Post-Graduate Education in
Environmental Toxicology, Technology and Management on
Health/Environment Risk and Impact Assessment
Exercise: WHO Human Health Risk Assessment Toolkit (HH RA Toolkit)
19 and 20 December 2011, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand
Introduction: Students will be presented with three case studies, including a pesticide, a PCB and a
chemical emergency case study. Students will be divided into three groups. Each group addresses one case
study. The WHO Human Health Risk Assessment Toolkit (HHRA Toolkit) is the main resource material.
Internet is provided to be able to access information sources mentioned in the HHRA Toolkit. Students will
be presented with background information on case scenarios at the outset of the exercise. Additional
information will be provided as students go along. Brief plenary session will be used to share strategies and
intermediate results by Working Groups. Resource persons will be in the class room for questions during
the 2 days of this session.
Day 1 – Afternoon, Monday, 19 December 2010
• Introduction
Output: Participants are familiarized with the exercise; the Toolkit is introduced; case
studies are presented; the time table is made known, working groups are formed;
students are informed about the final presentation to the "Health Minister".
Working in groups - Session 1 on Problem Formulation, Hazard
Identification and Hazard Characterization
o Pesticide scenario (Working Group 1)
o Air pollution (Working Group 2)
Chemical emergency scenario (Working Group 3)
Coffee break
• Working in groups - Session 1 (continued)
Output: Risk assessment problem formulated, strategies established by WG to address
risk assessment question/problem; hazards identified, guidance and guideline values
identified and their relevancy discussed.
• Brief Reporting back from Working Groups - Session 1 and discussion
Output: WGs present case studies and problem statements; WGs present risk
assessment strategies to address problems; WGs present hazards; WGs present and
discuss the relevancy of guidance and guideline values identified.
Lunch break
• Working in Groups - Session 2 on Exposure Assessment
Output: Exposure information to address assessment problem in question discussed and
identified; strategies developed to produce missing exposure information.
• Reporting back from Working Groups - Session 2
Output: Students present the challenges of exposure assessment and their strategy to
receive exposure data.
Coffee break
• Brief Reporting back from Working Groups - Session 2 (continued)
Output: Students present the challenges of exposure assessment and their exposure
assessment strategies.
• Working in Groups - Session 2 (continued)
Output: Students finalize exposure assessment.
Day 2 – Full day, Tuesday, 20 December 2010
• Introduction into Day 2
Working in Groups - Session 3 on Risk Characterization
Output: Students compare exposure and health information and characterize risks.
Students discuss uncertainties. Students discuss further information needs. Students
discuss risk mitigation measures, if needed.
Coffee break
• Working in Groups - Session 3 (continued)
Output: Students finalize RA and prepare final presentation (Comment: The final
presentation should be prepared as a 10 min briefing note to the Minister of Health to
inform about health risks and related action)
Lunch break
• Working Group present Risk Assessment Findings to "Health Minister" and
• Final discussion
Closure of day 2 and exercise