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bài tập phát âm ed s,es ,trọng âm

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 *   Động từ có quy tắc thêm –ed được phát âm như sau:
1. /ɪd/ sau âm /t, d/
2. /t/ sau những phụ âm vô thanh (trừ âm /t/) : /p, k, f, ʃ, s, tʃ, θ/
3. /d/ sau những nguyên âm và phụ âm hữu thanh (trừ âm /d/) : / ð, b, v, z, ʒ, dʒ, g, m, n, ŋ, l/
EXERCISE 1:Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1. A. arrived B. believed C. received D. hoped
2. A. opened B. knocked C. played D. occurred
3. A. rubbed B. tugged C. stopped D. filled
4. A. dimmed B. travelled C. passed D. stirred
5. A. tipped B. begged C. quarrelled D. carried
6. A. tried B. obeyed C. cleaned D. asked
7. A. packed B. added C. worked D. pronounced
8. A. watched B. phoned C. referred D. followed
9. A. agreed B. succeeded C. smiled D. loved
10. A. laughed B. washed C. helped D. weighed
11. A. walked B. ended C. started D. wanted
12. A. killed B. hurried C. regretted D. planned
13. A. visited B. showed C. wondered D. studied
14. A. sacrificed B. finished C. fixed D. seized
15. A. needed B. booked C. stopped D. washed
16. A. loved B. teased C. washed D. rained
17. A. packed B. punched C. pleased D. pushed
18. A. filled B. naked C. suited D. wicked
19. A. caused B. increased C. practised D. promised
20. A. washed B. parted C. passed D. barked
21. A. killed B. cured C. crashed D. waived
22. A. imagined B. released C. rained D. followed
23. A. called B. passed C. talked D. washed
24. A. landed B. needed C. opened D. wanted

25. A. cleaned B. attended C. visited D. started
26. A. talked B. fished C. arrived D. stepped
27. A. wished B. wrapped C. laughed D. turned
28. A. considered B. rescued C. pulled D. roughed
29. A. produced B. arranged C. checked D. fixed
30. A. caused B. examined C. operated D. advised
31. A. discovered B. destroyed C. developed D. opened
32. A. repaired B. invented C. wounded D. succeeded
33. A. improved B. parked C. broadened D. encouraged
34. A. delivered B. organized C. replaced D. obeyed
35. A. painted B. provided C. protected D. equipped
36. A. tested B. marked C. presented D. founded
37. A. used B. finished C. married D. rained
38. A. allowed B. dressed C. flashed D. mixed
39. A. switched B. stayed C. believed D. cleared
40. A. recommended B. waited C. handed D. designed
41. A. annoyed B. phoned C. watched D. remembered
42. A. hurried B. decided C. planned D. wondered
43. A. posted B. added C. managed D. arrested
44. A. dreamed B. neglected C. denied D. admired
45. A. admitted B. advanced C. appointed D. competed
46. A. announced B. apologized C. answered D. argued
47. A. complained B. applied C. compared D. polished
48. A. declared B. exchanged C. excused D. joined
49. A. contributed B. jumped C. introduced D. vanished
50. A. whispered B. wandered C. sympathized D. sentenced
 *  
Cách phát âm –shoặc –essau động từ hoặc danh từ phụ thuộc vào âm đứng phía trước nó.
Động từ hoặc danh từ khi

thêm –shoặc –es được phát âm như sau:
1. /ɪz/ sau động từ hoặc danh từ tận cùng bằng những âm /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/
2. /s/ sau động từ hoặc danh từ tận cùng bằng những âm vô thanh/p/, /k/, /f/, /θ/, /t/
3. /z/ sau động từ hoặc danh từ tận cùng bằng âm còn lại.
EXERCISE 2:Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1. A. skims B. works C. sits D. laughs
2. A. fixes B. pushes C. misses D. goes
3. A. cries B. buzzes C. studies D. supplies
4. A. holds B. notes C. replies D. sings
5. A. keeps B. gives C. cleans D. prepares
6. A. runs B. fills C. draws D. catches
7. A. drops B. kicks C. sees D. hopes
8. A. types B. knocks C. changes D. wants
9. A. drinks B. rides C. travels D. leaves
10. A. calls B. glasses C. smiles D. learns
11. A. schools B. yards C. labs D. seats
12. A. knives B. trees C. classes D. agrees
13. A. buses B. horses C. causes D. ties
14. A. garages B. boats C. bikes D. roofs
15. A. ships B. roads C. streets D. speaks
16. A. beliefs B. cups C. plates D. apples
17. A. books B. days C. songs D. erasers
18. A. houses B. knives C. clauses D. changes
19. A. roofs B. banks C. hills D. bats
20. A. hats B. tables C. tests D. desks
21. A. gives B. passes C. dances D. finishes
22. A. sees B. sings C. meets D. needs
23. A. seeks B. plays C. gets D. looks
24. A. tries B. receives C. teaches D. studies

25. A. says B. pays C. stays D. boys
26. A. eyes B. apples C. tables D. faces
27. A. posts B. types C. wives D. keeps
28. A. beds B. pens C. notebooks D. rulers
29. A. stools B. cards C. cabs D. forks
30. A. buses B. crashes C. bridges D. plates
Exercise on stress on two-sylable words
I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
1. a. nature b. change c. gravity d. basic
2. a. darkness b. warmth c. market d. remark
3. a. trays b. says c. bays d. days
4. a. knees b. papers c. trees d. bats
5. a. because b. nurse c. horse d. purpose
6. a. marriage b. massage c. collage d. shortage
7. a. enough b. tough c. laugh d. though
8. a. breathe b. with c. thermal d. clothing
9. a. education b . individual c. procedure d. producti
10. a. released b. pleased c. passed d. housed
11. a. helped b. struggled c. remarked d. watched
12. a. airports b. suitcases c. things d. calculators
13. a. fills b. adds c. stirs d. lets
14. a. cease b. chase c. increase d. raise
15. a. shops b. notes c. mouths d. books
16. a. jumped b. picked c. relaxed d. suited
17. a. hooked b. kissed c. traveled d. diminished
18. a. passed b. realized c. wished d. touched
19. a. enjoyed b. moved c. achieved d. liked
20. a. wicked b. wanted c. needed d. filled
II. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words:
1. a. recently b. conduct c. attitude d. marriage

2. a. banquet b. schedule c. diameter d. blessing
3. a. birthday b. cowboy c. enjoy d. pleasure
4. a. disease b. humour c. cancer d. treatment
5. a. persuade b. reduce c. offer d. apply
6 . a. farmer b. farewell c. factory d. fairy
7. a. cattle b. country c. canal d. cover
8. a. money b. machine c. many d. mother
9. a. borrow b. agree c. await d. prepare
10. a. paper b. tonight c. lecture d. story
11. a. money b. army c. afraid d. people
12. a. enjoy b. daughter c. provide d. decide
13. a. begine b. pastime c. finish d. summer
14. a. reply b. appeal c. offer d. support
15. a. profit b. comfort c. apply d. suggest
16. a. direct b. idea c. suppose d. figure
17. a. revise b. amount c. contain d. desire
18. a. standard b. happen c. handsome d. destroy
19. a. about b. around c. between d. under
20. a. knowledge b. enjoy c. science d. sudden
21. a. because b. method c. standard d. wooden
22. a. ashtray b. music c. severe d. temper
23. a. farewell b. thoughtful c. toward d. approach
24. a. bridegroom b. bamboo c. wedding d. survey
25. a. healthy b. remain c. alone d. accept
26. a. explain b. obtain c. promise d. suspect
27. a. confide b. agree c. maintain d. response
28. a. precede b. suppose c. decide d. finish
29. a. abroad b. noisy c. hundred d. quiet
30. a. passion b. aspect c. medium d. success
31. a. exist b. evolve c. enjoy d. enter

32. a. doctor b. modern c. corner d. Chinese
33. a. complain b. machine c. music d. instead
34. a. writer b. baker c. builder d. career
35. a. provide b. adopt c. happen d. inspire
36. a. result b. region c. river d. robot
37. a. constant b. basic c. irate d. obvious
38. a.become b. carry c. appoint d. invent
39. a. engine b. battle c. career d. rabies
40. a. attract b. destroy c. level d. occur
41. a. spaceship b. planet c. solar d. surround
42. a. brilliant b. daily c. extreme d. protein
43. a. appoint b. gather c. threaten d. vanish
44. a. button b. canal c. failure d. monster
45. a. disease b. humour c. cancer d. treatment
46. a. persuade b. reduce c. offer d. apply
47. a. farmer b. farewell c. factory d. fairy
48. a. cattle b. country c. canal d. cover
49. a. money b. machine c. many d. mother
50 a. borrow b. agree c. await d. prepare.
51. a. paper b. police c. people d. purpose
52. a. damage b. destroy c. demand d. deny
53. a. ancient b. attack c. alive d. across
54. a. person b. purpose c. possess d. pirate
55. a. ruler b. river c. retire d. rapid
56. a. sentence b. suggest c. species d. system
57. a. attack b. defeat c. beieve d. happen
58. a. release b. pleasure c. leaver d creamy

1c, 2b, 3b, 4d, 5a, 6b, 7d, 8c, 9c, 10b, 11b, 12a, 13d, 14d, 15c, 16d, 17c, 18b, 19d, 20d.
II. Stress:
1b, 2c, 3c, 4a, 5c, 6b, 7c, 8b, 9a, 10b, 11c, 12b, 13a, 14c, 15a, 16d, 17b, 18d, 19d, 20b, 21a, 22c,
24b, 25a, 26c, 27d, 28d, 29a, 30d, 31d, 32d, 33c, 34d, 35c, 36a, 37c, 38b, 39c, 40c, 41d, 42c,
43a, 44b,
45a, 46c, 47b, 48c, 49b, 50a, 51b, 52a, 53a, 54c, 55c, 56b, 57d, 58a.
