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[󲈳󱮣󰽣󱹟󱐴] 2009 6󱎓 󰂘󱋀 󰷟󰶜 󱋇󰶀󰟷󱓛
http:/ / w w w .Hackers.co.kr

1. Mr. Jones did great work on the assignment
that he was given more responsibility for his job.
(A) too
(B) such
(C) so
(D) much

2. Both Mr. Ecton Ms. Banks will be present
at the global trade meeting in Sydney next month.
(A) and
(B) or
(C) either
(D) but

3. higher food prices this quarter, sales at
supermarkets continue to increase.
(A) Even though
(B) Nevertheless
(C) In spite of
(D) Consequently

4. Because of the company’s emphasis on keeping a

congenial work , employees are required to
report any conflicts to a supervisor.
(A) environment
(B) participation
(C) condition
(D) incident

5. Before departure, the pilot must make sure that
of the passengers has their seat belt fastened.
(A) every
(B) all
(C) each
(D) much

6. After presenting his business plan to the investor, Mr.
Canton was able to get funding for his business.
(A) lastly
(B) at first
(C) finally
(D) meanwhile

7. Mr. Levens should be able to travel to the factory to
meet the union next Monday, as he has no
(A) scheduling
(B) scheduler

(C) scheduled
(D) schedule

8. This roads will be closed as long as the flood
warning remains in
(A) check
(B) effect
(C) power
(D) payment
9. Donations to the charity are , but almost
eighty percent of employees give to it.
(A) voluntary
(B) volunteer
(C) voluntarily
(D) volunteering

10. Multinational corporations are to start joint
ventures with companies in countries with high
potential for growth.
(A) constructive
(B) eager
(C) relative
(D) capable

11. The anti-virus program can detect most of the
viruses found on the internet, but most other
programs, it can detect most spyware programs as
(A) despite

(B) unlike
(C) aside
(D) except

12. According to the researcher, factors do
influence a customer’s buying preferences.
(A) each other
(B) another
(C) others
(D) other

13. Natural gas rose when oil prices increased.
(A) sales
(B) selling
(C) sold
(D) sell

14. Any defective product must be shipped back to the
manufacturer within 90 days and by the bar
code on the box.
(A) altered
(B) adjusted
(C) accepted
(D) accompanied

15. The box is thinner at the bottom at the top.
(A) but

(B) from
(C) than
(D) as

16. TMI Shipping wishes to be the top shipping
for companies sending containers from Asia to North
(A) provision
(B) provided
(C) providing
(D) provider

[󲈳󱮣󰽣󱹟󱐴] 2009 6󱎓 󰂘󱋀 󰷟󰶜 󱋇󰶀󰟷󱓛

17. the company expected customers to utilize
the online customer service website but it quickly
realized that people preferred face-to-face assistance.
(A) At first
(B) Although
(C) In light of
(D) Despite

18. The due date for completion of the annual budget
has been to June 3rd.

(A) opened
(B) finished
(C) progressed
(D) extended

19. Ms. Hines will consult with the board of directors
again after applicants.
(A) interview
(B) interviewed
(C) interviewing
(D) interviews

20. To assess and oversee the risk that financial
institutions , the chief financial officer of such
institutions must have access to the intricate financial
details of their organizations.
(A) present
(B) apply
(C) face
(D) confirm

21. For assistance with your tax return, call one of our
tax consultants.
(A) profession
(B) professionalism
(C) professional
(D) professionally

22. The agreement has been changed , but the
parties still agree to most of the original principles and
(A) significant
(B) significance
(C) significantly
(D) significancy

23. Mr. Harris thought of a solution, he
believes will correct the problem.
(A) who
(B) whose
(C) which
(D) what

24. The sewage system is being cleaned and
shut down for three hours today.
(A) was
(B) to be
(C) had been
(D) will be
25. the store is understaffed right now, we
expect that more employees will be hired before the
holiday season.
(A) Although
(B) Yet
(C) Meanwhile
(D) But

26. If wireless internet service continues to improve,
consumers will no longer rely on computers to
access the internet but will also be able to use other
portable devices such as mobile phones.
(A) exclusive
(B) excluding
(C) exclusively
(D) excluded

27. T&R Consultants are dedicated to providing
services at a reasonable price.
(A) skilled
(B) earnest
(C) subsequent
(D) reliable

28. The more we collaborate with Mr. Chang, the more
we are with his strong analytical and
organizational skills.
(A) impression
(B) impressed
(C) impress
(D) impresses

29. You are invited to attend the opening for
the elaborate Westchester Hotel on August 20th.
(A) considerably
(B) cordially
(C) universally

(D) welcoming

30. The itinerary Ms. Mendoza󳉵s trip to South
America has not been approved.
(A) by
(B) about
(C) for
(D) in

31. Mr. Sanchez removed a few slides from his
presentation after a colleague said the slides would be
(A) distract
(B) distracted
(C) distractedly
(D) distracting

32. Due to higher shipping costs, Smith-Barney
Corporation has an need to identify ways to
reduce its overhead costs.
(A) effective
(B) increasing
(C) outgoing
(D) accidental

[󲈳󱮣󰽣󱹟󱐴] 2009 6󱎓 󰂘󱋀 󰷟󰶜 󱋇󰶀󰟷󱓛

33. It is important to look at the banks can
take to minimize defaults on loans.
(A) stages
(B) levels
(C) steps
(D) grades

34. The company has made a deal to clients
to use its website for a minimal cost.
(A) give
(B) let
(C) allow
(D) have

35. Mr. Tang was pleased that the president of the
company recognized efforts to restructure
internal processes and establish new management
(A) his
(B) him
(C) he
(D) himself

36. GLB Inc. will have evening workshops to improve
camaraderie its employees.
(A) past

(B) under
(C) among
(D) behind

37. The biotechnology industry in the city of Lucknow
is undergoing a large amount of growth the
Indian government’s emphasis on biomedical research.
(A) in that
(B) as for
(C) due to
(D) even so

38. The board of directors supported the
nomination of Mr. Lewis as vice president.
(A) enthusiasm
(B) enthusiast
(C) enthusiastic
(D) enthusiastically

39. The terms of service and the variable interest rate
are subject to adjustments without
(A) observation
(B) stress
(C) presentation
(D) notice

40. Tours of congressional offices can be for
diplomats who indicate interest on their registration

(A) collected
(B) aligned
(C) controlled
(D) arranged
Questions 141-143 refer to the following article.
Online Grocery Shopping

Online grocery shopping has suddenly become more
pervasive. One of the biggest over shopping in

141. (A) incomes
(B) advantages
(C) interests
(D) designs
person at a grocery store is the convenience and
accessibility of products. Grocery stores realize that
shoppers are more likely to shop at places they can
find they are looking for.
142. (A) anywhere
(B) whatever
(C) however
(D) even

Online grocery shopping can also allow stores to
personally customize marketing strategies to an
individual consumer’s needs. For example, they can
use programs that track purchases. Based on
143. (A) previous
(B) valuable

(C) additional

(D) necessary

purchases, the programs can suggest certain items to
a customer and possibly increase sales.

Questions 144-146 refer to the following e-mail
To: Genetech staff
< staff @genetech.com >
From : HR < HR @genetech.com >
Date: May 12
Subject : Identification card

We would like to inform staff that identification cards
will soon be issued to all employees. You can register
for your card at http://genetech/id/register. You will
be given a number, which you must bring to the HR
department office. Failure to comply may
144. (A) lead
(B) affect
(C) start on

(D) result in

suspension. Replacement of identification cards will be
the employee's expense.
145. (A) at

(B) in
(C) for
(D) with

All staff to review the policy on identification
146. (A) encouraged
(B) have encouraged
(C) are encouraged
(D) to be encouraged
cards. The Human Resources Policies are available
online at http://gentech/HR/policies.
If you have any issues or concerns regarding the
aforementioned policies, please contact the human
resources department at 934-2439.

[󲈳󱮣󰽣󱹟󱐴] 2009 6󱎓 󰂘󱋀 󰷟󰶜 󱋇󰶀󰟷󱓛

Questions 147-149 refer to the following e-mail.
From: Mark Stephens<

To: Mary Timmons <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20
Subject: Changing the Web Site

Hi Mary,

Can you change the Sales section of the website when
you have a chance? We just got to bring on five

147. (A) approval
(B) orders
(C) holidays
(D) companies
new employees in the Sales Department and we would
like to post information about the positions.

While I the website, I also saw that the job
148. (A) will have been reviewing
(B) am reviewing
(C) was reviewing
(D) has been reviewing
descriptions for our department need to be fixed. The
job description for overseas sales manager has been
switched with the description for domestic sales
manager. Could you this mistake when you post

149. (A) restore
(B) improve
(C) validate
(D) rectify
information about the job openings?

Thank you for your assistance.


Questions 150-152 refer to the following memo.
To: Merick Inc. Employees

From: George Tarp
Subject: This weekend’s conference

We are excited to host this weekend's conference on

advances in medical technology. Merick Inc. is a global

leader in the production of cutting edge medical

products. However, our growth has been dependent

not only on our innovative products but also by the
collaborative efforts with other companies

150. (A) extend
(B) extensive
(C) extensiveness
(D) extension
to advance biomedical technology. To demonstrate our

company’s philosophy on transparency and sharing

research, we have one of our top stem cell researchers

giving a presentation on his latest research.

presentation how stem cell research can

151. (A) addressed
(B) addresses
(C) had addressed
(D) has addressed
be applied to clinical applications. The potential

applications for this research are in every of
152. (A) passage

(B) facility
(C) aspect
(D) reference
medicine, from oncology to cardiology.

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