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engineering graphics, autocad and programming

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Engineering Graphics, AutoCAD
and Programming, CE20
Kurt McMullin, Ph.D., P.E.
San Jose State University

Course Goals from CE Faculty

To introduce the
students to
engineering graphics,
both computer and

To learn basic skills in
AutoCAD to be used
in upper-division CE

To gain additional
skills in computer
programming through
the use of Visual Basic
for EXCEL.

To be introduced to
the types of projects
that civil engineers
design and build.

Who we are not?

Not artists. Their
work transfers

Not architects. We
will not work with
shading, perspectives,
or texturing.

Who we might be

Drafters. Most times
we produce work for
drafters to perform.

We may be called
upon to draw
production quality
drawings when the
drafting people are

Who we will probably be

Civil Engineers.

Most of our time will
be involved in the
design and the

calculation of
engineering projects.

Usually we will
produce small working
drawings of our result.

As part of the
calculations, we often
will use spreadsheets
(such as EXCEL) that
we might create, or
that another engineer
may have made

Teaching Style

A recent study listed
the methods of
classroom instruction
that Civil Engineering
students prefer.

The list shows the

Problem Solving.

Working in teams,
group interaction.

Visual presentations
by instructor
(Mmedia, video)


And the Losers!

And it also listed those
least preferred.

Homework, especially

Formal “chalkboard”

Our Course

Project-based learning = students learn the
material to meet the course objectives by
completing a project that requires use of the
skills learned.

Cooperative learning = students work in
small teams, sharing their knowledge and

learning from their fellow team members.

Drafting Engineer = A

Someone who can produce a wide variety
of drawings with minimal guidance.

Exams and projects show that engineer can
analyze information and make rational

Drafter = B

Can produce drawings on a wide variety of
projects but needs assistance in
understanding the layout, orientation,
and/or other pertinent information.

Can choose the appropriate drawing view
for a project.

Can scale and layout drawing.

Tracer = C

Can reproduce the changes marked by
another engineer.

Is unable to evaluate the project and make
decisions about views, scale and/or layout.

Beginner = D

Can use some commands of AutoCAD but
is unable to complete the drawings

Shows potential but needs to improve in

Unemployed = F

Is not able to contribute to completion of

Is more of a liability than asset.


Does not require close

Regards their
supervisor as their
peer, and vice versa.

Takes full
responsibility for their

Avoids rumors.

Continual self-

Loyal to fellow
workers and

Does not advance at
the expense of others.

Proud of profession.

Extra Credit for CE20

I will allow up to 5% of the course grade for
students to receive extra credit.

This extra credit is awarded for
extracurricular activities where the student

Credit is received after a paper explaining
the work is written and reviewed.

Rules for Extra Credit

Activity must be related to civil

Student must play an active role in the
activity. Officer of a club, attendance at
seminars and/or presentations.

Student is not compensated: credit for
CE105, class field trips, paid internships.

Acceptable Ideas?

A wide variety of activities and/or ideas
will qualify for this extra credit.

Please talk to the instructor about what you
are involved with, how it could be used for
extra credit, and how much extra credit the
activity is worth.

McMullin’s Law of Plotters

Theorem 1

Plotters and printers work 99%
of the time.

Corollary 1

1% of the time,
printers and plotters
don’t work.

This always
occurs before

Corollary 2

Your client’s schedule
is NOT dependent
upon the operation of
your computer, printer
or plotter.


We must learn to schedule our work so that an
inoperable computer, printer, or plotter will not
cause a crisis.

Keep hardcopies of works-in-progress.
Remember that you may need to substitute the
draft for the final document.

Know of additional facilities for emergency.
Campus computer labs, Kinko’s, CAD Services.

Civil Engineers sometimes work
in less than ideal situations

Civil Engineers often
work in situations
without support

Sometimes even with
no power and no

Earthquake response,
accident investigation.

We cannot become so
dependent upon
computer facilities that
when we lose them we
can’t continue our

Lives sometime
depend upon our
immediate response to
all types of disasters.
