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Writing samples IELTS

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Chuy n LÊN NH, T ÁY trong IELTS Writing Task 1ệ ĐỈ ĐẠ Đ
✔ Th ng thì khi mô t nh c a bi u , các b n s ngh ngay n t "peak", rõ ràng khôngườ ả đỉ ủ ể đồ ạ ẽ ĩ đế ừ
có t nào hay h n peak trong tr ng h p này. Tuy nhiên, peak có 2 cách dùngừ ơ ườ ợ
+ Peak (n), dùng trong c m reach a peak ofụ
Ex: The number of tourists reached a peak of 10 million
+Peak (v) dùng trong c m peak atụ
Ex: The number of tourists peaked at 10 million
✔ Ng c v i lên nh là t áy. Hay và chính xác nh t, chúng ta dùng "low" ho c "low ượ ớ đỉ đạ đ ấ ặ
point". C m t hay dùng "fall to a low of", "fall to a low point of", "hit a low of" hay "reach a ụ ừ
low of"
Ex: The number of tourists fell to a low of 10000 in 2010
✔ Ngoài "low", các b n c ng s th y t "trough" c s d ng mô t i m áy, chúng ta ạ ũ ẽ ấ ừ đượ ử ụ để ả đ ể đ
có c m hay dùng "hit a trough of", "reach a trough of" ho c "fall to a trough of"ụ ặ
Ex: The tourism industry hit a trough in 2010
✔ Tuy nhiên, l u ý là trough luôn i v i peak trong c m "peak and trough" ch không ph i ư đ ớ ụ ứ ả
Ex: The tourism industry has its peaks and troughs
Hy v ng các b n rút kinh nghi m tránh các l i sai trong bài vi t!ọ ạ ệ để ỗ ế
Bi u t ng c m xúc ể ượ ả
You should say
✐ What this teacher looks like
✐ What sort of person this teacher is
✐ What this teacher helped you to learn
✐ And explain why this teacher is your favorite
I would like to talk about one of my favourite teachers during the past 20 years I have been
under formal education. Her name is Thy and she was my English teacher when I was in
grade 10.
Off the top of my head, she has a feminine round face with distinctive facial features, which

easily catch the eyes of the passers-by. She is petite and personally speaking she looks the
best wearing the traditional Vietnamese dress ‘Ao Dai’ because the dress accentuates her
About who she is as a person, she is the most delightful and friendly teacher I have ever
had. She is extremely attentive, caring and patient person. She took time out to listen to our
struggles in studying English and she actually tried to figure out a learning method that could
suit each of us. Grade 10 is the first grade in Vietnamese high school after students graduate
from secondary school. The transitioning process was quite daunting because I had to learn
to adapt to the new environment, new friends and extensive amount of knowledge everyday.
But she did make the whole process less painful and more enjoyable in her lectures. She
helped the class members to get to know each other by getting us to take part in interactive
games. I remember that she used to ask my group to search for the lyrics of our favorite
English songs and blank out some of the words as a challenge for another group in the class
to listen and fill in.
We got to revise, practice English and had fun at the same time in her class so there is no
doubt that she was also everyone’s favorite. Now that this topic has reminded me of her, I
feel a bit guilty for not keeping in touch with her to show her how much I appreciate her
efforts to help me be this good at English. But I do hope that she’s been doing well and wish
her all the best in whatever she tries to achieve
(Bài nói do IELTS Vietop biên so n. Các b n khi share nh trích ngu n nhé )♥ạ ạ ớ ồ
5 idioms ph bi n h tr r t t t cho IELTS Speaking. Hãy tìm cách ng d ng nó nhé.ổ ế ỗ ợ ấ ố ứ ụ
M t trong nh ng cách nh lâu t /c m t m i là T t câu v i t /c m t này. Hãy ộ ữ ớ ừ ụ ừ ớ Ự đặ ớ ừ ụ ừ
comment 1 ví d c a b n d i nhéụ ủ ạ ở ướ
Bi u t ng c m xúc heartể ượ ả
1. Piece of cake – What piece of cake actually means is that something is very easy to
Ex: I've always had hard time studying IELTS, but TOEIC is a piece of cake
2. Costs an arm and a leg – When something costs an arm and a leg it actually means that
something is very expensive.
Ex: His new villa costs an arm and a leg

3. See eye to eye – if two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other; To agree
Ex: I and my wife see eye to eye on most important issues.
4. Hit the books – it means To study
Ex: I have to hit the books because i am taking a big test tomorrow
5. Let the cat out of the bag – To let a secret be known; to reveal information;
Ex: He didn't want anyone to know he was sick, but his wife let the cat out of the bag
Trong th i gian ch i thi c a ngày hôm nay thì IELTS Vietop ã vi t Brainstorm cho ờ ờ đợ đề ủ đ ế đề
thi tu n v a r i (9/5/2015). C nhà tham kh o nhéầ ừ ồ ả ả
Development in technology has brought various environmental problems. Some believe that
people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental problems. Others, however, believe
technology is the way to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your own
√ Negative impacts of Technology – live more simple life to solveenvironmental problems
• Pollution – air or water pollution can all be caused by producing and using technology
• Non-renewable resources including oil, gold and other metals are used to make
technology. For example, the laptops or cars that people use daily
• Manufacturing technology creates large amounts of waste. -> the outdated gadgets and
electronic devices that get dumped yearly -> contain hazardous materials or chemicals which
are unsafe for the environment.
√ Positive impacts of Technology – technology can help solve environmental problems
• Even though technology does carry some downsides to it, it still helps human kind in the
quest to improve the environment. For example:
o Allows us to monitor and study the impacts that have been and are being made to the
environment and hence, help researchers and scientists to understand how it works and take
appropriate actions on it.
o Transform carbon–based waste from used tires to oil under sufficient heat and pressure.
This process resembles how nature produces oil, but with technology, the process is
expedited by millions of years to achieve the same by-product.
o Electric cars have promising future to replace cars run by fossil fuel -> reduce the carbon

dioxide waste in the air
o The conversion of solar power into electricity or heat is one of the most breakthrough
inventions in the recent decades. Solar energy is considered to be one of the few sources of
renewable energy that human can harness to produce electricity for everyday life without any
damage to the environment.
Brainstorm cho thi th 7 v a r i nhé c nhàđề ứ ừ ồ ả
Bi u t ng c m xúc heartể ượ ả
Young people who commit crimes should be treated in the same as adults who commit
crimes. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
+ It depends on the severity of the crime and the characteristics of the offenders
* For example: If it is a kidnapping and murder case which has been carefully planned and
carried out, then the judge and jury may have enough justification to give the offender the
sentence like an adult in the same circumstance.
+ From psychological point of view, adolescents are often seen as the age of immaturity,
impulsivity and lack of appreciation about risks and consequences => they are more likely to
be misled and influenced to commit crimes
+ The brains of teenagers are not fully developed, thus judgment, self-control and sensible
planning ability may not mature at the time of the crime
+ Many people believe that juveniles have better likelihood of successful rehabilitation and
+ adolescents may lack the decision-making abilities of adults => it would be considered to
be unusual and cruel to some extent to charge juveniles with the sentence that is reserved
for adults.
+ lighter sentencing for adolescents can be acceptable including community service order,
detention in juvenile hall, house arrest or placement => in order to allow the youth to realise
and rectify their mistakes, to reform and go back to the society.
Brainstorm cho thi Task 2 ngày 29/01/2015.đề

It is currently possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment, such
as the South Pole. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of this development?
Remote = untouched = unspoilt = pristine
E.g.: South Pole – Antarctica, Great Barrier Reef – Australia etc.
• Scientific expeditions can serve the purpose of research into glaciology, geophysics,
meteorology and such.
• Tourism and expedition create the needs to build accommodation, transportation
infrastructure, shopping and entertainment, water and food, waste and sewage
• Promote public environmental awareness and spread education about the ecosystem and
how to preserve it
• Provide employment opportunities to local people and an additional source of income for
*** The impacts of these acts can be ecological, social or cultural.
• Social impacts: The constantly increasing amount of tourists from around the world put
pressure on local populations => construction of resorts and tourist developments can cause
an increase in pollution and noise, and a decrease in resources and natural land.
• Cultural impacts: Indigenous people live in some remote areas have been displaces and
lost much of their land as a result of modern population and acquisition of land for tourist
• Ecological impacts: construction and development place pressure on natural resources =>
wildlife has to be displaced, land can be degraded.
• Not to even mention, the ease of travelling and transporting to those pristine areas also
enables poachers to hunt for whales, seals and other animals that are rarely seen in
common natural environments. For example, the hunting of seals within only a few decades
put the Antarctic fur seal on the verge of extinction in the 19th century.
Vi c s d ng úng và nhu n nhuy n các liên t trong bài thi IELTS Speaking và Writing s ệ ử ụ đ ầ ễ ừ ẽ
giúp câu nói c a b n tr nên logic và h p lý h n, giúp c i thi n i m s bài thi IELTS nói và ủ ạ ở ợ ơ ả ệ để ố

vi t v n c coi là r t ‘khó nu t’. Hy v ng bài vi t này s ph n nào giúp các b n hi u rõ ế ố đượ ấ ố ọ ế ẽ ầ ạ ể
h n v conjunctions và t ó v n d ng úng vào bài vi t ho c bài nói c a mình nhé.ơ ề ừ đ ậ ụ đ ế ặ ủ
Liên t (conjunctions) là nh ng t ho c c m t n i các t v i nhau thành c m t , n i ừ ữ ừ ặ ụ ừ để ố ừ ớ để ụ ừ ố
các c m t thành m t m nh , ho c n i các m nh v i nhau thành câu ghép (compound ụ ừ ộ ệ đề ặ ố ệ đề ớ
sentences) và câu ph c (complex sentences).ứ
Có 3 lo i liên t chính: coordinating, subordinating và correlative conjunctions.ạ ừ
LIÊN T NG L P - COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS: g m có 7 t là For, And, Nor, Ừ ĐẲ Ậ ồ ừ
But, Or, Yet, So (th ng hay g i là FANBOYS cho d nh ) luôn ng gi a hai t /c m ườ ọ ễ ớ đứ ữ ừ ụ
t /m nh mà nó liên k t.ừ ệ đề ế
Ví d :ụ
Two parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) are joined:
• salt AND pepper;
• us AND him,
• they NOR we,
• watched AND listened (verbs are in the same tense)
• serious YET repairable
• strong OR weak
• noisily BUT fearfully
Phrases and clauses of equal rank can also be joined by coordinating conjunctions:
• Winning the game OR losing it, he was happy. (participle phrases joined)
• Come with Harvey OR without him. (prepositional phrases joined)
• Garlic and pepper are common spices, BUT excessive use of them can be bad for you.
(independent clauses joined –> a compound sentence)
• It is a small car, YET it is surprisingly spacious. (independent clauses joined )
• The injured dog could not walk, NOR could it stand. (independent clauses joined)
• We didn’t stop to see Mr. Johnson, FOR we had to meet Uncle Fred. (independent clauses
• My little brother sometimes bothers me, BUT I still love him. (independent clauses joined)
LIÊN T PH THU C - SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS: có tác d ng n i hai m nh Ừ Ụ Ộ ụ ố ệ đề
c l p (independent clause) và m nh ph thu c (dependent clause) v i nhau t o câuđộ ậ ệ đề ụ ộ ớ để ạ

ph c (complex sentences) và th ng ng u m nh ph thu c.ứ ườ đứ đầ ệ đề ụ ộ
M t s liên t ph thu c ph bi n:ộ ố ừ ụ ộ ổ ế
• Time: after, before, when, whenever, while, since, until, once, as soon as,
• Contrast, alternatives: although, though, even if, despite, in spite of, whereas, while
• Reason: because, due to, in view of the fact that, since, as/so long as
• Purpose: in case, in order to, in order that
• Conditional: as/so long as, even if, provided (that), unless
Ví d : Although the government had been elected for a four-year term, the Prime Minister ụ
decided to hold an early election.
M nh ph thu c “Although the government had been elected for a four-year term” b ệ đề ụ ộ ổ
sung và làm rõ ngh a h n m nh chính là “the Prime Minister decided to hold an early ĩ ơ ệ đề
Light the flare IF it gets dark.
He would not swim in the ocean BECAUSE he had seen a movie about sharks.
The nurse grew queasy WHENEVER she saw blood.
BEFORE you change the tire, you must find a jack.
ALTHOUGH you drive well, you are not a good mechanic.
AFTER John left, Mary cried.
We’ll go AS LONG AS the weather is good. (only if)
SO LONG AS there is a demand for these drugs, the financial incentive for drug dealers will
be there. (since, to the extent that)
Incorrect: Whereas some argue that children should be forced to do more exercise.
Correct: However / On the other hand / By contrast, some argue that children should be
forced to do more exercise.
T NG LIÊN T - CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS là nh ng c p liên t n i các c m ƯƠ Ừ ữ ặ ừ để ố ụ
t ho c m nh t ng ng v m t ng pháp: ng t - ng t , danh t -danh t , tính t -ừ ặ ệ đề ươ đươ ề ặ ữ độ ừ độ ừ ừ ừ ừ
tính t ,… Vì v y b n không c l y râu ông này ch p c m bà kia khi n i hai (c m) t v i ừ ậ ạ đượ ấ ắ ằ ố ụ ừ ớ
• both … and …
• either … or …

• neither nor … / not … nor…
• not only … but also …
• whether … or …
Ví d :ụ
Incorrect: EITHER YOU must accept the terms OR WITHDRAW from the race.
Correct: You must EITHER ACCEPT the terms OR WITHDRAW from the race.
Many soldiers were BOTH young AND inexperienced.
EITHER mom OR dad will meet you at the airport.
NEITHER the bat NOR the glove is mine.
NOT a building NOR a tree was left standing.
NOT ONLY did we go to the zoo, BUT we ALSO went to the circus.
The holiday will be enjoyable WHETHER you surf OR swim.
Vài Ideas cho thi th 7 r i, 11/4/2015đề ứ ồ
Bi u t ng c m xúc heartể ượ ả
Task 2: Nowadays, the older people who needs a job has to compete with younger people.
What problems can this create? What are some solutions?
+ Older people, especially those that have been in the workforce have more work
experience, hence tend to be valued more by employers or recruiters who are looking for
someone to fill in the vacancies => this will lead to higher proportion of youth unemployment
=> When the youth are unemployed, there is higher possibility of their involving in petty
crimes or illegal activities to make a living.
+ For some industries that prioritise innovation and academic degrees, young job seekers
would have an advantage over older people => if they could not find any jobs, their families
would have to live depending on the financial assistance from the governments => put a
strain on government's budget
+ Have series of workshop to educate older people about the industries that would need their
skills set.
+ Older people should take specialized courses to obtain the acceptable qualifications and

update new knowledge -> shorten the competition gap with younger job seekers,
+ Younger one should also take short courses, be involved in social activities or part-time
jobs or internship programs before or right after graduating to enhance their skills and
accumulate experiences in today more and more competitive job market.
Brainstorming cho s 25 trong list d oán s ra trong thángđề ố ự đ đề ẽ
Bi u t ng c m xúc ể ư ợ ả
Các b n tham kh o nhéạ ả
Bi u t ng c m xúc winkể ượ ả
Professional workers like doctors, nurses and teachers make a greater contribution to
society and so should be paid more than sports and entertainment personalities. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
+ Doctors need to work for long hours from early morning to late at night, whereas nurses
have to work on shifts to ensure all patients are cared for.
+ In the same manner, teachers are responsible for educating and nurturing a new
generation. That responsibility by itself is undeniably hard and demanding.
-> It is understandable why many people are of the opinion that those professional workers
should be awarded with higher salary compared to athletes or entertainers.
+ Being an athlete or an entertainer is not an easy job.
+ Athletes need to sacrifice their time with families and friends for overseas training and have
to abide by strict training schedules and diets that most people cannot do.
+ In the case of entertainers, it is more or less the same story as athletes. Actors or
comedians also have to spend days and nights touring and performing for audience even on
+ Moreover, they are also subject to public scrutiny and always under pressure to exceed the
expectations the society places on them.
+ These kinds of work are more strenuous and intense than treating sick people or teaching
students to some extent.

+ The reason that these professionals get paid more than doctors or teachers is that their
jobs somehow bring joy and excitement to many people. Thus, they would be likely to
receive more support, and hence more compensation for what they do.
Brainstorming cho thi ngày 10/01/2015 r t chi ti t.đề ấ ế
Bài vi t r t hay nhéế ấ
Bi u t ng c m xúc heartể ượ ả
C nhà share bài vi t này công khai và l i ả ế để ạ
email nh n bài m u nhéđể ậ ẫ
Bi u t ng c m xúc heartể ượ ả
Leaders and directors in an organisation are normally older people. Some people think that
young leaders would be better. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Supporting young leaders:
• With the privilege of better education and early exposure with modern technology, the
young are usually more creative and tech-savvy. This can be supported by the fact that
Facebook - one of the biggest social networking sites is also founded and managed by a
young entrepreneur.
• Youth comes with enthusiasm -> encourage young people to young leaders to explore
different solutions to a problem.
• They tend to nurture a lot of ambitions and not be burdened by other external factors of life
such as family.
Supporting Old leaders
Leaders and directors in an organisation are normally older people – this is a general
observation – Why is that?
• Older people tend to be wiser and more experienced -> Life experience has a lot to deal
with people whereas technical knowledge is what has been trained and taught through trials
and errors.
• It is considered to be a fact that people learn better from mistakes and setbacks. Thus the
experiences learned from life and other unsuccessful ventures will give older leaders/
managers an unparalleled competitive advantage over young leaders.

• They are more careful and tactful when it comes to making decision.
• They are more likely to get on well with colleagues and subordinates. They may also be
more understanding and consider the opinions of their employees or team members
• They are also calmer in stressful situation that requires a clear mind to handle
• Example: Steve Jobs was not really successful until he was fired Apple - the company
which he founded and learned from setbacks to come back with a new company and ended
up taking over Apple again.
Brainstorm cho thi th 7 v a r i 28/3/2015 nhéđề ứ ừ ồ
Bi u t ng c m xúc heartể ượ ả
Some people think that increasing communication usage of computers and mobile phones
by young people has had a negative effect on their reading and writing skills. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?
d ng "To what extent do you agree or disagree?", các b n có th vi t theo h ng agree, Ở ạ ạ ể ế ướ
disagree ho c partly agree , u n c .ặ đề ổ ả
✔ N u các b n Agree v i statement này, dùng các ý sau support:ế ạ ớ để
+ Nowadays, young generations get used to using keyboard on their phones and typing on
their laptops -> Worsen hand-writing skill
+ With the help of autocorrect function on smart phone and word processing document =>
People will tend to make more spelling mistakes when they have to write
+ Easier to get distracted => cannot focus on reading and writing or doing anything for a long
period of time
+ Texting language poses an untold threat to the ability to use their mother tongue
appropriately => decreasing knowledge of vocabularies. Take "Cyber slang" for example.
✔ N u các b n disagree v i statement này, dùng các ý sau support:ế ạ ớ để
+ With the help of Internet => fast access to the most updated info for one’s knowledge =>
read more online compared to traditional paper newspapers.
+ E-books can be bought online at lower cost than physical books => they can also be easily
transferred across devices and be kept for a very long time without wearing out.
+ Computers help store all of users’ work in one place => much more convenient to read and

E.g.: For those who work in editorial professions, they all prefer to finish their job on their
laptops only
ng quên l ch khai gi ng các l p s p t i Pin post nhéĐừ ị ả ớ ắ ớ ở
Bi u t ng c m xúc winkể ượ ả
Some people think that shops should not be allowed to sell foods or drinks that are
scientifically proven to be bad for people's health. Do you agree or disagree with this
Some people suggest that foods and drinks that are harmful to human health should not be
sold at retail outlets or giant supermarkets. Personally, I think that having such strict policy is
unnecessary for various reasons.
Firstly, it is worth looking at what possible consequence the aforementioned policy, if
implemented, could have on the world in economic terms. As a matter of fact, many of the
world’s biggest companies are manufacturers of many canned foods and carbonated
beverages. Companies like Coca Cola, Pepsi or Nestle have become a familiar name to
virtually every household around the globe. Their products are distributed and traded by well-
known players in global retailing industry. Taking into account such scale of popularity and
impact their products have made so far, it is not too difficult to imagine what would happen
when they are stopped being sold. Not only will the profits of those firms suffer, more
importantly, it will have a negative knock-on effect on the global economy as well.
Secondly, many people believe they have the rights to eat whatever they want even though
what they take in may damage their bodies. For many people, a world without refreshments
such as ice cream, chocolate, chips and coke etc. would not be a very interesting place to be
in. From my standpoint, it is not the problem of their not being aware of its potential
detrimental effect on their health; it is more of the cravings that humans need to satisfy from
time to time. By and large, the majority of packaged foods and carbonated drinks are
amazingly tasty which make it difficult for shoppers to not look at them. Thus, it would be too
strict to impose the ban on selling soft and fast foods in supermarkets. Even when they are
bad to human health, they are still deemed safe if consumed in moderation.
In conclusion, I am of the opinion that the idea of prohibiting the selling of such food and

drinks is too harsh. I believe that as long as people are conscious of their harms and
consume them with self-control, there is no need to stop the existence of those tempting food
and drinks.
-367 words-
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Bài vi t c a IELTS Vietop cho thi ngày 17/01/2015ế ủ đề
C nhà có th tham kh o thêm các bài vi t khác t i:ả ể ả ế ạ
/>Some people think that there should be strict controls about noise while others believe they
could just make as much noise as they want. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
When it comes to noises, some people think that rigid policy should be implemented to keep
the noises to a minimum. Others argue that it is within their ability to make as much noise as
they want. Personally, while the latter opinion has certain points that are worth discussing, I
agree with the former idea.
There are several reasons why noise should not be limited. Firstly, it is understandable that
making noise is a part of our life as everything in life may create noise pollution from
household appliances to a construction site. In today’s society, noise from cultural and social
events are virtually unavoidable in some circumstances. Secondly, the development of
noise-proof technology has enabled people to make noises without worrying about affecting
others. Houses and offices with noise-proof wall will prevent people from suffering noise
problems. Therefore, noise is no longer a critical issue.
Despite the above arguments, many evidences confirm that noise should be controlled
tightly. Especially for those who live in terraced houses or small neighbourhood, sounds from
social events and television can easily travel through the shared walls. If this occurs on a
frequent basis, noise-sensitive people may find it harder to fall asleep and concentrate when
they need to work or study. One thing to note is that chronic lack of sleep could actually lead
to fatigue and decreased mental well-being. Even more seriously, this could lead to hearing
loss to some degree. Thus, it is suggested that preventive step such as having stricter law
on maintaining acceptable level and volume of noises should be approved to avoid the
undesired consequences mentioned above.

In conclusion, even though noise is sometimes not a big problem, i am of the opinion that
strict supervision of local authorities is necessary to keep the noises in control in order to
maintain the well-being of the residents in general.
-335 words-
1 o n mô t Tet Holiday cho b n nào siêng h c Anh v n trong T t!đ ạ ả ạ ọ ă ế
Tet is the abbreviation of Tet Nguyen Dan which means the first morning of the first day of a
new period and marks the beginning of the spring and also the new year. It is a huge ten-day
festival which almost main activities are held on the first three days. However, the Tet
atmosphere comes so early and also goes out quite late.
As preparation, Vietnamese people plan in advance everything carefully for Tet. Families
save money, store food and drink, buy new clothes, decorate houses or cook traditional and
special many days worth of food like Chung cake. Other than that, altars are cleaned and
decorated with incense, flowers, photographs of deceased ancestors. The graves are
decorated with incense, flowers, and candles. Many Buddhists go to their favorite Pagoda to
pray for a good year. In order to rid themselves of all bad news and have a lucky, wealthy
year, everyone always makes sure that all debt is paid off before New Year’s Eve.
The First, Second and Third day of New Year are the most exciting days of Tet. Of course, it
is easy to realize the festive atmosphere everywhere. Tet is not only the time for visiting
friends, relatives and having family gatherings but also for visiting the graves of deceased
relatives to extend our sincere gratitude. The first visitor to a home is very important and is
chosen carefully. If the first visitor is rich, prestigious, or happy then the family will have good
fortune that year. Usually this visitor is a relative, but sometimes the family will invite a
special guest that they feel will bring them good luck. The first day of Tet is reserved for
visiting family and relatives. The second day is set aside for special guests and close friends
to visit, and the third day is for teachers and business associates to make a visit. Negative
talk, and arguments are taboo. Moreover, Vietnamese people think that Tet reflects all the
new coming year. Cleaning and sweeping are frowned on to limit getting out of luck.
Beside of receiving lucky money, Adults and children can take part in games of gambling
which are traditional games handed down during thousands of year. However, nowadays,

some are banned and some are limited. Other than that, we can enjoy the fresh and festive
air that only appears one time in 12 months.
Brainstorming cho thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 17/1/2015đề
Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly,
others say that people are free to make as much as they wish. Discuss both sides and give
your opinion.
Why do people believe that they could make just as much noise as they want?
It is their right to do what they want and it is deemed to belong to their privacy. Sound-proof
technology these days has enabled people greater ability to do whatever they want without
worrying about disturbing their neighbours. However, it does not always happen as sound-
proof products are still pretty highly priced in the market.
What are the negative effects of hearing too much unwanted noises?
Noise coming from social events or television on an occurring basis can be extremely
agitating and may leave negative impacts on the wellbeing of people living nearby. For
example, noise is usually unbearable at those special social events like birthday parties as it
consists of loud music and chatters.
If it happens frequently, this would affect the quality of life of the neighbours. They may suffer
from insomnia and be easily distracted from work or study, or even worse, may be suffering
a light degree of hearing loss. In these cases, it is suggested that local administration should
devise a stricter policy to control the level of noise in the neighbourhood.
Brainstorming cho thi IELTS ngày 6/12/2014đề
Some people believe that it is the best to live in a "vertical" city, where people live and work
in tall buildings. Other people, however, think a "horizontal" city with few tall buildings is
better. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
***Vertical City - Adv:
• Save space, especially in small cities where land is a scarce resource
• Extremely convenient to get around when people live in high-rising complexes including
apartments, shopping centres, restaurants and sports venues.

• Compactness and density – unnecessary to use car. Elevators would probably be the main
transportation means to get around.
• Large energy savings in heating and cooling since the exposed surface area would be
minimal compared to individual housing units
• Free up surrounding land from development – could be developed into green places which
offset carbon emitted from the vertical city, mainly from air conditioners.
***Horizontal City – Adv:
• Feasible approach for cities or countries that own vast amount of land
• Some people may want to live in private property and detached family houses or units.
• Helps reduce the population density in the city
• Relies on automobiles for mass transportation and trucks for movement of goods or
products for consumption
• One problem with cities with many skyscrapers is that they accidentally block the wind from
ventilating around the city centre. This may result in unnecessary heat in the summer
[IELTS Writing task 2]
R t nhi u b n khi vi t bài th ng vi t r t dài ph n thân và k t bài. Nên nh là v n ph i m ấ ề ạ ế ườ ế ấ ầ ế ớ ẫ ả đả
b o b c c bài vi t, nh ng hãy dành nhi u th i gian h n cho ph n thân bài. i v i m và ả ố ụ ế ư ề ờ ơ ầ Đố ớ ở
k t bài - Nh :"KEEP IT SHORT, SIMPLE AND DIRECT". Tham kh o ví d sau c a th y ế ớ ả ụ ủ ầ
Topic: Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of
resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Introduction (topic + general answer)
Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild animals
because we humans have no need for them. I completely disagree with this point of view.
Conclusion (paraphrase the answer)
In conclusion, we have no right to decide whether or not wild animals should exist, and I
believe that we should do everything we can to protect them.
Bài viết mẫu cho đề thi IELTS ngày 6/12/2014
Some people believe that it is the best to live in a “vertical” city, where people live and work
in tall buildings. Other people, however, think a “horizontal” city with few tall buildings is

better. Discuss both views and give your opinion
Vertical City – Adv:
 Save space, especially in small cities where land is a scarce resource
 Extremely convenient to get around when people live in high-rising complexes
including apartments, shopping centres, restaurants and sports venues.
 Compactness and density – unnecessary to use car. Elevators would probably be
the main transportation means to get around.
 Large energy savings in heating and cooling since the exposed surface area would
be minimal compared to individual housing units
 Free up surrounding land from development – could be developed into green places
which offset carbon emitted from the vertical city, mainly from air conditioners.
Horizontal City – Adv:
 Feasible approach for cities or countries that own vast amount of land
 Some people may want to live in private property and detached family houses or
 Helps reduce the population density in the city
 Relies on automobiles for mass transportation and trucks for movement of goods or
products for consumption
 One problem with cities with many skyscrapers is that they accidentally block the
wind from ventilating around the city centre. This may result in unnecessary heat in the

It is not hard to spot a trend in the development of many cities around the world, which is the
construction of more and more skyscrapers. Some people prefer this trend while others think
that living in a spreading out cities with lower buildings is better. Personally, I believe that as
land will become scarcer in the 21
century, the advantages that ‘vertical city’ may outweigh

that of ‘horizontal city’.
Firstly, it is worth discussing the benefits of having more dispersed cities. It is
understandable that many people may not like living in small apartments in high-rising
complexes, even though it may offer them all the essential amenities. Some may prefer
owning private properties or detached family houses with gardens, which can rarely be seen
in vertical cities. Moreover, horizontal cities can help solve the problem of overpopulation in
big cities and possibly produces fewer carbon dioxide as compared to vertical cities.
However, cities with high-rising complexes still offer tremendous benefits to its residents.
Firstly, its compactness allows people to easily move between levels to get what they want.
In most complexes these days, restaurants, leasing offices, shopping centres, sports venue
and apartments are often found in one building. This would reduce the need to use cars and
hence, gasoline for travelling around, which could have a positive impact on the
environment. Secondly, spaces are freed up in vertical cities, which can be used to develop
green places or public areas such as parks. This could in turn offset the high level of carbon
emitted mainly from air conditioners, which is crucial to keep the air inside those tall buildings
In conclusion, as land will soon turn into a scarce resource, I am of the opinion that living in
vertical cities is better and more convenient than in horizontal cities.
– 303 words –

Bài viết của IELTS Vietop cho đề thi ngày 11/10/2014
Today more and more people are using mobile phone and computer. Thus, the
communication ability is losing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people believe that the more people use technological gadgets like mobile phones
and computers, the worse human communication ability will become. From my standpoint, I
agree with this statement based on two main grounds which will be explained in this essay.
With the advancement of technology, mobile phones and tablets do not stop at being just a
means to communicate at far distance. It has actually become more or less an indispensable
part of the lives of many people. Smart phones and laptops these days usually come ready

with a dozen of applications and games pre-installed. However, what is dangerous here is
that those games and social media applications are highly addictive to an extent that people
would prefer spending time with their phones than socialising with other human beings.
Moreover, ever since the internet became available on portable electronic devices, it has
taken even more time out of each person’s day. Long gone is the time when people had to
reach out to each other to exchange information verbally. The society is more likely to move
toward a time of more interaction with technology. On a global scale, there is a reportedly
higher number of people being diagnosed with depression, partially due to lack of social
interaction and excessive time spent on online social media and games. Thus, as humans
are losing out on the practice of face-to-face conversation, the likelihood of deteriorating
communication skills is greater.
In conclusion, I am of the belief that too much time and attention spent on them could lead to
humans’ losing grip of basic communication skills. It is high time that people be cautious
when it comes to using those devices now that they are aware of its possible downside
290 words
Bài viết của IELTS Vietop cho đề thi ngày 17/01/2015
Some people think that there should be strict controls about noise while others believe they
could just make as much noise as they want. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
When it comes to noises, some people think that rigid policy should be implemented to keep
the noises to a minimum. Others argue that it is within their ability to make as much noise as
they want. Personally, while the latter opinion has certain points that are worth discussing, I
agree with the former idea.
There are several reasons why noise should not be limited. Firstly, it is understandable that
making noise is a part of our life as everything in life may create noise pollutions from
household appliances to a construction site. In today’s society, noise from cultural and social
events are virtually unavoidable in some circumstances. Secondly, the development of
noise-proof technology has enabled people to make noises without worrying about affecting
others. Houses and offices with noise-proof wall will prevent people from suffering noise

problems. Therefore, noise is no longer a critical issue.
Despite the above arguments, many evidences confirm that noise should be controlled
tightly. Especially for those who live in terraced houses or small neighbourhood, sounds from
social events and television can easily travel through the shared walls. If this occurs on a
frequent basis, noise-sensitive people may find it harder to fall asleep and concentrate when
they need to work or study. One thing to note is that chronic lack of sleep could actually lead
to fatigue and decreased mental well-being. Even more seriously, this could lead to hearing
loss to some degree. Thus, it is suggested that preventive step such as having stricter law on
maintaining acceptable level and volume of noises should be approved to avoid the
undesired consequences mentioned above.
In conclusion, even though noise is sometimes not a big problem, i am of the opinion that
strict supervision of local authorities is necessary to keep the noises in control in order to
maintain the well-being of the residents in general.
-335 words-
1. Do you like to talk with your parents?
I find it difficult to talk with them at least now. My parents just try to convince me to
follow their footsteps, becoming a businessman and woman that could run in the
family, but I dream of being an educator. So, this “serious” topic has become so hot
every time we talk but I often get bored and find the way to leave it.

2. What don’t you like about your brother or sister?
What I don’t like about my sister is that she always let herself getting into trouble at
school like staying out late or

just being lazy. So that makes my poor mother and I have to try to turn a blind eye to
some of her behavior, but it wasn’t easy.

3. Would you say that your family affects your life very much?
I’d like to say that no one could influence as strongly on my life as my father, an

businessman. I followed his footsteps and joined him on the family company. He
enjoys showing me the ropes that’ll helps a lot when I’m going to run my own
ã có bài vi t cho thi IELTS ngày 27/9/2014Đ ế đề
In recent years, more and more people tend to live individually. What are the causes of this
trend? Does this have a positive or negative effect on society?
ây là Brainstorming c a IELTS VietopĐ ủ
+ The rising of democracy -> value human rights -> Individualism: more and more people
value their privacy and freedom -> people often feel liberated when they can do whatever
they want without being judged or confined any standards or house rules -> teenagers
reaching the age of 18 in Western countries move out to live on their own as a sign of
growing up.
+ Originally, this was only the tradition in the West, however, it has started to be adopted by
Eastern countries mainly as a result of globalisation.
+ Benefits: learn to be financially independent and prove to be an essential learning curve for
young adults -> this requires determination, grit and ability to hold strong resistance towards
many temptations in life -> good guidance and support from experienced people parents and
mentors play an important role in shaping the success of young generation. Unfortunately,
when living alone on their own => The youth can get involved in drug and addictive
substances to match with their friends’ levels while being clueless about its consequences
over their later lives -> higher rate of juvenile crimes has also been reported ever since the
trend became popular => pressure for the authorities to contain the problems
nh n c bài vi t m u. Các b n l i email comment nhéĐể ậ đượ ế ẫ ạ để ạ ở
Bi u t ng c m xúc winkể ượ ả
1 bài vi t c a IELTS Vietop cho thi ngày 14/5/2014 - Xa l c xa lế ủ đề ắ ơ
Bi u t ng c m xúc ể ư ợ ả
Chúc các b n h c t t nhéạ ọ ố

Bi u t ng c m xúc winkể ượ ả

P/s: ón xem các l p s p khai gi ng t i Pin PostĐ ớ ắ ả ạ
Bi u t ng c m xúc smileể ượ ả
“Some children can learn more efficiently by watching TV. Therefore, children should watch
TV regularly both in school and at home? To what extent do you agree or disagree?”
Sitting in front of the screen may not sound educational, however, thanks to technological
development, people can enjoy unlimited range of informative TV programmes. it is
sometimes argued that watching TV on a regular basis in school and at home can actually
stimulate pupils to learn more. Personally, I strongly agree with this statement.
Firstly, the modern television set can offer a vast number of channels, such ABC or
Discovery, which are designed to actually educate their audience in the most appropriate
way.Thus, such useful channels would be good options for children education purposes in
kindergartens and primary schools. In addition, watching TV in school can potentially
stimulate students’ desire to attend classes, as this type of activity is less overwhelming than
perusing the textbooks.
Secondly, having TV at home can be even a better substitute to a personal computer,
because it only delivers the material to grasp, while the computer requires involvement,
which can be dangerously addictive. In other words, the television by itself cannot offer more
than the visual information, therefore, children are not able to play games. In addition, the
parental control system on TV is more developed compared to the one on the computer.
Nowadays parents can actually select the subscribed channels so that their offspring are not
exposed to useless soap operas, for example.
In conclusion, watching TV in school and at home has its clear benefits and thus would be a
new potential measure for children education. By watching appropriate channels on TV,
children could help themselves develop both emotionally and mentally.
Bài vi t cho thi ngày 10/7/2014 t i Vi t Nam, t i nay ad s g i bài kèm brainstorming và ế đề ạ ệ ố ẽ ở
phân tích cho các b n ã comment hôm b a nhé. Sorry các b n, do công vi c t xu t mà ạ đ ữ ạ ệ độ ấ
hôm nay ad m i g i c!ớ ở đượ

"Some countries achieve international sports by building specialised facilities to train top
athletes, instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think this is
positive or negative development?"
Nowadays, international sports games have become a playing field for national sports
industry to showcase their best talents and bring home positive publicity and admiration.
Thus, some countries are willing to invest heavily in building specialized training complex to
up skill their athletes, instead of fitness facilities for the public use. While I personally think
this is a positive development, it also has some drawbacks that are worth discussing.
As mentioned above, the main reason for this trend is almost any country wants to be
recognized for their sports industry. The only way to do that is to offer elite sports players
high-class training areas including modern equipment monitoring athletes’ physical states.
Another advantage of having domestic facilities is that government can reduce the cost of
sending the athletes team for abroad coaching. For example, Australia has long been well
known for its gold medal swimming team due to their internally developed method of training
and sufficient investment in infrastructures. Moreover, this trend of development may have a
positive impact on younger generations whom, in turn, will be more likely to choose sports
professions, contributing to the booming of national sports industry in many years to come.
However, having said that, these training stadiums usually take up enormous cost of capital
and limited spaces that would have otherwise been used to build public sports areas. As a
result, people will have fewer places to go for exercises and play their favourite common
sport such as badminton or swimming. Even when local gym and fitness centres are built in
some suburbs, it is not always accessible to people who are not from well-off background.
This may unfortunately increase chances of people leading a sedentary lifestyle which is
totally against the active lifestyle that sports is trying to promote.
In conclusion, I believe that the benefits of building specialized training centres for top
athletes clearly outweigh the minor drawbacks on the general well-being of the public. It is
suggested that a balancing act is required from the authorities to minimize the potential
drawbacks of the issue.
M t bài vi t cho thi ngày 28/6 c a m t b n h c viên t i IELTS Vietop:ộ ế đề ủ ộ ạ ọ ạ
Due to increasing world demands for oil and gas energy, people need to look for new

sources of energy in remote and untouched natural places.
Do advantages of locating these sources outweigh disadvantages damaging such places?
With increasing demand for energy coming from oil and gas, countries from over the world
are looking for alternative sources of energy in natural places that still remain intact. I am of
the view that this act carries more disadvantages than advantages when the expenditure and
the potential impacts on natural wildlife are being considered.
First of all, in order to locate new oil and gas reserves, a lot of research and developments
have to be carried out for an extensive period of time. This means that a big amount of
money has to be invested in these projects. Apparently, many people are against it on the
basis that they think the cost would have been better spent to assist third world countries to
tackle famine and infectious diseases. Moreover, from a cost effective point of view, the
expenditure of attempting to find new deposits of fossil fuels will be significantly reduced if
renewable energy such as solar or wind power is considered to be a substitute for oil and
gas to meet the energy demand.
Another serious issue caused by this act is the potential threat posed to natural habitats.
Normally, resources are deposited deep in the earth in far off places that are often homes to
many wildlife species. Thus, when people try to explore and extract resources from those
places, they inadvertently disrupt and damage the wildlife habitats there. In fact, numerous
species have been on the edge of extinction since they have lost their homes to this kind of
human activities. This has certainly raised the alarm in the wider community about the
biodiversity and sustainability of the Earth ecosystem.
In conclusion, while there are still multiple reasons as to why people should not try to find
new sources of energy in remote and intact natural places, the aforementioned reasons are
just the most convincing rationale in my opinion. It is highly recommended for countries to
contemplate using renewable energy so as to avoid unnecessary drawbacks from looking for
new oil and gas reserves.
Bài vi t này r t hay v t v ng, grammar. Tuy nhiên, có ch v n còn ch a hay. Theo c nhàế ấ ề ừ ự ỗ ẫ ư ả
i m ch a hay ó là gì?đ ể ư đ
An increasing number of people are changing their careers.

What are the reasons? Do you think this is a positive or negative development to society?"
While the majority of people are often satisfied with what they are doing for a living, there is a
rising trend of others changing their careers at some points in their lives. In my view, this kind
of development should be looked at in a positive light owing to its potential contribution to
decrease the unemployment rate.
First of all, it is worth starting from the outset by examining the rationale behind this
increasing trend. It is quite obvious that when it comes to personal preferences, they tend to
change over time. The same logic also goes to career choices meaning people can change
their jobs at any time irrespective of whether external factors play a role in their decisions. In
most cases, people will probably think of a career change once they have experienced and
learned all the necessary skills they need to know in the job. However, dissatisfaction with
the working environment may also be another reason making people quit their original
Such drastic decision poses fear and uncertainties to many people as they may suffer from a
long jobless period. However, on the bright side of thing, this trend may result in many job
vacancies within a particular sector giving great chances to graduates or anyone who wants
to set foot into the industry. Thus, it may help reduce youth unemployment and improve a
country’s economy generally. Moreover, a recent study has shown that those who switch
their professions may lead a more fulfilled and happier life after finding another career path
that truly suits them.
In conclusion, following the argument above, I would like to reaffirm my position that this
trend of development is indeed a positive one. It is expected that with many people changing
careers for their own good, the mental wellbeing of the society will be significantly improved.
(314 WORDS)
• Career = job = profession
• Change = switch
• Collocation/ Idioms:
o Set foot into = begin to enter
o On the bright side of thing
o Irrespective of = Regardless of

o Do for a living
o For your own good = to the benefits or advantages of yourself
Có khá nhi u s t i thi Ielts hay l m d ng t "Nowadays" m u cho o n Introduction,ề ĩ ử đ ạ ụ ừ để ở đầ đ ạ
v y chúng ta có th thay th c m t quá chi common này b ng nh ng c m nào nh ?ậ ể ế ụ ừ ằ ữ ụ ỉ
1) Adverbs for time b t u Intro thay th cho Nowadaysắ đầ ế
• Every four years,
• In the present age,
• We live in a changing world
• In the globalization process
,• In the last decade,
• Today’s world
• It is an obvious fact that
• There is no doubt that
• The question is whether to
• In today's modern world,
• In the current society, it is universally believed
D i ây là m t s g i ý vi t ti p câu Thesis statement nhé:ướ đ ộ ố ợ để ế ế
2) câu vi t thesis statementế
• There is some debate about whether such
• The issue of is an emotive one because both tend to hold strong views
• Whilst I believe that there are strong arguments on both sides, I would suggest that
• some people think that while others are of the opinion that
• I agree that for several reasons
• Some people argue that However, I feel the question is not whether
• It is probably true to say that I think this is true
• I believe that following has both advantages as well as serious drawbacks as
discussed below• It is undeniable to say that has resulted in both positive and

negative effects which must be addressed accordingly.
• The bases for my views are
Xem b n d chả ị
BÀI VIẾT CHO ĐỀ 09/05/15
Developments in technology have brought various environmental problems.
Some believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental
problems. Others, however, believe technology is the way to solve these
problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


It is true that technological advances have had negative impacts on the
environment. While living simple lives is considered as a key solution to address
environmental issues, I would argue that technology can be the answer to tackle
these problems.

On the one hand, it is believed that enjoying life with the use of less sophisticated
technology could reduce negative effects of this on the environment. Firstly,
restricting the overuse of high-tech equipment which consumes electricity could
develop a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. For example, the high level of
greenhouse gases emissions which mostly stem from a significant increase in the
use of electric devices including air – conditioners, water heaters and TV -could
be controlled if users reduce/limit their dependence on them. Secondly, instead
of chemical fertilizer, it is more beneficial for the environment if farmers use
organic manure. Despite the fact that chemicals after being processed by
machinery could be convenient and easy to stimulate plants to grow, they could
pollute not only soil but also water and air.

On the other hand, I believe that technological achievements play pivotal roles in

environmental protection. Firstly, technology can generate electricity from
alternative resources, which raises the prospect of a renewable energy era. If solar
energy, wind and wave power are all developed, people will be able to halt the
consumption of electricity produced from non-renewable resources including
coal and fuel. Secondly, thanks to technological innovations, people can take
advantage of their accomplishments to apply them in manufacturing processes in
industry to minimize irreparable damage. For instance, waste treatment systems
can deal with the problems of water pollution.

In conclusion, although living simpler lives probably resolves environmental
degradation, it seems to me that developments in technology can greatly
contribute to figure out possible solutions for this.

295 words

Phiên bản khác ngắn gọn hơn:

It is true that certain advances in technology have had negative impacts on the
environment. While there are strong arguments that some environmental
problems should be tackled by adopting simpler lifestyles, I believe that the
solutions lie in technologies that have been, and are being, developed.

On the one hand, enjoying life with less sophisticated technology means that we
inflict less damage on the ecosystems on which all living things depend. Firstly,
we consume energy through overuse of devices such as air-conditioning, water
heaters and the private car. If we decrease our energy consumption, we will
reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, but this will certainly involve enjoying
simpler lives. Secondly, organic farmers do not pollute the water or the soil
which results from the application of chemical fertilisers and weedkillers. They
encourage a diversity of plants and wildlife on their farms.

On the other hand, I agree with those who argue that technological
achievements play a pivotal role in environmental protection. One reason is that
the use of renewable energy sources is already starting to grow. This raises the
prospect of decreasing dependence on fossil fuels, cleaner air and the reversal of
the trend of global warming. Countries such as Japan are leading the way, for
example, in developing more eco-friendly cars, buses and lorries. Another reason
is that cleaner technologies, such as waste treatment, are being introduced into
many industries, and technology is enabling plastics and other products to be

In conclusion, although living simpler lives can certainly help in tackling
environmental problems, it seems to me that advances in technology are already
providing many solutions and this trend will gather pace in the future.

278 words.
(Có 2 phiên bản vì các bài viết này
BÀI CHỮA CHO ĐỀ 08/11/2014 (CHỦ ĐỀ
Some people believe that a crime is a result of social problems and poverty,
others think that crime is a result of bad person’s nature. Discuss both views and
give your opinion

It is generally believed that inborn characteristics are the reasons leading to
criminal problems. However, I would argue that a [1] crime is an undeniable
consequence of social issues and poverty.

There is a belief that a criminal is the result of a person's nature. Firstly, a person

who is cruel easily commits a crime. In particular, a small child bullying other boys
or girls at school is more likely to commit murder or have take violent actions in
years to come. Secondly, bad characteristics including laziness and selfishness
could also build up breed [2] future offenders. It cannot be denied that a number
of youngsters, instead of working to earn a living, choose to steal from other
people. It seems that people who are born with an inborn negative nature are
likely to be accused of [3] crimes.

Nevertheless, it seems to me that social issues and poverty are primary reasons
behind a [1] crime. First and foremost, problems in society could lead to an
increasing number of crimes. For example, unemployment pushes an array of
people to work illegally to earn their livings. As a consequence, the number of
offenders has climbed in recent years. Furthermore, the situation of poverty is
also claimed to be one of the main reasons leading to unlawful problems [4]
criminal acts. It is undeniable that if their standard of living cannot allow people
to meet basic needs, they would will do pursue [5] illegal activities to make
money so that they could support their family. Consequently, criminal issues
would become increasingly serious.

In conclusion, while a number of people think that a person's nature is the
primary cause of crimes, I would argue that they are the results of social issues
and poverty.

Written by An an (lớp t9/2014)

1.‘Crime’ is an important noun which has countable and uncountable uses. In this
sentence, you use it to refer to illegal activity in general. This is an uncountable
use, so delete ‘a’. You will see from the dictionary reference that the activity is
uncountable, but an act or action that is illegal is a crime = countable.
See: />q=crime

2.I have suggested a change to vocabulary here. We ‘build up’ some
characteristics or skills:
/>q=build+up However, see number 3 in this reference:
3.I think that ‘ likely to commit crimes’ expresses your idea accurately

4.You mean here: ‘ leading to criminal acts’ or ‘ leading to lawbreaking’.
See: />q=lawbreaking

5.This is another vocabulary suggestion. The word combination ‘do activities’ is
not often used in English.

Bài nhận xét và cho điểm (Mình không phải là giám khảo nên điểm số cho
chỉ mang tính chất giúp mọi người tham khảo)

Task Response:
Bài viết đã thảo luận được 2 quan điểm và đưa ra quan điểm bản thân xuyên suốt
cả bài (ở phần mở bài, thân bài, kết luận). Đoạn 2 đưa ra 2 lý do "why some
people think that those who have a bad nature commit crime". Đã giải thích và
đưa ví dụ minh họa cụ thể. Ý "It seems that people who are born with an inborn
negative nature are likely to be accused of crimes." -> hơi cực đoan, xem sửa lại ở
bài viết dưới
Đoạn 3 thảo luận "unemployment and the related reason, poverty, are the main
causes of crime" cũng đã đưa được giải thích cụ thể -> Band 7.5~8.0

Coherence and cohesion:
Mở bài, thân bài, kết luận liên kết với nhau rất tốt. Câu topic sentence đã kết nối
được với mở bài, kết luận. Ngoài ra còn nêu được ý trung tâm của mỗi đoạn văn.
"Firstly/Secondly/First and foremost/Furthermore" giúp giám khảo dễ dàng thấy

được các ý hỗ trợ trong từng đoạn văn. Ngoài ra còn có thêm một số từ nối giúp
giải thích các ý tốt hơn "In particular/As a consequence/Consequently". "It cannot
be denied and It is undeniable " -> hơi bị lặp từ -> bỏ đi hoặc thay bằng "it is
clear that "-> Band 7.5~8.0

Lexical resource:
Từ vựng về chủ đề crime có thể tham khảo ở đây:
/>Từ vựng đa phần dùng chính xác và phù hợp với ngữ cảnh -> band 7.5

Grammatical range and accuracy:
Bài viết đơn giản nhưng không có lỗi sai ngữ pháp. Các cấu trúc sử dụng đa dạng
và phù hợp -> band 8.0

Bài viết lại. Đa phân nâng cấp về topic vocabulary

Many people consider that innate characteristics are responsible for the fact that
some people choose to turn to a career of crime. However, I would argue that
crime is a consequence of social issues and poverty.

There is a belief that a person’s nature determines whether or not they become a
criminal. Firstly, they argue that an individual who is cruel turns to crime more
easily than a kind person. For instance, a child bullying other boys or girls at
school may turn into a violent criminal in the future. Secondly, bad
characteristics such as laziness or selfishness could also breed future offenders,
who seek to acquire easy money without working for it. A number of youngsters
choose to steal from others, instead of working hard to make an honest living.
These are strong reasons for thinking that those who have an inborn bad nature
are more likely to break the law.

Nevertheless, it seems to me that social issues and poverty are the main causes

behind crime. There are many problems in society which might lead to an
increase in the crime rate. For example, unemployment pushes people
intoresorting to crime because they simply cannot find a job. As a
consequence, the number of offenders has climbed in many countries over recent
decades. Another reason is that, more broadly, poverty in general leads to a rise
in crime. If people do not have enough money to make ends meet, they will be
tempted to pursue illegal activities just to support themselves and their families.

In conclusion, while a number of people think that a person's nature is the
primary cause of crimes, I would argue that they are the results of social issues
and poverty.

Written by Ngoc Bach
291 words
Cách viết Introduction trong IELTS Writing
task 2
Phần Introduction trong IELTS Writing task 2 sẽ cần 2 câu:
1. Giới thiệu topic của bài (viết bằng cách paraphrase lại câu đề bài)
2. Trả lời câu hỏi đề bài một cách chung chung (Có 5 dạng chính khi thi
ielts task 2: Opinion, Discuss, Discuss + opinion, Problems + Solutions, 2-
part question. Với mỗi dạng ta có 1 template trả lời cho phần này riêng).
Lời khuyên khi viết Introduction của task 2:
1. Viết nhanh, ngắn gọn. Lưu ý là phần thân bài mới quan trọng và cần
dành thời gian nhiều, không phải Introduction.
2. Không để dành bất cứ quan điểm nào vào phần kết luận. Nếu đề bài
hỏi quan điểm bản thân -> viết ngay ở phần introduction

Cùng quan sát các ví dụ sau và xem cách thầy Simon trả lời cho từng dạng

câu hỏi.

Quan điểm “hoàn toàn”

Ex1: Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work
in their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit
both the individual teenager and society as a whole.
Do you agree or disagree?
Many young people work on a volunteer basis, and this can only be beneficial for
both the individual and society as a whole. However, I do not agree that we
should therefore force all teenagers to do unpaid work.
Ex 2: Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and historical
attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
It is sometimes argued that tourists from overseas should be charged more than
local residents to visit important sites and monuments. I completely disagree
with this idea.

Quan điểm “một phần”

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