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I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
1. A. bush B. rush C. pull D. lunar
2. A. choir B. choice C. noise D. toilet
3. A. beloved B. helped C. wicked D. naked
4. A. easy B. pleased C. pleasure D. teach
5. A. depth B. with C. smooth D. breathe
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently
6. A. amount B. mental C. dependence D. opinion
7. A. imposed B. repetition C. improve D. possession
8. A. section B. grammar C. unsuccessful D.demonstrate
9. A. amateur B. astronomy C. dinosaurs D. sonorous
10. A. create B. tactician C. foundation D. wagon
III. Choose the best answer
11. The passport she carried was….
A. artificial B. imitation C. untrue D. false
12. …Daisy didn’t like to swim, she played on the beach while her
friends swam in the sea.
A. Since B. Although C. However D. When
13. Did you break that window on…?
A. Deliberation B. purpose C. intention D. reason
14. When an ortrich is frightened, it buries its head …the sand.
A. In B. under C. into D. beneath
15. Every Sunday we …on walking in the park.
A. Seldom B. usually C. rarely D. never
16. On his father’s death, Tom was…$100,000.
A. Presented B. inherited C. left D. gifted
17. I estimate that this diamond ring is…about $100,000.
A. Valued B. precious C. worth D. priced
18. …many times I tell him, he always forgets to pass on phone

A. Wherever B. Whatever C. However D. Whenever
19. He didn’t have …in his suitcase for all the things he had bought on
A. Room B. place C. size D. area
20. It is always a good idea to …a bill before paying it.
A. Calculate B. add C. control D. check
21. “Where’s Polly?” – “She…”
A. Is studying in her room C. in her room is studying
B. Studies in her room D. has in her room studied
22. …in your class have tickets for the lecture series?
A. Do any of the student C. Do any of the students
B. Does any of the student D. Does any of the students
23. He has just bought …expensive new furniture.
A. An B. some C. these D. those
24. Yesterday I…to furniture store. I bought a new lamp there.
A. Could go C. could have gone
B. Went D. ought to have gone
25. Jane should seriously consider…an actress. She is a talented
A. To become B. become C. becoming D. will become
26. Is it true…the law says there is no smoking in restaurants in this
A. That what B. what C. if D. that
27. Today, many serious childhood diseases…by early immunisation.
A. Are preventing C. can prevent
B. Prevent D. can be prevented
28. Many people lost their homes in the earthquake. The government
needs to establish more shelters to care for those …have homes.
A. Who don’t C. which don’t
B. Who doesn’t D. which doesn’t

29. It’s a beautiful day. Would you like to go…?
A. To sail B. sailing C. to sailing D. for sailing
30. Next month I …Derek for 20 years.
A. Know C. am knowing
B. Will have known D. have known
31. Several …sleeping under the tree.
A. Of lions were C. of the lions was
B. Lions was D. lions were
32. Did the teacher explain how…this problem?
A. Do we solve B. can we solve C. to solve D. solve
33. Only if you promise to study hard…to help you
A. Will I agree B. agree I C. I agree D. I will agree
34. About 15,000 years ago, northern Wisconsin…under ice a mile
A. Was buried B. was burying C. buried D. had buried
35. …arrived for you this morning.
A. Furniture C. some furniture
B. A furniture D. some furnitures
36. I expect Mary …here early tonight. She should arrive in the next
half hour.
A. To come C. having come
B. Coming D. to have come
37. Problem …never occurred.
A. I had expected it C. that I expected it
B. Who I had expected D. I had expected
38. I wish Janet …to the meeting this afternoon.
A. Could come B. came C. can come D. will come
39. I…with you on that subject.
A. Am agreeing B. am agreed C. agreeing D. agree
40. I…be there at 6 p.m. for the meeting, but my car won’t start. Could

you please give me a lift in your car?
A. Will B. may C. supposed to D. have got to
IV. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that
needs correcting
41. Tom spent (A) such enjoyable vacation in Europe this summer (B)
that he plans (C) to return as soon as he (D) saves enough money
42. Alexander Graham Bell (A) figured out (B) a way to transmit (C)
speech electronical (D) when was just 27.
43. (A) Much of (B) the fresh vegetables consumed in the United
States (C) are grown (D) by truck farmers.
44. (A) Even though the child pretended (B) sleeping, (C) when we
opened the bedroom door we were not (D) deceived
45. (A) Beyond the simple pleasures of (B) flying, kites have been (C)
use to lift and (D) tow objects.
46. If Jackie and Mary (A) had been (B) in (C) better physical
condition, they (D) might enjoyed the hike more.
47. (A) Mushroom thrive in damp places, (B) where (C) is there plenty
of (D) moisture and nutrients
48. The (A) inventor of Alexander Graham Bell (B) greatly extended
(C) the limits of (D) communication.
49. Harry’s advisor persuaded (A) his taking several courses (B) which
did (C) not involve (D) much knowledge of mathematics
50. Some people (A) believed that humans will (B) never (C) use away
all (D) the natural resources of our earth.
V. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
A new restaurant with a difference has opened in the High Street
next door to the Royal Theatre in Bristol. It is called Starters and is (51)…
by Carol and Phillip Wells who opened a (52)…reataurant in London last
Instead of a traditional three – course (53)…customers can choose

whatever (54)…want from a list of (55)…a hundred staters or first
courses. The list also includes recipes from all over the world and
customers are recommended to (56)…at least 3 starters to (57)…a
satisfying meal.
Prices vary depending on what you have, (58)…it is possible to eat
quite cheaply if you (59)…want to spend a lot of money. The new
restaurant is becoming very popular and it’s (60)…to book a table to avoid
51. A. got B. held C. run D. taken
52. A. similar B. same C. several D. like
53. A. tea B. meal C. food D. plate
54. A. you B. he C. they D. we
55. A only B. up C. more D. over
56. A. read B. choose C. look D. want
57. A. make B. be C. want D. need
58. A. so B. then C. unless D. if
59. A. do B. can C. don’t D. will
60. A. well B. best C. great D. fine
VI. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
A. We were sorry to hear about the accident. Anyway, you mustn’t
feel too anxious about work. A lot of people are away on holiday
this month, so there’s not as much business as usual. When you are
feeling a little better we’d like to come and see you; we’ll bring
you some of your favourite chocolate.
Now for office news. Have you heard that the boss is getting
married next month? She tried to keep it quiet but one of the
secretaries heard her talking about wedding arrangements over the
phone, so now of course everyone knows! We’re collecting money
to buy her a present. It’s really difficult to know what to get her as
she has most things. Someone has suggested theatre or concert

tickets, which is a good idea. We can find ou from her personal
assiatant what her plans are and when she has a free-evening. The
only problem is that although we know what she likes, we don’t
know whether her future husband shares her tastes.
All being well, we’ll see you some time next week. Until the we all
send our good wishes and hope you recover quickly.
61. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. To give some cheerful news C. to describe her office work
B. To offer professional advice D. to suggest ways to recover
62. Why would somebody read the text?
A. To find out about a wedding present
B. To arrange to see friends
C. To learn about a person’s accident
D. To help them stop worrying
63. What does the writer suggest about one of the secretaries?
A. She’s hard-working C. She likes secret
B. She talks too much D. She enjoys weddings.
64. Why is it difficult to buy the boss present?
A. She already has a lot of things
B. No one knows her fiance
C. They haven’t much money
D. She’s been married once before
65. Which of the following words do you think the writer sent?
A. Really pleased to hear your news. Hope all goes well on the big
day. Don’t forget to send us a photo
B. Under stress? Don’t worry. Have a good rest, hope the weather
stays fine and you come back feeling it
C. What bad luck! Anyway, glad things aren’t too serious. Keep
smiling and see you soon
D. Come and have supper with us next week before going to the

theatre. That should cheer you up. I hope you can come
C. Experts emphasise that senility is not an inevitable result of the
aging process, like greying hair. It is a specific disease with a
variety of causes, resulting in falling memory, a decline in the
ability to work with numbers, errors in judgement, and irritability
often leading to paranoia.
By their 70s, many normal people show decline in memory,
reasoning, learning and problem – solving, but others do not. Older
people with a good deal of education who are used to using their
minds appear to have less difficult. Moreover, about 15 – 20 per
cent of patients who become senile suffer from conditions that can
be corrected.
66. From the passage, it is clear that senily is a problem affecting
especially a person’s
A. Hair B. mind C. skin D. blood
67. The passage states that senility seem to affect mainly
A. Men B. women C. the young D. the elderly
68. Expects point out that senility
A. Can generally be prevented C. does not affect everybody
B. Can generally be cured D. has no specific symtoms
69. Which of the following is not described as a sign of senility?
A. Greying hair C. errors in judgement
B. Falling memory D. confusing with numbers
70. Which of the following statements based on the last sentence is
A. Most people become senily
B. Most people do not become senily
C. Most senily people can be cured
D. Most senily people can not be cured
VII. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as

the given
71. Pleased don’t go there now.
A. I don’t want to go there now
B. I wouldn’t like to go there now
C. I had better not go there now
D. I’d rather you didn’t go there
72. A neighbour is looking after the children while I’m out
A. A neighbour is taking care of the children while I’m out
B. A neighbour is taking care for the children while I’m out
C. A neighbour is taking care about the children while I’m out
D. A neighbour is taking care to the children while I’m out
73. Her friend came and saw her in hospital, which was kind.
A. It was kind to her friend who came and saw her in hospital
B. It was kind of her to come and see her friend in hospital
C. It was kind of her friend to come and see her in hospital
D. She was kind to come and see her friend in hospital
74. I have never seen such beautiful pictures before
A. These pictures are the most beautiful I have never seen
B. These pictures are the most beautiful I have ever seen
C. This is the first time I have seen beautiful pictures
D. This is the first time I see beautiful pictures
75. “How long have you been waitin here?” the girl asked me
A. The girl asked me how long I had been waiting here
B. The girl asked me how long had I been waiting here
C. The girl asked me how long I had been waiting there
D. The girl asked me how long had I been waiting there
76. Take an umbrella because it might rain
A. In case it rains, take an umbrella
B. In case it will rain, take an umbrella
C. Take an umbrella if it rains

D. Take an umbrella if it will rain
77. Drinking a lot of tea is new for me
A. I drink a lot of new tea
B. A lot of new tea is drunk
C. I’m not used to drinking a lot of tea
D. I’m not used to drink a lot of tea
78. Although it was sunny, I felt quite cold
A. I felt quite cold because of the sunny weather
B. I felt quite cold in spite of being sunny
C. Despite the sunny weather, but I felt quite cold
D. Despite the sunny weather, I felt quite cold
79. They are designing a new machine
A. A new machine is being design
B. A new machine is being designing
C. A new machine is designed
D. A new machine is being designed
80. The picnic was cancelled because it rained
A. If it didn’t rain, the picnic wouldn’t be cancelled
B. If it hadn’t rained, the picnic wouldn’t have been cancelled
C. If it didn’t rain, the picnic wouldn’t have been cancelled
D. If it hadn’t rained, the picnic wouldn’t be cancelled
