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Tµi liÖu ®uîc cung cÊp bëi: Violet.vn/tnh-ptk1018
Thời gian làm bài : 150 phút ( không kể phát đề )
PART1 : Listen to the tape then complete the spaces with a word or phrase. You listen to the piece
twice (1m )
Tim : Hoa, I’d like you to ……………… (1) my parents and my sister.
Hoa : How do you do ? Wellcome to VietNam .
Mr.Jones : …………………(2) . It’s nice to meet you finally ,Hoa .
Hoa: Can I help you …………………… (3) your bags, Mrs. Jones ?
Mrs Jones :Thank you . It’s great to be in Viet Nam .
Hoa : Would you mind ………………(4) in the front seat of the taxi . Mr.Jones ? .I’d like to sit with
Tim and Shannon .
Mr.Jones : No ………………….(5). I prefer the front seat .
Mrs Jones: Are we far from Ha Noi ?
Hoa : It’s about …………………………(6) drive from the city center.
Tim : Look , Shannon ! I can see a boy ………………(7 ) a water buffalo.
Shonnon: Wow! This is very exciting .Are those rice ………………. ( 8), Hoa ?
Hoa: Yes, and the crop over there is corn. On the left, you can see sugar canes.
Tim : Would you mind if I ………………( 9 ) a photo?
Hoa : Not at all. I’ll ask the ……… (10) to stop the car .
PART2: Listen and answer the questions (1m)
1.Was it the first time Mai went aboard with her parents?
2. What was the weather like when they arrived in London?
3. Who carried their luggage to a taxi?
4. What did Mr. Tri ask her friends to do?
5. Did they visit many places of interest in London?
II/. READING: 12ms

PART I: In this part of the test you must choose the words or phrase which best completes each of the
following sentences. (2ms)
1.This summer resort is absolutely wonderful and I’d ………… it to anyone.
a. recommend b. talk c. accommodate d. praise
2. It is the most beautiful building …………. the world.
a. around b. of c. in d. at
3. I’m sorry I missed the meeting yesterday. I didn’t ………… well.
a. feel b. fell c. felt d. felling
4. Mary, write carefully and don’t ………… any mistakes.
a. do b. have c. give d. make
5. Sue can’t come to the party …………… she’s broken her leg.
a. although b. because c. because of d. so
6. I don’t think that purple shirt ……………… with your yellow skirt.
a. suits b. fits c. goes d. wears
7. We decided not to go camping because of the …………. rain.
Tµi liÖu ®uîc cung cÊp bëi: Violet.vn/tnh-ptk1018
a. great b. strong c. heavy d. extra
8. Nancy talks as if she ………… everything.
a. knows b. had known c. knew d. not know
9. The World Cup is ………… every four years.
a. had b. held c. made d. taken
10. The students have got ………… news about the exam.
a. many b. some c. few d. a few.
*Your answers:
1………… 2…………… 3. ………… 4. ………… 5. ……………
6. ………… 7. ………… 8. ………… 9. ………… 10. …………
PART II : Filling in each space with one appropriate word. (1,0m)
Television first (1) ……… some fifty years ago in the 1950s. Since then, it has (2) …… one of
the most popular sources of entertainment for (3) ……………… the old and the young. Television can
actually satisfy almost all kinds (4) ……… taste. It offers cartoons for (5) ………… ……, world news,

music and many other programs. If someone is interested (6) ………… sports, he can tune in to a sports
(7) ……… . There he can (8) …………… a live broadcast of an international football match. Television
is also a very useful (9) ……… for companies to advertise their products.
It’s not too hard for us to see (10) ………… there is a TV set in almost every home today.
And, engineers are developing interactive TV which allows communication between viewers and
* Your answers:
1………… 2…………… 3. ………… 4. ………… 5. ……………
6. ………… 7. ………… 8. ………… 9. ………… 10. …………
PART III: Complete each space with the correct tense forf the verbs given in parentheses. Write your
answers in the space.(1,0m)
Dear Linda,
I’m sorry that I haven’t written to you for so long , but I (1) (be) …………… very busy lately. All
last month I (2) (have) ………… exams, and I haven’t done anything else but study for ages. Anyways,
I (3) (stop) ………… studying now, and I (4) (wait) ………… for my exams results.
As you can see from the letter , I (5) (change) …………… my address and live in Croydon now. I
(6) (decide) ………. that I wanted a change from central London because it (7) ( become) ………… so
expensive. A friend of mine told me about this flat, and I (8) (move) ……… here about two months ago.
When you come to London this summer, please visit me. I (9) (stay) ………… here until the middle of
August. Then I (10) ( go) ……………… on holiday to Scotland.
* Your answers:
1………… 2…………… 3. ………… 4. ………… 5. ……………
6. ………… 7. ………… 8. ………… 9. ………… 10. …………
PART IV: Read the following passage about Olympic Games. Five sentences or phrases have been
removed from the passage. Choose from the sentences A – F the one which fits each gap 1 – 5.
Remember that there are more sentences or phrases than needed.(1,0m)
In 1896, the first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens, Greece. Since then many countries
have successfully held the Olympics, such as England, France, Germany, Canada, the USA, Spain and
Australia. After more than (1)……………….
When people hold the Olympic Games, they always make an emblem. The emblem of the Athens

Olympic Games this year is a white circle of olive branches in the sky.
Tµi liÖu ®uîc cung cÊp bëi: Violet.vn/tnh-ptk1018
Now Athens (2) ………. .An officer said, “While in Athens, the world should be at peace. We hope
the peace is not just for a short time. We would like the message from the Athens Games to (3) ……….”
Four years later, the Olympic Games will be held in China. And China has already made a seal as the
emblem of (4) ……………………. .The emblem has a single Chinese character on a red seal and means
“ Chinese seal – dancing Beijing”. Below it, there are the words “ Beijing 2008”. The character in the
emblem is “Jing”. (5) ………………… and it is also like a runner or a dancer. The running figure of the
emblem shows the spirit of the Olympics – faster, higher and stronger.
A. the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
B. a century the games returns to its hometown this year.
C. There are many things that make Olympic Games famous.
D. is developing a spirit of peace.
E. It means “capital” of China
F. help countries come together and solve their problems.
* Your answers:
1………… 2…………… 3. ………… 4. ………… 5. ……………
PARTV: Read the text below and then decide which word best fits each space (1,0m)
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is also the highest (1) …… pile in the world .
About 400 people try to (2) ………… the summit every year. This many climbers means a lot of trash.
It is very dangerous to clim Mt. Everest. The airis very .thin and cold . Most people carry bottles of
oxygen; they could die(3) … it. When the oxygen bottles are (4) …… , people throw them (5) …. ….
the ground. When (6) …… winds rip their tents, people (7) ……… them behind. They don’t have the
energy to (8) ……. their trash away. They only have enough energy to go down the mountain (9) …….
Trash is a terrible problem. Since people first began to clim Mt. Everest, they have left 50,000 kilos
of trash on the mountain. Several groups have climbed the mountain just to (10) … up the trash. When
people plan to climb the mountain, they have to plan to take away their trash.
1. a. trash b. rubbish c. garbage d. All are OK
2. a. go b. reach c. get d. come
3. a. with b. no c. without d. none

4. a. empty b. out c. up d. full
5. a. in b. to c. on d. over
6. a. big b. heavy c. healthy d. strong
7. a. put b. lay c. leave d. set
8. a. take b. bring c. put d. send
9. a. safe b. safety c. safely d. safetily
10. a. cut b. pick c. chop d. catch
* Your answers:
1………… 2…………… 3. ………… 4. ………… 5. ……………
6. ………… 7. ………… 8. ………… 9. ………… 10. …………
PARTVI: Read the following passage carefully, and then choose the words ( a ,b, c or d ) that best
answers each of the questions about it. (0,5m)
Paper is named for paryrus, a reed like plant used by ancient Egyptians as writing material more than
5000 years ago. The Chinese invented the paper that we use 2000 years ago.
A piece of paper is really made up of tiny .fibers, unlike a piece of material. The fitber used in
paper, however , are plant fibers, and there are millions of them .in one sheet. In addition to the plant
fiber, dyes and additives such as resin may be used. Dyes can make the paper different colours; resin
may add weight and texture.
Tµi liÖu ®uîc cung cÊp bëi: Violet.vn/tnh-ptk1018
Where do these fibers come from? The majority .of .paper is. made from .the plant .fiber that comes
from trees. Millions are cut down, but new trees are planted in their place. Paper may be also made from
things like old rags or pieces of cloth.Wastepaper, paper that has been made and used, can be turned into
recycled paper. This recycling process saves forest, energy and reduces air and water pollution.
1. According to the passage, the paper that we use was first invented by.
a. the Chinese b. the Egyptians c. ancient cultures d. foresters
2. What is the main ingredient in most paper?
a. resin b. cardboard c. plant fiber d. papyrus
3. According to the passage, the primary source of the plant fiber used in paper is
a. rags b. trees c. fabric d. wastepaper
4. According to the passage, recycling paper is

a. bad for the environment b. wasteful c. good for the environment d. economical
5. According to the passage, recycling paper does all of the following EXCEPT
a. reduce the need for ink b. save forests c. reduce air pollution d. save energy
* Your answers:
1………… 2…………… 3. ………… 4. ………… 5. ……………
PARTVII : Choose one sentence that has the similar meaning to the original one.(0,5m)
1. Please lower wolume from 11 pm.
a. Switch off at 11. b. Do not make a noise at midnight.
c. Reduce the noise after 11. d. Switch off before midnight.
2. Ring 003377 to place an advertisement in this paper.
a. You can make telephone calls from here. b. You can buy advertisement here.
c. You can advertise if you ring this number. d. You can write advertisements on this paper.
3. Do not adjust your picture. There is a technical fault.
a. There is something wrong at the TV station. b. There is something wrong with the TV.
c. You should switch off your TV. d. You should call an engineer.
4. When a program includes a “ 15” film no person under fifteen years of age can be admitted.
a. These programs are over 15 years old. b. Anyone over 15 can see these films.
c. These programs were made for 15 years old. d. Anyone under 15 must be with their
5. Someone somewhere wants to hear from you.
a. You have forgotten to make a phone call. b. Why not make a phone call?
c. Phone calls are cheaper now. d. You have lost a phone number
* Your answers:
1………… 2…………… 3. ………… 4. ………… 5. ……………
PART VIII : Read the passage and then fill each blank with a suitable word from the list. Do not use
the same word more than once.(1,0m)
( college difficult evening hard language
newspapers studies subjects teenagers useful )
Every year many people in the world learn English. Some of them are young children. Others are
(1) ………… Many are adults. Some learn at school, others learn in (2) …… ……classes. A few learn

English by themselves or just by hearing the (3) ……………on television or among their friends. Most
people must work (4) ….to learn English. Why do these people want to learn English?. It isn’t (5) … to
answer that question. Young children learn English at school because it is one of their (6) ………. …….
Tµi liÖu ®uîc cung cÊp bëi: Violet.vn/tnh-ptk1018
Many adults learn English because it is (7) …………… .for their work. Teenagers often learn English
for their higher university. Other people learn English because they want to read (10) ………………. or
magazines in English
* Your answers:
1………… 2…………… 3. ………… 4. ………… 5. ……………
6. ………… 7. ………… 8. ………… 9. ………… 10. …………
PART IX : Read the passage and decide if the sentences are True (T), False (F) or No
Budapest is very unusual because it has two completely different parts. You can choose the peace
and quiet of Buda’s woods or the excitement of Pest, where there are good theaters, restaurants,
bars and shops.
The public transport system in Budapest is one of the best and cheapest in the world. You can
travel easily by underground, bus, tram, and taxi, but driving a car in Budapest is not a good idea!. There
are not car parks. Most cars are old, so pollution is very bad.
The healthiest thing to do in the city is to visit one of the thirty spa baths and swimming pools.
The mineral waters of Budapest are famous, and very popular way to relax.
1. Budapest is a different city.
2. There are modern supermakets in Budapest.
3. The woods of Pest are peace and quiet.
4. Various kinds of transport there are the cheapest in the world.
5. It’s difficult to park a car there.
6. Besides good theatres, there are good schools.
7. The population there is very bad because of old cars.
8. Budapest is very polluted city.
9. People can find a place to relax there

10.There is no natural scene in Budapest.
* Your answers:
1………… 2…………… 3. ………… 4. ………… 5. ……………
6. ………… 7. ………… 8. ………… 9. ………… 10. …………
PART X : The following sentences belong to two passage but they are mixed up. The passage A is
about “ Mother’s day”. The pasaage B is about “ Compassion”. Sort the sentences out and put them
in the correct order of each paragraph. (1,0m)
A. She looked up in his face and said with tears in her eyes : “Are you an angel?”
B. The man took her into the store . He bought her some socks and a pair of shoes.
C. At the flower shop, he saw a girl who was crying as she did not have enough money for a rose.
D. The girl said she was asking God to give her a pair of shoes.
E. A man intended to send some flowers to his mother who lived far away.
F. Shocked by the girl’s behavior, the man canceled the wire order, bought some flowers, and drove
two hundred miles to his mother.
G. A man came by and asked her why she was looking into the store.
H. He bought her a rose and offered her a ride to her mother.
I. A small girl was standing before a shoe store.She had no shoes on her feet, and she was shivering
with cold
J. The girl directed him to a cemetery and put the rose on a fresly – dug grave.
Tµi liÖu ®uîc cung cÊp bëi: Violet.vn/tnh-ptk1018
* Your answer:
+ Passage A : 1……… 2…… 3. …… 4. ……… 5. ………
+ Passage B : 1……… 2…… 3. …… 4. ……… 5. ………
PART XI: Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in capital(1,0m)
1. You should practice your English more ……………………… (REGULAR)
2. This house is very ………………… for children. (CONVENIENNCE)
3. I am thankful to my teacher who gives me a lot of ………. to better my life. (COURAGE)
4. When I last saw him, he ………… in London (LIVE)
5. There are ten ……… to this spring pair . (ENTER)
6. You are ……………………… to choose how to spend the evening. ( FREEDOM)

7. When Jack left home, he began to enjoy his …………………… (INDEPENDENT)
8. The phone doesn’t work. It’s been ……………………………… (CONNECTION)
9. Tom is the …………………… student in my class. (GOOD)
10. She usually designs clothers for famous singers. She is a fashion ……… ( DESIGN)
PART XII : Each line of the following passage contains one mistakes. Correct and write your
answers in the space provided.(1,0m)
When I was a boy, children always objected to wear school 1. …………………….
uniform but teachers were keen about it because they said all of 2……………………
us looked like. Otherwise, they said, children would complete 3. …………………….
with each other and poorer children would be shameful because 4. …………………….
people would see straight away what poor they were . In 5. …………………….
recent years, however, many schools have giving up the idea of 6. …………………….
making children to wear uniform but, funnily enough, said that 7. …………………….
children can wear what they like, they have adopted an uniform 8. …………………….
of them own. Once a journalist came to a school, he found out 9. …………………….
that all the boys and girls at the school were dressed of jeans. 10. ……………………
* Your answers:
1………… 2…………… 3. ………… 4. ………… 5. ……………
6. ………… 7. ………… 8. ………… 9. ………… 10. …………
III/ - WRITING : 6ms
PART 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the sentence printed before it ( 2,0ms )
Example : 1. Let’s meet inside the center at the cafe corner.
-> What …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Answer :What about meeting inside the center at the cafe corner ?
1 . It’s a pity we don’t know where we are.
- > I wish …………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Nga is pleased to meet her aunt again soon.
-> Nga is looking…………………………………………………………………………………………
3. A big man was standing in front of them.

-> In front of them … ……………………………………………………………………………………
4. Immediately after his arrival things went wrong.
-> Hardly ………… ……………………………………………………………………………………
Tµi liÖu ®uîc cung cÊp bëi: Violet.vn/tnh-ptk1018
5.He have just finished his work.
-> His work …….…………………………………………………………………………………………
6. You can use it as long as you like, and it won’t wear out.
-> No matter ……….………………………………………………………………………………………
7. You remembered to post the letter, didn’t you?
-> You didn’t……….………………………………………………………………………………………
8. He got down to writing the letter as soon as he retured from his walk.
-> No sooner ….….…………………………………………………………………………………………
9 Even though I admired his courage, I think he was foolish to do such a thing.
-> Much ….….……………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Ba said, “ I am going to meet your sister in front of the station, liz”
-> Ba told Liz that….……………………………………………………………………………………….
PART 2 (1m)
For each of the sentences below, write a new sentences as similar as similar as possible in meaning
to original sentence but using the word given in the bracket . There is an example for you .
Example :Mai has just bought some English books. (been )
Answer : Some English books have just been bought by Mai .

1.She studies very hard in class. She wants to get good marks every day. ( so that)
-> She studies …………………………………………………………………………………………
2.”Let go to the wimming pool.” Nick said (suggested )
-> Nick …………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. If it doesn’t stop raining, we won’t get home. (Unless )
-> Unless …………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Mr. Hoan took many pictures ,the sky was cloudy ( Despite )

-> Despite …………………………………………………………………………………………………
5 . Because she behaves well, everyone loves her. ( because of)
-> Because of………………………………………………………………………………………………
PART3 : The following table shows the number of good students of English in Phu My District.
Describe the table. You must write about 100 words (1m )
YEARS Number of good students of English
2006-2007 7
2007-2008 14
2008-2009 10
2009-2010 20
PART 4: Write a composition about 250 words on the following topic (2ms):
…………………… …………… THE END ……………………………………

Tµi liÖu ®uîc cung cÊp bëi: Violet.vn/tnh-ptk1018
NĂM HỌC 2010-2011
Thời gian làm bài : 150 phút ( không kể phát đề )
PART 1 : 1m (0,1m x 10 )
(1) meet (2) thank you (3) with (4 ) sitting (5) problem
(6) 40- minute (7) riding ) (8) paddies (9) took (10) driver
PART 2 :1m (0,2m x 5 )
1. Yes, It was.
2. The weather was fine and warm.
3. A porter carried their luggage to a taxi.
4. He asked her friend to give the family a sightseeing ride about the city.
5. Yes, they did.

II. Reading : (12ms)
Part I: 2,0ms ( 0,2 x 10 )
1. a recommend 2. c. in 3. a . feel 4. d. make 5. b. because
6. c. goes 7. c. heavy 8. c. knew 9. b. held 10.b. some
Part II : 1,0m ( 0,1 x 10 )
1. appeared 2. been 3. both 4. of 5. children
6. in 7. channel 8. enjoy 9. way 10. why
Part III : 1,0m ( 0,1 x 10 )
1. have been 2. had 3. have sttoped 4. am waiting
5.have changed 6. decided 7. has become/ is cominng 8. moved
Tµi liÖu ®uîc cung cÊp bëi: Violet.vn/tnh-ptk1018
9. will be staying/ am staying / am going to stay 10. will be going / am going
Part IV : 1,0m ( 0,2 x 5 )
1. B 2. D 3. F 4. A 5. E
Part V : 0,5m ( 0,1 x 10 )
1. d. All are OK 2. b. reach 3. c. without 4. a. empty 5. c. on
6. d. strong 7. c. leave 8. a. take 9. c. safely 10. b. pick
Part VI : 0,5m (0,1 x 5 )
1. a. Chinese 2. c. plant fiber 3. b. trees 4. c. good for environment
5. a. reduce the need for ink.
Part VII. : 0,5m ( 0,1 x 5 )
1. c. Reduce the noise after 11 2. c.You can advertise if you ring this number.
3. a. There is something wrong at the TV station 4. b. Anyone over 15 can see these films.
5. b. Why not make a phone number.
Part VIII : 1,0m ( 0,1 x 10 )
1. teenagers 2. evening 3. language 4. hard 5. difficult
6. subjects 7. useful 8. studies 9. college 10. newspapers
Part IX : 1,0m (0,1 x 10 )
1 True 2. No 3. False 4. False 5. True
6. No 7. True 8. True 9. True 10. No

Part X : 1,0m ( Passage A : 0,5m) , (Passage B : 0,5m)
+ Passage A : E - C - H - J - F
+ Passage B : I - G - D - B - A
Part XI 1,0m (0,1 x 10)
1. regularly 2. convenient 3. encouragement 4. lived 5. entrances
6. free 7. independence 8. disconnected 9. best 10. designer.
Part XII : 1,0m (0,1 x 10)
1. wear -> wearing 2. about -> on 3. like -> alike
4. shameful -> ashamed 5. what -> how 6. giving -> given
7. to wear -> wear 8. an -> a 9. them -> their
10. of -> in
PART 1 : 2ms (0,2m x 10)
1. I wish we knew where we were.
2. Nga is looking forward to meeting her aunt again soon.
3. In front of them was a big man standing
4. Hardly had he arrived when things went wrong.
5.His home work has just been finished ( by him).
6. No matter how long you (may)use it, it won’t wear out
Tµi liÖu ®uîc cung cÊp bëi: Violet.vn/tnh-ptk1018
7. You didn’t forget to post the letter, did you?
8. No sooner had he returned from his walk than he got down to writing.
9. Mush as / thought I admired his courage, I think he was foolish to do such a thing.
10. Ba told Liz that he was going to meet her sister in front of the station.
PART2 : 1m (0,2mx 5 )
1. She studied very hard so that she can get good marks every day
2. Nick suggested going to the swimming pool .
3. Unless it stops raining, we won’t get home.
4. Despite the cloudy sky, Mr. Hoan took many pictures .
5. Because of her good behavious, everyone loves her.

PART 3 : (1m ) :
Chấm theo ý bài làm của học sinh
Nội dung: 0,5 đ
Ngữ pháp: 0,5 đ
PART 3 : ( 2ms) :
Chấm theo ý bài làm của học sinh
Hình thức: 0,25đ
Nội dung: 1,25 ñ
Ngữ pháp: 0,5 đ

Phần nghe 1 sử dụng băng của sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh lớp 8( unit 11, phần Listen and read), nhà xuất
bản Giáo dục năm 2004
Phần nghe 2 sử dụng băng của sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh lớp 9( unit 11), nhà xuất bản Giáo dục năm
