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Publications of the SocialDemocratic and Socialist Internationals 19142000 A project by the International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI)

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Socialist Internationals - A Bibliography

Publications of the Social-Democratic and
Socialist Internationals 1914-2000

A project by the International Association
of Labour History Institutions (IALHI)

Compiled by Gerd Callesen

Bonn, Gent 2001

The publication of this bibliography is sponsored by the foundation

ISBN 3-86077-990-7

Published by the Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
for the International Association of Labour History Institutions

Godesberger Allee 149
D – 53175 Bonn

Printed in Germany 2001

New locations and additions to the bibliography will be available at



Introduction 7

International Socialist Bureau 19
Organisation Committee for the International Socialist Conference Stockholm 20
International Labour and Socialist Conference Bern 20
Second International 21
International Working Union of Socialist Parties 22
Comité des Neuf 24
Labour and Socialist International 24
Young Workers' International 39
International Union of Socialist Youth Organizations 39
Socialist Youth International 40
Socialist Labour Sports International; International Labour Sports Committee;
International Labour Sports Confederation 44
Socialist Educational International 53
International Federation of Socialist Students 55
Labour Wireless International 56

International Socialist Abstainers’ Union 57
Internacio de Socialistaj Esperantistoj 58
Internationale der Arbeitersänger 59
International Federation of Socialist Doctors 60
International Socialist Committee for the Organized Jewish Workers in Palestine 60
Comité d'Action Socialiste pour l'Espagne 60

International Socialist Conference; Socialist Information and Liaison Office 61
Committee of the International Socialist Conferences 62
Socialist International 62
International Council of Social Democratic Women; Socialist International Women 73
International Union of Socialist Youth 76
International Literary Agency 88
International Friends of Nature 88
International Young Nature Friends 99
International Falcon Movement-Socialist Educational International 101
International Federation of Workers' Educational Associations 109
International Union of Socialist Educators 114
International Federation of the Socialist and Democratic Press 116
International Labour Assistance/International Workers Aid/Solidar 118
Asian Socialist Conference 123
Asia-Pacific Socialist Organization 125
Socialist Interafrican 125
Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europe 126
The political organizations of the European Socialists 129

Liaison Bureau of the Socialist Parties of the European Community 130

Confederation of the Socialist Parties of the European Community 130
Party of European Socialists 136
Parliamentary Group of the Party of European Socialists 139
Committee of the Regions – Group of the Party of the European Socialists 151
European Community Organisation of Socialist Youth, ECOSY 151

Appendix 154
Libraries and Organizations 164
Abbreviations 167


Several monographs – analytical or descriptive – of the Labour and Socialist International
(1923-1940) and the Socialist International (1951-) in different languages exist. Also interna-
tional co-operation between two or more parties has been analysed, and in this way central
aspects of social-democratic/socialist internationalism have been highlighted. However, the
smaller Internationals have only, at best, been treated in organizational histories published by
and for the organizations themselves. All in all, neither the large nor the small Internationals
have been analysed as they saw themselves through their publications or from the point of
view of their efforts as seen from the outside. Some of these Internationals have been almost
forgotten or are only known by a few, highly specialized, scholars. E.g. the Socialist Union of
Central-Eastern Europe (SUCEE) has been forgotten since 1990, the International Federa-
tion of the Socialist and Democratic Press (IFSDP) probably does not exist any more, the
Asian Socialist Conference played a role in the 1950ies, but who has ever heard of the
Interafrican Socialist or can place it in time? But all these organizations have or had quite a
role to play. If their efforts were to be analysed and understood, the most important material –
the publications of these organizations – had to be located. The material probably existed, but
where, in which archives and libraries?
This bibliography aims to register all publications of the various Social-Democratic

and Socialist Internationals in the period from 1914 to 2000, whether they are printed or, as in
some cases, mimeographed. The criterion for inclusion is wether the publications were
intended to be used also outside the organization, that is all material intended for use only
internally in the different Internationals has been excluded. For the same reason publications
published by the secretaries or presidents of the Internationals, e.g. Camille Huysmans,
Friedrich Adler, Albert Carthy and others, more or less on behalf of the Internationals have
been included.
The reason for setting the starting point in 1914 is that in his bibliography on the
Second International, Georges Haupt made the planned Congress of the International in
Vienna August 1914 the last one to be included.
Although this bibliography begins in 1914,
the activities of the Women's International and the Youth International during the First World
War have not been included – the split in the Labour movement, which became apparent on
August 4, 1914, left these organizations outside the Social-Democratic sphere. They must in
the main be considered part of the left wing which in 1919 established itself as the
Communist International. The bibliography on the Communist International by Vilem Kahan,
of which only volume 1 has as yet been published, begins in 1919, but may include the
material of these Internationals in the forthcoming volumes.
The different Fourth
Internationals – of which the various Trotskyist international organizations partly have been
covered by Petra and Wolfgang Lubitz
– also falls outside the scope of the present
Even if some of these Internationals were founded before 1914, e.g. the Labour
Sports International (1913-) and the International Friends of Nature (1895-), only material
published in 1914 or later has been included. It has not been possible to locate material from
the International Association of Socialist Lawyers, which probably existed between 1928 and

1940 and the International League of Religious Socialists; furthermore the Secretary of the

Georges Haupt: La deuxième Internationale 1889-1914. Etude critique des sources. Essai bibliographique,
Paris 1964.
Vilem Kahan: Bibliography of the Communist International (1919-1979), vol. 1, Leiden 1990.
Petra and Wolfgang Lubitz: Trotsky bibliography. An international classified list of publications about Leon
Trotsky and trotskyism 1905-1988, München 1999; Trotsky serial bibliography 1927-1991. With locations and
indices, München 1993.

League failed to react to several letters sent to it. An International Federation of Workers’
Travel Association has been in existence during the 1950ies and 1960ies
, but no published
material has been found. Several international conferences of organizations concerned with
Social Tourism were held in the 1950ies and 1960ies and a Bureau International du Tourisme
Social was founded in 1963 on the ’Fourth International Congress on Social Tourism’. This
Bureau published the periodical ’bits information’, but it has not been possible to determine if
it was an International according to the criteria used for this bibliography – as yet no printed
material from this organization has been found although Conference reports were published.
In 1954 an international conference on workers cinemas and films produced by social-
democratic organizations and Trade Unions was held in Hamburg.
According to the
produced report it seems that the intention was to develop this co-operation, but no further
traces have been found, nor has it been possible to document a further reference to hundreds
of films registered at the time. Another cultural organization was a bureau of publishing

houses of the Labour movement, the International Literary Agency, which actually existed for
several years and published a periodical for some years.
The publications by the Asian Socialist Conference and the Socialist Interafrican are
included, as are the publications of the SI Fraternal and Associated organizations with two
exceptions, and the various European Social Democratic bodies connected with European
unification process, unlike other regional bodies, such as the Internationale der Bodensee-
Staaten, which was in existence during the 1920ies, and the co-operation between the Social-
Democratic parties and Trade Unions in the North-European countries (since 1886). The
Internationale Proletarischer Freidenker, the Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda, SAT, the
Internationale des Organisations Culturelles Ouvrières, IDOCO, have not been included in
the bibliography as, for various reasons, they were not part of the social-democratic world,
although many of the members and officers were. Two of the organizations associated to the
Socialist International, viz the World Labour Zionist Federation and the Jewish Labour Bund
are not included as they were not considered to be Internationals but as organizations with
chapters in various countries. The same goes for the Naturfreunde, which was a Weltverein
until in 1950 it constituted itself as an International; accordingly it has only has been included
Publications of 39 Internationals are listed in this bibliography, out of which 12 are
still publishing material today. The basis for the listings is the collections of some of the
larger libraries in the International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI).
Subsequently, a series of libraries have been contacted, and they have supplied additional
material. The most recent reports have not provided a great deal of new information, and from
this we think we can conclude that although it still is possible to locate some new titles, most
of the published material has been located, however, with two exceptions: 1) many of the
mimeographed periodicals and 2) the publications of the Party of European Socialists (PES).
But it seems probable that the publications of some of the politically more important
Internationals have been located and registered in full, especially the material dating from the
period between the two World Wars. At least this bibliography provides the fullest
compilation of the various publications of the Internationals and so will facilitate future

Bits information, vol. 1, no. 1, October 1963 p. 8. Several numbers of this mimeographed periodical from the
years 1963 to 1970 are held by the AMSAB, Gent.
Protokoll über die 1.Internationalen Arbeiter-Film-Festspiele vom 15. bis 18. September 1954 in Hamburg-
Nienstedten, Düsseldorf n.d., 54 p.


All printed publications, and in some cases also mimeographed material, have been
registered. Those mentioned by various sources, but not actually seen, are indicated by an * –
many of them are taken from Andrea Panacciones bibliography
. Several periodicals have
only been found in incomplete sets in different libraries; it is to be hoped that complete series
can be reconstituted and preserved in some way. Periodicals have been registered at the end of
each ”chapter”. Reports, protocols, etc., have not been included among the periodicals, but in
general are registered individually in the bibliography. Based on the findings of this
bibliography, some microfilms have already been produced by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in
Bonn, and are available at the Mikrofilm-Archiv der deutschsprachigen Presse
.This has been
made possible by a grant from the Erich-Brost-Stiftung, and it is the intention to produce even
more microfilms.
The Erich-Brost-Stiftung also supports the publication of this bibliography.
If nothing else is stated, all languages used by the Internationals themselves are
included in the registration, but not material from the congresses, for instance, published by

the Danish or Dutch Social Democratic parties; these were not materials published by or on
behalf of the Labour and Socialist International. An exceptions has been made for the Party of
European Socialists (PES), its predecessors and affiliated bodies. The PES-organizations have
published their material in up to 12 languages, so it was decided only to register the English-
language editions, but to indicate in which other languages these publications were published.
Unfortunately the PES publications have only been preserved in some few libraries, and only
in incomplete sets. For this reason it has not been possible to mention all the various
language-editions, and quite a lot of the publications have only been found in languages other
than English. Finding and collecting this material and making it available for research
purposes is a task for the PES and the European IALHI-institutes. Hopefully this will be
possible in the coming years as members of the various parties hand over their collections to
the archives.
The entries are in chronological order, and they are given in alphabetical order for
every year. In some cases it has been impossible to establish the year of publication, and
whenever this is the case the titles have entered at the beginning of the ”chapter”. The list of
abbreviations and the List of the libraries in which this material can be found should be a help
in locating material – the last line of each entry indicates, in abbreviation, in which library the
publication can be found. Even if most of the publications can be found in the IISG, quite a
lot only exist in other libraries. Addresses may change, but can probably be found on the
internet via the IALHI website [ As the participating institutions have,
for various reasons, organised their collections in different ways, quite often it is possible to
find more material in not-catalogued archival collections – users are reminded to ask for this
possibility in the institutions.
In the short notes on the history of the various Internationals it has also been
indicated where archival material, as far as has been ascertained, can be found. But possibly
other institutions also hold material of interest.
In an annex, various publications addressed to the International and its bodies are
registered, but these have only been registered if and when they were found during the search
for the real objects. It is possible that there are more of these publications, no thorough search

Andrea Panaccione: Fonti per la storia della Internazionale Operaia Socialista 1923-1940, in: Annali. Fonda-
zione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, vol. 1983/84 (L’Internazionale Operaia e Socialista tra le due guerre, a cura di
Enzo Collotti), p. 3-43.
Adress: Mikrofilmarchiv der deutschsprachigen Presse c/o Institut für Zeitungsforschung der Stadt Dortmund,
Königswall 18, D-44122 Dortmund. The 10
Catalogue with holdings was published in 1998.
Erich Brost was a social-democratic journalist and publisher, originally in Danzig (Gdansk) later in West-


has been instituted, but since they must be considered to be useful for researchers/scholars,
they have been included.
The LSI established several Commissions in the period between the two World
Wars, which published various reports and periodicals. These have been included in the
bibliography under their year of publication. Reports by these Commissions included in the
congress material have not been listed separately. The SI established the Socialist
International Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, SICLAC, which as far as
could be ascertained published the periodical America Socialista for some years – but only
four numbers seem to exist in Europe, and in three different libraries at that. The Social
Democratic Group of the Latin American Parliament is a fairly new associated organization
to the SI and if the group has published anything it has not found its way to any of the
participating libraries. This is also the case for the several other SI Committees, e.g. the SI
Committee on Local Authorities, the Africa Committee etc. – see e.g. Socialist Affairs, vol.
49, no.1, p. 37-48.
In January 1993 the European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity was founded on

the initiative of the Western European Social Democratic parties to support the transformation
and democratisation processes in Central and Eastern Europe and as a platform for co-
operation with social democratic personalities and parties in the region. The Forum co-
operates closely with the Socialist International, the Party of European Socialists and other
social democratic Internationals and is a part of the international social democratic network.
The Forum publishes Country Updates on the countries in the region with difficult
obtainable background material, a Newsletter/Calendar (no. 26/December 2000) and Annual
Reports. The Forum intends to develop its coverage to include the countries of the
Confederation of Independent States
Notes are written in italics and indicate e.g. that there is additional material or that
particular pieces of information has not been found. The items have been registered as the
different libraries have reported them – and as there are different libraries and their
registrations sometimes go back a long time, differences in the entries occur.
Reprints and microfilms are indicated wherever they have been found. With regard to
the LSI-periodical "International Information" and its supplements several checks have been
conducted between the three editions in English, French and German. No great textual
differences have been discovered between the three editions, even though sometimes a
numbers have been used (11a etc). The dates given on the three editions sometimes differ, and
the texts may be in a different sequence, but as far as the checks have revealed, the contents
are the same over a period. There are fewer pages in the English edition as English texts take
up less space than both French and German. Some numbers – especially in "Documents and
Discussions" – use the original language in all three editions. A microfilm of the English and
German editions has been produced based on the holdings of the IISG.
The archives of the Labour Party – now in the National Museum of Labour History
in Manchester (Labour History Archive & Study Centre) – have been much used in the
historiography on the LSI and SI as the Labour Party played a prominent role after both
World Wars in re-establishing the International. Richard Storey has made an inventory of the

, although the holdings of the Labour History Archive & Study Centre now are
more extensive than they were in 1973, altogether there are 42 boxes of material. The archives
of the LSI in the IISG have been registered, and an inventory has been published.
An early


Richard A. Storey: Labour Party archives: Labour and Socialist International, listed by R.A. Storey and
T.W.M. Jaine, Historical Manuscripts Commission, London 1973.
J.R. van der Leeuw et al: Inventar des Archivs der Sozialistischen Arbeiter-Internationale (SAI) 1923-1940 -
IISG-Working Papers, 22 -, Stichting beheer IISG, Amsterdam 1993.

overview of the publications of the LSI and a very valuable chronological list of articles on
the LSI in the magazines of the contemporary Labour movement, including some brochures
on the same theme, have been published by Andrea Panaccione in the already mentioned
The co-operative effort of the IALHI institutions has made this bibliography
possible, but a number of non-members have also contributed. It has required an imaginative
effort to find this material and locate it. As will be seen, the material is not completely present
in any library although some have more than others. It will also be seen that the various
collections are more complete for some years and for some organizations than for others. It is
astonishing that the years after 1960 show a poorer percentage of material found than the first
20 years from 1913-1933 – or so we must presume. Only the smaller Internationals, who had
their strongholds in Germany, and who accordingly lost the vast majority of their members in
1933 and in the following years lost even more of them through the takeover of Austria by the

Austro-Fascists in 1934, and the occupation of the ’Sudetenland’ in 1938 by the Nazis show a
lower percentage. It is highly deplorable that these publications were not collected by the
Labour history institutions or handed in by the organizations. Because of these omissions, a
lot of material has been lost. The bibliography is the very first step to find out what was
published, and where access can be had to these publications. The IALHI should make it a
task to try to find and make available more of the missing material.
The IALHI is aware of the fact that this bibliography is only the first step in locating
and re-finding the publications of the Internationals. To facilitate this process, IALHI
has decided to publish this bibliography knowing that it is incomplete. But we believe it
will be easier to find more by means of a printed version. Only later we intend to pro-
duce a data-base which can be consulted on the Internet. This next step will be handled
by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung which will make this database available in about two
years time – hopefully it will be more complete in comparison with the present version.
IALHI welcomes every help it can get, and we ask anybody with knowledge of more
publications to contact the Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
– the URL address will
be: In connection with the Microfilm-Project
conducted by the FES, it is important that the FES be notified even of single, isolated
numbers of the periodicals listed – and, of course, also of new items. Electronic Press-services
etc published by the existing Internationals are already collected by the Friedrich-Ebert-
Stiftung and will be available sometime during 2001 via the homepage of the Friedrich-Ebert-
The bibliography has been compiled by: Gerd Callesen (ABA), Alberto Castelli (FF),
Martin Grass (ARAB), Urs Kaelin (SSA), Andrew A. Lee (TAM), Janina Nowak-Spicha
(SHC), Co Seegers (IISG), Liesbeth van der Sluijs (IISG), Michel Vermote (AMSAB),
Franck Veyron (BDIC) and Rüdiger Zimmermann (FES).
Others have shown themselves most helpful and we wish to thank them: Stephen
Bird, Erik Boel, Vincent Bulteau, Louise Fluger Callesen, Steen Christensen, Christine
Coates, Brigit Collins, Andrej W. Doronin, Reinhold Dumser, Maurice Duytschaever,

Heinrich Eppe, Helga Farukuoye, Lena Fluger, Rosa Gallego, John Hamilton, Petteri Huurre,
Silvia Hruska, Barbara Kontny, Odette Lambert, Luc Lievyns, Ulrich Lins, Karin Loi, Klaus-
Peter Lorenz, Rodolfo Losada, Jan Mehlum, Jørgen Møller, Vagn Oluf Nielsen, Frida Lopez
Novella, Manfred Pils, Angela Rinschen, Friederike Samel, Huub Sanders, Kathrin Schick,
Edelgard Slama, Pau Solanilla, Julie Somerville, Katrin Stiller, Karl Stubenvoll, Jack Taylor,
Bendt Thuesen, Bernard Tuyttens, Gregor Vogt, Ludivine Weech and Jochen Zimmer. The
secretariat of the Socialist International has also been most helpful.

Godesberger Allee 149, D-53170 Bonn. Tel. +49 228 883 550. Fax +49 228 883 626. E-mail:


The bibliography includes material up to and including December 2000 at which time work
on the bibliography was completed.

Considerations on the Development, Function and Role of Social-
Democratic Internationalism

In continuation of the migrations of mediaeval journeymen, the 19
century saw considerable
migratory activities on the part of European workers. Immediately prior to the outbreak of the
revolutions in Europe in 1848, France alone had a foreign population of 850,000 people,
mainly skilled workers and artisans, if it is indeed possible to distinguish between the two
groups. A large proportion of these migrant workers consisted of German journeymen, who
went to Switzerland, London, and especially Paris.

In the two metropolises and in several
Swiss towns there was a sufficiently high number of foreigners for them to establish viable
associations of radically thinking workers, partly on a national basis, partly as cross-national
associations, such as, for examples, ‘The Fraternal Democrats’ in London.
It is an established fact that this nascent radical Labour Movement gave rise to
concern among the ruling classes; attempts were made to restrict or even ban migration, and
certainly to prevent the setting up of workers’ organizations, for which reason they had to
operate clandestinely during these years. A rich literature exists dealing with these
associations, particularly the documentation and analyses of ‘Bund der Kommunisten’, an
organization that was of direct importance for the development of internationalism, must be

More important than migrating journeymen is, of course, industrialization which
slowly emerged from the middle of the century, and created the class for whom international
organization was to be of decisive importance. The emerging working class took an interest in
the International Working Men’s Association to the extent that and for as long as it was
capable of managing activities to prevent the importation of scabs, and could actively assist
the workers engaged in industrial action. For quite some time, the IWA was able to do that
This development was, to a certain extent, halted by the dissolution of the IWA after 1872.
Endeavours to maintain international cooperation were continued from various quarters, and
several congresses were, in fact, held but no new International saw the light of day until the
newly formed labour parties and trade unions met at the Paris Congress in 1889.

The theoretical position developed at the 1866 congress of the IWA determined the
Marxist stance to the role of trade unions in the overall Labour Movement for a long time to
come – as a matter of fact, this resolution has had a role to play until the present times. It was

See Jacques Grandjonc: Die deutsche Binnenwanderung in Europa 1830 bis 1848, in: Otto Busch et al.
(eds): Die frühsozialistischen Bünde in der Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung. Vom “Bund der
Gerechten” zum “Bund der Kommunisten” 1836-1847. Ein Tagungsbericht, Berlin 1975, p. 3-20.
Der Bund der Kommunisten. Dokumente und Materialien, vol. 1-3, Berlin 1970-1984 and Martin Hundt:
Geschichte des Bundes der Kommunisten 1836-1852 - Philosophie und Geschichte der Wissenschaften,
Studien und Quellen 3 -, Peter Lang, Frankfurt/M, 1993.
Ursula Hermann: Der Kampf von Karl Marx um eine revolutionäre Gewerkschaftspolitik 1864 bis 1868,
Berlin 1868.
A brief survey of the various congresses is provided by Arnold Reisberg: Von der I. zur II. Internationale.
Die Durchsetzung des Marxismus im Kampf um die Wiederherstellung der Arbeiterinternationale, Berlin
1980, pp. 98-138. For the first years of the new International, see Markus Bürgi: Die Anfänge der Zweiten
Internationale. Positionen und Auseinandersetzungen 1889-1893 – Quellen und Studien zur Sozial-
geschichte, 16 -, Frankfurt 1996; for the refoundation of the Labour and Socialist International, see Robert
Sigel: Die Geschichte der Zweiten Internationale 1918-1923 – Quellen und Studien zur Sozialgeschichte, 7 -
Frankfurt/M. 1985.

only during the years immediately before the turn of the millennium that the ties between the
trade unions and the political components of the Labour Movement were decisively weakened
even in countries where Marxism had not, to be sure, played a prominent role, but where it
had had an ongoing impact since the end of the 19
century, without the functionaries of the
Labour Movement having been particularly aware of this impact.
However, international experience was to have implications for the development: as

a result of this comprehensive worker migration, the members of the working class had an
unarticulated understanding of the nature of capitalism in some of those respects that directly
affected workers: they had themselves experienced that contradictions between work and
capital existed throughout the industrialized world, that, universally, attempts were made to
keep working hours long and wages low, that state and capital cooperated towards these ends,
in short, that conditions for working people were more or less identical no matter what
country they found themselves in. This basis of experience was crucial and impacted on the
acceptance of the general Marxist theory in wide working-class circles because Marx and
Engels were able to formulate the international experience of workers into a coherent theory
acceptable to these groups; this, in turn, provided a basis for a more or less profound accep-
tance and appropriation of the other components of the theory in the working class. However,
during this time, i.e., the 1880s and 1890s, industrial workers accounted for a relatively
modest proportion of the total population, with the exception of countries like Great Britain
and Belgium.
With the growth of the movement over the following decades leading up to the First
World War, the need for coordinating trade union as well as political activities also grew. In
1886 the first regional workers’ congress took place in Gothenburg, Sweden, one result of
which was formalized cooperation between the three Scandinavian Labour Movements –
cooperation which in some cases led to the establishment of pan-Scandinavian trade unions,
and in other cases to the transfer of considerable funds in connection with industrial action.
One such example was a four-months long conflict in Denmark in 1898, another the Swedish
large-scale strike in 1909, and many others. From the late 1880s, International Trade
saw the light of day; the political International developed during the years after
1900, and from 1901, national federations began developing mutual cooperation which, a
short time before 1914, was institutionalized in the International Federation of Trade Unions.
However, at the same time, such institutionalisation led to a weakening of spontaneous inter-
nationalism; this was almost inevitable in light of the fact that the Labour Movement had
become a mass movement which, in order to be able to handle its tasks, had found it neces-

sary to employ a number of functionaries, working for the movement in various capacities
such as editors of dailies and the many different periodicals, as chairmen of trade union
organizations, as statisticians, etc. The phenomenon is well known and well described by
various sources, often it has been assessed in highly contradictory terms since, around 1910,
Robert Michels evolved his initial analysis of the oligarchic trends of the Labour Movement.

The internationalist position did not die, but it did become less vigorous, its role was weak-
ened as a result of its institutionalisation.

Compare for instance Charles Hobson: International Metalworkers’ Federation, Birmingham 1915, and
more recently a number of books, e.g., Hartmut Simon: Die Internationale Transport Arbeiter-Föderation,
Essen 1993, Bob Reinalda, (ed): The International Transportworkers Federation 1914-1945. The Edo
Fimmen Era, Amsterdam 1997, Karl Georg Herrmann: Die Geschichte des Internationalen Bergarbeiter-
verbandes 1890-1939, Frankfurt 1994, and other studies.
Robert Michels: Zur Soziologie des Parteiwesens in der modernen Demokratie. Untersuchungen über die
oligarchischen Tendenzen des Gruppenlebens, Leipzig 1910 (many subsequent editions and translations).
On Michels, see: Joachim Hetscher: Robert Michels: Die Herausbildung der modernen politischen Sozio-
logie im Kontext von Herausforderung und Defizit der Arbeiterbewegung, Bonn 1983.

The First World War also constituted the end of an epoch in the development of the
Labour Movement; however, internationalism continued to play an important part. This
became particularly clear in the support given by French and British workers to the revolution
taking place in Russia. By various forms of action they prevented French and British troops
from intervening in the civil war on the side of czarist and ‘white’ forces.
In 1919 an attempt was made to revive the Internationals: the III International was, in
fact, established in Moscow and existed until 1943 despite the fact that Stalin had apparently

judged it as being misplaced at a time when it was more important that national Communist
parties develop an independent policy and not act as sections of the International.

Similarly, the Social-Democratic parties attempted to reestablish cooperation, but it
took from 1919 to 1923 before the different parties were able to reach so much agreement that
a new International was formed: The Labour and Socialist International (LSI), with
institutionalized cooperation with the Socialist Youth International (SYI) and the International
Federation of Trade Unions. The SYI, in particular demonstrated an positive will to cooperate
across frontiers and to try to develop shared methods, for instance, for bringing up working
class children
, and to develop a new workers’ culture, an attempt which characterized
organized working-class youth during the interwar years – something for many years to come
which left its mark on those affected, as it alreday had done on the participants of the socialist
youth organizations from before World War I.
A number of parties and organizations remained outside these Internationals. They
tried to advocate a route to Socialism different from that chosen by the two larger
Internationals. They never developed into mass organizations, nor were they ever capable of
developing a common theoretical base.

Under the Social-Democratic umbrella, the interwar years saw the birth of a series of
new international associations, and their publications are among those registered in the
present bibliography. To some extent, these Internationals shared their foundations with those
which arose again following the Second World War: they reflected the fact that in and around
the Social-Democratic Labour Movement various occupational and cultural activities arose
contributing towards disseminating the ideology of this movement to broader layers of the
public, and through them attempts were made to integrate ever larger groups into the activities
of the movement. Apart from the Workers’ Sports International they were not large-scale

organizations, and they developed virtually no bureaucratic structures, but survived on the
basis of efforts made by some few activists.
During the interwar years it is, however, characteristic of Social-Democratic
workers’ internationalism that it could exercise no organizational sanctions against its
affiliates. It was, in any case, one of the major differences between the LSI and the centralist
Comintern that the latter could, in fact, impose sanctions on its affiliates. Organizational
internationalism – including the LSI and the SYI – was based on consensus. Increasingly,
over the interwar years, national Social-Democratic parties, who were in government office,
rejected any possibility of providing the International with anything but powers of moral
persuasion vis-à-vis the actually doable policies as perceived by the government parties in the
individual countries. The development resulted in or was a consequence of political discord

This appears from Georgi Dimitroff: Tagebücher 1933-43, Berlin 2000, Note dated 20 April 1941.
Cif., for instance John Bertelsen: En proletar slår ikke sine børn. Otto Felix Kanitz’ pædagogik i “Det
Røde Wien” 1918-1934, [A proletarian does not beat his children. Otto Felix Kanitz’ Educational Ideas in
“Red Vienna”] ph.d. thesis, The Royal Danish School of Educational Studies, Copenhagen 2001; Ferdinand
Brandecker: Kurt Löwenstein und die Grundlagen einer sozialistischen Pädagogik in der Zwischenkriegs-
zeit, in: Annali. Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, vol. 1983/84 (L’Internazionale Operaia e Socialista tra
le due guerre, a cura di Enzo Collotti).
Cif., Peretz Merchav: Linkssozialismus in Europa zwischen den Weltkriegen, Vienna 1979, and Willy
Buschak: Das Londoner Büro. Europäische Linkssozialisten in der Zwischenkriegszeit, Amsterdam 1985.

between the parties: in order to remain in ‘power’, the government parties felt it necessary to
take account of other considerations than those acceptable to the other parties in the Interna-
tional. The problem of coupling the struggle for power in the parties’ own countries to fun-
damental solidarity with and assistance to the movements of other countries was not solved

during the interwar years, and the scope for action of the International gradually shrank, and
in the autumn of 1939 it was, in fact, dissolved. Until that time, it had acted as an important
forum for information and discussion.
As early as in the final phase of the Second World War, attempts were made anew to
reestablish international cooperation between the Social-Democratic parties; the youth
organizations reestablished their own International in 1946, and some of the other
Internationals tried to resume cooperation as if nothing had happened.
Between May 1946 and March 1951, a total of 13 international conferences were
held by Social-democratic parties developing positions on the different topical problems and
matters of principle, thus preparing for the establishment of the Socialist International in 1951
in compliance with the wishes of most Social-Democratic parties. The SI saw itself as the
successor of the I. International (IWA), which was clearly demonstrated at the SI’s 9

congress in Brussels in 1964 on the centenary of the founding of the IWA. However, it is
plain that the Social-Democratic parties, as distinct from the trade union Internationals, are
united only by a more or less identical basic position in relation to international problems, by
a common social-affairs stance, but in many topical or urgent problems they make up their
own minds based on the perceived interest of their nation state – little or no attempt is made
(any longer) to link national and international tasks into a common struggle. However, this
basic common position often led to similar developments, as became clear from the amend-
ments made to several of the parties programmes from the late 1950s and onwards. The
parties did not only react simultaneously to changes in societal developments by evolving
new theoretical positions, they also reacted simultaneously by modifying the structure of their
information activities vis-à-vis the party members and lay officers. Similarly, several parties
reacted more or less identically to the new political framework conditions of the 1970s by
placing themselves “left of centre” in the political spectrum.
One factor playing a not unimportant role was the activities of the International
Labour Organization. Significant functions that national trade union centres had previously
had to carry out as part of their international tasks, were now carried out under the auspices of

the ILO. Because of the tripartite structure of the ILO, international cooperation in the field of
labour-market conditions changed its nature, and this weakened insights into working condi-
tions abroad and the need for concrete international action.
Until the 1950s the special Social-Democratic ideology was strong enough for the
parties to attempt new initiatives in the field of – especially cultural – cooperation. However,
practical circumstances prevented the establishment of any alternative Social-Demo-cratic
news and press services for the papers published by the Social-Democratic labour movement
which – at the time – remained significant. The International Federation of the Socialist and
Democratic Press held a number of conferences and published various periodicals to
disseminate information of interest to the Labour press, but without a sufficient strength of
impact to secure the activity over a protracted period.
It goes without saying that internationalism is not a constant factor whose nature is
forever firmly fixed. Rather, it is an insight based on experience, an insight that might fade if
it is no longer based on actual experience of the type originally made by migrating journey-
men. Together with the various phases of capitalist development, internationalism also
undergoes changes during which it can deteriorate into a purely notional position void of any
practical implications. This does not mean that it will have lost all meaning in the working
class, something which became clear during the interwar years vis-à-vis refugees from

Fascism who were aided by other working-class and Labour organizations. One type of aid
provided by the LSI was the establishment of the Matteotti Committee, and in spite of the
prevailing high rates of unemployment in the 1930s, comprehensive xenophobia or racism did
not afflict the working class. These phenomena were certainly not unknown in middle-class
strata, but unlike what was to be the case in the 1980s and 1990s, they were not echoed in the
working class.
Migration by journeymen and others was interrupted in Europe by the outbreak of
the First World War and were, subsequently, hampered by frontiers being closed, by different
types of labour-market regulation which have all prevented lively mobility across national and
language borders. Regulations were, of course, determined by the cyclical needs of the labour

market/capitalist system to which the working class is subject. At the same time,
technological developments during the period under review have, at times, lead to concentra-
tion on national markets. In the 1970s, at least, an upswing in international solidarity activities
could be observed, finding expression, for example, in connection with the reestablishment of
Social-Democratic mass parties in Portugal and Spain, in the support given to the Sandinist
movement in Nicaragua, in the support allocated to the liberation struggle in southern Africa
and elsewhere. Social-Democratic organizations – including the Socialist International –
played a decisive role in this connection.

Solidarity activities seem to have been replaced by activities more orientated by
humanitarian considerations, but nevertheless there is still a fundamental position in the
Labour Movement concerning the importance of internationalism. Whether the new European
trends, including European Works Councils in multinational companies and the right to free
movement of persons within the external frontiers of the European Union, will entail a new
basis for internationalism, at least in the core groups of the Labour Movement remains to be
seen. However, it is not certain by any means that the present-day Labour Movement will be
capable of reacting politically and strategically adequately to the internationalization of capi-
tal and the fluctuations of world markets. The Internationals are there – can new life be
breathed into them? But irrespective of whether and how they can be used, their development
and publications constitute a store of significant experience, and this bibliography should
constitute a tool in connection with the analysis of the historical manifestations of inter-
nationalism in the Labour Movement Internationals. Thus, it is hoped, it will contribute
towards clarifying problem formulations in the current situation.
In addition to providing bibliographical information, the purpose of the bibliography
is to contribute towards improving the conditions for research into Labour Movement history.
In the present situation scholarly and theoretical efforts constitute an important factor in the
development of a framework for continuing emancipatory activities of the Movement.

Gerd Callesen, The Labour Movement Library and Archive
Copenhagen, February 2001

Cif., for the activities of Danish Social-Democratic organizations in this field the survey in Claus Larsen-
Jensen (ed): Vi forandrer verden – dansk arbejderbevægelse og internationaliseringen [We Change the
World – the Danish Labour Movement and Internationalization], Copenhagen, 1999.

The International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI)
organizes archives, libraries, document centres, museums and research institutions
specializing in the history and theory of the labour movement internationally. IALHI was
founded in 1970 by the Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv (Stockholm), the Deutscher Gewerkschafts-
bund (Düsseldorf), the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Bonn), the Internationaal Instituut voor
Sociale Geschiedenis (Amsterdam), the Labour Party (London), the Schweizerisches
Sozialarchiv (Zürich) and the Trade Union Congress (London), among others.
Today IALHI has approximately 100 scholarly institutions and organizations in the
form of e.g. archives, libraries, museums from all over the world as its members. They
concentrate on conserving and studying the traditions and history of the labour movement.
The most important institutions in the field of labour movement history are members of
IALHI; among them are,
- Archives and libraries of trade union federations and major trade unions from Belgium,
Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
and the United Kingdom; and of related international bodies like the International
Confederation of Free Trade Unions and the European Trade Union Institute.
- Archives and libraries of socialist and communist parties from Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Israel, Italy, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden,

Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
- Major document and research centres like the AMSAB (Ghent), the Fondazione
Giangiacomo Feltrinelli (Milan), the Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis
(Amsterdam), the Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv (Zürich), etc.
- Museums of labour and working class life like the National Museum of Labour History
(Manchester), the Arbejdermuseet (Copenhagen), the Työväen Keskusmuseo (Tampere),
- Major university institutions like the Bibliothek der Freien Universität (Berlin), the
Bibliothèque de Documentation internationale contemporaine (Nanterre), the Hoover
Institution on War, Revolution and Peace (Stanford, CA), the Institut zur Erforschung der
europäischen Arbeiterbewegung (Bochum), the Labadie Collection (Ann Arbor, MI), the
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (Paris), the Modern Records Centre (Coventry), the
Ohara Institute for Social Research (Tokyo), etc.
- Private document centres, museums, labour history societies, etc. from Australia to Brazil.
Annual conferences provide an occasion for meeting, discussion, exchange of experience,
multilateral cooperation, etc. Conferences were held in London (1970), Stockholm (1971),
Zürich (1972), Bonn (1973), Oslo (1974), Amsterdam (1975), Milan (1976), Vienna (1977),
Paris (1978), Bochum (1979), Stockholm (1980), Barcelona (1981), London (1982), Florence
(1983), Madrid (1984), Brussels/Liège/Ghent (1985), Paris (1986), Bonn (1987), Zürich
(1988), Amsterdam (1989), Helsinki (1990), Linz (1991), Prague (1992), Copenhagen (1993),
Manchester (1994), Moscow (1995), Athens (1996), Silver Spring, MD (1997), Milan (1998),
Amsterdam (1999) and Oslo (2000). The next conference is to take place in Tampere in 2001.
Later conferences will be held in Stockholm (2002), Dublin (2003), Paris (2004), and Ghent


The objectives of the Association are
(a) to foster closer co-operation between the institutions;
(b) to interlend wherever possible;

(c) to encourage the interchange of publications and duplicates;
(d) to initiate and sponsor publications such as bibliographies, holding lists and surveys
falling within the field of interest of the Association.

Contact Address:
Dr Wouter Steenhaut, AMSAB Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis Bagattenstraat 174,
B-9000 Gent, Belgium. Tel. 32-9-224.00.79. Fax: 32-9-233.67.11. E-mail:


Bureau Socialiste International; International Socialist Bureau; Internationales
Socialistisches Bureau
The Socialist International was the descendant of the International Workingmen’s Association,
founded in 1864. After the virtual demise of the First International in 1872, socialist parties were
founded in various European countries. These founded the new International, the II International, at a
Congress in Paris in 1889. The International was a loosely-knit organization until the establishment of

the International Secretariat in 1900. The International Bureau composed of representatives of the
leading parties acted as its leadership. It was this body, organised by its Secretary (first Victor Serwy,
then Camille Huysmans from 1906 on), that determined the policy of the International between con-
The First World War created an unprecedented crisis in the International; the support for pursuing the
war given by the socialist parties of the belligerent countries to their governments conflicted with the
traditions of the Socialist International.
AAN: documents on the activities of the Dutch-Scandinavian Commitee and socialist conferences in
London (1915), Vienna (1915) and The Hague (1916). (archive 150.IInd International)
ABA: documents on the peace efforts and the activities of the Dutch-Scandinavian Committee during
AMVC: archive C.Huysmans (with microfilm copies of a selection of this material at FF and IISG)
ARAB: documents on the peace efforts by the Swedish Social-Democratic Party
IISG: material concerning the international socialist movement 1914-17 (archive R.Grimm –
Zimmerwalder Bewegung)
LHASC: Labour Party archive
RGASPI: collection of documents on socialist congresses and conferences 1915-19 (archive 340.
Second International)


Bureau Socialiste International: Manifeste du Comité Exécutif aux Partis Affiliés, La Haye
1916, 4 p.
Huysmans, Camille: Discours prononcé au Congrès du S.D.A.P. de Hollande (Arnhem 9 - I –
16), n.pl. n. d. [1916], 11 p. Stencil.
Huysmans, Camille: Ses discours prononcés en Hollande du 9 au 31 janvier 1916, Impr.
Industrielle, no.d., 54 p. [Ouvrage clandestin belge]

Huysmans, Camille: The Policy of the International. A Speech of and an Interview with
Camille Huysmans, London 1916, 31 p.
Internationales Sozialistisches Bureau. Manifest des Executiv-Comités an die
angeschlossenen Parteien, Haag 1916, 4 p.

Bulletin du Bureau Socialiste International, La Haye 1917 no. 1 [Reprint Congrès
International Extraordinaire Bale 24-25 November 1912. Conférence Internationale
Socialiste de Stockholm 1917, Minkoff Reprint, Genève 1980].


Comité Organisateur de la Conférence Socialiste Internationale de Stockholm;
Organisation Committee for the International Socialist Conference Stockholm;
Organisationskomitee der Internationalen Sozialistischen Konferenz in Stockholm;
With the outbreak of the first world war, the International ceased to speak on behalf of the whole
international movement. There were four Inter-Allied Labour and Socialist Conferences during the
war (1915, 1917, and in February and September 1918, all of them held in London). The Left-wing
groups and parties opposing the war organised three international Conferences; in Switzerland at
Zimmerwald 1915, at Kienthal in 1916, and the third in Stockholm 1917.
An attempt to organise a universal international Conference in Stockholm in 1917, initiated by various
Socialist parties of neutral countries and the Secretary Camille Huysmans, failed.
AAN: files on the Stockholm Conference (archive 150. IInd International)
AMVC: Papers C.Huysmans

Further material is held by the IISG and RGASPI
See also archives for The International Socialist Bureau

Un Avant-Projet de Programme de Paix. Manifeste avec Mémoire explicatif des Délégués des
Pays Neutres aux Partis adhérents à la Conférence Générale, Uppsala 1917, 31 p.
Conference Socialiste Internationale de Stockholm. Programmes deposés par les Partis, n.pl.
n.d. [1917], 130 p. Stencil.
Entwurf zu einem Friedensprogramm. Manifest mit Erläuterungschrift der Delegierten der
soz. Parteien der neutr. Länder an die der Allgemeinen Konferenz beigetretenen
Organisationen, Uppsala 1917, 34 p.

Comité Organisateur de la Conférence Socialiste Internationale de Stockholm: Stockholm,
Stockholm 1918, XXX, 542 p. [Minkoff Reprint, Genève 1980]

Conférence Internationale Ouvrière et Socialiste; International Labour and Socialist
Conference; Internationale Arbeiter- und Sozialisten-Konferenz
Shortly after the failure of the Stockholm Conference a new attempt was made to organise a universal
Socialist Conference. The initiative came from the Inter-Allied Socialist Parties Conference (London,
February 1918). After the Armistice, this led to the organization of the Labour and Socialist
Conference in Bern (February 1919). It was the most representative Socialist Conference since Basel
(1912) with 102 representatives from 26 countries. But it was considered a ‘Rump’ conference in the
absence of some important parties, from the right as well as from the left (such as the Russian

Bolcheviks, the Social-Revolutionary Party and the Belgian Workers’ Party).
The documents of the conference are published by Gerhard A. Ritter (ed.): Die Zweite Internationale
1918/19. Protokolle, Memoranden, Berichte und Korrespondenzen, J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., Bonn 1980.
Archival material in AAN, IISG, LHASC

Die Resolutionen der Internationalen Arbeiter- und Sozialistenkonferenz in Bern (3 10.
Februar 1919). Hrsg. vom Presskomitee der Konferenz, Jünger, Basel n.d., 15 p.
Les résolutions de la Conférence internationale ouvrière et socialiste de Berne (3-10 Février

1919). Publ. par le Comité de Presse de la Conférence, Junger, Bale n.d., 12 p. [also:
Imprimerie nouvelle, Paris 1919]
The Resolutions of the International Labour and Socialist Conference of Berne (February 3rd-
10th 1919). Publ. by the Press Committee of the Conference, Junger, Basle 1919, 12

Bulletin officiel de la Conférence internationale ouvrière et socialiste. Publ. par le Comité de
Presse de la Conférence, Bern, vol. 1, no. 1-11, 1919, 4-12 fevrier.
BDIC, FES (microfilm), IISG, GOPB, SAPMO (icpl.), SHC (icpl.), SSA
Official Bulletin of the International Labour and Socialist Conference. Publ. by the Press-
Committee of the Conference, Bern no. 1-8, 3-12 February.
FES (microfilm), IISG, SAPMO (icpl.), SHC (icpl.)
Offizielles Bulletin der Internationalen Arbeiter- und Sozialisten-Konferenz. Publiziert vom
Presskomitee der Konferenz, Bern, Band 1, Nr. 1-12, 4 14. Februar 1919.
ABA, FES (icpl + microfilm), IISG (icpl), SAPMO, SHC (icpl.), SSA

Deuxième Internationale; Second International; Zweite Internationale
After the wartime split of the international socialist movement and the foundation of the Communist
International, the parties still in the Second International held four Conferences in 1919-20, formally
under the auspices of the International Socialist Bureau. Finally, at the Geneva Congress (1920) only
seventeen parties were represented, including the British Labour Party, the (Mehrheits-)Sozial-
demokratische Partei Deutschlands (MSPD) and the social democratic parties of Sweden, Denmark,
Holland, Belgium and Poland. The Congress decided to move the secretariat from Brussels to London.
Reports of the conferences in Amsterdam and Lucerne and the resolutions of these conferences are
published in: Gerhard A. Ritter (ed.): Die Zweite Internationale 1918/19. Protokolle, Memoranden,
Berichte und Korrespondenzen, J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., Bonn 1980.
Archival holdings in: AAN, IISG, LHASC, RGASPI


The International at Lucerne, 1919. The resolutions. The Provisional Constitution, The
Labour Party, London 1919, 21 p.
Bericht des Internationalen Sekretariats an den Genfer Internationalen Kongress am 31. Juli
1920, Arbeiter- und Sozialisten-Internationale, Brüssel 1920, 29 p.
Rapport du Secrétariat International au Congres International de Genève le 31 Juillet 1920,
Lucifer, Bruxelles 1920, 26 p.
Bureau Socialiste International: La situation des Juifs en Pologne. Rapport de la Commision
d'Etude désignée par la Conférence Socialiste Internationale de Lucerne. Oskar

Cohn, Pierre Renaudel, G H. Schaper, Thomas Shaw, l'Emancipatrice, Paris 1920,
86 p. [An English and a German edition were to be published including photographs

and documents, but have not been found] [Reprint French edition in Seeds of
conflict, series 2, 1974]
Bericht vom zehnten Internationalen Sozialistenkongress in Genf, 31. Juli bis 5. August 1920.
Hrsg. vom Sekretariat der Sozialisten- und Arbeiter-Internationale, Lucifer, Brüssel
1921, 59 p. [Reprint, J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., Berlin 1979]
Xe Congrès international socialiste et ouvrier tenu à Genève du 31 juillet au 5 aout 1920.
Compte rendu publié par le Secrétariat de l'Internationale socialiste et ouvrière,
Lucifer, Bruxelles 1921, 58 p.
Die Zweite Internationale über den Wiederaufbau. Resolution der am 30., 31. März und 1.
April 1921 in Amsterdam mit Vertretern der parlamentarischen Fraktionen
abgehaltenen Konferenz des Exekutivkomitees der Zweiten Internationale, Vorwärts,
Berlin 1921, 13 p.

Bulletin de la Deuxième Internationale. Commission Internationale Permanente, Amsterdam/
Bruxelles, Edition Française, No. 1-3, Mai-Septembre 1919.
AMSAB, FES (microfilm), FF, GOPB (icpl.), IISG, SHC (icpl.), TK
Bulletin of the Second International. Permanent International Commission, Amsterdam/
Brussels, English Edition, no. 1, May 1919.
FES (microfilm), GOPB, IISG
Bulletin der Zweiten Internationale. Internationale Permanente Kommission, Amsterdam/

Bruxelles, Deutsche Ausgabe, No. 1-3, Mai-September 1919.
ABA, BDIC, FES, FF (icpl.), GOPB (icpl.), IISG, SHC, SSA, TK (icpl.)
[No. 1 Resolutions adopted at the Amsterdam Conference; No. 2: Compte-rendu de
la Conférence Socialiste Internationale d'Amsterdam 26-29 avril 1919; No. 3: Die
Luzerner Konferenz 1 10. August 1919.]
Bulletin of the International. Issued by the Labour and Socialist International. New Series/
Bulletin de l'Internationale. Publié par l'Internationale Ouvrière et Socialiste.
Nouvelle Serie/ Bulletin der Internationale. Hrsg. von der Sozialistischen und
Arbeiter Internationale. Neue Serie, London, No. 1-3, July 1921 - June 1922.

International Working Union of Socialist Parties;Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Sozialistischer Parteien;Union des Partis Socialistes pour l'Action Internationale
Attempts to revive the Second International at the Geneva Congress in 1920 failed owing to the refusal
of a number of parties (among them the Austrian, French, the German Independent Social Democratic
Party, the Independent Labour Party of Great Britain and the Swiss Social Democratic Party) to
participate, because they strove for an International which united both Socialists and Communists.
These parties held a conference in Vienna in 1921 and formed the International Working Union of
Socialist Parties (referred to as the Second-and-a-half or Vienna International). Friedrich Adler was
elected Secretary. Herbert Steiner: Die Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialistischer Parteien

(2 ½ Internationale) 1921-1923 (in: Annali. Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, vol. 1983/84
(L’Internazionale Operaia e Socialista tra le due guerre, a cura di Enzo Collotti), p. 45-64 refers to
published and unpublished material of this International.


Beschlüsse der Internationalen Sozialistischen Konferenz in Wien (22. bis 27. Februar 1921),
Verlag des Sekretariats der IASP, Wien 1921, 19 p.
L'Imperialisme et la Révolution Sociale. Résolution votée à la Conférence internationale
socialiste de Vienne, 22-27 Février 1921, Publications de "La Femme Socialiste",
Saumoneau, Paris 1921, 8 p.
Lange, Martin: Was ist die Internationale der kämpfenden Arbeiterklasse?, Verlag der
Arbeiterbuchhandlung, Wien 1921, 61 S.
Preamble, Rules and Resolutions agreed to at the Vienna Conference establishing the
International Working Union of Socialist Parties, together with the Report of the
I.L.P. Delegation and Recommandations of the N.A.C., I.L.P., London n.d., 16 p.
Protokoll der Internationalen Sozialistischen Konferenz in Wien vom 22. bis 27. Februar
1921. Hrsg. vom Sekretariat der IASP, Wiener Volksbuchhandlung, Wien 1921, 135
p. [Reprint J.H.W.Dietz, Berlin 1978]
Textes des Résolutions prises à la conférence internationale socialiste de Vienne (22-27
Février 1921), Dhoosche, Lille n.d., 19 p.
L'Unione dei partiti socialisti per l'azione internazionale: Principii della Conferenza Socialista
Internazionale di Vienna (22-27 febbraio 1921), Segretariato della Unione dei partiti
socialisti per l'azione internazionale 1921, 11 p.

Adler, Friedrich: Die Besetzung des Ruhrgebietes und die Internationale. Nach einer Rede
gehalten am 14. Februar 1923 in der Wiener Konferenz der sozialdemokratischen

Vertrauensmänner, Wiener Volksbuchhandlung, Wien 1923, 35 p. [Reprint in Seeds
of Conlict, series 5, Nendelen 1976]

Nachrichten der Internationalen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialistischer Parteien/Bulletin of the
International Working Union of Socialist Parties/Bulletin de l'Union des Parties
Socialistes pour l'Action Internationale, Wien, vol. 1-3, 1921-1923 [The English and
French editions were only published 1922 no.1-9 and 1923 no. 1-2]
Reprint ca. 1970.


At a meeting between the Executives of the Second International and the Vienna International in Paris
in February 1922, a proposition was accepted to invite the Executive of the Communist International
to a Conference in order to examine the possibility of forming an all-inclusive International.
Representatives of all three Internationals then met in Berlin in April 1922. A joint committee was
established, the so-called Comité des Neuf, but no agreement was reached.
Édition du Comité des Neuf: Conférence des trois Internationales. Tenue à Berlin, les 2, 3, 4
et 5 avril 1922 (compte-rendu sténographique), Librairie du Peuple, Bruxelles
1922, 164 p.
Protokoll der Internationalen Konferenz der drei internationalen Exekutivkomitees in Berlin
vom 2. bis 5. April 1922. Hrsg. vom Neunerkomitee der Konferenz, Verlag des
Neunerkomitees, Wien 1922, 52 p. [Reprint J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., Bonn 1980]

The Second and Third Internationals and the Vienna Union. Official Report of the Conference
between the Executives, held at Berlin, on the 2nd April, 1922 and following Days,
The Labour Publishing Company, London 1922, 94 p.

L'Internationale Ouvrière et Socialiste; Labour and Socialist International; Sozialistische
(und) Arbeiter-Internationale
After the defeat of the unification attempts, the Second International proposed to the ‘Vienna
International’ at a Conference held in London in June 1922 renewed co-operation in summoning a
General Congress of Socialist and Labour Parties. It was held in Hamburg in May 1923 and was
attended by 424 delegates representing 43 Socialist parties.
The Hamburg Congress adopted the name: Labour and Socialist International for the reconstituted
International. It attempted to weld the International into a closely knit union, capable of taking
effective international action. By virtue of the powers vested in it, it was possbile for the International
to impose obligations upon affiliates. The organs of the International were the Congress, the Executive
Committee, the Bureau, the Administrative Committee and the Secretariat. It was pledged by its
constitution to maintain close contacts with the International Federation of Trade Unions and, in fact,
both Internationals co-operated closely in joint meetings of their Executives and in frequent joint
Conferences and actions.
The Congress elected Arthur Henderson President of the Executive; Friedrich Adler and Tom Shaw as
joint Secretaries. Adler remained as secretary throughout the whole period. London was chosen as the
seat for its headquarters; in 1926 they were moved to Zurich, and in 1935 to Brussels.
IISG: J.R. van der Leeuw et al: Inventar des Archivs der Sozialistischen Arbeiter-Internationale (SAI)
1923-1940 – IISG-Working Papers, 22 -, Stichting beheer IISG, Amsterdam 1993.


Beschlüsse des Internationalen sozialistischen Arbeiterkongresses in Hamburg, 21. bis 25.
Mai 1923, Hrsg. vom Sekretariat der Sozialistischen Arbeiterinternationale,
Organisationskomitee des Internationalen Arbeiterkongresses, Wien 1923, 15 p.
[Reprint Auvermann, Glashütten im Taunus 1974]
* Congrès Ouvrier Socialiste International, Hamburg 1923, 25 p.

Congrès Ouvrier Socialiste International/Internationaler Sozialistischer Arbeiterkongres/
International Labour Congress of Socialist Parties: Aux Partis ouvriers socialistes de
tous le pays!/An die sozialistischen Arbeiterparteien aller Länder!/To the Labour and
Socialist Parties of all Countries!, Bregenz April 1923, Wien n.d., 4 p.
Congrès Ouvrier Socialiste International/Internationaler Sozialistischer Arbeiterkongres/
International Labour Congress of Socialist Parties: Aux partis ouvriers socialistes de
tous le pays!/An die sozialistischen Arbeiterparteien aller Länder!/To the Labour and
Socialist Parties of all Countries!, Organisationskomitee des Internationalen
Sozialistischen Arbeiterkongresses, Wien n.d., 4 p.
Internationale Mai 1923, J.H.W. Dietz, Berlin 1923, 15 p.
Internationaler sozialistischer Arbeiterkongress 1923. Hamburg, vom 21. bis 26. Mai,
Gewerkschaftshaus, Besenbinderhof, n.pl., 16 p.
Internationaler Sozialistischer Arbeiterkongress in Hamburg. An die sozialistischen
Arbeiterparteien aller Länder. Bregenz 6. April 1923, n.pl. n.d., 2 p.
Protokoll des Internationalen Sozialistischen Arbeiterkongresses in Hamburg 21. bis 25. Mai

1923. Nach der stenographischen Aufnahme herausgegeben vom Sekretariat der
Sozialistischen Arbeiterinternationale, J.H.W.Dietz Nachfolger, Berlin 1923, 109 p.
[Reprint Auvermann, Glashütten im Taunus 1974]
Resolutions of the Labour and Socialist Congress held at Hamburg, May 21st to 25th 1923,
Published by the Secretariat of the Labour and Socialist International, Organisations-
komitee des Internationalen Sozialistischen Arbeiterkongresses, Wien 1923, 15 p.
*Statuts de l’Internationale socialiste, 1 p.
Textes des Résolutions prises au Congrès Ouvrier Socialiste International de Hambourg (21-
25 Mai 1923), 1923, Edition du Secrétariat de l'I.O.S., Organisationskomitee des
Internationalen Sozialistischen Arbeiterkongresses, Wien 1923, 15 p.

Address and Provisional Rules of the International Working Men's Association, Established
September 28, 1864, at a Public Meeting held at St. Martin's Hall, Long Acre,
London. For the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary. Reprinted from the Original,
Secretariat of the Labour and Socialist International, London [1924], 15 p.
Histoire de l'Internationale Socialiste. F. Engels-K. Kautsky-E.Vandervelde-O. Bauer-Fr.
Adler - 2
volume no. 12 -, L'Églantine, Bruxelles, 1924, 43 p.
The International, 1864-1924, Pelican Press, London n.d., 15 p.
Matteotti, Giacomo: The Fascisti Exposed. A Year of Fascist Domination. With an
Introduction by Oskar Pollak, Independent Labour Party Publication
Department, London 1924, 128 p. [also published in Italian, Matteotti,

Giacomo: Un anno di dominazione fascista, Ufficio stampa del Partito
Socialista Unitario, Roma [1924], 91 p. and partly in German, in: Hanns-

Erich Kaminski: Fascismus in Italien. Grundlagen-Aufstieg-Niedergang,
Verlag für Sozialwissenschaft, Berlin 1925, 141 p.
Matteotti, Giacomo: Une année de domination fasciste - L'Eglantine vol. 2, no. 9/10 -
Bruxelles 1924, 112 p.
*Modigliani, Giuseppe Emanuele: Compulsory Trade Unionism, London 1924, 8 p. [a cura
dell'IOS, come l'edizione francese: La Loi Syndicale Fasciste, Panaccione; see 1927)

Abramowitsch, Raphael and W. Suchomlin, I. Zeretelli: Der Terror gegen die sozialistischen
Parteien in Russland und Georgien, J.H.W. Dietz Nachfolger, Berlin 1925, 138 p.
[im Auftrag des Exekutivkomitees der SAI]
Adler, Friedrich: The Anglo-Russian Report. A Criticism of the Report of the British Trades
Union Delegation to Russia from the Point of View of International Socialism, P.S.
King & Son, London 1925, 52 p. [also published in Dutch, Hungarian, Polish and
Russian (in Berlin)]
Adler, Friedrich: Der Bericht der britischen Gewerkschaftsdelegation über Russland. Kritisch
untersucht. Mit einem Anhang: Aufrichtige und unaufrichtige Einheitsfront,
Parteivorstand der Deutschen sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei in der Tschecho-
slowakischen Republik, Prag 1925, 35 p.
Adler, Friedrich: L’enquête des trade-unions en Russie. Examen critique du rapport de la
Commission syndicale britannique, Edition du Parti socialiste (S.F.I.O.), Paris 1925.

Bolshevik Terror against Socialists. Documents and facts collected by authority of the
Socialist Labor International, Committee for Political Prisoners in Russia, New York
1925, 60 p.
Deuxième Congrès de l'Internationale Ouvrière Socialiste à Marseille du 22 au 27 août 1925.
Edition française. Première Partie Rapport du Sécrétariat de l'IOS, Deuxième Partie
Compte rendu du Congrès, Lucifer, Bruxelles n.d., 414 p.
Rapports [de la] Conférence Internationale Féminine de Marseille 21 août 1925, n.pl.,
n.d., 36 p. Stencil.
Rapport sur la période du 23 mai 1923 aux 30 juin 1925, soumis au Deuxième Congrès de l'
Internationale Ouvrière Socialiste à Marseille, du 22 au 27 Août 1925 par le Secré-
tariat de l' I.O.S., Ed. française, Lucifer, Bruxelles n.d., 244 p.
Report of the Secretariat for the period from 23rd May, 1923 to 30th June, 1925. Submitted to
the Second Congress of the Labour and Socialist International at Marseilles, 22nd to
27th August, 1925, The Labour Party, London n.d., 196 p.
Second Congress of the Labour and Socialist International at Marseilles, 22nd to 27th August,
1925. First Part Report of the Secretariat, Second Part Congress Report, The Labour
Party, London n.d., 299 p.

Tätigkeitsbericht über die Zeit vom 23. Mai 1923 bis 30. Juni 1925 vorgelegt dem Zweiten
Kongress der Sozialistischen Arbeiter-Internationale in Marseille, 22. bis 27. August
1925 vom Sekretariat der S.A.I., Berlin n.d., 238 p.

Zweiter Kongress der Sozialistischen Arbeiter-Internationale in Marseille, 22. bis 27. August
1925. Erster Teil: Tätigkeitsbericht des Sekretariats der SAI, Zweiter Teil: Protokoll
des Kongresses von Marseilles, Vorwärts, Berlin 1925, 387 p. [Reprint Auvermann,
Glashütten im Taunus 1974]

Brown, John W.: Les Migrations et la Classe Ouvrière. Complété par le Compte Rendu du
Congrès Mondial des Migrations. Organisé par la Fédération Syndicale
Internationale et l'Internationale Ouvrière Socialiste, à Londres en juin 1926,
Fédération Syndicale Internationale, Amsterdam 1926, X, 426 p.
ABA, IISG (vol. 1)
Brown, John W.: Das Wanderungsproblem und die Arbeiterklasse. Bericht des
Weltwanderungskongresses einberufen vom Internationalen Gewerkschaftsbund
und der Sozialistischen Arbeiter-Internationale, London Juni 1926, Verlag des
Internationalen Gewerkschaftsbundes, Amsterdam 1926, X, 455 p.
Brown, John W.: World Migration and Labour. Supplemented by Report of World
Migration Congress convened by the International Federation of Trade Unions
and the Labour and Socialist International at London, June 1926, Amsterdam
1926, X,398 p.
Die Einheit der Arbeiterklasse. Bericht über das Organisationsproblem, erstattet der
Exekutive der Sozialistischen Arbeiter-Internationale von Sekretariat der S.A.I. Hrsg.
vom Vorstand der SPD, Deutsche Ausgabe, Nürnberg 1926, 15 p.
[according to Panaccione this report was published in various reviews: Labour
Magazine, La Critica Sociale, La Nouvelle Revue Socialiste, La Vie Socialiste ]
Materialien für die Zweite Konferenz der S.A.I. für technische Zeitungsfragen Berlin 20.
und 21. November 1926, Vorwärts, Berlin n.d., 29 p.


Modigliani, Joseph-Emmanuel [Giuseppe Emanuele]: La Loi Syndical Fasciste, Éditions de la
Nouvelle revue socialiste, Paris 1927, 13 p. [see: 1924, published under the
auspices of the LSI]

Affiliated parties (Section IV) [Survey of the organization and activity of the parties affiliated
to the L.S.I. Drawn up by the L.S.I. and submitted to the parties for revision], n.pl.
n.d., 154 p.
Die angeschlossenen Parteien [Übersicht über die Organisation und Tätigkeit der der S.A.I.
angeschlossenen Parteien. Ausgearbeitet vom Sekretariat der S.A.I.], n.pl., n.d.,
164 p.
