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đề thi thử môn anh tỉnh thái bình năm 2013-2014

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Đề thi thử đại học năm học 2013-2014(Lần II)
Môn: Tiếng anh
Thời gian làm bài: 90phut
I ) Read the passage and choose the correct answer
History books recorded that the first film with sound was The Jazz Singer in 1927. But sound
films, or talkies, did not suddenly appear after years of silent screenings. From the earliest
public performances in 1896, films were accompanied by music and sound effects. These were
produced by a single pianist , a small band, or a full-scale orchestra;large movie theatres could
buy sound effect machines. Research into sound that was reproduced at exactly the same
time as the pictures called synchronized sound began soon after the very first films
were shown. With synchronized sound, characters on the movie screen could sing ans speak.
As early as 1896, the newly-invented gramophone, which played a large disc carrying music
and dialogue, was used as a sound system. The biggest disadvantage was that the sound and
pictures could become unsynchronized if, for example , the gramophone needle jumped or if
the speed of the projector changed. This system was only effective for a single song or dialogue
In the sound-on-film system, sound was recorded as a series of marks on celluloid which
could be read by an optical sensor. These signals would be placed on the film alongside the
image, guaranteeing synchronization. Short feature films were produced in this way as early as
1922. This system eventually brought us talking pictures
1, The passage is mainly about the
A.history of silent movie B.disadvantages of synchronized sound
C.development of sound with movies D.research into sound reproduction
2.According to the passage , films using sound effects were screened
A.before 1896 B.as early as 1896
C.as early as 1922 D.in 1927
3. The word screenings is closest in meaning to
A.projections B.revelations C.demonstrations D.diversions

4. Which of the following is not mentioned as a producer of sound to accompany movies?
A.a jazz singer B.a single pianist
C.a small band D.a gramophone
5. It can be inferred that
A.most movie theatres had a pianist
B.sound-effects machines were not common because they were expensive
C.orchestras couldnt synchronize sound with the pictures
D. gramophones were developed about the same time as moving pictures
6. According to the passage, gramophones were ineffective because they
A. got out of synchronization with the picture
B.were too large for most movie theatres
C.were newly invented and still had imperfections
D.changed speeds when the needle jumped
7. The word sequence is closest in meaning to
A.interpretation B.progression C.distribution D.organization
8. The phrase these signals refers to
A.sounds B.series C.marks D.sensors
9. According to the passage, sound-on-film guaranteed synchronization because the recording
A.made during the film of the picture
B.read by an optical sensor
C.inserted beside the image on the film
Mã 457
D.marked on the gramophone
10. Short feature films produced as early as 1922
A.were recorded by optical sensors
B.put musicans out of work
C.were only effective for dialogue sequences.
D.preceding talking pictures

II) Choose the sentence that is similar in meaning to the one given
11. I’ve done next to nothing today.
A.I’ve done close to nothing today B.I’ve hardly done anything today
C.I have to do nothing next day D.I’ve done nothing next today
12. Soil erosion is a result of forests being cut down carelessly.
A. That frests being cut down carelessly result from soil erosion
B. Soil erosion contribute to forests being cut down carelessly
C.Soil erosion results in forests being cut down carelessly
D. That forests are being cut down carelessly leads to soil erosion
13. Mathematics improves the way we think. It is a basic tool of thinking
A.As mathematics improves the way we think, it is a basic tool of thinking
B. A basic tool of thinking, mathematics is thought to improve our way
C. Though a basic tool of thinking, mathematics improves the way we think
D. Mathematics improves the way we think so as to become a basic tool of thinking
14. If you have a hiccup, try holding your breathe
A.Holding your breathe might help you with your hiccup
B. If you don’t hold your breathe you may have a hiccup
C.To treat hiccup, you have to hodl your breathe
D. Having a hiccup will hold your breathe
15.The way he behaves annoys me sometimes.
A.I was annoyed with his way of behaving
B. I’m sometimes annoyed by the way he behaves
C.His behaviour is annoying to me
D.I find his behaviour very annoying
III)Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differrently.
16.A.booth B.south C.truth D.both
17.A.foul B.brooch C.soul D.foal
18.A. pink B.engineer C.uncle D.sink
19.A.mountain B.southern C.mouth D.count
20.A.climber B.subtle C.debt D.probable

IV ) Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
21. This building finished by the end of last year but there have been so many strikes
that it isn’t finished yet.
A.will have been B.should have been
C.was to have been D.may not have been
22.We expected her at nine but she finally at midnight
A.came to B.turned out C.turned up D.came off.
23. Unemployment by 5 percent since the beginning of the year
A.was raised B.has raised C.rose D.has risen
24.We are appreciative their efforts
A.for B.of C.in D.over
25.The manager asked that we sure to lock all the doors before we left.
A.were B.would be C.be D.must be
26.What you used in picking in the art contest?
A.is the criteria B.are the criteria
C.are the criterion D.are the critetions.
27. Don’t you think you need before the recording?
A.make up B.paint up C.do up D.cover up.
28. Medical evidence suggests that most people better health if they less refined sugar.
A.enjoy/eat B.would enjoy/eat C.would enjoy/ate
29.Some science units such as the day, the foot, and the pound, today
A.are still in use B.that are still in use
C.which are in use still D.still in use.
30.It appears that we have
A. no bread left B.no left bread
C. left not bread D.bread not left
31. A lot of people who live in the outskirts have to to work everyday by train or tube.
A.tour B.commune C.travel D.move

32.Total weight of all the ants in the world is much greater than
A.all human beings B.total human beings
C.that of all human beings D.those of all human beings
33. Guess who I saw the day. Our old English teacher
A.next B.last C.very D.other
34. They walked along the promenade the waves at the rocks.
A.listening/rushed B.to listen/rushing
C.listened/to rushed D.listening/rushing
35. you give the answer,
A.The quicker-the better you can get marks
B.The more quickly-the better marks you can get
C.More quickly-better marks you can get
D.The quickest- the best marks you can get.
36.The information in that article is inaccurate
A.historian B.historical C.historic D.historically
37.In spite of being a very good student, she didn’t fulfil her later in life.
A.makings B.potential C.capability D.aptitude
38.She had just enough time to that report before the meeting
A. turn round B.dip into C.get through D.go into
39.I accidentally Mike when I was crossing a stress downtown yesterday
A.kept an eye on B.lost touch with
C.paid attention to D.caught sight of
40.My father when he found out that I’d damaged the car.
A.hit the roof B.saw pink elephants
C.made my blood boil D.brought the house down
41.Mary: “ Can I have another cup of tea?”
Tome: “ ”
A. Be yourself B.Do it your self
C.Allow yourself D.Help your self
42. “ “Unfortunately, I didn’t”

A. Can you pick me up from the airport?
B.Did you do me a favour? The suicase is too heavy.
C.Did you install any anti-viruses software?
D.Have you bought any anti-viruses software?
43. Don’t try to phone me. By the time you read this letter,I
A.have left B.will have left C.will leave D.am leaving
44.I’m in a terrible I just don’t know what to do
A.problem B.quandary C.loss D.trouble
45.The man known as Bonnie Prince Charlie claimed that he was the heir to the throne
A.due B.correct C.authentic D.rightful
V ) Read the folowing passage and choose the best aswer for each blank.
Throughout history, many people have worn clothing more for decoration than for
protecting the body. Even in cold climates, some people seem more (46) in decorating their
bodies than in protecting them. In 1830s, (47) example, the famous British biology Charlies
R.Darwin traveled to the island of Tierra del Fuego , (48) the South tip of South America.
There he saw people who wore only a small (49) of animal skin and a little paint in
(50) of the cold rain and sleet. Darwin gave the people scarlet cloth,(51) they wrapped
around their necks. Even in the cold (52) , the people wore the clothes more for
decoration than for protection.
No one knows exactly why or (53) men first wore clothes. But they probably began to wear
clothing more than 10,000 years ago – and probably for much the same reasons we wear
clothes today. (54) men may have wanted to protect themselves, to improve their (55) and
to tell other people something about themselves. A cave man may have worn the skin of a bear
or a reindeer for warmth. He also could have worn theskin to show his neighbours that he was a
great hunter.
46.A.interested B.believed C.engaged D.involved
47.A.with B.with in C.in D.for
48.A.off B.in C.on D.at
49.A.coat B.shirt C.cloak D.cloth

50.A.spite B.despite C.case D.fact
51.A.that B.which C.when D.what
52.A.climate B.weather C.day D.region
53.A.when B.how C.where D.whether
54.A.Ancient B.Early C.Historic D.Old
55.A.face B.look C.appearance D.body
VI )Choose the correct answer to complete the passage.
You have (56) heard someone say that the reason you caught a cold was that you were
rundown. People generally accept that if you are under (57) or run down, you are
more(58) to get ill. But is this really true or is it just an old wive’s(59)
The problem (60) old sayings like this is that it is often difficult to prove (61) they
are true or not. If you ask people with colds if they are feeling run down, they are almost
certain (62) yes. People without colds are more likely to say no. So (63) you can tell if
it’s the cold that is making them feel run down or the fact that they are run down that is
making them more likely to catch a cold?
Scientists at the Common Cold Research Centre ran a series of tests. They got (64) without
colds to attend the centre, (65) they were first given a questionaire to complete. The
questions measured the (66) of stress each of them was under. They were then deliberately
injected with a cold virus (67) left to see whether they developed a cold. After many people
had been tested , the researchers looked for a link (68) the measured stress level and the
chances of catching a cold. They found that (69) the stress, the more likely the person was
to catch a cold.
At the moment, it is not known why stress makes someone more likely to become ill, but
now that the link has been found, researchers might be able to investigate (70) They may
even find differrent ways of combating diseases.
56.A.ever B.never C.sometimes D.physically
57.A.stress B.press C.tension D.intensity
58.A.likely B.able C.capaple D.possible
59.A.story B.saying C.tale D.proverb
60.A.with B.for C.in D.of

61.A.that B.whether C.when D.why
62.A.saying B.to be saying C.say D.to say
63.A.why B.whether C.that D.how
64.A.pioneers B.characters C.volunteers D.beginners
65.A.which B.where C.that D.because
66.A.number B.amount C.quantity D.total
67.A.and B.which C.therefore D.but
68.A.for B.between C.from D.with
69.A.the higher B.the highest C.higher D.highly
70.A.mostly B.farther C.better D.further
VII)Choose the word whose stress syllable is different.
71.A.addition B.remember C.different D.supposing
72.A.occasion B.policeman C.pyramid D.possession
73.A.particularly B.archaeology C.appropriately D.similarity
74.A.calorie B.business C.literal D.appearance
75.A.lecture B.forget C.passion D.bury
VIII) Identify the error in each sentence
76.Mr Ross, our old history teacher ruled his classes by a rod of iron.
77.If it had not been my stubborness, my mother would not have got so angry
78. Certain pollens are likely to cause an allergic reaction than others .
79.Thousand of children in the famine-stricken area are sufferring from malnutrition
80.The first vaccine ever developed was used to combat and fight a smallpox, a disease
resulting from infection by avirus

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