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1 enable (in) ability (un) able có khả năng
2 absence absent vắng mặt
3 accept acceptance acceptable chấp nhận
4 act action, actor (in) active (in) actively hành động
5 add addition additional cộng, thêm vào
6 advertise Advertising,adverti
quảng cáo
7 advise advice advisable: nên Khuyên
8 (dis) agree (dis) agreement (dis) agreeable (dis) agreely đồng ý
9 agriculture agricultural nông nghiệp
10 amuse amusement amusing /
làm buồn cười
11 anger angry angrily sự giận dữ
12 (dis)
(dis)appearance apparent apparently xuất hiện
13 anxiety anxious sự lo lắng
14 apply application,applic
xin việc,ứng viên
15 argue argument (argumentative
cãi nhau
16 arrive arrival tới, đến
17 art, artist (artistic), artful (artistically) mỹ thuật
18 assist assistance,assistan

giúp đỡ,trợ lý
19 attend attendance,attenda
attendant tham dự
20 attention attentive attentively sự chú ý
21 attract attraction attractive attractively sự chú ý
22 base basic basically nền tảng
23 bear/born/b
birth sinh ra
24 beautify beauty beautiful beautifully làm cho đẹp
25 behave behaviour cư xử / đối xử
26 believe (un)belief,
(un)believable (un)believable tin tưởng
27 bleed blood bloody chảy máu
28 bore boredom boring / bored làm buồn
29 break break, breakage (un) breakable vở / bể
30 breathe breath breathless breathlessly thở, hít
31 calculate calculation,
calculating tính toán
32 care (for) care
cẩn thận
33 cause cause Nguyên nhân

34 change change (un)changeable thay đổi
35 Chemistry,
hóa học, chất hóa
nhà hóa học
36 child childish-
trẻ con
37 choose choice chọn lựa
38 clean cleanliness clean cleanly lau chùi, sạch
39 clothe cloth,
mặc quần áo
40 cloud cloudy,
41 collect collection,
collective collectively sưu tầm,hợp tác
42 colour coloured,
màu sắc
43 common common commonly phổ biến, chung
44 compare comparison comparative so sánh
45 compete competition,comp

thi đua, người thi
46 combine combination kết hợp
47 comfort comfort (un)
làm thoải mái
48 common commonly thông thường
49 communica
communication communicative giao tiếp
50 complain complaint than phiền
51 complete completion (in) complete (in) completely hoàn tất
52 concentrate concentration tập trung
53 conclude conclusion conclusive conclusively kết luận
54 condition conditional điều kiện
55 confidence confident confidently sự tự tin
56 continue continuation continuous continuously tiếp tục
57 cook cook - cooker-
nấu ăn
58 count (un)countable
59 culture cultural văn hóa
60 custom customary (customarily) thói quen
61 danger dangerous dangerously sự nguy hiểm
62 darken dark, darkness dark làm đen
63 day daily Ngày

64 deafen the deaf, deafness deaf điếc, làm điếc
65 decide decision (in) decisive (in) decisively quyết định
66 decorate decoration decorative trang hoàng
67 deepen depth deep deep, deeply làm sâu hơn
68 defend defence bảo vệ
69 (deficiency) (deficient) sự giảm thiểu
70 delicacy delicate delicately duyên dáng
71 delight delight delightful delightfully Làm sung sướng
72 depend
(in) dependence (in) dependent (in)
phụ thuộc
73 destroy destruction destructive destructively phá hủy
74 develop development developing phát triển
75 determine determination determined quyết tâm
76 dictate dictation đọc chính tả
77 die death dead chết
78 differ difference different differently làm khác
79 difficulty difficult sự khó khăn
80 direct direction, director (in) direct (in) directly chỉ, bảo, thẳng, gởi
81 dirty dirt dirty dirtily sự dơ bẩn
82 disappoint disappointment disappointed,
disappointedly làm thất vọng
sự thất vọng
83 discover discovery khám phá
84 discuss discussion thảo luận
85 distance distant distantly khoảng cách
86 distribute distribution distributive phân phối

87 divide division (in) divisible phân chia
88 dust dusty bụi
89 earth earthy trái đất
90 ease easy easily dễ dàng
91 economy economical economically kinh tế
92 educate education educational,
(un) educated
educationally giáo dục
93 affect effect (in) effective (in) effectively ảnh hưởng
94 electrify electricity electric,electric
95 employ (un) employment
(un) employed thuê mướn
96 encourage encouragement encouraged khuyến khích
97 end end endless kết thúc
98 energy energetic energerically năng lượng
99 enjoy enjoyment enjoyable enjoyably Thích
100 enter entrance bước vào
101 environment environmental môi trường
102 equip equipment trang bị
102 examine examination khám xét
103 experience experience (in)
kinh nghiệm
104 experiment experiment experimental experimentally thử nghiệm
105 explain explanation explanatory giải thích
106 explode explosion,explosi explosive explosively nổ,bùng nổ

107 explore exploration,explor
thám hiểm, nhà T.h
108 extinctive extinct sự tiệt chủng
109 extremity,
extreme extremely điểm tột cùng, cực
110 fact factual sự kiện
111 fail failure thất bại
112 faith (un) faithful (un) faithfully trung thành
113 fashion fashionable fashionably thời trang
114 favour favour favourable favourably bao ơn
115 fear fear fearful, fearless fearfully,
lo sợ,ghê sợ
116 feel feeling cảm thấy
117 fill fill full (of) ,filled
làm đầy,lắp đầy
118 fluency fluent fluently lưu loát
119 fly flight bay, chuyến bay
120 fool, foolishness foolish foolishly người ngốc
121 football,
bóng đá,cầu thủ
122 forget forgetfulness (un)

forgetfully quên,
quên lãng
123 form form, formation hình thức
124 fortune (un) fortunate (un)
may mắn
125 found foundation,founde
fundamental thành lập,sáng lập
126 freshness fresh Tươi
127 friend, friendship
bạn bè,
tình bạn
128 generalize generalization general nói chung
129 generosity generous generously rộng lượng
130 geography geographical địa lý, (học)
131 goodness good lòng tốt, tốt
132 graduate graduation,gradua
tốt nghiệp,học xong
133 grow growth mọc lên
134 guide guidance, guide hướng dẫn
135 habit habitual habitually thói quen
136 happiness happy happily hạnh phúc
137 harm harm harmful,
hư hại,tệ hại

138 hate hateful hatefully căm ghét
139 health (un) healthy (un) healthily sức khỏe
140 heart hearty,
trái tim
141 heat heat, hotness hot Nóng
142 height high high, highly chiều cao
143 help help, helpfulness helpful,
sự giúp đỡ,giúp đỡ
144 history historical,
historically lịch sử
145 (dis) honesty (dis) honest (dis) honestly trung thực
146 hope hope hopeful,
hy vọng,niềm hy
147 horrify horror horrible horribly kinh ngạc
148 hour hourly giờ
149 hunger hungry hungrily Đói
150 hurry hury hurried hurriedly vội vàng
151 ignore ignorance ignorant ignorantly phớt lờ
152 illness ill bệnh
153 imagine imagination imaginary tưởng tượng
154 immediate immediately ngay lập tức

155 importance important quan trọng
156 improve improvement cải thiện
157 include inclusion inclusive inclusively bao gồm
158 industrializ
industry Industrial,indus
công nghiệp,cần cù
159 influence influence sự ảnh hưởng
160 inform information informative thông tin
161 instruct instruction instructive instructively chỉ dẫn
162 intelligence intelligent intelligently thông minh
163 intend intention intentional intentionally ý định
164 interview interview,intervie
phỏng vấn,(cuộc)
165 intimacy intimate intimately sự thân mật
166 introduce introduction introductory giới thiệu
167 invent invention,
phát minh,nhà phát
168 invite invitation mời, lời mời
169 jealousy jealous jealouly ghen tuông
170 job jobless công viêc
171 keenness keen (on) keenly hăng hái
172 kindness kind kindly tử tế
173 land landing hạ cánh
174 know knowledge knowledgeable

(un) known
knowingly biết,
kiến thức
175 enlarge enlargement large mở rộng
176 lateness late late,lately (gần
177 laugh laughter laughable cười, vui cười
178 laziness lazy lazily lười biếng
179 lead leader, leadership lãnh đạo,nhà lãnh
180 lie lie nói dối
181 light light, lighting đốt, thấp
182 limit (un) limited giới hạn
183 live life alive, live,
sinh sống
184 lock,
lock (un) lock Khóa
185 logic (il) logical (il) logically tư duy logíc
186 loss, loser lost mất, thất lạc
187 love, loveliness lovely yêu, ưu thích
188 luck (un) lucky (un) luckily vận may
189 magic, magican magical magically yêu thuật,nhà ảo
190 main mainly Chính
191 majority major đa số
192 man human, manly đàn ông
193 manage management,man

quản lý,nhà quản lý
194 manufactur
manufactural sản xuất,
nhà sản xuất
195 marry marriage (un) married kết hôn
196 material material Nguyên liệu
197 mathematics,
mathematical toán học,
nhà toán học
198 mechanize mechanic mechanical mechanically cơ khí hóa
199 mean meaning meaningful,
có nghĩa là
200 medicate medicine medical medically y học, thuốc
201 meet meeting gặp
202 memorize memory ghi nhớ
203 mind mind mindful,
trí óc,tư tưởng
204 mine, mineral mineral Khoáng
205 miracle miraculous miraculously kỳ diệu
206 mistake mistake mistaken mistakenly hiểu lầm
207 mix mixture trộn lẫn
208 money monetary tiền tệ
209 month monthly Tháng

210 moon lunar,
mặt trăng
211 mother motherly mẹ
212 mountain mountainous Núi
213 move movement movable di dời
214 music, musician musical musically âm nhạc, nhạc sĩ
215 nation, nationality national nationally quốc gia,quốc tịch
216 nature natural naturally tự nhiên
217 need need, necessity necessary,
necessarily cần,cần thiết
218 nerve nervous nervously dây thần kinh
219 noise noisy noisily ồn ào
220 notice notice noticeable noticeably chú ý
221 novel, novelist tiểu thuyết
222 (dis) obey (dis) obedience (dis) obedient (dis)
tuân theo
223 occasion occasional occasionally dịp, cơ hội
224 offer offer cho
225 omit omission bỏ đi
226 operate operatation,
operatative hoạt động
227 organize organization organized tổ chức
228 own owner, ownership sở hữu
229 pain painful painfully sự đau đớn
230 parents parental ba mẹ
231 part partial partially phần, một số

232 (im) patience (im) patient (im) patiently Kiên nhẫn
233 pay pay, payment trả, chi trả
234 peace peaceful peacefully hòa bình
235 person personal personally người
236 persuade persuasion thuyết phục
237 please pleasure (un) pleasant (un) pleasantly vui lòng
238 poison poison poisonous poisonously bỏ thuốc độc
239 (im) politeness (im) polite (im) politely lịch sự
240 politics, politician political chính trị,nhà chính
241 pollute pollution,
polluted làm ô nhiễm,sự ô
242 potential potential potentially tiềm năng
243 poverty poor nghèo
244 power powerful powerfully quyền lực
245 practice practice (im) practical (im) practically thực hành
246 prefer preference preferential preferentially thích…. hơn
247 prepare preparation preparatory chuẩn bị
248 present presentation trình bày
249 prevent prevention preventive ngăn cản
250 pride proud proudly tự hào
251 provide provision cung cấp
252 public public publicly công cộng
253 race racial sắc tộc
254 rain rain rainy mưa
255 reality (un) real really thực tế
256 realize realization nhận thức
257 reason reason (un) reasonable (un) reasonably lý do

258 receive reception nhận
259 recognize recognition (un)
nhận biết
260 recover recovery hồi phục
261 reduce reduction giảm xuống
262 refuse refusal từ chối
263 relate relation,relationsh
relative relatively liên quan,họ hàng
264 religion religious tôn giáo
265 remove removal di dời
266 repeat repetition lặp lại
267 research research nghiên cứu
268 respond response phúc đáp
269 responsibility responsible trách nhiệm
270 enrich enrichment,
rich rich làm giàu,giàu có
271 sadden sadness sad sadly làm buồn
272 (un) safety (un) safe (un) safely an toàn
273 sell sale(s) bán
274 salt salty muối
275 sand sandy cát
276 satisfy satisfaction (un)
(un) satisfying,
(un) satisfied

thỏa mãn,
sự thỏa mãn
hài lòng
277 save saving để dành, cứu sống
278 science, scientist scientific scientifically khoa học
279 search search tìm kiếm
280 secret secret bí mật
281 see sight nhìn, xem
282 select selection lựa chọn
283 self, selfishness selfish selfishly ích kỷ
284 shame shameful,
xấu hổ,
hổ thẹn,
sự hổ thẹn
285 shock shock shocked,
bị sốc,cú sốc
286 shorten shortage short shortly = soon rút gọn,ngắn gọn
287 skill skillful skillfully kỹ năng
288 sickness sick ốm, bệnh
289 sign signature ký tên
290 signature significant significantly đầy ý nghĩa
291 silence silence silent silently im lặng
292 similarity similar similarly tương tự
293 sing song, singer hát, bài hát
294 sit seat seated chỗ ngồi

295 sleep sleep, sleepness sleepy,asleep,sle
sleepily ngủ, ngủ mê,giấc
296 snow snow snowy tuyết
297 society social socially xã hội
298 solve solution giải quyết
299 specialize specialist special specially, chuyên môn hóa,
especially đặc biệt
300 speak speech, speaker nói
301 spirit spiritual tinh thần
302 state statement phát biểu
303 storm stormy cơn bão
304 strengthen strength strong strongly mạnh mẽ
305 succeed success (un) successful (un)
thành công
306 suggest suggestion đề nghị
307 support support ủng hộ
308 surgery surgical surgically phẩu thuật
309 surprise surprise surprised,
surprisingly làm cho (ai) ngạc
310 sympathize sympathy sympathetic sympatheticall
thông cảm
311 talent talented tài năng
312 teach teaching, teacher dạy học
313 technician,

technical technically kỹ thuật,kỹ thuật
314 technology,
technological công nghệ
315 think thought thoughtful,
suy nghĩ,
ý nghĩ
316 thirst thirsty thirstily khát
317 threaten threat threatening threateningly đe dọa
318 tire tiredness tired, tiring làm cho mệt
319 total total totally tổng cộng
320 translate translation,
phiên dịch,dịch sang
321 transmit transmission transmissible truyền tải
322 transport transport,
vận chuyển,chuyên
323 treat treatment (un) treatable đối xử, xử trí
324 tropic tropical nhiệt đới
325 trouble trouble troublesome làm phiền
326 truth true, truthful truly, truthfully sự thật
327 understand understanding understandable hiểu
328 urgency urgent khẩn cấp

329 use use, uselessness
usage, usefulness
useful, useless usefully,
sử dụng,
có ích, vô ích
330 (un) usual usually thườngthường
331 value value, valuation valuable,
định giá,
đánh giá,giá trị
332 warm warmth warm warmly ấm ấp, sưởi
333 waste waste wasteful wastefully lãng phí
334 watch watchfulness watchful watchfully trông coi
335 weaken weakness weak weakly làm yếu
336 weigh weight,
weightless cân nặng, trọng
337 widen width wide widely mở rộng
338 wind windy gió
339 wisdom wise wisely thông minh
340 women womanly phụ nữ
341 wonder wonder wonderful wonderfully tuyệt vời
342 wood wooden gỗ
343 work work, worker working làm việc
344 world worldly thế giới
345 worry worry worried,

lo lắng,lo âu
346 worth worth,
giá trị
347 year yearly = annual năm
348 youth young,
youthfully thanh niên
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Your new dress makes you more _____________. Beauty
2. You should do these exercises _____________. quick
3. The industrial ______________ will lead to the country’s prosperity. develop
4. Some large cities have had measures to minimize air ____________. pollute
5. I will come to the party because I accept the _______________. invite
6. The ________ of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was announced last night. die
7. This company offered a lot of __________ jobs. attract
8. We often go to the theater at weekends for ____________. entertain
9. He is a famous____________ act
10. You must ____________ the answer you choose. dark
11. We have a lot of ____________ in learning English. difficult
12. I felt very ____________ when I was a member of our school team. excite
13. He speaks English ____________ fluency
14. We are very proud of our____________ friend
15. He does exercise every morning, so he is very____________ health
16. Her parents’ ____________ makes her very sad. ill
17. News on TV is very ____________ inform
18. What is his ____________? nation

19. Everybody loves ____________beauty. nature
20. It is cloudy and ____________ today. rain
21. The ao dai is the ________________ dress of Vietnamese women. TRADITION
22. Tet holiday is the most important _________ for Vietnamese people. CELEBRATE
23. We have to be ______________ when riding our bikes on the streets. CARE
24. The old man walked _______________to the park. SLOW
25. The author’s _____________ is communicated through his song. HAPPY
26. They went to see most of the __________________places. INTEREST
27. His sudden _______________ must be a shock to her and her family. DIE
28. The other _________________ admired him. COMLETE
29. We can only get their by plane. There is no ______________. CHOOSE
30. Doctors and _____ have reported on how we are all affected by the noise around us. SCIENCE
31. The __________ of the moon for the earth causes the tides. ATTRACT
32. Our team played __________. We lost. SUCCESS
33. It is said that Hue is a __________ city. PEACE
34. He came first in the __________. COMPETE
35. Good __________were the keys to the success of the 23
Sea Games. PREPARE
36. Your answer is __________ right. EXACT
37. She has one of the biggest stamp __________ in Britain. COLLECT
38. D. E. Huges was the __________ of microphone. INVENT
39. There are a lot of __________festivals in VietNam. TRADITION
40. They work hard in order to __________ good crops from poor soil. PRODUCT
41. Many tourists have been attracted by the __________ of Halong Bay. BEAUTIFUL
42. Designers have __________ the Ao Dai for ages. MODERN
43. She divorced him because of his __________ to the children. KIND
44. They love Thanh Lam because of her __________ voice. BEAUTY
45. Money can't buy __________. HAPPY
46. Islam is one of the great world __________. RELIGIOUS

47. He learns very well and his parents are very __________ of him. PRIDE
48. They hate being __________ on their parents. DEPEND
49. If you want to attend the course, you must pass the __________ examination. WRITE
50. The weather was fine yesterday. It was __________ and sunny. CLOUD
51. She broke the vase because of her __________. CARE
52. I think English is an __________ subject. IMPORTANCE
53. Trinh Cong Son is one of the most well-known __________ in Vietnam. MUSIC
54. Many people enjoy the pleasure and __________ of living downtown. COVENIENT
55. He wants to make a good __________ on everyone he meets. IMPRESS
56. There were two __________ between the two programmes. DIFFER
57. There are many __________ programs at the Festival in Hue. CULTURE
58. He drives so __________ that he often has accidents. CARE
59. The computer is one of the most marvelous __________ in our modern age. INVENT
60. You must write your __________ form clearly. APPLY
61. He was very __________ of the work he had done. PRIDE
62. The children are playing __________ on the beach. HAPPY
63. Some young people today have a very strange __________. APPEAR
64. You don’t have to do that work. In other words, it’s __________ for you. NECESSITY
65. Although she is rich, she lives __________. UNHAPPY
66. They went to see most of the __________ places. INTEREST
67. Air __________ makes us unhealthy. POLLUTE
68. They have made careful __________ for the demonstration. PREPARE
69. We all looked __________ after the summer holiday. HEALTH
70. I find that this magazine is very __________. INFORM
71. It was an __________ day. ENJOY
72. Thanks to television, people can get the latest __________ around the world quickly.INFORM
73. The Internet has __________ developed and became part of our daily life. INCREASE
74. Because of his __________ driving, she caused an accident. CARE
75. In recent years, there has been many __________ in science. DEVELOP
76. The plane arrived __________ after a violent storm. SAFE

77. I had a good __________ on this film. IMPRESS
78. His result was __________ excellent. AMAZE
79. Wearing casual clothes helps students have freedom of __________. CHOOSE
80. Telephone is one of the greatest __________ in 19
century. INVENT
81. Van Cao is one of the most famous __________ in Viet Nam. MUSIC
82. I think the Internet is a __________ device to get information. USE
83. I sent her a letter last month but I have received no __________ from her. RESPOND
84. Food and clothing are __________ of life. NECESSARY
85. She can find no __________ to her financial troubles. SOLVE
86. All __________ to Washington are delayed because of the bad weather. FLY
87. The __________ of their house left them no place to live. DESTROY
88. We all looked __________ after the summer holidays. HEALTH
89. The next stage in the __________ of television is interactive TV. DEVELOP
90. The country

s official __________ of Malaysia is Islam. RELIGIOUS
91. I like this website because it is __________ for me. USE
92. I hope to speak English as __________ as my teacher. GOOD
93. The __________ of the new guest caused trouble to my aunt. ARRIVE
94. He learns very well and his parents are __________ of him. PRIDE
95. Many __________ have made lots of changes to The Ao dai. DESIGN
96. Thousands of people have been made __________ by the flood. HOME
97. She was __________ because her mother was sick. HAPPY
98. What is the __________ between the ao dai nowadays and the one 100 years ago? DIFFERENT
99. The government has plans to __________ this city. MODERN
100. He is an __________ of this newspaper. EDITION
1. Your new dress makes you more _____________. BeautIFUL

2. You should do these exercises _____________. quickLY
3. The industrial __________ will lead to the country’s prosperity. developMENT
4. Some large cities have had measures to minimize air ____________. pollutION
5. I will come to the party because I accept the _______________. invitATION
6. The ________ of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was announced last night. dEATH
7. This company offered a lot of __________ jobs. attractIVE
8. We often go to the theater at weekends for ____. entertainMENT
9. He is a famous____________ actOR
10. You must ____________ the answer you choose. darkEN
11. We have a lot of ____________ in learning English. difficultY
12. I felt very ____________ when I was a member of our school team. exciteD
13. He speaks English ____________ fluenTLY
14. We are very proud of our____________ friendSHIP
15. He does exercise every morning, so he is very____________ healthY
16. Her parents’ ____________ makes her very sad. illNESS
17. News on TV is very ____________ informATIVE
18. What is his ____________? nationALITY
19. Everybody loves ____________beauty. naturAL
20. It is cloudy and ____________ today. rainY
21. The ao dai is the ________________ dress of Vietnamese women. TRADITIONAL
22. Tet holiday is the most important _________ for Vietnamese people. CELEBRATION
23. We have to be ______________ when riding our bikes on the streets. CAREFUL
24. The old man walked _______________to the park. SLOWLY
25. The author’s _____________ is communicated through his song. HAPPINESS
26. They went to see most of the __________________places. INTERESTING
27. His sudden _______________ must be a shock to her and her family. DEATH
28. The other _________________ admired him. COMPLETELY
29. We can only get their by plane. There is no ______________. CHOICE
30. Doctors and _____ have reported on how we are all affected by the noise around us. SCIENCETISTS
31. The __________ of the moon for the earth causes the tides. ATTRACTION

32. Our team played __________. We lost. SUCCESSFUYLLY
33. It is said that Hue is a __________ city. PEACEFUL
34. He came first in the __________. COMPETITION
35. Good __________were the keys to the success of the 23
36. Your answer is __________ right. EXACTLY
37. She has one of the biggest stamp __________ in Britain. COLLECTIONS
38. D. E. Huges was the __________ of microphone. INVENTOR
39. There are a lot of __________festivals in VietNam. TRADITIONAL
40. They work hard in order to __________ good crops from poor soil. PRODUCE
41. Many tourists have been attracted by the __________ of Halong Bay. BEAUTY
42. Designers have __________ the Ao Dai for ages. MODERNLIZED
43. She divorced him because of his __________ to the children. KINDNESS
44. They love Thanh Lam because of her __________ voice. BEAUTIFUL
45. Money can't buy __________. HAPPINESS
46. Islam is one of the great world __________. RELIGION
47. He learns very well and his parents are very __________ of him. PROUD
48. They hate being __________ on their parents. DEPENDED
49. If you want to attend the course, you must pass the __________ examination. WRITING
50. The weather was fine yesterday. It was __________ and sunny. CLOUDY
51. She broke the vase because of her ______. CARELESSNESS
52. I think English is an __________ subject. IMPORTANT
53. Trinh Cong Son is one of the most well-known __________ in Vietnam. MUSICIANS
54. Many people enjoy the pleasure and _______ of living downtown. COVENIENCE
55. He wants to make a good ________ on everyone he meets. IMPRESSION
56. There were two __________ between the two programmes. DIFFERENCES
57. There are many ________ programs at the Festival in Hue. CULTURAL
58. He drives so _________ that he often has accidents. CARELESSLY
59. The computer is one of the most marvelous _________ in our modern age. INVENTIONS

60. You must write your ________ form clearly. APPLICATION
61. He was very __________ of the work he had done. PROUD
62. The children are playing __________ on the beach. HAPPILY
63. Some young people today have a very strange __________. APPEARANCE
64. You don’t have to do that work. In other words, it’s __________ for you. NECESSARY
65. Although she is rich, she lives __________. UNHAPPILY
66. They went to see most of the __________ places. INTERESTING
67. Air __________ makes us unhealthy. POLLUTION
68. They have made careful __________ for the demonstration. PREPARATIONS
69. We all looked ________ after the summer holiday. HEALTHY
70. I find that this magazine is very _________. INFORMATIVE
71. It was an __________ day. ENJOYABLE
72. Thanks to television, people can get the latest _______ around the world quickly. INFORMATION
73. The Internet has __________ developed and became part of our daily life. INCREASINGLY
74. Because of his _________ driving, she caused an accident. CARELESSNESS
75. In recent years, there has been many _________ in science. DEVELOPMENT
76. The plane arrived _________ after a violent storm. SAFELY
77. I had a good _________ on this film. IMPRESSION
78. His result was _________ excellent. AMAZING
79. Wearing casual clothes helps students have freedom of __________. CHOICE
80. Telephone is one of the greatest _________ in 19
81. Van Cao is one of the most famous ________ in Viet Nam. MUSICIANS
82. I think the Internet is a __________ device to get information. USEFUL
83. I sent her a letter last month but I have received no __________ from her. RESPONDANCE
84. Food and clothing are __________ of life. NECESSARY
85. She can find no _______ to her financial troubles. SOLUTION
86. All __________ to Washington are delayed because of the bad weather. FLIGHT
87. The __________ of their house left them no place to live. DESTRUCTION

88. We all looked ________ after the summer holidays. HEALTHY
89. The next stage in the __________ of television is interactive TV. DEVELOPMEN
90. The country

s official __________ of Malaysia is Islam. RELIGION
91. I like this website because it is __________ for me. USEFUL
92. I hope to speak English as __________ as my teacher. WELL
93. The __________ of the new guest caused trouble to my aunt. ARRIVAL
94. He learns very well and his parents are __________ of him. PROUD
95. Many _________ have made lots of changes to The Ao dai. DESIGNERS
96. Thousands of people have been made __________ by the flood. HOMELESS
97. She was __________ because her mother was sick. UNHAPPY
98. What is the __________ between the ao dai nowadays and the one 100 years ago?DIFFERENCE
99. The government has plans to __________ this city. MODERNLIZE
100. He is an __________ of this newspaper. EDITOR
1- We like their ___________________ (friendly).
2- The ________________ between Vietnam and Cuba is good. (friend)
3- They seem to be ________________. We dislike them. (friend)
4- There will be a ___________________ in this street. (meet)
5- We saw ___________________ girls there. (beauty)
6- The garden is ________________ with trees and flowers. (beauty)
7- They enjoy the ___________________ atmosphere here. (peace)
8- The ___________________ unit of currency is the Ringit. (Malaysia)
9- In ___________________, there are other religions. (add)
1/ friendliness
2/ friendship
3/ unfriendly
4/ meeting

5/ beautiful
6/ beautified
7/ peaceful
8/ Malaysian
9/ addition
10-The ___________________ anthem of Viet Nam is sung. (nation)
11-There is an __________ match between Vietnam and Lebanon on VTV3. (nation)
12-The language of ___________________ is Bahasa Malaysia. (instruct)
13-Ao Dai is the ___________________ dress of Vietnamese women. (tradition)
14-___________________, Ao Dai is worn by women. (tradition)
15-To Huu is a famous____________ (poetry). His ______________ are interesting.
16-Ao Dai is always ___________________ (fashion)
17-Jeans are ___________________ made from cotton. (complete)
18-The ___________________ from Genoa enjoyed wearing jeans. (work)
19-___________________ of clothes always goes up. (sell)
20-At the ___________________ to the village, we saw the accident. (enter)
10/ national
11/ national
12/ instruction
13/ traditional
14/ Traditionally
15/ poet - poems
16/ fashionable
17/ completely
18/ workers
19/ selling
20/ entrance
21-They had an ___________________ day by the river. (enjoy)
22-They are ___________________ - qualified teachers. (good)
23-We need further ___________________ (inform)

24-This book is very ________________ (inform)
25-Look at the ___________________. Rain Bi looks handsome. (advertise)
26-It is an ___________________ program. (interest)
27-The song is ________________ to me. (interest)
28-We felt ________________ in the show. (interset)
29-English is his ___________________ . (nation)
30-It is cheap. It’s ___________________ (expensive)
21/ enjoyable
22/ well
23/ information
24/ informative
25/ advertisement
26/ interesting
27/ interesting
28/ interested
29/ nationality
30/ inexpensive
31-Libraries are helpful in ________________ children’s love for books. (develop)
32-The Internet has ___________________ developed nowadays. (increase)
33-The Internet is one of the most important ______________ of our life. (invent)
34-Everyone has their ________ which are hardly recognized by themselves. (limit)
35-The website is not _____________ for teenagers. It’s ________________ (use)
36-Their ___________________ is always good. (communicate)
37-She is a ________________ girl. (communicate)
38-Listen ___________________ please. (care)
39-We’re ___________________ that our environment is spoiled. (disappoint)
40-Our boys play ________________ today. (disappoint)
31/ developing
32/ increasingly
33/ inventions

34/ limitation
35/ useful – useless
36/ communication
37/ communicative
38/ carefully
39/ disappointed
40/ disappointedly
41-We’re worried about the ___________________ here. (pollute)
42-This river is extremely ___________________. (pollute)
43-A ___________________ faucet may waste 500 liters of water a month. (drip)
44-In Viet Nam, electricity, gas, and water are not only _______ but also _____________ (lux/
45-Her appearance is ________________ today. (need)
46-Farm ___________________ are always exported. (produce)
47-This plant’s ____________ is high, so it attracts a lot of investment. (produce)
48-The ________________ of this machine requires the latest techniques. (produce)
49-This energy-___________________ bulb is not cheap. (save)
50-The ___________________ are requiring us to repair the machines. (consume)
41/ pollution
42/ polluted
43/ dripping
44/ luxury-necessary
45/ necessary
46/ products
47/ production
48/ productivity
49/ saving
50/ consumers
1. This company offers a lot of jobs. (ATTRACTIVE)

2. It's impossible to everybody. (PLEASANT)
3. You should not the room without knocking on the door. (ENTRANCE)
4. Your skirt is rather short, you'd better ask the dressmaker to it. (LONG)
5. The success of the show is on the weather. (DEPEND)
6. I'm sure Jack will come to help us; he's a(n) man. (DEPEND)
7. The new film is good. (EXCEPT)
8. These remote areas are still to the Internet. (ACCESS)
9. His plan is good, but it won't work in practice. (THEORY)
10. He is for his charitable activities than for his business in the steel
industry. (KNOW)
1. This company offers a lot of jobs. (ATTRACTIVE)
mình nghĩ dùng adj attractive kết hợp với N jobs = một công việc hấp dẫn, nghe cũng hợp lý
=> attractive jobs
2. It's impossible to everybody. (PLEASANT)
sau be là tính từ và sau tính từ ở đây là to Vo nên v chia dạng Vo nên V là => please
3. You should not the room without knocking on the door. (ENTRANCE)
entrance mình nhớ là nó là vừa là N, vừa là V => entrance
4. Your skirt is rather short, you'd better ask the dressmaker to it. (LONG)
5. The success of the show is on the weather. (DEPEND)
be + adj => dependent on
6. I'm sure Jack will come to help us; he's a(n) man. (DEPEND)
=> dùng tính từ, người đàn ông lệ thuộc =>dependent
7. The new film is good (EXCEPT)
=> mình dùng trạng từ exceptionally
8. These remote areas are still to the Internet. (ACCESS)
=> dùng tính từ inaccessible
9. His plan is good, but it won't work in practice. (THEORY)
=> dùng trang từ theoretically

10. He is for his charitable activities than for his business in the steel industry.
=> chia V thôi, better- known
1. I'd like to book a to Hong Kong. (FLY)
2. Since has been so poor the class is being closed. (ATTEND)
3. We believe him because we know he is (TRUTH)
4. The discovery of new drugs has the treatment of many diseases.
5. I liked the concert, but the drums me. (DEAF)
6. We should reduce in this area. (POOR)
7. It was another attempt, they had to try again. (SUCCEED)
8. might have proved that the suspect was at the scene of the crime. (FINGER)
9. Maldini is in AC Milan. He's the key to their success. (REPLACE)
10. There is an international between Vietnam and Myanmar this evening.
1. I'd like to book a flight to Hong Kong. (FLY)deaf
2. Since attendance has been so poor that the class is being closed. (ATTEND)
3. We believe him because we know he is truthful (TRUTH)
4. The discovery of new drugs has revolutionlized the treatment of many diseases.
5. I liked the concert, but the drums deafened me. (DEAF)
6. We should reduce poverty in this area. (POOR)
7. It was another unsuccessful attempt, they had to try again. (SUCCEED)
8. fingerprints might have proved that the suspect was at the scene of the crime.
9. Maldini is irreplaceable in AC Milan. He's the key to their success.
10. There is an international friendship between Vietnam and Myanmar this

evening. (FRIEND)
Just over one hundred years ago, the last volume of a tremendous work of reference
entitled The Dictionary of National Biographyrolled off the printing presses. (1)
(ADMIT), this 21-volume shelf-filler may not immediately sound like the most thrilling read
in the world. As entertainment, you might imagine it ranks some way below a (2)
(POLITICS) autobiography. But you would be very, very wrong.
The DNB, like the Oxford English Dictionary, is one of the great monuments to British
culture and also a hugely enjoyable work in its own right. It is, quite simply, an
(3) (ALPHABET) dictionary of potted biographies of all the notable men and
women who had lived in Britain since the year dot. It was produced between 1885 and 1900,
and it remains (4) (EMPHASIS) an achievement of the Victorian period, richly
redolent of 19th century confidence and (5) (CAPABLE), energy and optimism.
It is also a monument to the enormous variety of the British national character, and the
dictionary is immeasurably (6) (RICH) by this aspect. There are not only great
statesmen, generals, writers, but also hundreds of wonderfully (7) (COLOUR)
characters, who you can discover only by leafing idly through a volume of the DNB on a wet
afternoon down at your local library.
The way in which the DNB was produced was very British too: on a shoestring, out of sheer
dedication, and with no state (8 ) (INTERFERE) whatsoever. It was the private
endeavour of a group of (9) (ENTHUSE), scholars and freelance journalists, as
(10) (OPPOSE) to, for instance, the Austrian equivalent, produced under the
oppressive auspices of the imperial Academy of Vienna.

Cùng nhau thử sức với đề tiếp theo nào. Đề kì này khá dễ, chỉ cần cẩn thận thôi.
1. You survived the air crash. It's a (MIRACULOUS)
2. No details about the celebration have been given. (FAR)
3. The principal said some words to the pupils before the exam. (COURAGE)
4. Her car needs at the garage. (SERVICE)
5. There are some mysteries that remain (SOLVE)
6. may take place when you don't speak English correctly. (UNDERSTAND)
7. are doing their best to save the species from dying out. (ENVIRONMENT)
8. It is education that helps with the of knowledge for the young. (BROAD)
9. She has been with me for an hour about the future job. (REASONABLE)
10. She got an award for her intelligence. (ORDINARY)
1. MIRACLE. Từ loại cần điền ở đây là noun, và đây là noun của MIRACULOUS.
2. FURTHER. Như bạn rt giải thích, dạng comparative của far có thể là farther hoặc further.
Cả hai đều có thể dùng để chỉ về khoảng cách vật lí, nhưng further thường được dùng để chỉ
chiều dài thời gian hoặc chỉ mức độ. Vì vậy trong câu này ta dùng FURTHER là thích hợp
4. SERVICING. Từ SERVICE ở đây mang nghĩa "bảo trì, bảo dưỡng (máy móc, động
cơ)" nên ta chỉ cần thêm -ING vào là được, không cần chuyển thành SERVE vì khi đó nó
mang nghĩa khác. Ở đây đòi hỏi phải có kiến thức văn phạm: need + V-ing = need to be +
Past Participle.
5. UNSOLVED là đáp án của mình, nhưng mình thấy đáp án INSOLVABLE cũng có thể
chấp nhận được trong trường hợp này. Từ loại cần điền ở đây là adjective.

8. BROADENING. Câu này có thể hiểu là "Chính sự giáo dục mới giúp mở rộng kiến thức
của thanh thiếu niên." Và từ loại cần điền ở đây là noun mang nghĩa "việc mở rộng". Vì thế
ta thêm hậu tố -EN để tạo verb rồi thêm -ING vào. Cấu trúc "the " ở đây không phải là
superlative đâu nhé.
9. REASONING. Nếu ở đây ta chia "reasoned" thì câu trở thành bị động, không thích hợp
với ngữ nghĩa. Tense được dùng ở đây là Present Perfect Progressive nên chữ "been" là của
tense, không phải của passive.
10. EXTRAORDINARY. Từ này mang nghĩ "đáng kinh ngạc, khó tin".
1.There was quite a bit of (CONFUSE) because the examiner handed out
the wrong exam papers.
2.You are acting completely (RATIONAL).Just calm down and put
yourself together.
3.Einstein's (BRILLIANT) went unnoticed at school.
4.This is generally considered to be the (DEFINE) guide to Australia.
5.It's absolutely (EXPLAIN) why the Council decided to close down
the Youth club.
6.I just stood there and listened in (BELIEVE) as Ben told me the news.
7.Greg's (DECIDE) to say the least,so I wouldn't ask him to choose the hostel
8.Many children create (IMAGINE) to talk to.
9.He was found not guilty by reason of (SANE) and so was sent to a mental
institution rather than prison.
10.Your argument is (LOGIC).Just because you want me to be a doctor
doesn't mean I want to be one.

Life in Victorian Britain was 1-(STIFLE) dull for many woman and a few
reacted against its 2- (RESTRICT) by seeking freedom and adventure in
travel.Although she has an otherwise conventional 3-(BRING), Isabella Bird
(1831-1904) learnt two skills in childhood which proved to be 4-(VALUE)
when she grew up.As she was a frail child , a doctor recommended frequent
excursions 5-(DOOR) so Isabella leanrt to ride and her clergyman father
took her with him on trips round his parish.On these rides he taught her to be 6-
(OBSERVE) and exact in her discription of nature and people, attributes which made her
later travel writtings succesful.
At the age of 18,Isabella traveled to a Scottist Highlands to aid her recovery from an
operation.From then on,her life followed a pattern of periods at home plagued by back pain ,
headaches, and 7-(SLEEP),interspersed with periods of adventurous
travel to 8-(INCREASE) remote and exotic locations.
The books in which she (COUNT) her journey met with success and
the 9-(COME) from these a supplemented modest inheritance from her mother
and alowed her to finance further travels.Her achievements 10-(OFFICE)
regconise in 1892 when she and 14 other ladies were the first woman to be invited to join the
Royal Geographical Society.
1.There was quite a bit of (CONFUSE) because the examiner handed out
the wrong exam papers. => confusion
2.You are acting completely (RATIONAL).Just calm down and put
yourself together.=> irrational
3.Einstein's (BRILLIANT) went unnoticed at school. => brilliance
4.This is generally considered to be the (DEFINE) guide to Australia. =>
5.It's absolutely (EXPLAIN) why the Council decided to close down
the Youth club. => explainatory

6.I just stood there and listened in (BELIEVE) as Ben told me the news.=> t
nghĩ là tín đồ believer
7.Greg's (DECIDE) to say the least,so I wouldn't ask him to choose the hostel =>
8.Many children create (IMAGINE) to talk to.=> imaginary
9.He was found not guilty by reason of (SANE) and so was sent to a mental
institution rather than prison. => insanity
10.Your argument is (LOGIC).Just because you want me to be a doctor
doesn't mean I want to be one. => logical
Life in Victorian Britain was 1-(STIFLE) stifled stifledull for many woman and
a few reacted against its 2- (RESTRICT) restrain by seeking freedom and
adventure in travel.Although she has an otherwise conventional 3-(BRING),
Isabella Bird (1831-1904) learnt two skills in childhood which proved to be 4-
(VALUE) valued when she grew up.As she was a frail child , a doctor recommended
frequent excursions 5-(DOOR)doorstep so Isabella leanrt to ride and her
clergyman father took her with him on trips round his parish.On these rides he taught her to
be 6-(OBSERVE) observable and exact in her discription of nature and people,
attributes which made her later travel writtings succesful.
At the age of 18,Isabella traveled to a Scottist Highlands to aid her recovery from an
operation.From then on,her life followed a pattern of periods at home plagued by back pain ,
headaches, and 7-(SLEEP) sleeplessness ,interspersed with periods of
adventurous travel to 8-(INCREASE) increasingly remote and exotic
The books in which she (COUNT) her journey met with success and
the 9-(COME) coming from these a supplemented modest inheritance from her
mother and alowed her to finance further travels.Her achievements 10-
(OFFICE)officialdom regconise in 1892 when she and 14 other ladies were the first woman
to be invited to join the Royal Geographical Society.

I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. In order to keep our environment , we shouldn’t drop litter in public places.
2. Don’t pump into seas and rivers or it will pollute them. (sew)
3. Don’t throw away bottles, papers, and glass. Take them to recycling centres. (use)
4. If we keep on the air, more people will suffer from respiratory diseases. (pollution)
5. The local authorities have received many letters of about the industrial wastes
from that factory. (complain)
II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Ba was ill right after eating those mushrooms. (serious / poison)
2. are interested in the protection of the environment. (conserve)
3. Without , some people wouldn’t catch fish. (electric)
4. Shhh. Listen to the conservationist teaching us how to protect the environment.
5. What is responsible for the problems in your city? (environment)
III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Make sure the use of is not harmful to farm workers’ health. (pest)
2. ! You have successfully held the clean-up campaign. (congratulate)
3. Use public transport or we won’t pollution. (minimum)
4. If continues, there will be no forest left ten years from now. (forest)
5. The rising level of air pollution has caused concern among . (environment)
I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. In order to keep our environment unpolluted , we shouldn’t drop litter in
public places. (pollute)
2. Don’t pump sewage into seas and rivers or it will pollute them. (sew)
3. Don’t throw away useless bottles, papers, and glass. Take them to
recycling centres. (use)
4. If we keep on polluting the air, more people will suffer from respiratory

diseases. (pollution)
5. The local authorities have received many letters of complaint about the
industrial wastes from that factory. (complain)
II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Ba was seriously ill right after eating
those poisonous mushrooms. (serious / poison)
2. conservationists are interested in the protection of the environment.
3. Without electriccity , some people wouldn’t catch fish. (electric)
4. Shhh. Listen carefully to the conservationist teaching us how to protect
the environment. (care)
5. What is responsible for the environmental problems in your city?
III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Make sure the use of pesticide is not harmful to farm workers’ health.
2. congratulations ! You have successfully held the clean-up campaign.
3. Use public transport or we won’t minimize pollution. (minimum)
4. If forestation continues, there will be no forest left ten years from now.
5. The rising level of air pollution has caused concern
among environamentalists . (environment)
1. We must limit population _______because our resources are limited .( GROW ) growth
2. Children get a great deal of ______when Tet comes ( EXCITE ) excitement
3. The English language training is a good ____for any career .(PREPARE ) preparation
4. There is a _____of food in flooded areas .( SHORT ) shortage
5. many people are not aware of population _____( EXPLODE ) explosion

1. The United Nation ia an international ___________( ORGANISE ) organization
2. The area that has the ____population growth rate is Latin America .( HIGH ) highest
3. Mut , which is _____fruit , is very popular .( CANDY ) candied
4. Do you know how to cook _____foods ? ( TRADITION )
5. We should carry out population ______programmes ( EDUCATE ) educational

1. Some countries are poor because they have few _________recourses ( NATURE )
2. People believe that having many children means __________( HAPPY ) happiness
3. Taking part in this ________helped me more self-confident .( COMPETE ) competition
4. Were women _______allowed to participate in the Boston races in 1957 ? ( OFFICE )
5. _______, nobody was injured in the accident last night .( LUCKY ) Luckily

1. They emphasized the physical fitness and ____________( STRONG ) strength
2. We don’t go to work on ___________Independence Day .( NATION) national
3. Overpopulation causes many problems to the world , particularly _________countries (DEVELOP )
4. ____________on winning the tennis championship!( CONGRATULATE ) congratulations
5. A music ________is an event whish is held every four years .( COMPETE ) competetion
I dislike their ______________. FRIENDLY
2. The ______________ between classes is good. FRIEND
3. They seem to be ______________. We dislike them. FRIEND

4. The garden is ______________ with trees and flowers. BEAUTY
5. They enjoy the ______________ atmosphere here. PEACE
6. The ______________ anthem of VietNam is sung. NATION
7. There is an______________ match between VN and Laos on VTV3. NATION
8. Ao Dai is always______________. FASHION
9. I ______________ agree with you. COMPLETE
10. At the ______________ to the village, we saw the accident. ENTER
11. They had an ______________ day by the river. ENJOY
12. We need further ______________. INFORM
13. This book is very______________. INFORM
14. It is cheap. It’s ______________. EXPENSIVE
15. The ______________ of TV is always fast. DEVELOP
16. The internet is one of the most important ______________ of our life. INVENT
17. The website is not ______________ for teenager. It’s ______________. USE
18. We’re worried about the ______________ here. POLLUTE
19. This river is extremely ______________. POLLUTE
20. This energy-______________bulb is not cheap. SAVE
21. The ______________are requiring us to repair the machines. CONSUME
22. Watching long Vietnamese films on TV is a time-_________activity. CONSUME
23. Water ______________ is increasing this summer. CONSUME
24. The ______________ of the model attracts us. EFFICIENT
25. They are working _________effect, so we are ______________. SATISFY
26. The ______________ are cleaning the beach. CONSERVE
27. Tet is the most important ______________ in VN. CELEBRATE
28. My ______________ are so strong that word “love” can’t describe them. FEEL
29. The ______did not warm the fishermen of the terrible storm carefully. SCIENCE
30. He used all his ______________ to force the door open. STRONG
31. My parents ______________ me to enter this competition. COURAGE
32. Recently health foods have increased in ______________. POPULAR
33. The old lady hid all her ______________ under the floor. SAVE

34. Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your complete ______________.
35. The council has promised to deal with the serious problem of ___________among
young people. EMPLOY
36. Lulu had eaten so much that he had to ______________ his belt. LOOSE
37. The dictionaries are with the other ______________ books. REFER
38. I had to check the wages in ______________to my normal work. ADD
39. He gave his students ______________to leave the classroom. PERMIT
40. This table may break under a lot of ______________. PRESS
41. That little boy has a ______________of cakes. MOUTH
42. I can’t believe you. What you say is quite ______________. LOGIC
1. I dislike their ____unfriendliness__________. FRIENDLY
2. The _______friendship_______ between classes is good. FRIEND
3. They seem to be ____unfriendly__________. We dislike them. FRIEND
4. The garden is _____beautiful_________ with trees and flowers. BEAUTY
5. They enjoy the ___peaceful___________ atmosphere here. PEACE
6. The ______national________ anthem of VietNam is sung. NATION
7. There is an________international______ match between VN and Laos on VTV3.
8. Ao Dai is always_____fashionable_________. FASHION
9. I _______completely_______ agree with you. COMPLETE
10. At the ______entrance________ to the village, we saw the accident. ENTER
11. They had an _______enjoyable_______ day by the river. ENJOY
12. We need further ____information__________. INFORM
13. This book is very_______informative_______. INFORM
14. It is cheap. It’s _______inexpensive_______. EXPENSIVE
15. The _____development_________ of TV is always fast. DEVELOP
16. The internet is one of the most important ___invention___________ of our life.
