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so sánh văn xuôi tự sự của lỗ tấn và nam cao bản tóm tắt luận án tiến sĩ tiếng anh

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1. The topic seletion
1.1. Lu Xun is seen as a pioneer laying the foundations for new literature,
paving the way for the modernization of Chinese literature. Lu Xun has a very
important position in world literature, mainly due to the contribution of his
work. Lu Xun also has a great attraction for the Vietnamese audience.
1.2.Nam CAo is a true writer has an important position in Vietnamese literature
1930-1945 period, especially in the realistic literary criticism. Nearly half a
century, the people and the work of Nam Cao have attracted the researchers, theory
and criticism, along with a relatively large volume of readers.
1.3. Comparative Literature is a new subject in the field of literary studies.
Currently, the literature has become a subject of comparison captured the
attention of the majority of the research literature. Comparative Literature as a
term that has emerged over the furore, both supporters and opponents.
We know that, "literary comparison" is a subject of international research
collaboration, influence and cultural exchange, which studied the effect always occupied
an important role in literary comparison. In the process of the comparative literature, a
lot of different schools emerged because of different research focus like the typical
school of the French school, the school of the United States and the Soviet school. For
China, literary comparison is no longer something new. Currently, the literature
comparing China has made certain achievements in all aspects of construction and
academic subjects. In Vietnam, the Department of Comparative Literature gotten
people’s attention is relatively late.
2. History matters
The research project about Lu Xun and Nam Cao has became more systematic by the
research of many Chinese researchers and Vietnamese researchers,, and authoritative
research projects. However, according to the material that we have, comparing Lu Xun
and Nam Cao only through a few articles or a few postgraduate thesis written by some
Vietnamese masters, postgraduate students is far more insufficient. To mention the

work of Pham Tu Chau with Something comparison article between Chi Pheo and AQ
published literature January, 1992. The research generally shows the most basic
definition of two AQ timeless characters and Chi Pheo. Master's thesis by Tran Le Hoa
Painting with threads find out the similarities and differences in terms of enforcement of
women characters in stories Lu Xun and Nam Cao (University of Social Sciences and
Humanities, Ho Chi Minh City, 1998) the a seasoned research work but also stop at
comparing the enforcement of women characters. In China, there is no any research
comparing the two writers. In general, Vietnamese researchers admit Nam Cao and Lu
Xun's short stories and have great similarities, but no work has studied systematically.
That is the space of our thesis.
3. Research tasks
Our thesis poses the following research tasks:
- If the outline of the context of the literature of modern China and Vietnam to
clarify the basis of the writer Lu Xun (China) and Cao (Vietnam); pointed out
the similarities and the differences in the location, the size of each writer to the
modern literature of each nation.
- On the basis of analyzing the specific composition, the thesis focuses on the
similarities and differences in the works of Lu Xun and Nam Cao terms of
content and artistic aspects; simultaneous, explain why there were such
similarities and differences.
4. The object and scope of the study:
Since the goal of this thesis, in this thesis, we only focus on the comparison
to the work of Lu Xun and Nam Cao's stories and story both. Specifically,
through the collective scream, Shocked of Lu Xun with a total of 25 stories, and
the whole story of South High before the August 1945 Revolution.
In addition, in order to get a comprehensive view of Lu Xun's career into
Business and Nam Cao, as well as to see clearly the diversity and richness of
literary movements in China and Viet Nam, the thesis provides the first
comparisons, compare it with several files at the same time the writer China and

5. Research Methodology:
To achieve high performance in implementing the topic of the thesis we use a
number of the following research methods: Historical comparison method – type,
Methods of analysis – synthesis, Methods of system.
6. New contributions of the thesis
- The thesis is the first work set comparison problem in a system composed
of two writers: Lu Xun and Cao.
- The thesis also contribute to enrich the history of Lu Xun and research Nam
Cao, particularly in the field of literary comparison, has important implications
for the exchange of literature and culture between the two countries.
7. The structure of the thesis:
In addition to the introduction, conclusion and bibliography, our thesis
consists of three chapters:
Chapter 1: Author Lu Xun and Nam Cao's in the context of modern Chinese
literature and Vietnam
Chapter 2: What ideas in narrative prose of Lu Xun and Nam CAo
Chapter 3: About the art in narrative prose of Lu Xun and Nam Cao
1.1. Generalizing the Chinese modern literature from 1919 to 1949 and
Vietnamese modern literature from the early twentieth century to 1945
1.1.1. Background
For China, an ancient nation that says, never had a literature like western
literature has impact on Chinese literature so great, and also has the effect that there is
no place to hide. Under the influence of foreign literature, modern Chinese literature
grows up. Tremendous impact and depth from theory to compose and around areas
such as: poetry, novels, plays, prose and literary movements, the vast majority of

writers, even those that system operation and over again, throughout the period of the
history of modern Chinese literature. Foreign literature has promoted the
modernization of Chinese literature.
The cultural exchange between China and Vietnam for a long time. Vietnamese
literature in the period of Chinese domination was deeply influenced by Chinese
culture. The impact is reflected in three aspects: first: the formation and development
of Chinese literary language in Vietnam. Second, the influence of ideology, mainly
reflected in the Chinese Confucian culture and the ideology of in Confucian cultural
development process along with Buddhism, Taoism, etc. Third, the influence of
literature, mainly expressed in terms of rewriting the custom of Chinese literature and
Chinese classical literature and modern literature.
Vietnamese cultural contact with Western culture from an early age, but Western
culture only really affect the Vietnamese culture from the early twentieth century, after
the colonial exploitation phase. class Western culture has made great contributions to
the Vietnamese culture. First of all, it brings Vietnamese culture values such as
freedom, equality, democracy are the human values of universal human too that
thought light yet. After that, it helps the Vietnamese have developed a sense
individuals, personal regarded as a value.
1.1.2. Modern Chinese Literature from 1919 -1949
Chinese modern literature starts from May Fourth Movement in 1919. With the
efforts of writers, from its inception until 1949, the Chinese modern literature has gone
through many complex history arduous journey, both construction and struggle, both
consolidation and development and in every period of history, literature are recorded
from the brilliant achievements, showing rapid progress and growth of a literature
coming out of the long night of the literature written in text language.
The process of development of Chinese modern literary history divided into three
periods as follows: Fourth period from 1919 to 1927; period 1927-1937; period 1937-
In 30 years, thanks to the penetration of life of working people at the bottom of the

mix with the cultural revolution that contingent increasingly large. Many artists also
died in the battlefield, express the soldiers mettle as Cu Thu Bach, An Phu Chinese
modern literature has achieved much success with many writers causing strong mark
on literature, become the object of extensive research in many countries around the
world such as Japan, South Korea, United States , Britain, France, Russia, including
Vietnam. Chinese modern literature is the literature of the times, "Lu Xun". Lu Xun
has laid the foundation for the development of Chinese modern literature.
1.1.3. Vietnamese modern literature from 1900 – 1945
Vietnamese literature from the early twentieth century has officially entered the
modernization process. We divided into two phases: the period 1900 - 1930: assigned
thoi.Giai second phase: 1930 – 1945
It can be said that, until 1945, literature has come a long way on the path of
modernization, with the typical facial and outstanding farm office. South High is a
typical pen in the final stages from 1930-1945. His work has enriched more modern
prose Viet Nam, complete the modernization of national literature.
1.2. Overview of the literary writing career of Lu Xun and Nam Cao
Lu Xun and Nam Cao were born in the Middle of period that China and Vietnam
were under extremely brutal feudal tyranny decay. Nam Cao and Lu Xun's life is an
uncompromising process of striving for a noble personality - personality in life and
personality in creative arts, and not just with the pen, but also by the gesture, not afraid
of difficulties, not hit dangerous to life, dare to fight for the people. The two have a lot
in meeting the life and ideas to recommend in the literature.
1.2.Literary career writing of Lu Xun
1.2.2. Literary career writing of Nam Cao
1.3. Position of the two writers in modern literature of China and Vietnam in the
short story category
Nam Cao Lu Xun's short stories and many meeting points. It's a huge legacy, not
bulky volume which is rich in ideological content and artistic value. Both writers live
in a time when China and Viet Nam are in a similar situation: the intrusion of the West

and the transformation of society out of feudalism. And two literatures are facing the
modernization requires. Ideas, both writers are posing huge problems as directed,
about the poor farmers and the poor intellectuals not only material deprivation but also
brutally insulted a satellite spirit. The two writers have a passion to explore the theme
of farmers, intellectuals and women. With the works of Lu Xun and South High, we
can confirm that they are the home of arts and master of character typical building of
two Chinese and Vietnamese literature.
1.3.1. Lu Xun's position in modern Chinese literature in the genre of short stories
For his contribution to the development of Chinese modern literature as well as its
own short story, Lu Xun is the character of a modern culture of China. Moreover, he
was a "name the short story world" (Phadeep).
1.3.2. Nam Cao's position in the modern Vietnamese literature in the genre of
short stories
Nam Cao writer more modern literary contributions in Vietnam for the period 1930-
1945. Le Van Truong portray writer writing style, and the contribution of Nam Cao
for Vietnamese modern literature: "Mr. Nam Cao did not humble themselves to
imitate anyone, do not say what we said, does not describe the way it was described.
He had dared entered the office with its own sharp edges. "
Chapter 2: What ideas in narrative prose of Lu Xun and Nam Cao
2.1 Lu Xun and Nam Cao's ideas in narrative prose about the intellectuals
2.1.1 An awakening of the national spirit in Lu Xun's narrative prose
written on the subject intellectual evil
In Lu Xun's short stories, wrote on the subject of 15 stories intellectuals,
expressed his burning concern for the fate of access to modern Chinese
intellectuals. Himself is the one who represents the intellectual elite, he for life,
thoughts and feelings of the axis position has certain experience and feel.
However, he has overcome the intellectual at the same time, can analyze deeply
intellectual and cold. Intellectual character may reflect his ideas, personality,
style and his deep thoughts. Common sense when it comes to the works of Lu

Xun, one can say that obsession reader by pressing that, tormented a constant
before the pre-ulcer pulling to, paralyzing the Chinese people for centuries . Lu
Xun spleen pen on the ends of the block was divided was to detect, these kinds
of tragedies of the different types of intellectuals in contemporary Chinese
society: the feudal intellectuals, petty bourgeois , intellectual democracy.
Understand the tragedy of the intellectual character of Lu Xun's short stories
will find that Lu Xun's heart with his compatriots. It contributes in large part to the
expression of thought beyond the age of the writer.
8 Critique of the intellectual character incompetence, impotence,
weakness, pain Coward
Writing on the subject of intellectual, Lu Xun's work shows very clearly
one thing: Drama alienation is the most painful tragedy of man. Most of the
intellectual character of Lu Xun failed ambitions, ideals themselves easily become
discontent, despair. As people do not have a field, in the end, they all fall prey to
corruption, erosion of human dignity. They go against the ambitions and aspirations nice
original itself. More painful, they turn themselves into victims of the what they enemy
ghet. Thai previously Lu Xun's when describing this tragedy helps us to see that
intellectuals: The fate of Confucian intellectuals Study in feudal society has tragic
decline. So, to save myself, to survive in a new social conditions, they have to change,
thought reform, to put yourself in a relationship with society, to live with responsibility
not only for itself, but with the times. Pointing out the need to remould intellectuals
That is the only request, thought reform intellectuals need to get rid of "empty
thought" and "unshakable determination."
Through the tragedy of self, authority, Interlibrary Wei, Lu Xun pointed out the nature
of the intellectuals, the tragedies they faced and which also saw the cause of the
tragedy . For his work in this topic is to show them the way to be able to escape the
tragedy. That is the revolutionary way to participate, enjoy yourself in the life of the
masses, and his transformation, overcoming individualism. So, people can get the

intellectual contributions to society, the existence of new they have a close relationship
with society - it is meaningful existence.
2.1.2. An awakening of individual consciousness in the works of Nam Cao wrote
about intellectual The tragedy of dying
A prominent feature in the works of Nam Cao are concerned about the state of human
dying, about the status of living dead.
Can say, only to die in the spirit of intellectual besides meaning fierce denunciations
social context, more importantly, it demonstrates humanitarian vision of the writer:
people do not need the to eat, to wear, but also need to be treated like a real person. It is
a great contribution of South High. To promote the full potential of every human being

The books of the intellectuals of the South High are to have a phobia about the
struggle to rise assert yourself of the characters. In excess Life, Life Trail, moon light,
Tears, the main characters are the intellectual property must fall stream of tears crying
for regrets, for mistakes that they have caused. I suppose, when the writer describes the
character so self-conscious is also the description of the characters have come to the end
of pain and despair. Nam Cao works so deep and has a very strange phobias you read. Philosophy of life, on life
Concerns and the philosophy of life Nam Cao although very gentle but steely
condemnation realistic thing for dark and the flat in the pre-revolutionary years in
Vietnam. It is the social condemnation of an inhumane, a cruel society took the most
basic of human rights, rob their dreams true.
By studying on the subject of intellectuals in the works of Lu Xun and Nam Cao,
although there are differences in occupation, type, Lu Xun's intellectual character is
emphasized in terms of alienation, Nam Cao intellectual character is the character rise
up and win the situation but both writers Lu Xun and Nam Cao are expressed highly

2.2 Human and social problems in the narratives proses written about Lu Xun's
and Nam Cao’s farmers
2.2.1 Human and social problems in Lu Xun and Nam Cao’s narrative proses
that writes about farmers
Lu Xun write deeply farmers. The work describes the life and thoughts, groans,
suffering and tragedy of the Chinese farmers in the early 20th century. Chinese farmer
Lu Xun understanding, love dearly ethnic Chinese. We can feel the sincere and deep
feelings of the writer through avatar Nhuan Turkey, Hai Duong aunt in the country see
the deteriorating life of farmers; through Nhuan breathing in incense and aging Sailing
in the smoker can see the confusion, paralysis awareness of farmers; through mistaking
aunt in the blessing ceremony that was conscious protest and tragedy can not escape the
fate of farmers; via AQ AQ The main story see deformed farmers and alienation. Environment issues of "national character" of the Chinese people.
Modern Chinese society is the most suitable piece of land to produce
allowed AQ spiritual victory. Through typical creation AQ, Lu Xun pen proved
sober and profound. He does not see things in the external symbols, not one
sided. He criticized the expression backward ignorance of farmers, at the same
time struck the revolutionary capabilities of their potential. His creative process
is the typical process of a pen master of realism, because here is the close
synchronization between generalization and differentiation with aesthetic rules
which key words of Lu Xun is: quietly observe, mind to mind, then mental
focus, put the pen is not not alone using a model. AQ main story thus becomes a
typical "unique" of modern Chinese literature, a masterpiece of world literature.

The limitations of the Chinese character farmers
First of all, it's easy to recognize one of the left side of the character of their
era farmers Lu Xun is burdened to spiritual victory. Besides, the attitude of
indifferent to the suffering of fellow human beings is an inherent disease must

be cured for farmers.
A composition reality, AQ series has denounced the harsh environment make AQ
lives more dramatic. Here, Lu Xun's writings focus on two critical objects: One is,
the ruling class in the village, represented by specific symptom. Second, the working
people of the village of smell.
All expressions of confusion mentioned above has become a solid pillar of support
for the upper feudal and imperialist domination. Expose and condemn it, urging
people to wake up, plunge into the fight as a great dedication of Lu Xun to the
ideological and cultural revolution of that time.
2.2.2 The problem of human society and in the composition of the farmers of
Nam Cao Inhumane living environment and alienation problems, save
strengthening of the Vietnamese peasants before the revolution
Nam Cao particularly in describing the situation and the fate of deported people
fall into poverty, desperation, rejection, humiliation, cruelty, injustice. A very
noticeable feature in paintings of rural Cao as he often put the characters in the fierce
environment, can call that character's alienation environment.
In the opinion of Nam Cao, inhumane environment of contemporary Vietnam is
the main cause strangling life of farmers gentle, honest, putting them on the road to
forgiveness, save hits. The Old Road (From MO), Chi Pheo (Pheo), Germany
(Midnight) was gradually being pushed into the path tha wall, up hits. If we do not
follow the character from the beginning to the end of the work, it is impossible to
imagine people saved slim, retardation, brazenly he is starting a gracious, gentle and
honest like that. With a love for people and a vision that transcends time, Nam Cao
has brought a new one for Vietnamese modern literature. The dark side of farmers’ personality
For Nam Cao, a disease of farmers is reflected in aspects such as: living alone unit,
no false sense of community and patients One of the main limitations of farmers is
that they do not have the spirit of unity, lack of community. This is one of the causes

for four bullies evil three easily ruled and gorgeous. In addition, we can see that
vanity is one of the left side of the character of the farmers. Besides, only meet your
personal preferences but lack of love, the most minimal understanding of people and
is one of the downsides of character that farmers Nam Cao to focus on operators.
Farmers Nam Cao described the evil, but it is still extremely poor, because they were
circumstances for corruption.
Can see a special similarity between the two works AQ series and Chi Pheo.
Besides, Wall Lam aunt works of Lu Xun and Aunt of Nam Cao also has a similar
3.1. Plot and Structure in Lu Xun and Nam Cao's narrative prose
3.1.1. Plot and narrative structure in prose of Lu Xun
The plot and story structure is one of the new aspects expressed in writing
short stories of Lu Xun. First can confirm, in the works of Lu Xun, the story is
no longer the most important factor, especially no li elements each, dramatic.
Lu Xun's short stories, in terms of layout and structure is relatively diverse,
unique. we divided into several categories as follows: First, get the details to
arrange the structure. Monday is the place where the policy is to arrange the
structure. Tuesday is the structural arrangement of a combination of locations
and circumstances, location changes, indicating a developing story, but the plot
development, the scene change as well, like the theatrical.
Lu Xun was a combination of splicing the details and layout of the space
wisely, making his works have forms of structural diversity: Structural reverse;
beginning and ending in discourse; arrangement interconnecting sections
3.1.2. Plot and narrative structure in prose of Nam Cao
Writer "modern" most realistic prose of Vietnam before the revolution,

structural work of Nam Cao is also very new, embodying in a few different
textures. With the use of texture as a means to exploit the reality, Nam Cao's
novels have achieved innovative new, nicely: Structural assembled and open
structure; psychological structure; structural opposition ; time sequence structure;
many types of structural coordination.
It is clear that, through statistics and analysis above, we see, the story is no longer
the most important factor in the creation of Lu Xun and Nam Cao. Type of structure in
chronological order also no longer common in the works of Lu Xun and Nam Cao.
Instead, it is in the psychology of the character structure. Besides, the foreign lyrical
piece was used by the two writers also relatively common. This type of structure
makes their work not boring, on the contrary, has its own appeal to the reader.
We can stand in the perspective of history to explain the cause of the
encounter between the two writers of the two countries.
Nam Cao and Lu Xun age, the literature of China and Vietnam in the era of
modernization and cultural exposure lot with Western literature. Lu Xun was a
pioneer, a pioneer of Chinese literature. Nam Cao to the next but also one of the
writers who have contributed greatly to the cause of modernization Vietnamese
literature. And obviously, the structure and the plot is one of the factors is
clearly novel artistic innovation.
3.2. Calligraphy character portrayed by Lu Xun and Nam Cao
3.2.1. Lu Xun with white lettering represent
Great realistic writer Lu Xun special attention problems typical build character, it is
the number one task of realism. Typical image of the character in the story of his
farmers particularly diverse, lively, sown deep impression. AQ, Nhuan worship, Aunt
Lam, charity, Compassion etc. iconic character peasants oppressed, insulted in the
old society. This character is the reader remember not because they have peculiar
traits, taste anything weird, they are just normal people, familiar to readers, such as
common acquaintance in everyday life. The problem is that the writer character sitting
in place, they appear in a proper context, in other words, the author has developed the

typical characteristics in typical circumstances.
When building typical character, Lu Xun was very interested in the traditional method
described which originated painting: "dragon drawing points eyes" (Wolong points). And
white represent calligraphy applied an ingenious way.
Generally, in the works of Lu Xun, we can enjoy the legal prospectus represent
in outline, describe characters and situations vividly bright, wonderful spirit. Just
watching a zebra traits know the panther (press).
3.2.2. Nam Cao with the legal specifications deformed portrait of the character
One of the elements that make up the talents of Nam Cao art is typical of
the character in his own way. We can recognize some of the characters of Nam
Cao Friday (Living and tear), TB Crane (Crane), go to Hao (Hao), and
especially the character Chi Pheo (Chi Pheo) are part carried out, even the
people in the village of Great Royal, Ly Nhan Government, Henan. Nam Cao
were based on real people in the village of Dai Hoang, exploiting the "everyday" of
them in the spirit of objectivity, according to the case law of the world to create a
colorful character with his positive new features, attractive readers.
3.3. Language arts in the narrative prose of Lu Xun and Nam Cao
3.3.1. Language arts in the narrative prose of Lu Xun The massification of the narrative language
Lu Xun advocated "had also use colloquial language, to write, if not then
we do not understand each other as piles of sand left." With the notion that, Lu
Xun language that uses all the words of the working people, is selling her tofu,
his wife car. He is therefore one of the first to open the doors for artistic creation
to receive modern language, clear easy to understand, provide literature for the
majority of the people are ordinary people.
Can confirm that, always write out the words deeply touched his heart, and
together with the profound philosophy is a prominent feature in the words foreign
lyrical theme of Lu Xun. Foreign lyrical words of Lu Xun both hot as fire and cold
as ice. Language in Lu Xun's short stories will not only have discreet lyrical, dense,

rich philosophy. We recognize the encounter between Lu Xun and Nam CAo. In the
works of Cao, a combination of lyrical language and philosophy as well as a features
and popularity.
Narrative language of Lu Xun's short stories have their own unique: brief,
rustic, confidential, accurate, rich imagery and very touched. In this work, the
relationship between the narrative and the language of the characters, the language
dominant narrative work. Dominant effect of the narrative language, sometimes also
reflected in the comments of language, thought and action figures.
Every great writer is often also a master of language. Lu Xun and South High is
such writers. Prose narrative of his two resounding success on the art of using
language. Speaking the language of prose narrative of Lu Xun, or Nam Cao in
particular was able to make one, two doctoral dissertation. The art to simplify the dialogue language
Along with the innovation of the language of the narrator, the lower the
amount of speech also represents something new in the works of Lu Xun. Lu
Xun's short stories, the language of dialogue is no longer the dominant character that
is the intended use of art, or in other words "by the words that man."
It is easy to realize that in the short stories of Lu Xun, the language has
shifted the focus from the functional interaction of the characters to the
character's inner language, illuminated by varied and complex psychology. This
was also arrested adjacent in composition. The art to individualize the character’s inner monologue
Inner monologue has become a method of presentation is very important in
modern Chinese fiction, becoming a modern content of the Chinese novel,
closely related to the modernization of the novel China. We believe that
successful psychological described Lu Xun's short stories, has laid a solid
foundation for the Chinese modern psychological novel.
3.3.2. Language arts in the narrative prose of Nam Cao The language art in narrative prose

Language narrative in the works of Nam Cao is one of the factors that
draws readers to the work. It should be emphasized that the style of the novel's
unique Nam Cao is expressed first of all in language storyteller. Narrative
language in this work is the cold language of pain. Narrative language, or
indirect words in the short story Highly complex organizations: superposition
stages, mix blend many voices (language inside, outside language); voice
author, first-person narrator voices (my character), the invisible third character
But if I stand in angle versatility voice, can be divided into short stories Nam
Cao into two categories. One is interwoven blend voice, difficult to detect the
main voice, friends, mainstream voice. Other, with a voice that emerges
dominant position. The first story account for a relatively large ratio of Nam
Cao’s short stories. In general, the composition Nam Cao there is a mix of art
language, thus creating a language system is very diverse, a Nam Cao’s style
very unusual in modern English literature. Psychological dialogue language
We point out some features in the use of speech of Nam Cao: First, can see
that Nam Cao use everyday language with little dialogue, natural and real.
Second, the dialogue in the works of Nam Cao mostly psychological in nature
dialogue. Tuesday, can be easily seen, the dialogue of the short story and Nam
Cao novels often have voice narration.

Interior monologue with inherent quality of character
As a writer of psychological realism, Nam Cao to exploit inner monologue
with all of nature, the nature and strength of it. One is, in the works of Nam Cao,
inner monologue appear with high level plays an important role in building the
character and style of the writer's art. Second, the inner monologue intrinsic
nature of dialogue

It can be seen that the language expressed a cold attitude to express feelings is
very personal expression of Lu Xun and Nam Cao. Cold to sound the wake and
cut ulcer disease in humans, in the minds of people like Lu Xun, or for people to
come together and more in love as the cultural pages of the South to create
unique high both a meeting point, and distinctions in the art style of the two
writers. This is why they get close to the reader.
Lu Xun and Nam Cao are great writers of literature in China and Vietnam.
Composed of Lu Xun and Nam Cao has shown a great thinker, a great talent and
has contributed a great deal to the development of two national literature.
Especially stories about intellectuals and farmers has attracted more and more
deep in the memories of school age to those who experienced life and pain of
life. There are two he had his voice in a unique and distinctive, realistic and
China and Vietnam river line, consecutive mountain, there is a close
relationship in the traditional long-standing cultural exchange, so it appears
similar in many aspects such as culture, literature, language etc. In the field of
literature is not exception, Nam Cao Lu Xun's short stories and recognized
researchers have great similarities.
Lu Xun and Nam Cao separated by 15 years - Lu Xun (1881-1936), Nam Cao
(1915 - 1951), but in the context of social history and literature of the two
countries, we can treat the two writers This is two writers at the same time.
Through the works of Lu Xun and Nam Cao as well as that posed the diversity
and richness of literary realism movement in China and Vietnam literature.
Lu Xun and Nam Cao are the intellectuals, the two men have written on the
subject of intellectuals and farmers. Composed their texts, filled with
philosophical wisdom is one of the characteristics of these two writers. Lu Xun's
own, it clicks on the ends of the block was divided was to discover, the type of
tragedy of the different types of intellectuals in contemporary Chinese society

and agreed before the suffering of farmers, said clear their confusion and
paralysis, and conduct offensive. South High, he highlights the tragedy that the
spirit of the petty bourgeoisie in the old society, the accusations incredibly deep
shock and pity the farmers at the bottom of society, say they not only suffer
physically, they are suffering mentally, but also full of torment, agonizing,
urgently tracing the cause of the tragedy is not exit of farmers.
The art of narrative prose of Lu Xun and Nam Cao, through the plot, structure
and language, we can explain the cause of the encounter between the two writers
of this country: the literature China and India are in the modern era and a lot of
contact with culture, Western literature.
In short, with this thesis, again, we want to confirm the value and nothing can
change the position of Lu Xun and Nam Cao in the history of Chinese literature
and Vietnam. Both writers have made undeniable contributions to the literature
two peoples and human literature.
Compare Lu Xun's narrative prose and Nam Cao, on the basis of the context
of two modern Chinese literature and Vietnam, through the analysis of the
specific composition of the two writers, we try to comparison highlights: the
similarities and differences in the content and artistic aspects in the works of two
writers. But due to time and other factors should not avoid the shortcomings
thesis. Would your teachers with additional comments to our conditions will
continue to improve its work.
