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Learning is a lifelong theme of every person. How brilliant your achievement will be to some degree
depends on whether you can learn anything efficiently or not. Some people state that they learn
better by themselves, whereas the others do not share that view, they prefer to have a teacher.
Hence, this essay is written to discuss this issue in more detail.
No one can deny the advantages of self-learning. Firstly, it improves study-ability for oneself.
Studying alone develops unurged studying-ability without depending on someone. While studying,
you must do all the research to find document or information that is necessary for the lesson on
your own, try finishing the assignment without any help from the teachers or tutors.
Also it can help you to improve a pro-active attitude. Secondly, the self-study allows an effective
schedule. If you arrange your schedule reasonably, not only can it prevent you from wasting time,
but it also enables you to study strategically. Finally, you have more freedom of studying. If a
teacher was to teach you, he would most likely makes your knowledge confined to what he knows.
This means you will be fully dependent on his knowledge. But if you study by yourselves, you would
make your own efforts to gain knowledge. This method allows you to broaden your knowledge
without limit.
On the other side, studying with a teacher has some remarkable advantages. First, a teacher can
act as guide to lead you to success. When you grope for knowledge, you need help and advice. In
this situation, a teacher will give you a hand when you encounter difficulties; he will render his
advice when you are in a dilemma. Without a guide, you would be searching in darkness without a
torch to light the way for you. What is more, a teacher exerts real pressure on you. If you study by
yourself, you must be strong-minded enough to keep on. You may become indolent for lack of a
strong will. Studying under the guidance of a teacher, however, you will feel there is always
someone to supervise you. The teacher may assign you some books to read or some homework to
do. You must complete the assignments, or you will get punishment from your teacher. You are
urged to go on by your teacher.
In my opinion, I prefer studying with a teacher. In class, the best teachers do more than just go over
the material in the textbook. They teach student how to learn, how to adsorb information and then
apply what you have learned to other situations. They guide all of you on classroom to develop
discussion of the material and provide extra materials to broaden the scope of the topic. Without the
help of teacher, it is nearly impossible to get these skills just by reading the textbook yourself.
In the nut shell, each method of studying has its own plus points. You can choose which is the most