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Unit 9 - English 9

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Preparing: 26/3/10
Teaching: 9B……….
Unit 9 - Natural disasters
Period 56- Getting started + Listen and read
I. Objectives:
1. Aims: Help student practic listening and reading a dialogue for detail information about
the weather forecast, understand the information in a weather forecast
2. Contents: - Vocabs: snowstorm, earthquake, vocanol, typhun
- Structure: future simple to predict
Eg: Hanoi will have temperatures between….
It will be raining along the coast of ….
The south - central coast can expect thunderstorms
- Skills: listen, read, …
II. Teaching aids: book, lesson plan, cassette, a sub-board
III. Procedures
1. Warm up ( A. Getting started)
- Ask student to recall names of natural
disaters they've learnt
(typhun, snowstorm, flood, earthquake,
vocanol, draught)
- Guide student to read loudly
- Ask student to look at the pictures and
P1. it's snowing heavily
P2. Many houses have collapsed
P3. The vocanol is erupting
P4. The wind is blowing vioently. It's
raining heavily
- Ask student to match the pictures to the
correct words
- Call some to do on the board and some

- Remark and correct
- Ask them to read loudly
A. Getting started
1. Snowingstorm
2. earthquake
3. vocanol
4. typhoon
2. Preparation ( Listen and read)
- Explain the dialogue and give out some
? Why does Thuy's grandmother ask her to
turn up the volume on TV?
- Call some to answer (can answer in
(Because she wants to listen to the weather
- Let student listen to the tape
- Explain some new words
- Guide student to read in chorus and
B. Listen and read
1. New word
- weather forecast: dù b¸o thêi tiÕt
- coast (n): bê biÓn
- thunderstorm (n): sÊm
- (to) trust : giao phã, tin cËy, tÝn nhiÖm
- in case: trong trêng hîp
- Areas to the north: c¸c tØnh B¾c bé
- The south-central coast: Bê biÓn nam

trung bé
- The central highlands: Cao nguyªn miÒn
- Explain prediction structure
- Guide student to read
- Ask student to make similar examples
- Call some to read loudly
- Remark and correct
- the Cuu Long Delta: khu vùc §B SCL
2. Structure
Future simple (Will/ Can expect)
Hanoi will have temperatures between….

It will be raining along the coast of ….

The south - central coast can expect
3. Practice
- Ask student to listen the tape once more
then read the dialogue
- Ask student to work in groups
- Call some groups to read before class
- Remark and correct spelling mistake (as
- Explain the request of the lesson
- Ask sts to read the sentences and find the
missing words from the dialogue to fill in
- Ask sts to exchange the answer with

- Call some to write the answer on the
board and some to answer in the class
- Remark and correct

3. Practice
a) Practice the dialogue in a group three
b) Fill in the gaps
1. turn up, weather forecast
2. rainy
3. central highlands
4. have temperatures
5. weather forecast, watching them
4. Production
- Ask student to speak the weather forecast
1. Lao Cai / 26- 29
2. The west-north / be/ rain
3. The Cuu Long Delta/ thunderstorm
- Call some to speak before class
- Remark and correct
5. Homework
- Learn by heart the lesson
- Write the weather prediction (3 sentences)
- Prepare the next period (57 - Speak)
Preparing: 28/3/10
Teaching: 9B
Unit 9 - Natural disasters
Period 57- Speak+ Listen
I. Objectives:
1. Aims: Practice speaking about preparations made for a typhoon

Practice listening for specific information
Get to know some ideas on how to live with earthquake
2. Contents: - Vocabs:
- Structure:

3.Skills: speaking, agreeing, disagreeing ,.
II. Teaching aids: book, lesson plan, a sub-board
III. Procedures
1. Warm up
- Checking the old lesson
- Call some to write weather prediction about Yen Bai, Lao Cai, Van Ban
- Call some to write new words/ read the dialogue
- Remark and correct
2. Presentation
* Pre
- Explain the lesson
- Explain some new words
- Guide student to read in chorus and
- Review prediction structure
* While
- Ask student to read the list and work in
pairs to check what preparations should be
made for a typhoon
- Ask to exchange their choice with others
- Ask some questions
? Do you buy some canned?
? Do you paint your house?
- Call some to answer and explain

- Remark and correct
- Explain how to do exercise
- Ask them to read the example on page 77
- Guide student to use agreeing or
disagreeing to speak
- Call some to speak before class
- Remark and correct
A. Speak
1. New word
- canned food (n): đồ ăn đợc đóng hộp
- bucket (n): cái xô đựng nớc
- fix the leak (v): sửa lỗ giò rỉ
- roof (n): mái nhà
- peg (n): đinh, ghim
- door latch (n): khuy khoá cửa
- power cut (n): mất điện
- available (a): có sẵn
- damage (v): h hại, phá huỷ
- candle (n): nến
-just in case: phòng hờ, lỡ có khi cần
2. Structure
will/ may/must/ can
a) Check (v) what preparations
Buying some canned food
Buying candles
Buying matches
Filling all buckets with water
Buying a ladder
Fixing the leak in the roof
Tying the roof to the ground with pegs an

Checking all the windows and door
b) Talk about what you think you want to
buy and do to prepare for a typhoon
A: I think we should buy some candles and
matches before a typhoon
B: Yes. I agree with you. Because there
may be a power cut when the wind is strong
A: I think we should tie the roof to the
ground with pegs and ropes
B: Just in case big trees may fall down.
Because there must be strong wind blowing
A: I think we should fill all the buckets with
B: what for?
A: It's necessary because the water pipes
* Post
- Ask student to play repetition drill
" If the statements are true sts will repeat
and false sts will stay silent"
1. We should buy some candles
2. We should buy a ladder
Sts will be punished if have wrong answer
* Pre - listening

- Explain the request of the lesson
- Ask sts to look at the table then explain
some new words
- Guide student to read in chorus and
* While - speaking
We will hear an expert talking about living
with earthquakes. He will give us advice
on what we should do before or during the
- Ask some questions before listening
? Where should you place your heavy
? Are there any mirrors in your bathroom
and bedroom? What do you do with them?
? What will you do during earthquake?
( They can answer in Vietnamese)
- Ask sts to listen and complete the table
- Play the tape 3 or 4 times
- Ask sts to do then exchange with others
? Ask some questions about the listen
? Where do you place your book?
? What do you block the roller on?
? What do you check in the bathroom and
? Where do you stay/sit/stand?
- Call some to answer
- Ask three to go to the board and do
- Ask sts to remark

- Remark and play the tape again, stop at
each answer
* Post - listening
- Ask sts to work in groups to write their
preparations on how to live with
? What should you prepare before an
- Call some to read before class
- Remark and correct as if
may be damaged by the typhoon
B. Listen
1. New word
- fixture (n): đồ đạc
- block (n): làm trở ngại
- zone (n): khu vực
- roller (n): con quay
- hanging potted plant : chậu hoa treo
- container (n):c thùng chứa
- doorway (n): ô cửa
2. Listen then complete the table
1. bottom shelf of the bookself
2. fridge
3. washing machine
4. mirrors
5. a window
6. inside
7. a strong table
8. doorway
9. corner of the room

4. Homework
- Learn by heart the lesson
- Write what you should do to prepare a typhoon
- Prepare the next period P58 - Reading
* Tapescipt
If you live in an earthquake zone, you should take some time to look around your
house. Place heavy books on the bottom shelf of your bookselves. Blocks the roolers on
your fridge and washing machine to prevent them from moving. Put hanging potted plants
in plastic containers. Check the mirrors in your bathroom and bedroom. Make sure they
can't move. Don't put your bed next to a window
Planning where you are going to be during an earthquake is very important. The
first thing to remember is to stay inside. Then you should sit under a strong table or
doorway, or stand in the corner of the room
Preparing 1/4/10
Teaching: 9B
Unit 9 - Natural disasters
Period 59- Read
I. Objectives:
1. Aims: reading for main ideas and specific information on some common disasters such
as earthquake, tidalwaves, typhoons,
2. Contents: - Vocabs: pacific rim, collapse, abrupt, Shift.
- Structure:

- Skills: reading, pảiỏk, .
II. Teaching aids: book, lesson plan, a sub-board
III. Procedures
1. Warm up
- Ask student to list out the natural disasters
- Call two sts to write on the board

- Remark and correct
2. Pre - reading
- Explain the request of the lesson
- Ask student to look at the pictures and
- Explain some new word
- Guide student to read in chorus and
- Call some to read before class
- Review structure
1. New word
- strike (v):va mạnh, đổ ập xuống
- suck up (v): hút
- funnel-shaped (a): hình cái phễu
- abrupt :bất ngờ, thình lình
- shift :di chuyển, thay đổi
2. Structure
* Relative pronouns
who: dùng thay thế cho chủ từ - ngời
whom: thay thế cho túc từ - ngời
which: thay thế cho chủ từ và túc từ - vật
when: thay thế cho thời gian
where: thay thế cho nơi chốn
that: thay thế cho tất cả các chữ trên (có 2
ngoại lệ)
whose: thay thế cho sở hữu ngời và vật
- Using a sub-board to explain the
differences between Defining and non-
defining clauses

- Give out some examples
- Guide to read in chorus
- Ask sts to make some more examples at
of which: thay thế cho sở hữu vật
why: thay thế cho lí do (reason/cause)
* Relative clause
Definite and non-definite
Defining Non-defining
Cần nghĩa của cả câu
Không có dấu phẩy
Who, whom, which/
that, of which/ whose
Không cần ý nghĩa của
cả câu
Cung cấp thêm thông
Có dấu phẩy
Who, whom, which,
Eg1: I can't find the book that I was reading
(I không thể tìm thấy quyể sách mà I đã )
Eg2: Jones, who was injured, left the field
(Jones, ngời đã bị thơng, đã rời khỏi sân)
who was injured: MĐ tính ngữ cung cấp
thêm thông tin
3. While - reading
- Explain the request of the lesson ]
- Ask sts to read the reading and do part a)
- Ask them to exchange with others

- Call some to read the answer
- Remark and correct
- Ask sts to read the text again then do part
- Ask them to exchange with others
- Call 6 sts to write on the board and others
read in class
- Ask to remark and correct
- Give out the correct answer
a) True / False statements
1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.T
b) Complete the sentences
1. occur around th Pacific Rim
2. people were killed when homes and
office block and highways collapsed
3. there is an abrupt shift in the
underwater movement of the earth
4. cyclone
5. the meaning of the word " typhoon"
4. Post - reading
- Devide class into 5 groups and talk about
each disaster
- Call sts to speak before class
- Remark and correct as if
5. Homework
- Learn by heart the lesson
- Redo ex in ex.book
- Prepare the next period P 59 - Write
Preparing 2/4/10
Teaching: 9B

Unit 9 - Natural disasters
Period 59 - Write
I. Objectives:
1. Aims: writing a short story by using guided information and pictures
2. Contents: - Vocabs: circle, shelter, scared, behave, suddenly
- Structure: past simple and past progressive

- Skills: writing, ….
II. Teaching aids: book, lesson plan, a sub-board
III. Procedures
1. Warm up
- Ask some questions to lead into the new lesson
- Have you ever written a story?
- How long did you take to write it?
- Did you write it in Vietnamese or English?
- Call some to answer before class
2. Pre - Writing
- Explain the request of the lesson
- Explain some new words
- Guide sts to read in chorus and
- Review structure
- Ask sts to recall
- Explain how to use again
- Ask sts to look at the pictures and ask
then answer
- Guide some questions
P1. Who is she? What is she doing?
What's the weather like?

P2. What's wrong with the dog?
Is he behave strangely?
What do you think is going to happen?
P3. Who is in the picture with Lan?
What does she say?
P4. What is happening?
Where are Lan's family members?
P5. Is thee wind strong?
What's the weather like?
P6. What do you see in the picture?
What are Lan and her parents doing
Does the weather come good again?
- Call some to answer and give outline of
the story
- Ask sts to turn bake on p 79 and study
the outline of the story with the guides
1. New word
- Circle (n): vßng trßn
- shelter (n): n¬i Èn n¸u
- scared (a): sî h·i
- behave (v): c xö
- suddenly (adv): bçng nhiªn
2. Structure
* Past simple
- Regular verbs (V + ed)
- Irregular verbs (Learn by heart)
* Past progressive (was/ were + Ving)
3. While - writing

- Ask sts to write the story individually 3. Practice
(You can change and add more details to
the story to make it more interesting)
- Go around to guide writing
- Ask them to compare with others
Sugesting writing
It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining,
the sky was blue and the weather was
perfect. Lan was outside playing with her
dog, Skippy. All of a sudden, the dog
behaving strangely. She kept running
around in circles, (and didn't seem to be
herself). Lan ran home with the dog to tell
her mother what Skippy was doing. Lan's
mother, Mrs Quyen told Lan that she heard
on TV that there was a typhoon coming.
Mrs Quyen gathered her family to find
shelter in the house.
Suddenly, the sky became very dark. The
storm came with strong winds and heavy
rain. Mrs Quyen and her family were
scared, but soon the storm finished and
everyone was glad. What a clever dog
Skippy is. She saved Lan from being caught
in the typhoon.
4. Post - writing
- Call some to read their writings
- Remark and correct as if
5. Homework

- Learn by heart the lesson
- Rewrite the writing in Ex.book
- Prepare the next period P60 - Languague focus
Preparing 4/4/10
Teaching: 9B
Unit 9 - Natural disasters
Period 60 - Languague focus
I. Objectives:
1. Aims: practicing with relative pronouns and
Identifying defining and non-defining clauses
2. Contents: - Vocabs:
- Structure: defining and non-defining clauses
- Skills: writing, speaking, ….
II. Teaching aids: book, lesson plan, a sub-board
III. Procedures
1. Warm up
- Ask two sts to list out the relative pronouns and read aloud
- Remark and correct
2. Preparation
- Explain the request of the lesson
- Explain some new words
1. New word
- horn (n): sõng
- snout (n): mâm (®éng vËt)
- Guide sts to read in chorus and
- Call some to read aloud before class
- Review structure
- Give out examples to explain

(which/that was struck by a huge
earthquake in 1995 xác định cho danh từ
cityvà có thể thay which = that)
(which is in south-east Asia: Mđề này đợc
tách ra khỏi các thành phần khác của câu
bằng hai dấu phẩy - nếu ở giữa câu và một
dấu phẩy- nếu ở cuối câu. MĐ này bổ sung
thêm thông tin và không xác định cho
danh từ hoặc thành phần của câu đứng trớc
và không thể thay which = that)
- Ask sts to take note and remember
- Ask sts to work in groups to answer Ex1
( Can answer in Vietnamese)
- Write the answers on the board
- Guide/ Elicit (as if)
- Rhinoceros (n): tê giác
- swallow (v): nuốt
- chew (v): nhai
- ancient (a): cổ, cũ
- extensive (a):rộng, đa dạng
- tail (n): đuôi

2. Structure
* Relative clauses
- Defining relative clause
Eg: The city which/that was struck by a
huge earthquake in 1995 is Kobe
- Non-defining relative clause
Eg: Viet Nam, which is in south-east Asia,
export rice

3/ Practice
- Explain the request of Ex then ask them
to work in pairs to do using defining
relative clause
- Call some pairs to ask and answer before
- Remark and correct
- Explain the request of EX2
- Ask sts to work in pairs to match each of
the sentences in column A with a related
sentences in column B. Use a suitable
relative pronouns to join the sentences
a) the city which was struck by a huge
earthquake in 1995 is Kobe
b) the country which won the 1998 Tiger
Cup is Singapore
c) The animal which has one or two horns
on its snout is rhinoceros
d) The explorer who discovered America is
Christopher Columbus
e) The planet which is closest to the earth is
f) The animal which was chosen to be the
logo of SEA Games 2003 is the buffalo
g) The ASEAN country which is divided
into two regions by the sea is Malaysia
h) The food which you can can chew but
you cannot swallow is the chewing gum;
and the thing you can swallow but you

cannot chew is water
1-e: Andrewis flying to Sacramento, which
is the capital city of California
2-g: It snowed in Lang Son, which is on the
Ky Cung River, in the winter of 2002
3-f: Pompeii, which is an ancient city of
Italy, was completelydestroyed in A.D
79 by an eruptionof Mount Vesuvius
4-a: Hurrican Andrew, which swept through
southern Florida in August 1992, killed
41 people and made more than 200,000
- Call some to do before class and some
write on the board
- Remark and correct
- Ask sts to identify defining and non-
defining relative clause
- Explain the request of the lesson
- Ask sts to work in pairs to do exercsie
- Call some to write on the board and
others answer before class
- Ask sts to comment and give correct
5-c: The cyclone of November 1970 in
Bangladesh, which is bordered by the
Bay of Bangal on the south, was one of
the worst natural disasters of 20th

6-d: The most disastrous earthquake in
Japanese history, which occurred in
1923, damaged Tokyo and Yokohama
and killed about 150,000 people
7-b: The October 1989 Loma Prieta
earthquake, which measured 7.1 on
Richter scale, caused extensive
damage to older buildingsin San
Francisco Bay area
b) Kangaroos, which come from Australia,
have long tails.
c) Ba, who lives in Trang Tien Street, like
playing the guitar
d) ( Defining)
e) Neil Armstrong, who first walked on the
moon, lived in the USA
f) (Non-defining)
g) Miss Lien, who sings very well, is my
English teacher
4. Further practice
- Ask sts to replace each underlined clause
with a clause you have written (you can
use facts or imagination)
- Call some to read or write on the board
- Remark and correct
5. Homework
- Learn by heart the lesson
- Redo exercise in Ex.book
- Review structure from unit 8 / 9 to prepare the test

Preparing 5/4/10
Teaching 9B:
Period 61 - Review
I. Objectives:
1. Aims: Help sts revise the grammar structure from unit 8 and 9 and guide sts to do
2. Contents: - Vocabs:
- Grammar: Relative clauses, adverbs of conseeion
3. Skills: speak, listen, read, write,
II. Teaching aids: Book, lesson plan, a sub-board,
III. Procedures:
1. Warm up
- Grettings and chatting
- Ask sts to repeat the differnces between defining clause and
Non- defining clause
- Repeat again then guide sts to do exercise
2. Practice
- Repeat how to use because though and
although and guide sts to do exercise
- Ask sts to work in pairs to do
- Call some to answer or write on the board
- Remark and correct
- Guide sts to do Ex2
- Ask sts to work in groups to do
- Call some to do on the board and others
read loudly
- Remark and correct
- Guide sts to do Ex3
- Ask sts to work in groups to do

- Call sts to write on the board
- Remark and correct
- Guide sts to do Ex4
- Ask sts to work in individual
- Ask sts to compare with others
- Call some to speak before class or write
on the board
- Remark and correct
Ex1. Fill each gap in the sentences with a
conjunction: Because, though or although.
1. Mai bought the book she heard
it was good.
2. Even he was no longer hungry,
Nam ate a large dinner the food
was delicious.
3. he was old, Bob was not
hired he had exellennt skills in the
1. because
2. though/ because
3. Because/ although(though)
Ex2. Underline the relative clause in each
sentence, add a comma or commas where
1. The pianist who played at the contest last
night is internationally famous.
2. Thomas Edison, who invented the light
bulb, worked very hard.
3. The woman who live next door to us is a

weathercaster on the local TV.
4. People who live in glasshouse shouldn't
throw stones.
5. Seimologists are scientists who study
Ex3. Read the information and complete the
sentences. Use a relative clause
1. Nam is very intelligent. He learns in our
-> Nam ,who learns in our class is very
2. Tuan is giving a big party. He has finally
found a good job.
-> tuan, who has finally found a new job, is
giving a big party.
3. Mr. jone is our teacher. He comes from
-> Mr. Jone, who comes from Australia, is
our teacher.
Ex4. Fill in the spaces with suitable relative
pronouns: who, that, which
a) The man who/ that visited our school
yesterday is a famous artist.
b) The girl who/ that is stading over there is
my younger sister
c) The bus which/ that runs every twenty
minutes goes to Lao Cai
d) The sun which/ that is one of millions of
star in the universe provides us with heat
and light

e) I don't like people who/ that often tell lies
3. Homework
- Learn by heart the lesson
- Redo all exercise in Ex. Book
- Prepare the written test 5
Preparing 5/ 04/10
Period62 - Written test 5
I. Objectives:
1. Aims: Check students' knowledge
2. The matrix
Chñ ®Ò NhËn biÕt Th«ng hiÓu VËn dông Tæng
I. Vocabulary
5 C
5 C 2,5 ®
II. Reading
5 C 2,5 ®
III. Language focus
5 C
5 C 2,5 ®
IV. Writing
5 C
5 C 2,5 ®
Total 5 C 2,5 ®iÓm 10 C 5 ®iÓm 5 C 2,5 ®iÓm

20 C 10 ®

- Skills: listen, write, read,
II. Teaching aids: Book, lesson plan, paper
III. Procedures:

1. Ordering class
2. Give papers
3. Gather papers
4. Give homework
- Preparing the new lesson. Unit 10 - Getting started + Listen and read
IV. Questions
I. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronouned differently
From that of these other words (2,5 points)
1) A. amount B. could C. mountain D. round
2) A. but B. dump C. reduce D. summer
3) A. action B. factory C. plan D. save
4) A. hate B. shape C. tidal D. wave
5) A. windy B. dry C. lighting D. tide
II. Read the passage then choose the best answer (2,5)
Season's greeting
Christmas is the biggest festival of the year in most Britain. Celebrations start properly on
December 24, Christmas Eve, although there have been several weeks of preparation beforehand.
The Christmas tree and all the presents, food, drinks, and decorations have been bought.
Christmas cards have already been sent to friends and relations. About a week before Christmas,
people usually put up their decorations and an angel on the top. Family presents are usually put
under the tree.
Christmas Day is the biggest day of the holiday. On the Christams morning (often very
early), children open the presents that are in their socks. Some families go to the church. The

tradirional Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey with potatoes and other vegetables. Before
the dinner the people usually pull cracker - small rolls of paper that have gifts, jokes, and party
hats inside.
1. When do people usually decorate the Christmas tree?
A. On December 24 B. Several week before Christmas C. About a week before
2. On the top of the Christmas tree there is …………
A. a light B. an angel C. a present
3. The most important day of the holiday is ……….
A. Christmas Day B. Christmas Eve C. the day after
Christmas Day
4. When do children open the present?
A. On the Christmas morning B. On December 24 C. On Christmas Eve
5. Which of the following is the traditional Christmas dinner?
A. Roast turkey with tomatoes and other vegetables
B. Roast turkey with potatoes and other vegetables
C. Roast turkey with potatoes and bread
III. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences (2,5)
1. Last night we came to the show late ……………… the traffice was terrible.
A. although B. despite C. and D. because
2. According to the weather …………, it will be raining tonight.
A. forecast B. forecaster C. forecasted D. forecasting
3. I'm looking for a book ……… tells about traditional festivals of Asian people.
A. who B. whom C. which D. where
4. We are going ………………… the anniversary of our 20
A. to celebrate B. celebrated C. celebrating D. celebrates

5. It's very nice …………. You to say so.
A. in B. on C. of D. at
IV: Using a suitable pronoun to join the two sentences
1. Mai is flying to Ha Noi. Ha Noi is the capital city of Viet Nam.
-> Mai is flying to Ha Noi, ……………………………………………………………………………
2. Nei Armstrong lived in the USA. He first walked on the moon
-> Neil Armstrong, ……………………………………………………………………………………
3. It snowed in Sa Pa in the winter of 2000. Sa Pa is on the Hong River.
->It snowed in Sa Pa, …………………………………………………………………………………
4. My father's car uses too much gasoline. It is very old
-> My father's car, ………………………………………………………………………………………
5. The man called the police. His wallet was stolen.
-> The man………………………………………………………………………………………………
• Answer key:
I. Vocabulary(2,5)
1 - B 2 - C 3 - D 4 - C 5 - A
II. Reading
1- C 2-B 3-A 4- A 5- A
III. Choose A,B, C or D to complete
1- D 2-A 3-C 4-A 5-C
IV. Write
1. Mai is flying to Ha Noi, which is the capital city of Viet Nam
2. Neil Armstrong, who first walked on the moon, lived in the USA
3. It snowed in Sa Pa, which is on the Hong River, in the winter of 2000
4. My father's car, which is very old, uses too much gasoline
5. The man, whose wallet was stolen, called the police

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