar(Ch) As String
' Return the Uppercase for a given vowel or dd
Dim Pos ' Position of character in Unicode vowel list
' Locate the character in list of Unicode vowels
Pos = InStr(UVowels, Ch)
If (Pos > 67) Then
UpperUniChar = Ch ' It's already uppercase - leave it alone
ElseIf (Pos > 0) Then
' It's a Lowercase Unicode Vowel - so get the corresponding Uppercase
vowel in the list
UpperUniChar = Mid(UVowels, Pos + 67, 1)
' It's just a normal ANSI character
UpperUniChar = UCase(Ch)
End If
End Function

Đọc Text UNICODE từ file

Public Function ReadTextFile(FileName) As String
' Write a Unicode String to UTF-16LE Text file
' Remember to Project | References "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" to support
' FileSystemObject & TextStream
Dim Fs As FileSystemObject
Dim TS As TextStream
' Create a FileSystem Object
Set Fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Open TextStream for Input.
' TriStateTrue means Read Unicode UTF-16LE
Set TS = Fs.OpenTextFile(FileName, ForReading, False, TristateTrue)
ReadTextFile = TS.ReadAll ' Read the whole content of the text file in one
TS.Close ' Close the Text Stream
Set Fs = Nothing ' Dispose FileSystem Object
End Function

Viết UNICODE text ra file

Public Sub WriteTextFile(FileName, StrOutText)
' Read a Unicode String from UTF-16LE Text file
' Remember to Project | References "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" to support
' FileSystemObject & TextStream
Dim Fs As FileSystemObject
Dim TS As TextStream
' Create a FileSystem Object
Set Fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Open TextStream for Output, create file if necesssary
' TriStateTrue means Write Unicode UTF-16LE
Set TS = Fs.OpenTextFile(FileName, ForWriting, True, TristateTrue)
TS.Write StrOutText ' Write the whole StrOutText string in one stroke
TS.Close ' Close the Text Stream
Set Fs = Nothing ' Dispose FileSystem Object
End Sub

Cách gọn và tiện nhất để đọc và viết UTF-8 text files là dùng một VB6 Class
tên clsUnicodeText dựa vào MS DOM (Document Object Model) và XML như

Dim MyUnicodeText As clsUnicodeText
Set MyUnicodeText = New clsUnicodeText
' Read Unicode Text from file txtFileName and display in TextBox1
TextBox1.Text = MyUnicodeText.ReadUnicode(txtFileName)

Listing của Class clsUnicodeText như sau:

Option Explicit
Private mDOMTextFile As DOMDocument
Private mXMLPath As String
Public Function ReadUnicode(TXMLPath)
Dim objTextFileRoot As IXMLDOMElement
Set mDOMTextFile = New DOMDocument
mXMLPath = TXMLPath
mDOMTextFile.Load mXMLPath
'start at the root element of the XML
Set objTextFileRoot = mDOMTextFile.documentElement
ReadUnicode = objTextFileRoot.nodeTypedValue
End Function

Public Sub WriteUnicode(OutText, Optional TXMLPath)
Dim tDOMNode As IXMLDOMElement ' Temporary Node for DOM
If IsMissing(TXMLPath) Then

' Save the information on the screen by creating a new element and add its
children to the DOM object
mDOMTextFile.documentElement.Text = OutText
' Update the XML file
mDOMTextFile.save mXMLPath
Set mDOMTextFile = New DOMDocument
' Create a Node called "Text" in DOM
Set tDOMNode = mDOMTextFile.createElement("Text")
' Make it the Root Node
mDOMTextFile.appendChild tDOMNode
' Assign Output Text to Root Node
mDOMTextFile.documentElement.Text = OutText
' Update the XML file
mDOMTextFile.save TXMLPath
End If
End Sub
Nguồn: Vovisoft
