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Unit 1 My friends -Tiếng anh 8 .

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Lesson Plan English 8 Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
Planning date: 13 - 8 - 2014
Teaching date: 15 - 8 - 2014
Period 1. revision
I. Aims: To help students review their knowledge in the grade 7
II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review their
knowledge through some exercises.
III. Ways of working: T - WC.
IV. Materials: Text book, color chalk.
V. Anticipated problems:
- Some Ss in class 8A and 8C may find it difficult to do exercise 1 and 4
VI. Teaching steps:
1. Warm up: ( 1 minute). Teacher greets and checks the students attendance.
2. New lesson:
* Teacher reviews
the knowledge in
the grade 7.
- Tenses.
+ What is the
+ How to use this
+ Which is the
adverbs of time
we use in this
- Structures.

+ Teacher asks
students to make
examples with
these structures.
I. Tenses:
1. The present simple tense (Thì hiện tại đơn giản.)
2. The present progressive tense. (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.)
3. The past simple tense (Thì quá khứ đơn giản.)
4. The future simple tense (Thì tơng lai đơn giản.)
5. The near future (Thì tơng lai gần.)
II. Structures:
1. Would like + to V
2. Like + N
- like + V
; - like + to V
- prefer doing st to doing st.
3. too, so, either, neither
4. Adjectives and adverbs of manner ( good - well; slow -
slowly; )
5. Questions How much ? / How many ?/
How heavy ?
Whats the height of ?
- Ask and answer about reason: Why ? ~
6. Imperative sentences: (Come and play volleyball,
7. Exclamative sentences with How và What.
8. Modal verbs: must, can, could, may, might, will, shall,
should, ought to, had better.

Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
Lesson Plan English 8 – Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
9. Compound adjectives (sè tõ víi danh tõ) VD: a twenty-
minute rest.
10. “used to”; “to be/ get used to”
11.Indefinite quantifier.( some, plenty of, )
12. Prepositions of time / place
13. Comparison with more, less, fewer.
14. (to) be on (®îc chiÕu, ®îc diÔn)
* Students do
exercises to
consolidate their
* Teacher guides
students to do the
* Teacher calls
students to do the
exercise on board
and then corrects
if necessary.
III. Exercises.
1. Exercise 1.
Find the antonym with the word given in capita:l
1. SlOW a. quick b. safe c. interesting d.

2. WELL a. bad b. badly c. good d. better
3. CAREFUL a. care b. careless c. skillful
d. safely
4. GREAT a. favorite b. popular c. terrible d. strict
5. EASY a. spare b. differentc. clear d. difficult
6. QUIET a. careful b. young c. dizzy d. noisy
* Key: 1a, 2b, 3b, 4c, 5d, 6d
2. Exercise 2. Circle the best answer a,b,c or d:
1. I have a toothache so I’m going to the ……
a. nurse b. doctor c. dentist d. teacher
2. Yesterday they …. to the movie theater.
a. go b. goes c. are going d. went
3. My brother drives …
a. careful b. carefully c. carefully d.care
4. …. go to the park? ~ That’ s a good idea.
a. Let’s b. Why don’t we c. Do we d. What about
5. How … is the pen?
a. many b. a lot c. much d. more
6. I would like to send this letter … the USA.
a. for b. of c. to d. in
7. Our classes start …. than her classes.
a. early b. earlier c. earlier d. most early
8. He …. reading books in the library.
a. likes b. enjoys c. is interested in d. All are
* Key: 1c, 2d, 3b, 4b, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8d
3. Exercise 3.
Fill in the blank with a preposition in, on, or at :
1. I live …………. 23 Nguyen Trai Street.
2. My birthday is …………. July, 24

3. She will be back …………… about six o’clock.
4. The table is ……………. the middle of the room.
Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
Lesson Plan English 8 – Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
* Key: 1 at, 2 on, 3 at, 4 in
4. Exercise 4.
Read the passage then choose the best answer for each
In America, the school year is from early
September to the following June. Students go to school
every day from Monday to Friday. Many students go to
school in school bus that picks them up near their homes
and takes them back again in the evening. At the age of
16, students often go to school in their own cars, or
borrow their parents’ cars.
After school, students can choose from many
activities. They may join chess, computers, acting or
cooking clubs. And they may work on the school
newspaper or play in a sport team.
1. How long does school year in America last?
a. Seven months b. Eight months c. Nine months d. Ten
2. How many days do American students go to school
every week?
a. Four b. Five c. Six d. No information
3. How do American students go to school?
a. By bus b. By car c. a & b d. No information

4. What activities do American students choose after
a. Playing chess b. Acting c. Playing sports d. All are
5. What is American students’ favorite pastime?
a. Playing chess b. Cooking c. Playing sports d. No
* Key: 1d, 2b, 3c, 4d, 5d
3. Summary: (4 minutes).
- Repeat the content of the lesson:
+ Which tenses have we lerant in English 7 ?
+ Repeat the use of too, so, either, neither ?
- T. introduces English 8 to Ss
4. Homework: : (1 minute).
Prepare unit 1 (Getting started +Listen and read )
Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
Lesson Plan English 8 – Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
Planning date: 14 - 8 - 2014
Teaching date: 16 - 8 - 2014
Period 2. unit 1: my friends
lesson 1: getting started + listen and read
I. Aims:
- To help students understand the dialogue between Hoa and Lan and know the
structure ADJ + ENOUGH + TO INF.
- To develop students’ skills.
II. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the dialogue and make
up sentences with ENOUGH.
III. Ways of working: T - WC, team work, pair work, individual work.

IV. Materials: - Textbook, pictures in the textbook, color chalk.
V. Anticipated problems: The lesson may take time.
VI. Teaching steps:
1. Warm up: ( 6 minutes) - Teacher greets and checks the students’ attendance.
- Getting started: Ss look at the pictures in text book to talk
the activities.
Picture a): T: What are they doing?
S: They are playing soccer.
- Brainstorming: Students write about Hoa.
2. New lesson:
* Pre-teach:
- T. uses techniques to teach
students new words
* Presentation dialogue:
- T. plays the tape; students
listen and then practice the
dialogue in pair.
I. New words:
- enough (adj): ®ñ
- like (prep): gièng, nh
- seem (v) cã vÎ, dêng nh
II. Listen and read. P.10:
1. Practice the dialogue. P.10
2. Answer the questions. P.11:

Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
lives with aunt
and uncle
Tran Hung Dao
From Hue
Friends in Hue
a student
Lesson Plan English 8 – Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
- Ss answer the comprehension
questions. P.11
- T. elicits the model sentences:
- Concept checking:
+ What does this sentence mean
in Vietnamese?
+ When do we use this
+What is part of speech of the
word “old”? / “to be”?
+ What is the intonation?
* Key:
a) She lives in Hue.
b) No, she doesn’t know Nien.
c) The sentence “She wasn’t old enough
to be in my class”.
d) She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas.
3. Model sentences:

- She wasn’t old enough to be in my class.
- She didn’t have enough money to buy
that book.
* Note:
* Practice:
- Ss practice, using adj + enough
+ to V
Word cue drill:
+ Nien, 8 years old / be in grade
+ Hoa, 13 years old / be in grade
+ weather, not warm / sit in the
+ Ba, 12 years old / drive a car
+ Tuan, not strong / lift that box
III. Practice:
- Nien is not old enough to be in grade 8.
- The weather isn’t warm enough to sit in
the garden.

* Students practice making their
own sentences. Using the
structures above.
I am old enough to be in grade 8.
3. Summary: ( 2 minutes).
- Repeat the content of the lesson
+ Vocabulary.
+ Structure: Adj + enough + to V
Enough + N + to V.
4. Home work: ( 1 minute).
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Read the dialogue again and do exercises 5, 6. P.9, 10 (Workbook)
- Prepare: Speak + Listen.
Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
Lesson Plan English 8 – Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
Planning date:15 - 8 -2014
Teaching date:18- 8 2014–
Period 3 . unit 1: my friends
lesson 2: speak + listen
I. Aims:
- To help students describe, introduce people and know how to respond the
- To help students understand the listening and develop students’ skills.
II. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to introduce respond to
the introduction and understand the listening.
III. Materials: Textbook, pictures in the textbook, tape.
IV. Ways of working: T-WC, group work, pair work, individual work.

V. Anticipated problems: Speaking skill may be difficult for some students.
VI. Teaching steps:
1. Warm up: ( 5 minutes)
- Teacher greets and checks the students’ attendance.
- Revision: Students find the opposite of the words:
tall - (short); fat - (thin); big - (small); white - (black); long - (short)
2. New lesson:
* Pre-teach:
- Teacher uses techniques to teach
students new words
- Checking understanding:
Rubout and remember
* Presentation dialogue 1 P.11
- Students practice the dialogue in
I. New words:
- curly hair: tãc qu¨n, tãc xo¨n
- blond hair: tãc mµu vµng s¸ng
- bald (adj): hãi
- fair hair: tãc mµu vµng nh¹t
- straight hair: tãc th¼ng
- slim (adj): m¶nh dÎ, thanh m¶nh

* Speak:
- Students look at the pictures on page
11 and 12 (a-f) and use the adjectives
II. Speaking:
S1: This person is tall and slim. She
Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
Lesson Plan English 8 – Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
minutes) in the table to make similar dialogues.
- One student describes one of their
classmates without saying his / her
name. The others listen and guess who
s/he is.
has long straight black hair.
S2: Is this Miss Lien?
S1: Yes, she is.
* Revision:
- Revision of the expressions people
use to introduce each other and
respond to instruction.
- How are you?
- I’m fine. Thank you. And you?
- Fine, thanks.
* Open prediction:

- Ss predict the expression to complete
the conversations.
III. Listening. P.12:
1. Prediction:
* Listen:
- Students listen and check their
- Ss listen and put the expressions on
page 12 into the correct order and fill
in the gaps in the conversations P12,
2. Ordering:
* Answer key:
1. I’d like you to meet.
2. Nice to meet you.
3. I’d like you to meet.
4. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
5. Come and meet.
6. How do you do.
* Role play:
- Students practice in group of three,
making introductions and respond to

3. Role play:
3. Summary: ( 2 minutses)
- Repeat the content of the lesson.
+Adjectives to describe someone’s appearance
+ The structures to describe bodybuild and hair
?1. Describe your mother and father
4 . Homework: : ( 1 minute)
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Do exercises 3, 4. P.6 - 8 (workbook)
- Prepare: Read- P13,14.
Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
Lesson Plan English 8 Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
Planning date:16 - 8 - 2014
Teaching date:21- 8 - 2014
Period 4 . unit 1: my friends
lesson 3: read. P.13 - 14
I. Aims:
- To help students read the text and understand it for specific information.
- To develop students skills.
II. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Bas friends.
III. Ways of working: T- WC,
IV. Materials: Textbook, pictures in the textbook, color chalk.
V. Anticipated problems: The lesson may take time.
1. Warm up: (5 minutes)
* Teacher greets and checks the students attendance.
* Revision: Teacher uses the pictures in Getting started to ask some questions:
- What are these students doing? (play soccer / play chess / read book / play volleyball)

- Do you like soccer? / reading books?
- Who do you like playing with?
- Why?
=> (có hợp tính nết, sở thích hay không)
2. New lesson:
* Pre-teach:
- T. uses techniques to teach
students new words
- Checking understanding:
What and where
* Prediction:
I. New words:
- a character: tính cách
- an orphanage: trại trẻ mồ côi
- reserved (adj): kín đáo # open
- sociable (adj): hoà đồng, dễ gần
- (to) tell jokes: nói chuyện đùa
- sence of humor: khiếu hài hớc
- humorous (adj): hài hớc
- outgoing: thân thiện, cởi mở = open
II. Prediction:
Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
Lesson Plan English 8 Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
- Set the scene: These adjectives

describe Ba and his friends
characters. Read them and guess
what they are like.
* Read:
- Students read for the first time
and check their predictions.
- Students read the text for the
second time and do the multiple
- Students read the text for the
third time and answer the
comprehension questions on
page 14.( Pair work)
II. Read. P.13
1. Checking predictions:
Ba: humorous

Bao:sociable,kind, generous, hard-working
Khai and Song: reserved
2. Multiple choice: (Part 1. P.14)
* Key:
a) A b) C c) B d) D
3. Answer the comprehension questions.
* Key:
a) Ba feels lucky having a lot of friends.
b) Bao is the most sociable.
c) Khai likes reading.
d) A bad thing about Bas jokes is (that)
sometimes his jokes annoy his friends.
e) Bao spends his free time doing volunteer
work at a local orphanage.
f) (Students answers)

* Speaking:
- Students work in pair, asking
and answering about their close
friends using the adjectives they
have learnt.
- Teacher can give some new
adjectives if the students need
them to practice:
- friendly: thân thiện

- smart: lịch sự, bảnh bao
- honest: thật thà
- sensitive: nhạy cảm
- flexible: linh hoạt
- ambitious: tham vọng, có hoài
- confident: tự tin
- shy: ngợng ngùng, xấu hổ
III. Speak:
S1: Do you have any close friends?
S2: Yes, I have.
S1: Who is your best friend?
S2: Bao is my best friend.
S1: What is he like?
S2: He is very nice. And he is very
S1: Does he ever come to class late?
S2: No, he doesnt.
S1: So he is punctual. (đúng giờ)
S2: Yes, he is.
Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
Lesson Plan English 8 – Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
- reliable: ®¸ng tin cËy
- optimistic: l¹c quan
- pessimistic: bi quan
3. Summary: ( 2minutes)
- Repeat the content of the lesson.
+Adjectives to describesomeone’s character.

+Summarize the text.
4 . Homework: ( 1minute)
- Learn by heart all the new words and translate the text into Vietnamese.
- Write a paragraph about your close friends.( for class 8B)
- Prepare “Write”
Planning date: 16 - 8 - 2014
Teaching date: 22- 8 - 2014
Period 5 . unit 1: my friends
lesson 4: write. P.15
I. Aims:
- To help students write about oneself and about other people.
- To develop students’ writing skill.
II. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about their close
III. Ways of working: T - WC, group work, pair work, individual work.
IV. Materials: Textbook, pictures.
V. Anticipated problems:
- Some students may find the writing difficult.
VI. Teaching steps:
1. Warm up ( 5 minutes)
* Teacher greets and checks the students’ attendance.
* Chatting: Students talk about their close friends
(about his / her name, age, character, interests …)
2. New lesson:

- Students read the information
about Tam then answer the
- Students read the paragraph
about Le Van Tam.
I. Read. Part 1. P15
* Answer the questions:
1. What is his name? (Le Van Tam)
2. How old is he? (14)
3. What does he look like?
(He is tall and thin. He has short black hair.)
4. What is he like?
Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
Lesson Plan English 8 – Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
* Chatting:
- Students look at the questions
in part 2 and answer them. (pair
* Gap fill:
- Students fill in a form for their
partner. (The partner they have
mentioned above).
(He is sociable, humorous and helpful.)
5. Where does he live?
(He lives at 26 Tran Phu Street, Ha Noi.)
6. Who does he live with?
(He lives with his mother, father and elder

7. Who is his friend? (Ba and Bao)
II. Fill in the form for your partner:
Appearance: …………………
Address: .………………………
Family: ………………………
Friends: ………………………
- Students close their books,
base on the form they have done
and write a paragraph about
their partner.
- Students exchange their works
and correct.
- Teacher calls some students
and asks them to read aloud
their writing.
- Teacher can choose the one
writing that has the most
mistakes and asks students to
find and corrects the mistakes.
(Students can play the game
“Error hunters”)
III. Write:
1. Write a paragraph about your partner.

E.g: I have a very close friend. Her name is
Trang. She is 14 years old. …………
- Each student writes a
paragraph about one of their
family members.
(father/mother/sister …)
- Teacher moves around the
class and help them if necessary.
- Students exchange their work
and correct.
* If there is time, teacher can
hole the game “Error hunter”
(Students find and correct the
mistake in the paragraph. The
quickest is the winner.)
2. Write a paragraph about one of your
family members:
My sister s name is Hoa. She is 10 years ’
old. …
* Game: Error hunter
My cousin’s name is Long and he is
eighteen year old. He lives on a house in the
country with his parents and his young
sister. He very generous and sociable. I love
him very much.

Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
Lesson Plan English 8 – Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
* Key:
year => years
on => in
young => younger
He very => He is very
3. Summary: ( 2 minutes).
- Repeat the lesson.
- Note:Ss need to distinguish the two sentences:
+ What does he/she look like? ( ask about appearance)
+ What is he/she like? ( ask about character)
4 . Homework: ( 1 minute)
- Do exercise7. P.11 (workbook)
- Prepare Language Focus.p16,17
Planning date:19 - 8 - 2014
Teaching date: 25- 8 - 2014
Period 6: UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS
I. Aims:
- To help students further practice in present simple, the past simple tenses and the
structure with ENOUGH.
- To develop students’ skills.
II. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the main grammar in this unit
to practice.
III. Ways of working: - T - WC, pair work, individual work.
IV. Materials: Textbook, color chalk.
V. Anticipated problems: The lesson may take time.

VI. Teaching steps:.
1. Warm up: ( 6minutes)
* Teacher greets and checks the students’ attendance
* Revision: Teacher asks students some questions:
+ Do you remember the present simple and the past simple tense?
(Form, Uses, Adverbs of time)
+ When do we use them?
+ When do we use the structure with “enough”? (not) Adj + enough + to-V
- Students go to the board to write the forms and the exampples.
2. New lesson:
Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
Lesson Plan English 8 – Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
* Language focus 1.
- Students do the language focus
1 in pair.
- Teacher highlights the adverbs
of time of the two tenses.
- Students compare their task
with other pair.
- Teacher corrects the exercise.
* Language focus 2:
- Students do the exercise in pair
to complete the dialogue.
- Teacher uses techniques to

teach students new words.
- Teacher corrects the exercise.
* Language focus 3:
*Kim’s game
- Students work in 2 groups.
They look at the picture in about
30 seconds and then close their
books and go to the board to
write the answers to these
1. How many people are there in
the picture? (four)
2. What is each person wearing?
(- The woman is wearing a red
shirt and a green skirt.
- The man who is standing
1. Language focus 1. P.16:
* Answer key:
a) Hoa lived in Hue last year, but now she
lives in Ha Noi. Yesterday, Hoa’s friend
Nien sent Hoa a letter. Nien was Hoa’s
neighbor when Hoa lived in Hue. She is
younger than Hoa.
b) Lan is Hoa’s best friend. The two girls
are in the same class at Quang Trung
School. Last year, Hoa came to school for
the first time. Lan showed her around and
introduced her to many new friends.
2. Language focus 2. P.16
*New words:

- a planet: hành tinh
- sun: mặt trời
- Earth: trái đất
- Mars: sao Hoả
- Mercury: sao Thuỷ
- silly (adj): ngu ngốc
- East: hướng đông, phía đông
- West: phía tây
- North: phía bắc
- South: phía nam
* Answer key:
(0): rises, (1): sets, 2): goes
(3): moves, (4) + (5) +(6) : is
3. Language focus 3:
*Kim’s game
1. How many people are there in the
2. What is each person wearing?
4. Language focus 4
Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
Lesson Plan English 8 – Unit 1 School year: 2014 - 2015
beside the car is wearing brown
trousers and a yellow shirt.
- The man who is standing on the
pavement is wearing a pink shirt

and blue trousers.
- The boy is wearing blue shorts
and a white shirt.)
* Language focus 4. P.17:
- Students practice the dialogue
in pair.
- Students complete the dialogue.
Use (not) adj + enough.
- Teacher calls students to do on
board and corrects if necessary.
* Key:
b) not old enough
c) strong enough
d) good enough
3. Summary: ( 2 minutes ) - Repeat the content of unit1.
4 . Homework: ( 1 minute) - Learn by heart all the new words.
- Do exercise: 1, 2. P.5, 6 (workbook)
- Prepare Unit 2 (Listen and read)
Teacher: Do Thi Cuc THCS Thanh Mai
