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de thi anh van 9 hk II (10-11)

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Thời gian làm bài : 60 phút ( khong kể thời gian phát đề )
I.LISTENING (2.5 points).
Listen to the passage 3 times and write True or False next to the number :
1/…………There are two celebrations throughout the year in Viet Nam.
2/…………. The Lunar New Year is another name for Tet.
3/. …………Tet may begin in early january.
4/………… People often try to make their house nice and new for Tet.
5/………… Tet is the time for family to be together.
Circle the best option A,B,C or D.
1/. I am very ………….of my father.
A. take B. proud C. join D. care
2/. Typhoon, tornadoes and earthquakes are natural……………
A. resources B. energy C. disaster D. environment.
3/. Minh is tired ……………… he stayed up late watching TV .
A. because B. so C. although D. but
4/. If we keep our environment clean, we ………………. happier and healther life.
A. live B. lived C. will live D. lives.
5/. The book …….I bought last week were cheap.
A. who B. which C. where D. when
6/. Is he an actor…… a singer ? – a actor.
A. and B. or C. with D. so
7/. I suggest ……. Money for the poor.
A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved
8/. Passover is celebrated in Israel and by ………… people.
A. English B. Vietnamese C. Japanese D. jewish
9/.How about to the cinema tonight.
A. go B. going C. to go D. went
10/.In order to keep the school ground tidy and clean, put around th school yard

A. garbage bins B. garbage cycle C. garbage box D. trash cans
III. READING ( 2.5 points )
* Read the passage and choose the best answer A,B,C, or D .( 1,25points )
The majority of earthquake…1… around the Pacific Rim which is …2…. As the “ Ring
of fire .”… 3… january 17, 1995, a strong earthquake struck below Awaji island across the
bay from Kobe. In all, about 5000…4… died, when home, officks and highways……5….
1. A. occur B. to occur C. occurs D. occurring
2. A. known B. knew C. know D. to know
3. At B. on C. in D. of
4. man B. woman C. people D. children
5. collapse B. to collapse C. collapses D. collapsed
* Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B,C, or D. ( 1,25points ).
Like other languages, English is always changing, but it changes very slowly. People invent new
words, borrow words from other languages and change the meaning of words as needeed. For example,
the English word “ byte ” was invented by computer specialists in 1959. The word “ tomato ” was
borrow from Nahuati, an American Indian languages spoken in Mexico. The word “ meat ” once
referred to food in general. People learn English as well as languages by listening, copying what they
hear, and using the language. Most school children learn their first language easily and sometimes other
languages as well.
• Choose the best answers :
6/. How does English change ?
A. It change quickly B. It change very slowly C. It change too slowly D.It change rather slowly
7/. Who invented the word “ byte ” ?
A. It was invented by some English teacher B. It was invented by computer
C. It was invented by computer specialists D. It was invented by engneers
8/. Which word once referred to food in general ?
A. meat B. potato C. byte D. computer
9/. Where was the tomato from ?
A. VietNam B. Nahuati C. Mexico D. Malaysia
10/. Do most school children learn their language easily ?

A. No, they don’t B. yes, they can C. yes, they do D. no, they can
IV. WRITING ( 2.5points )
Use the suggested words and phrases to make complete sentences .
1/. Tet is/ most important celebrations / Vietnamese people.
2/. The country / won the 1998 Tiger cup / Singapore.
3/. I think we / turn / the faucet.
4/. The most dangerous earthquake / Japan / occur in 1923.
5/. Mary suggested / go / the park.
I/. LISTENING ( 0.5 X 5 = 2.5 Points )
1.F 2. T 3.F 4.T 5.T
Tapescript :
There are many celebrations throughout the year in Viet Nam, but Tet or Lunar New
Year is the most important celebration for Vietnam people. Tet usually occurs in late january or
early February. A few day before Tet is the time for people to clean and decorate their homes.
During Tet, people, old and young, enjoy special food cooked on the occasion of Tet. It is also
the time for family members to be together.
II/.VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR ( 0,25 X 10 = 2.5Points )
III. READING ( 2.5 points )
+ 1A, 2A,3B,4C,5D,6B,7C,8A,9B,10C
IV.WRITING : 0,5 X 5 = 2.5 POINTS
1. Tet is the most important celebrations in Vietnamese people.
2. the country which won the 1998 Tiger Cup is Singapore
3. I think we should turn off the faucet
4. The most dangerous earthquakes in Japan occurred in 1923.
5. Maru suggested going to the park

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