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Bài Tập Về Unit 14 (Grade 10)

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1. Khi noi ve hanh dong trong tuong lai ta dung ca "will" va "going to", song o day co
su khac nhau ro rang. Nghien cuu tinh huong sau:
Lop xe cua Helen bi het hoi. Co noi voi cha dieu do.
Helen: My bicycle has a flat tyre. Can you repair it for me?
Father: OK, but I can't do it now. I'll repair it tomorrow.
Sau do me Helen noi voi chong:
Mother: Can you repair Helen's bicycle?
Father: Yes, I know. She told me already. I'm going to repair it tomorrow.
Day la mot vi du khac.
Tom dang nau an thi phot hien ra la het muoi.
Tom: Ann, we haven't got any salt left.
Ann: Oh, haven't we? I'll get some from the shop then. (She decides to get some salt at
the time of speaking) Truoc khi di, Ann noi voi Jim.
Ann: I'm going to get some salt from the shop. (She has already decided.)
Can I get you anything, Jim?
Tu nhung vi du tren ta rut ra ket luan:
a. Ta dung WILL khi quyet dinh lam viec gi do o vao thoi diem dang noi. Nguoi noi
khong quyet dinh dieu do truoc luc noi. Truoc khi Helen noi voi cha, cha co khong he
biet gi ve chiec lop bi het hoi. Truoc khi Tom noi voi Ann, Ann khong he biet gi ve viec
ho da het muoi.
b. Ta dung GOING TO khi ta da quyet dinh lam viec gi do roi. Cha cua Helen da quyet
dinh chua xe cho co ta truoc khi bà νợ noi voi ong. Ann da quyet dinh mua muoi truoc
khi bao voi Jim.
2. Ta dung ca WILL va GOING TO de noi dieu ma ta cho rang se xay ra trong tuog lai.
Vi du: Do you think he will, agree with us? Maybe she will go with us.
Tuy nhien, khi du doan mot gi do se xay ra trong tuong lai gan ma co dieu gi trong
hien tai hien huu thi ta dung GOING TO. Dua vao tinh huong hien tai ý noi chac mot

cai gi do se xay ra.
Vi du:
- Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain.
(Tinh huong hien tai la co cac dam may.)
- I feel terrible. I think I'm going to be sick.
(Tinh huong hien tai la toi cam thay kho chiu.)
3. Ngoai ra, ta dung WILL trong cac truong hop sau:
a. De nghi duoc lam viec gi do.
Vi du:
- That bag looks heavy. I'll help you with it.
- I need some money. - Don't worry. I'll lend you some.
b. Dong y hoac tu choi lam viec gi do.
Vi du:
A: You know that book I lent you? Can I have it back?
B: Of course. I'll bring it back this afternoon.
I've asked John to help me but he won't. The car won't start.
c. Hứa viec gì do.
Vi du: Thank you for lending me the money. I'll pay you back on Friday. I won't tell
Tim what you said. I promise. I promise I'll phone you as soon as I arrive.
d. Yeu cau ai lam viec gi do.
Vi du:
- Will you shut the door, please?
- Will you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate.
e. Will duoc dung noi ve tuong lai hay de du doan tuong lai.
Vi du:
- You will be in time if you are hury.
- How long will you be staying in Paris?
- By next year all the money will have been spent.
Will con duoc dung de dien ta su moi moc, su giup do.
Vi du: Will you have a cup of tea?

- Will you go to the cinema with me?
- I will check this letter for you if you want.
- They won't lend us any money.
I. Fill each gap with a suitable word from the box.
predicted holding accused involve produce
team captain contact prediction establish
1. He was the baby in his arms.
2. Let's some ground rules.
3. He the opposition party of being unfit to govern.
4. We cheaper goods than our competitors.
5. The test will answering questions about a photograph.
6. The Olympic were given a hero's welcome on their return home·
7. She was of the hockey team at school.
8. She's lost with her son.
9. It was that inflation would continue to fall.
10. Not many people agree with the government’s that the economy will improve.
II. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.
1. The speaker announced the of a new college.
2. We want to students to participate fully in the
running of the college.
3. Details of the are available at all participating stores.
4 A back injury prevented active in any sports for a
5. Prices are often higher in Hawaii than in the United
6. We need changes in the law governing school
7. We have a witness to the
8. The 2002 World Cup was held by Japan and South





9. We need to work harder to remain with other
10. It is a campaign to promote awareness of issues.



III. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been done for
0. a. Are you interested in geography lessons?
b. She's got a degree in geography
c. Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor.
1. a. We cannot demand for the product.
b. She failed to all the requirements for entry to the college.
c. Her explanation did not the teacher.

2. a. When costs are cut product suffers.
b. We aim to provide at reasonable prices.
c. Get it right, even if it takes time; it's not quantity that matters.
3. a. She over to me and demanded an apology.
b. The guards the prisoner away.
c She was out of the door and into a waiting car.
4. a. The missiles were mainly at the United States.
b. The company has been by animal rights groups for its use of
dogs in drugs trials.
c. The campaign is clearly on the young.
5. a. The clouds in the sky meant that a storm was coming.
b. What time does it get in summer?
c. It was outside and I couldn't see much.
6. a. For this course a pass in English at grade B is
b. Air pollution in,the city had reached four times the levels.
c. The food was , but no more.
7. a. We were all too to object.
b. I don't know how to make conversation.
c. The performance was greeted with applause.
8. a. The letter was correctly , but delivered to the wrong house.
b. I was surprised when he me in English.
c. Any questions should be to your teacher.
9. a. They and wept and promised to keep in touch.
b. She her son warmly.
c. It is unlikely that capitalist ideas will be by such countries.
10 a. Judging by can be misleading.
b. The singer's first public was at the age of eight.
c. She had never been greatly concerned about her
IV. What do you call a person who ?
1. does the long jump? a long jumper

2. rides horses in races?
3. drives cars in races?
4. throws the discus/ javelin?
5. does gymnastics?
6. plays hockey?
7. plays football?
8. does the pole-vault?
V. Which sports are these places associated with, as the example.
1. court: tennis, squash, etc. 2. course:
3. ring: 4. pitch:
5. rink: 6. alley
7. piste
VI. Match the words from 1 to 6 with the sports. Use each item only once.
1. court A. baseball 1
2. rod B. swimming 2
3.bat C. tennis 3
4. pool D. canoeing 4
5. paddle E. sailing 5
6. boat F. fishing 6
VII. Write offer for each of the following situation using the verbs given in the box.
One example has been done for you ("buy" and "turn on" are used twice).
give - buy (2) - fetch - bring
turn on (2) - clean - turn down
0. A: I'm too tired to walk home.
B: Shall I give you a lift?
1. A: I feel a bit hungry.
B: ·
2. A: I'm cold.
3. A: We're run out of sugar.

4. A: I'm thirsty.
5. A: It's hot in this room.
6. A: I am too busy to clean the house.
7. A: The music is too loud.
8. A: It's dark in here.
VIII. Fill each gap with a suitable word from the box.
stress exercise go on a diet jogging
addicted overweight giving up crash diets
relaxation keep fit weight aerobics

People are much more interested in their health these days. Many people try to
(1) by taking (2) two or three times a week, perhaps by going for a
swim, by (3) in the local park, or by playing active games like squash or tennis.
(4) classes are also popular. Most doctors recommend (5) smoking as a
good way of improving fitness. Being (6) can be harmful to health, so many
people decide to (7) to try to lose (8) Another problem of our health is the
(9) which affects many of us in our daily life. Fortunately there are simple
(10) techniques which can be learned to help deal with this. A relaxed life-style, a
balanced diet and Plenty of fresh air and exercise - these things are all important.
IX. Fill the gaps with suitable verbs.
1. Were many records at the Olympics?
2. We've been so many times we deserve the bottom of the league.
3. Congratulations! How many points did you by?

4. You should jogging. That would help you lose weight.
5. Who the word record for the 100 meters? Is it a Russian?
6.I once a goal, and that was the sheer luck.
X. Put the verb into the correct form using "Will or "to be going to"? An example
has been done for you.
0. A: I am very hungry.
B: Are you? I will get you some food.
1. A: We need some more wine for the party.
B: Do we? Well, (go and buy) some.
2. A: We have decided to change our car.
B: Oh, really? What make you (buy)?
3. A: I am bored.
B: I (go) out with you tonight.
A: No, thanks. I (go) out with Tommy tonight.
4. A: Have you typed that letter for me?
B: Sorry, I haven't but I (type) it tomorrow morning.
5. A: Don't forget to lock the door, dear! B: Oop! I (lock) it now.
6. A: I don't know how to solve this problem.
B: It's quite easy. I (show) you how to do it. .
7. A: This room looks dirty. B: I (clean) it this afternoon.
8. A: Where are you going? B: 1 am going to town. I (meet) my friends at a cafe.
XI. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
1. We should concentrate the film while we are watching it.
2. When I was riding to school I almost bumped a tree.
3. "Are you going camping this Saturday?" "It depends the weather".
4. A lot of people are dying AIDS.
5. I was dreaming my hometown when I was waken up by an alarm clock
6. I'm thinking changing my job.
7. Would you like to listen classical music?
8. We haven't heard Lee since we left for London.

9. Have you heard a novel called "Gone with the Wind"?
10. Who are you smiling/ laughing ?
XII. Write sentences using the clues given.
1. Health Robinson / died /1944 / be / graphic artist/ cartoonist.
2. According / Cook / whose book / published / Thursday / most disasters / avoidable.
3. What / you / do / choose / five companies / invest
4. I / not happy / neither / they
5. She / so / busy / not come / party
6. He / had / car / five years
7. I wish / not have / much work / to do
8. She / threatned / call / police / if / he / not
7. I wish / not have / much work / to do
8. She / threatened / call / police / if / he / not leave / immediately
9. He / a lot / mistakes / composition
10. He / apologize / me / not reply / letter
XIII. Turn the following statements into questions asking about the words in bold type:
1. My wife was angry with me.
2. I gave that present to my aunt.
3. The school-children covered their books with brown paper.
4. The man over there asked for a cup of tea.
5. My girl-friend Maisie was eating out of a paper bag.
6. Miss Sharp sailed on the Queen Mary.
7. My boy-friend Cyril is playing with a ball.
8. The African native builds his hut with mud.
9. We went to see the latest news film yesterday.
10. The clerk rang up his girl-friend.
11. The gardener spoke to the servant about it.
12. She threw away some old clothes.
13. The maid has put away your things.
14. My friend is waiting for me.

15. They are staying with some friends.
16. I am laughing at a funny picture.
17. The policeman was looking for the thief.
18. He is sitting on a chair.
19. They were drinking out of bottles.
20. I am thinking of the English countryside.
21. She is writing to her mother.
22. He is working for Thomas Cook and Sons.
23. My sister sold her house to a millionaire.
24. The class was reading about Shakespeare.
25. He is talking about politics.
26. I gave the book to my brother.
27. We are going to the Ritz cinema.
28. She is looking for a pin.
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