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Tài liệu ôn thi tiếng anh đầu ra cao học

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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
I.Mục đích của kế hoạch này
1. Hệ thống hóa những thông tin cần thiết liên quan đến kỳ thi hết môn tiếng Anh
2. Cung cấp đáp án của tài liệu ôn thi Anh văn
3. Vạch ra những biện pháp chuẩn bị nhằm giúp học viên ôn luyện và có định hướng cho kỳ thi
4. Thúc đẩy tinh thần “mình vì mọi người, mọi người vì mình” của lớp Cao Học K16 Đ4
II. Bản quyền của kế hoạch này thuộc về ai
 Thuộc về lớp Cao học K16 Đ4 và là tài sản của lớp Cao học K16 Đ4
 Chủ biên : Sachvang
 Dưới sự hợp tác của các thành viên lớp Cao học K16 Đ4
III. Đối tượng của kế hoạch
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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
Phiên bản cập nhật lúc 17h00 ngày 27 – 07 - 2014
Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
1. Học viên ôn thi anh văn hoặc không ôn thi Anh văn
2. Học viên thi anh văn vào đợt 4-8-2007 hoặc không thi anh thi văn vào đợt 4-8
IV. Đối tương được phân phối kế hoạch này :
1. Ban Ngoại ngữ - Trường Đại học Kinh Tế TpHCM
2. Tất cả thành viên của lớp Cao Học K16 Đ4
3. Các lớp trưởng các lớp Cao học
4. Tất cả những ai yêu mến lớp Cao học K16 Đ4
5. Tất cả những ai có nhu cầu
V. Lịch thi chính thức môn Anh Văn đầu ra
• Thời gian : tập trung 6h30 ngày 04-08-2007
• Địa điểm : cơ sở B trường Đại học Kinh Tế TpHCM 279 Nguyễn Tri Phương Q10
• Thứ tự thi : Nghe – Đọc - Viết - Nói
Vì môn nghe sẽ thi trước nên yêu cầu học viên cần phải đến trước để chuẩn bị tinh thần.

VI. Tổng quan đề thi
Nội dung Loại hình Thang điểm Điểm tối đa
Paper 1 : Reading
Gồm 15 câu trắc
nghiệp A,B,C,D
Mỗi câu 01 điểm 15
Gồm 2 bài đọc ,
mỗi bài đọc có 05
câu trắc nghiệm
Mỗi câu 01 điểm 10
Cloze Gồm 10 chỗ trống
Mỗi chỗ trống
01 điểm
Paper 2 : Writing
Controlled Writing Gồm 10 câu
Mỗi câu 1,5
Gồm 5 câu Mỗi câu 1 điểm 5
Chọn 1 chủ đề
trong 2-3 chủ đề
có sẵn

Khoảng 150 từ 10
Tổng cộng 60
Paper 3 :
Part 1 Gồm 5 câu Mỗi câu 2 điểm 10
Part 2
Gồm 5 câu hoặc
10 câu
Mỗi câu 1 điểm
hoặc 2 điểm
Part 3 Gồm 10 chỗ trống
Mỗi chỗ trống
01 điểm
Tổng cộng 30
Paper 4 :
Interview Học viên sẽ được
hỏi những câu có
Tổng cộng 10
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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
liên quan đến
thông tin cá
nhân , nghề
nghiệp nơi làm
Mini presentation
Chọn ngẫu nhiên

01 chủ đề , trình
bày trong vòng 02
đến 03 phút, trả
lời các câu hỏi
liên quan đến chủ
Thang điểm tổng cộng
Bài thi Điểm tối đa Điểm đạt
Đọc – Viết 60 >= 20
Nghe 30 >= 10
Nói 10 >= 03
Tổng Cộng 100 >= 50
Nếu học viên có một môn dưới ĐIỂM ĐẠT sẽ không đạt toàn bộ kỳ thi
VII. Phương pháp ôn thi
1) Phần Vocabulary : nhiều khả năng cho lại những câu đã có trong tài liệu ôn thi anh văn
đầu ra và đầu vào (40%)
Sau đây là đáp án của 15 bài Vocabulary trong tài liệu ôn thi anh văn đầu ra :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Câu 1 B A D D B A B A B C D A B C D
Câu 2 D A C C C A C B A D A C A A D
Câu 3 A C C C D C C B C D A C C B B
Câu 4 D B A C D D D A B B D C A B C
Câu 5 D B B C D A B B C C B A B A A
Câu 6 A A B A A A D B A D D C B A D
Câu 7 C D C A B C C A A B B B C B C
Câu 8 A C D D D A D B C C B A C C C
Câu 9 C C A B C B A D C C C B A C B
Câu 10 A D D C A B D D C B A C A D C
Câu 11 A A A C A D D D A D C B D B D
Câu 12 A C D A B C D C C C B D D B D

Câu 13 D B A A A A A A B B A A D B B
Câu 14 C A A B B C B A A D B D D D C
Câu 15 C D A D B D B B C B A C A C D
2) Phần Reading Comprehension : chắc không cho lại , nên phải tự ôn
Kinh nghiệm làm bài : không dịch bài từ đầu đến cuối , nhào vô trả lời câu hỏi liền, để dành câu
số 01 lại vì câu số 01 bao giờ cũng hỏi về main topic, trả lời câu số 02 trước , sau khi trả lời
xong 04 câu , mới quay trở lại câu 01. TUYỆT ĐỐI KHÔNG ĐỌC HẾT BÀI ĐỌC
Sau đây là phần đáp án của 17 bài Reading Comprehension trong tài liệu ôn thi AV đầu
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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Câu 1 A C A A B C C C C B A A D B B C B
Câu 2 C A C B A B B C C A C B A A D A D
Câu 3 A A B C C D C A C C C C A A C B C
Câu 4 C D A A B B A B A C D C B D A D D
Câu 5 B C B B A A B C B A A C C B D C A
Câu 6 C C A A B B D B C C A
Câu 7 B C B
Câu 8 C B D
Câu 9 A
Câu 10 C
3) Phần Cloze : có thể lấy lại hoặc không , nhưng nhiều khả năng là không lấy lại
Sau đây là phần đáp án của 15 bài Cloze trong tài liệu ôn thi anh văn đầu ra :
Bài 1 Bài 2 Bài 3 Bài 4 Bài 5 Bài 6 Bài 7 Bài 8
1 Is Off Also One Work What Has To
Customers For/ during Plays Way/ mean Respon sible About Its The
3 Money Period Time Listen On Were Decision While/ when

Help With Out Century Charge Wanted Sure Sale
5 Losts Travel Job There Lots Capital Close Could
Getting Find Day Download Between Bought People Fee
7 Presents / gifts Bussiness More From When And In Every
Between Busy Works Did To Later Well Which
9 Have Christmas
e Producing Meet
s On Had
Hand Dinner Round Know For Per / a Together Similar
Bài 9 Bài 10 Bài 11 Bài 12 Bài 13 Bài 14 Bài 15
1 Of One Called You / More Had Use Which
Because Passengers Such Or
Under/ beneath /
3 By Very/ so In Of Well Focus Where
Run On Which Than A On
When / as /
5 Rather Founded/ establishes And The
Though /

Mind Being
If/ whether Most Will For Which
Contract /
7 Good Between Althoungt More And Presentation Suceeded
At Make On
Against / about /
Like Same Was
Little Because This/ the Other / similar Know Important
Anyone /
Anybody /
Answer Internet Never Although / while Until / till / before Possible Of
11 Would/ could Spend/ study / work Makes Points To
Made A / per / every What Or Up
13 Could / should But For First
It / this / things Other / extra Listening Were
15 Have There / additional Sure Whole / rest
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4) Phần Controlled Writing : phải tự ôn thôi

Sau đây là phần đáp án của 15 bài Controlled Writing trong tài liệu ôn thi anh văn đầu ra :
1. Maria Wilson is the famous Managing Director of Beauty Boutique International plc
2. It is one of the world's leading beauty product chains.
3. She is a daughter of Spanish immigrants.
4. She was born and educated in Britain.
5. She opened her first Beauty Boutique in 1976
6. It was.so popular that she opened five more shops in 3 years. .
7. Since then business has developed at an amazing rate
8. The chain of Beauty Boutiques is now expanding allover the world.
Test 2
1. Sir Peter Parker is well known as a top manager.
2. He studied history at Oxford University between (from) 1947 and (to) 1950.
3. He worked as a manager for a number of companies during the 1950s and 1960s.
4. He became weli known to the public as Chairman of British Rail.
5. Hejoined British Rail in 1976 and left in 1983.
6. In 1978, he was awarded a knighthood by the Queen.
7. He was appointed as Chainnan ofMitsubishi Electric (UK) in 1984.
8.He wasthe firstnon-Japaneseto becomeChairmanofa Japanesecompany.
9. In 1991, the Japanese Government awarded him the Order of the Sacred Treasuic,
10.He wrote his autobiography,ForStarters,in 1989.
Test 3
1. Unileve is a British-Dutch company with its head offices in Rotterdam and London
2. It now owns many well-known consumer brands, including Knorr, Lipton's tea, Omo, Dove and
3. Knorr is their biggest food brand with a strong presence in over 80 countries and a product range
including soups, sauces, bouillons, noodl and complete meals.
4.Today it employs 247,000 people in 57 countries and sells its products in 150 countries to 150m
5. Its worldwide turnover in 2002 was 48,760 million euros.

6. It spends 2.3% of its turnover on Research and Development.
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7. It has'two global divisions, called Food and Home and Personal Care.
8. Over 50% of its'sales come from the Food Division.
9. It has 10 regional business groups to meet the needs of local markets.
10. This makes it an international manufacturer of leading brands in foods, home care and personal
Test 4
1. Marks & Spencer is the most famous British shop in the world.
2. At the moment, there are 283 M&S shops in Briiain and other countries.
3. Currently, they are building a large new store in Paris.
4. There are about 50 stores in Canada.
5, More and more people, from Hong Kong to Lisbon, are buying (their) clothes and food from
6. The company employs about 50,000 employees worldwide.
7. Sales have increased by 80% over the last ten years.
8. Many of the shops abroad are franchises.
9. Owners of franchises buy all their stocks from M&S.
10. They pay the company a percentage of their turnover.
Test 6
1. Ubix cmputers is a publicly .traded corporaton actively trade4 on the NASDAQ.
2. The company was launched in 1999 with an IPO raising $70 million.
3. Shareholders own more than 80% of the company while upper level management and employee
stock options own the remaining 20%.
4. Ubix is located in Denver, Colorado with manufacturing plants in Taiwan and Indonesia.
5. The total cash flow during 2000 was $365 million.
6. While total operating expenses for the past fiscal year totalled $180 million resulting in a pre-tax
profit 0£$175 million.
7. Ubix Computers market share in the US domestic market has grown from 2% to 5% during the

past 18 months.
8. Future plans include the development of a line of laptop computers to export to the Chinese
9. Ubix offers consumers computers that are made to meet their specific requirements, while pricing
these computers at mass market prices.
10.This unique combination ensures Ubix will be a major market player in the near future
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Test 7
1. Globalcall Communications is a global corporation.
2. It provides telecommunications solutions for clients both large and small.
3. The company first expanded to most major North American cities before becoming a major
multinational player.
4. Presently, the company is' extending operati9ns to include voice over IP, as well as high-speed
cable Internetaccess.
5. Globalcall Communications' team includes more than 40,000 specialists worldwide in more than
20 countries on three continents.
6. Next year will see the deployment of a third generation wireless communications network in
Asian countries
7. The future looks bright for Globalcall Communications.
8. By 2005 the company will be servicing more than 15 million households and businesses globally.
9. GIobalcall Communications will have become a household word
10.We look forward to serving clients ande planning to do evefything in our power to make sure
that your communication future is unlimited and simple.
Test 8
Dear Mr Smith,
1. Thank you for the letter offering me a job.
2. I am very glad that you have chosen me.
3. But I am afraid that I am unable to accept the offer.
4. I shall be taking up a similar position with another company soon.
5. As pay and conditions are better there I am turning down your offer.

6. Thank you for the time you gavelhave given to my application.
7. I am sure you will find a suitable applicant to fill the vacancy.
Test 9
Dear Mr Brown,
I. I am/was happy to get/when 1got your letter in which you offer/offering me a job in your
2. You don't / didn't tell me/ haven't told me when you want/wanted me to start working/to work for
3. My present employer expects/is expecting me to stay with him till / until the end of this month.
4. We are thinking about buying a-house near the office.
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S. My wife is anxious to find a good school for our children to attend / that/which our children can
6. She is worried they will/may/might not be able to cOntinueto study/studying the same subjects.
7. Let's hope our/these problems will not take long to solve.
Test 10
Dear Tom,
I. I am writing (in order) to cancel our meeting at the tennis club on Wednesday 13th,
2. As you can see from this notepaper, I am still in Madrid.
3. I arrived on Monday 4n, and (I) expected / was expecting / had expected I expecting to retum to
London on Thrsday 7th July.
4. Things have not gone / are not going according to plan so 1have to stay several more days.
5. I met Mr Martinez on Tuesday 5 th July and (I) visited his factory in order to inspect his / the /
some new products
6. However, we have not yet reached an agreement on/about/concerning(the) prices and (the)
7. The contract has not been / is not signed yet and so 1must stay until it islhas beeik
8. Despite (all) the/these difficulties, 1 have enjoyed / am enjoying visiting the' Prado Museum and
eating in the/some excellent restaurants here.

9. I will phone you when/as soon as I am back in London, look forward to working with you.
Test 11
Dear Sir,
1.I am writing in reply to your advertisement in yesterday's 'Evening Guardian'.
2. In it you say/said (that) you are/were looking foa secretary with good typing skills who must be /
is fluent in Frenchand English.
3. I have just completed theta two-year bilingual secretarial course at my local college.
4. At the end of the/my course I passed all my/the exams with good marks.
5. Before I started it, I (had) spent alone year in France living with a French family.
6. While I was there1.learnedllearnt (how) to speak French fluently.
7. I will / shall / would / should be grateful if you could/wouldsend me (some) more information
about the / this job with / and the / an application form.
8. I look forward to hearing from you.
Test 12
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Dear Sir,
I. I am writing to complain about a recent skiing holiday that I booked through! with your company.
2. From the (very) first day things/everything wnt wrong.
3. The hotel I stayed inlat was very disappointing as/because there was no room service and nothing
seemed to work properly.
4. What was worse was that the resort was not suitable for beginners like me.
5. On the third day lbrought my complaints to th attention of your representative who said he would
look into them.
6. Nothing happened until the day before I left when I was given a special room.
7. I am/was not satisfied with the holiday or the service I received from your representative.
8. I am now writing to ask for a full refund,
9. I look forward to receiving a cheque for $850 from you.
Test 13
Dear Mike,

1. I just thought I'd drop you a line and tell you about the summer job I've just got in a local
2. They've just sent me all the rules of the job and I must say some of them look a bit strict!
3. I'll have to get there on time - that is at 8.30 and they say that anyone who is regularly late will
get sacked.
4. We're supposed to be smartly dressed - things like jeans won't be allowed.
5. We're all supposed to try hard to deal with the customers as quickly and as well as we can and are
polite to them all.
6. We are told to ask someone senior ifthe's a questonwe can'answer.
7. I looks as if Fm goingto be prettybusy!
8. I'll be taking-orders on the phone, getting orders ready before people come to collect them and
that the shelves are always full.
9. Still, they're going to pay me every week, which I'm glad about .
10. I'm not-sure if I'm going to enjoy it but it won't be for long and I do need the money.
Hope to see yousoon.
Test 14
Dear Sir,
1. In reply to your kind offer of a position with your company, I am afraid that I must decline.
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2. Although the conditions and hours of work at your company are congenial, there are three factors
which make a change of employment difficult for me at the present time.
3. First, the location of your office is too far from te centre of the city, where I live.
4. I would have to spend at least three hours travelling to and from work every day.
5. Second, the starting salary at your company is lower than my present salary, and, when I have
just bought a new house , I am short of money.
6. Third as you explained to me the other day, your company has a strict seniority system,
resulting / which results in a slow pace of promotion.
7. In my present job I can work at home, using my computer, so I don't have to travel to work.
8. Hi addition, I have just been promised a rise in pay.

9. And I am eligible for promotion every six months.
Yours truly,
Test 15
1. I was very interested to read your article about global wanning in the newspaper.
2. I am afraid I don't agree with you or number of points.
3. Firstly you say that some scientists do not believe the theory.
4. Who are these scientists? I have never heard of them.
5. Secondly, it is not true that global warming receives too much publicity.
6. On the contrary we need to make the public more aware of such danger.
7. We must all put pressure on the authorities if we want something to be done.
8. Lastly you seem to suggest doing nothing in case the scientists are wrong.
9. Well if they are right. It will be too late by the time we find out.
Yours sincerely,
5) Phần Sentence Transformation : phải tự ôn thôi
Những điểm ngữ pháp được giới hạn lại trong phần này
a) Passive -> Active
b) Active -> Passive
c) Direct speech -> Indirect speech
d) Conditionnal sentence
e) Wish
f) Would rather
g) Inversion
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h) Modal + have+ pp
i) However + adj / adv + s+v… , clause
j) Adverb clause of concession
Althoung + clause, + main clause vs. in spite of +N.pharase, + main clause
Những câu mẫu ví dụ :

a) If you ask me in advance, I’ll be willing to work overtime.
Provided you ask me in advance, I’ll be willing to work overtime.
b) I would prefer you to launch your advertising campaign in the Southeast Asia .
I’d rather you launched your advertising campaign in the Southeast Asia.
c) It’s possible that they turned down my offer.
They might have turned down my offer.
d) You won’t find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mr. Jones.
Nowhere will you find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mr. Jones
e) “ Can I allow Bitis’ a 10 % discount ?”
Ms. Brown asked the Sales Manager if / whether she could allow Bitis’a 10 % discout.
Sau đây là phần đáp án của 15 bài Sentence Transformation trong tài liệu ôn thi anh văn
đầu ra :
1. I might have got/gotten a betterjob if I had studied harder.
2. The man in chief suggested checking everything once more … that they (should) check
everything once more.
3. Vietnam is acknowledged to have / completely controlled SARS from a very early stage of the
epidemic. I had a complete control over SARS
4. It is a pity / regret (that) I didn't apply for that job.
5. Everybody was astonished at/by Alice's strange ideas.
I. Henry wished (that) he/she hadn't / had not bought the second-hand car
2. Amanda finally succeeded in getting a good job
3. You don't have to finish the work today.
4. Sebastian has been a TV presenter Iworkedlbeen working as a TV presenter for five years/since
5. Who do these documents belong to?
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1. Alice is responsible for looking after (the) new staff
2. My insurance form should/ought to have been signed by the!my/a doctor.
3. When the goods arrive in/at the shop, they are inspected carefully.
4. George used to be much more energetic (than he is now / at present)
5. Tim wondered if he would (ever) find ajob.
1. You can'only get (the) 40% discount/.the discount if you buy all twelve books at the same time.
2. Paul apologized for giving (having given) Susan thewrong number.
3. The newswassobadthatthat Helenburstintotears.
4. Unless he works harder, he'll lose his job.
5. Martha asked Peter when the first day of his holiday was.
1. It tookthreeanda halfhoursto flyto Moscow.
2. There are more than a thousand employees in the factory where I work.
3. Nobody who was at the meeting will say anything to the press.
4. Judy has been wQrkingwith us for eight years
5. In had had your address I would have written to you.
1. In were you, I'd buy it.
2. The manager threatened not to select Brian for the team! that Brian would not be selected for the
3. Although cars cause pollution, people (still) want them.
4. I needn't have written that letter.
5. Today American women are used to earning their own money.
1. However hard she works, she never seems to succeed.
2. The customer insisted on ! upon speaking to the director. OR: The customer insisted (that)e had
to speak to the director.
3. In spite of [the poor economic climate]! [facing the poor economic climate]! [the fact that we are
facing the poor economic climate], our sales have held up.

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4. These products have been designed by a special team since 2 months ago.
5. William suggested that Peter should complain to the company
1. The date of the meeting will have to be changed again.
2. I'll finish the work tonight if you like/want me to, shall I?
3. You've (got) to see the manger tomorrow morning.
4. Every,time we rang there wasn't any! was no ,answer
5. In spite ,of his good salary! having a good salary! of the fact that he had a good salary, he was
unhappy in his job.
I. He objected to his secretary (') coming late to work! the fact that his secretary came late to work
2. This cheque has not been signed.
3. Ifhe phones immediately he won't get any information.
4. The office manager wondered why he hadn't got a computer before.
5. I am looking forward to meeting/seeing you again soon.
1. Tom advised Mary not to lend him any more money.
2. I've been working work for the company! have been with company for one year.
3. Don't sign the delivery note withoutlbefore checking/ having checked for damage:'
4. I suggest (that) you (should) meet to discuss the pay offer.
5. I would rather you delivered the sofa! you have the sofa delivered on Friday.
1. That old typewriter is not worth repairing.
2. If Mr Mills had not beenlarrived late/ had been on time/ had arrived on time he would not have
lost his job
3. James didn't sign the contract until he had spoken to his lawyer.
4. When the goods arrive inlat the.shop! are delivered to the shop, they ar inspected carefully.
5. Tom wondered if/whether he would (ever) find /get / obtain a job.

I. You didn't forget to post the letter, did you?
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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
2. You can only get / receive / have /obtain the 40% discount, you buy all twelve books at the same
3. She said that if I had paid the bill earlier, they wouldn't have connected the phone.
4. I'd rather you signed the contract without any further delay.,
5. Are you getting along with your boss?
1. Were it not for the money this job wouldn't be worthwhile.
2, Nobody who was at the meeting will say anything to the press.
3. It’ s (high/about) time I went/got back to work.
4. I have no intention of discussing this matter any further:
5. There has a considerably fall in the value of sterling in the past week.
1. My applicatiori for.the job was turned down.
2. Never have there been more people out of work in this country.
3. Only after the money islhas been received can/do we dispatch goods! will goods be dispatched.
4. You pay in twelve successive monthly installments.
5. The Prime Minister is thought to be considering raising taxes.
1. It has been suggested that income tax (should) be abolished.
2. However hard she works, she never seems to succeed.
3. It was not so much a discussion as an argumnt.
4. Robert now wishes (that) he had accepted! taken the job.
5. There has been a dramatic increase / rise in (the) houses prices this year.
6) Phần Composition : Giới hạn lại còn 07 chủ đề / 15 chủ đề
Đó là : 3,4,5,6,7,13,15
Topic 3 : People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modem life.

Some read; some exercise; others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of
reducing stress? Use specific details and examples in your answer.
Topic 4 : People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that
people work? Discuss one or more of these reasons. Use specific examples and details to support
your answer.
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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
Topic 5 : Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little
time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more
time with family and friends? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.
Topic 6 : We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your
opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)?
Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.
Topic 7 : Some people prefer 10 work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small
company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.
Topic 13 : Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work
independently? Use reasonsand specific examples to support your answer.
Topic 15 : Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information.
Others think accessto so much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use
specific reasons and examples to support your opinion
7) Phần Listening : lấy lại 40% trong CD.
• Khác với mọi năm, các thầy cô sẽ không đọc mà học viên phải nghe bằng máy casseset,
học viên sẽ được nghe 03 lần mỗi đoạn văn
Sau đây là phần đáp án của 10 bài Listening trong tài liệu ôn thi anh văn đầu ra :
Test 1
1. camera
2. becausehe canlookbackat all histravelsand thepeoplehe's met
3. a trainticketto Brighton

4. the loveof herlife
5. about £40
1.a game
2. He has to write a report.
3. because she is sick in bed
4. from his hous
5. 9:00 PM
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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
Part Three
1. calling
2. game
3. finish
4. house
5. food
Test 2
1. Prada bag
2. yes
3. everyday
4. tree
5. build a tree house for the children to play in
Part Two
1.She's out of the office.
2. information on after-sales service
3. 3:30PM
4. Kordell
5. 560 – 1287
Part Three

1. speak
2. back
3. newest
4. description
5. service
6. repaired
7. material
8. spelled
9. correct
10. sure
Test 3
Part One
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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
1. in New York
2. to discuss the project
3. 2
4. because the exchange rate changed
5. No, they didn’t
Part Two
1. business and pleasure
2. at a hotel
3. more than four days
4. CD player, clothing, and books
5. She was born in that country
Part Three
1. passport
2. visit
3. attend
4. downtown

5. luggage
6. personal
7. country
8. parents
9. since
10. enjoy
Test 4
Part One
1. clothes for men and women
2. fashion – conscious people aged 20 to 35
3. No, it doesn’t
4. about $ 260 million
5. to open 5 new stores
Part Two
1. leisure sporting activities
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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
2. 18 - 26
3. tennis
4. sell tennis rackets
5. They are very health conscious
Part Three
1. review
2. proposal
3. consumer
4. active
5. cited
6. gender
7. consider
8. footwear

9. trend
10. details
Test 5
Part One
Key 7.3
1. (i) reaching the right people
(ii) clear markting messages
(iii) working well with sales teams
2. customer orientation
3. orange mobile phone campaign
4. She thinks they are very interesting and incredibly exciting
5. fantastic, memorable 'and meaningful
Part Two
1. a preliminary interview
2. He worked as a custodian.
3. a kind of beverage.
4. He will not contact him for further consideration.
5. uninformed
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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
Part Three
5. include
6. never
Test 6
Part One
1. an electrical goods manufacturer

2. free flights
3. because sales went up
4. because they simply couldn't keep up with the demand and they were overspending a lot on
these prizes.
5. negative publicity for the company
Part Two
1. carpet cleaning
2. the carpet
3. $29.95
4. spot cleaner
5. 637-500 I
Part Three
l. family
7. 15%
Test 7
Part One
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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
l. Climbingthehighestmountainoneach of the.? continents.
2. Forreasonsof sponsorship
3. In November.
4. Com,:"unicationwiththe peoplethatshe wasclimbingwith.
5. No
Part Two

1.Frontier Furniture
2. microwaves
3. a color TV
4. opposite Union Square
5. 10:00 AM to 9:30 PM
Part Three
1. looking
2. new
3. dining
4. tonight
5. delivery
6. daily
Test 8
Part One
1. more forceful
2. logically
3. (i) the background
(ii) the education
(iii) the cultural difference
4. because they are focusing too:much on their weaknesses.
5. No, they don't
Part Two
1. He has no need for a ring.
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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
2. The handle is damaged.
3. it is stained.
5. only records

Part Three
1. ring
3. cracked
4. stains
5. scratched
7. charge
8. similar
9. offer
10. stick
Test 9
Part One
1. by following a tight monetary policy
2. Yes, it h.
3. because it is still 16%
4. (1) offering new tax incenties (2) making a renewed effort to reduc;egovernment bureaucracy
5. attractive investment opportunities
Part Two
1. a membership to a sports club
2. access to free meals and beverages
3. He doesn't need the service being provided.
4. The man might be called by another company representative in the coming weeks.
5. Mr. Phillips
Part .Three
1. offer
2. airfare
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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
3. dance

4. membership
5. listen
6. facilities
8. list
9. database
Test 10
Part One
1.To show he is interested in the opportunity
2. how old it is, what it does, how many people it employees, and how fast it's growing
3. Answering their questions fully, but not too long
4. Yes, he does.
5. (i) "What is your medium-termplan for the company?"and (ii) "What is your policy on
Part Two
1. More than 300 hours
2. from12:00 midnightto 12:00 midnight
4. $29.95
5. free email
Part Three
1. neighborhood
2. relax
3. major
4. management
6. science
7. part-time
8. scholarship

9. working
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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
8) Phần Speaking : Giới hạn lại còn 07 chủ đề / 20 chủ đề
1. (5) What is important when going for a job interview ? You should say:
* Knowledge of company
* appearance
* arriving on time
2. (6) What is important when making travel arrangements for a business trip? You should say :
* convenience
* cost
* comfort
3. (8) What is important when organizing a meeting? You should say:
* agenda
* length of meeting
* types of rooms
4. (9) What is imprtant when choosing suitable transport for a business trip ? You should say :
* convenience
* cost- effectiveness
* enjoyment
5. (11) What is important when setting up a new business? You should say:
* business plane
* management experience
* financial backing
6. (12) What is important when deciding whether to apply for a new post ? You should say:
* location
* career prospects
* salary
7. (18) What is imprtant when deciding whether to obtain a further qualifications? You should say:

* time commitment required
* career benefits
* interests
Khi đi thi , các học viên phải bình tĩnh, nói sai hay nói đúng, phát âm chuẩn hay không
chuẩn, thì cứ nói. Thầy cô chỉ kiểm tra khả năng nói lưu loát của học viên mà thôi. Đừng ngại
sai mà không nói, vì không nói hoặc cứ ấp úng lựa lời để nói cho đúng , cho hay thì thầy cô
cũng không nâng đỡ được
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Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
Nếu phần thi speaking này rớt (<03 điểm) thì cho dù các kết quả thi khác tốt, học viên vẫn
bị rớt Tiếng Anh đầu ra.
Nói chung đi thi phần này phải :
• Chuẩn bị trước 01 bài giới thiệu về bản thân mình + công việc + gia đình
• Chuẩn bị trước 07 bài mini presentation theo 07 chủ đề đã giới hạn
• Quan sát,hỏi han người đi thi trước mình xem thầy cô đã hỏi ý gì, vì đa số thầy cô sẽ hỏi
đi hỏi lại những câu đã hỏi, vì sự sáng tạo của thầy cô cũng có giới hạn.
• Tránh là những người đi tiên phong thi vấn đáp, vì lúc này thầy cô còn xung , sẽ đặt câu
hỏi nhiều
• Nếu có thể được , nên cố gắng sắp xếp để được thi vấn đáp gần cuối, vì lúc này thầy cô
đã thấm mệt nên sẽ không còn hơi sức đâu hỏi nhiều
• Nhưng nhìn chung, thi vấn đáp sẽ diễn ra theo thứ tự A,B,C
• Tạo thiện cảm với thầy cô phỏng vấn, bằng một nụ cười tươi ngay khi gặp.
Topic 1: What is important when going for a job interview?
Job interviews play a very important role in whether or not someone gets the job they are
applying for. They are important because they give the employer or interviewer a chance to
see first hand what the person is all about and what they like or dislike about the individual.
The interview is a crucial aspect of the hiring process. Much is weighed on this first
In the preparation for a job interview, one must begin by taking a look at oneself. Being
clean and neat would definitely be a plus in making a good first impression. There is only

going to be one chance at making a positive first impression, so nothing should be
After the external things are taken care of, preparing for the interview questions should be
next. Here are some common questions asked at job interviews and after reading them you
will see why a little practice would not hurt, especially to the person going on his or her first
1. Tell me about yourself?
2. Why do you want this job?
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Sau đây là 7 đề tài nói theo mẫu
Toàn bộ đáp án trong phần này điều đã được kiểm nghiệm chính xác theo đúng đáp của trường cung cấp
3. What are your strengths?
4. Why should we hire you?
Once you are in the interview and have greeted the interviewer or interviewers with a firm
handshake and eye contact, you are now ready to begin. As the questioning begins remain
calm and keep occasional eye contact going throughout the interview with everybody that is
there. Most importantly though, you may have to convince the company you are
interviewing for that you are in sync with their corporate culture.
In closing out the interview be sure to offer a handshake and smile. Keep eye contact going
and maybe say something like, "Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing
form you."
Topic 2: What is important when making travel arrangements for a business trip?
Before you travel on business and begin packing your mobile gear, there are a few simple
questions you need to answer to help you determine which mobile gadgets you must take
and which you don't require. Make sure you get all the details in advance to make planning
and packing your mobile gear easier.
Destination - Domestic or International
Once you know where you are going, you can investigate the airport, rail and hotel
amenities to determine which will provide you with the best business services including
good Internet access. If you are traveling internationally you must ensure that you have the

correct paperwork required by Customs completed in advance. Don’t leave details like that
to the last minute.
Duration of Trip
When you know how long your trip will be, you have a better idea of the mobile gear you
need to pack and what quantities you will require. Don’t rely on being able to buy
replacements if you have forgotten something, such as batteries.
Purpose of Trip
Is the trip a sales trip or are is it a conference? When you know the purpose of the trip, you
can decide which of your mobile gadgets to take and which can safely be left behind. If you
are in doubt, speak with more experienced co-workers for their advice.
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