Shu-Te University
College of Informatics
Graduate School of Information Management
Master Thesis
Evaluation on the satisfaction of GSO’s statisticians on the
quality of data dissemination on the GSO’s website
Student: Than Van Hung
Advisor: Dr. Hsing-Ya Chang
Dr. Le Anh Vinh
March, 2013
Shu-Te University
Department of Information
Evaluation on the satisfaction of GSO’s
statisticians on the quality of data dissemination
on the GSO’s website
Than Van Hung
March, 2013
Evaluation on the satisfaction of GSO’s statisticians on the quality of
data dissemination on the GSO’s website
Student: Than Van Hung
Advisor: Dr. Hsing-Ya Chang, Dr. Le Anh Vinh
A Thesis
Submitted to the
Graduate School of Information Management
College of Informatics
Shu-Te University
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of
Master of Science
Information Management
March, 2013
Graduate Student of Shu-Te University
Recommendation Letter from Thesis Adviser
本校資訊管理研究所 君
This Student, Than Van Hung, whose thesis entitled “
on the satisfaction of GSO’s statisticians on the quality of data
dissemination on the GSO’s website
”, is under my advisory and
agree to submit for examination.
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_________研究所 君所提之論文
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Student Name:Than Van Hung
Thesis Title:“
Evaluation on the satisfaction of GSO’s statisticians on the
quality of data dissemination on the GSO’s website
This is to certify that the thesis submitted by the student named above
in S
, 2013. It is qualified and approved by the Thesis
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Department of Information Management, Shu-Te University
Evaluation on the satisfaction of GSO’s statisticians on the quality of
data dissemination on the GSO’s website.
Student: Than Van Hung
Advisor: Dr. Hsing-Ya Chang Co-advisor: Dr. Le Anh Vinh
Currently, quality is more interested in the world. Quality is mentioned in all areas
of society such as industry, business administration, service and in data dissemination as
well. Quality of data dissemination is always a key issue in the dissemination of
statistics in particular and statistical activities in general. Improving the quality of data
dissemination is an important task of the General Statistics Office (GSO) of Vietnam
and is the prerequisite for the survival and development GSO’s website.
Besides, the trend of globalization is growing intensively and extensively and
globalization in statistics dissemination is no exception to that rule. Globalization in
data dissemination is a prominent feature in the process of development
modernization of Vietnam’s GSO in the 21st century. Statistical agencies, regardless of
in developed countries or developing countries, are all in the trend of
internationalization and globalization. The reason for such a phenomenon is that
statistical data are increasingly important and interested by underdeveloped countries,
developed countries and developing countries. Under this context, it is essential to build
a statistical database for dissemination
on the GSO’s website.
In modern quality management, philosophy of user-orientation plays a key role.
One of the decisive factors for the survival and development of the supplier of statistics
is the satisfaction of customers on the quality of provided services and products .
Quality should be evaluated by the users themselves, not the providers. Thus, in data
dissemination, assessment of the quality of information dissemination through the
opinions of users, focusing on statisticians is very essential. Thereby, GSO has an
outlook on what its products and its expectations rather than just investment in facilities,
input data and other factors in the data dissemination.
Since dissemination of statistics is a form of public service, this means GSO is the
service provider. Customers of GSO are primarily data users such as State employees,
local enterprises, international organizations, students, pupils including statisticians.
Statisticians plays a number of roles in the dissemination of statistics, they are important
customers directly involved in the data dissemination process and regular use of data on
the website of GSO for their daily work.
In this service, the role of statistical staff as a service user is highlighted. The
thesis will assess the satisfaction of the General Statistics Office’s staff on its service.
Based on the theoretical basis and practices of data dissemination, I chose the
topic of my thesis: “Evaluation on the satisfaction of GSO's statisticians on the
quality of data dissemination on the GSO's website”.
The result of the research will contribute to help GSO in improving the quality of
data dissemination on its website
Keyword: Evaluation Satisfaction, Data dissemination quality, Statistics
First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor and co-
advisor. Thanks to the enthusiastic supervision from Hsing-Ya Chang, Ph.D. Assistant
Professor, Department of Information Management, Shu-Te University, and Dr. Le Anh
Vinh, Vietnam National University, I completed the thesis "Evaluation on the
satisfaction of GSO's statisticians on the quality of data dissemination on the
GSO's website "
Then, I would like to thank the leaders of the General Statistics Office of
Vietnam, friends and colleagues who dedicatedly helped me during my study and
research of this thesis and who joined in the survey so that I could get best results for
this study.
Finally, I would like to give my sincere thanks to my beloved family who helped
me, encouraged me during my study. They always supported me, made me feel full of
confidence to spend best time to do my research.
Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 2013
Than Van Hung
Table of Contents
Table of Contents v
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1. Research Background 1
1.1. Definitions 3
1.2. Principles of State statistical information dissemination 4
1.3. System of State statistical information products includes the following
major products: 5
1.4. Mechanisms of Statistical information dissemination 5
2 . Research motivation 8
3. Research Purposes and objectives 11
3.1. The question of the thesis 11
3.2. General Purpose 11
3.3. Specific purposes 12
4. Research Procedure 13
Chapter 2. Literature Review 15
1. Views on quality 15
2. Theoretical basis of service quality and customers’ satisfaction 16
2.1. Quality of service 16
2.2. Satisfaction of Customers 20
2.3. The relationship between service quality and satisfaction 21
Chapter 3. Research Methodology and Data Collection 25
1. Research Model 25
2. Research Hypotheses 29
3. Data collection 29
4. Measurement of Variables 32
5. Data Analysis 35
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Results 37
1. Descriptive Statistics 37
2. Reliability Analysis 40
3. Factor Analysis 43
4. Regression Analysis 46
Chapter 5 Research Conclusions 53
1. Research results 53
2. Meaningful research 55
3. Limitations of the study 56
4. Further research 57
APENDIX : Research Questionnaire 68
List of Tables
Table 1. Measurement Scales 32
Table 2. Distribution of sample demographics 37
Table 3. Quality Criteria – Overview 40
Table 4. Quality Criteria - Alpha Cronbachs 41
Table 5. Quality Criteria – AVE and Composite Reliability 42
Table 6. Quality Criteria – Latent Variable Correlation 43
Table 7. Quality Criteria – Cross Loadings 44
Table 8. Quality Criteria – Total Effects 47
Table 9. Bootstrapping Path coefficients Mean, STDEV, T-values 49
Table 10. Bootstrapping Outer Model T-Statistic 51
Table 11. Research Hypotheses and Results 53
List of Figures
Figure 1. Research Procedure 14
Figure 2. Updated IS Success Model of DeLone & McLean (2003) 24
Figure 3. Reseearch Model 26
Figure 4. Path coefficients Calculation Results 46
Figure 5. Bootstrapping the model 48
Chapter 1. Introduction
In this chapter, I summarized of the importance of the thesis, theories related to
the quality in common, quality in dissemination of statistics, quality of service and the
satisfaction. At the same time, we came up with theoretical models and research
hypotheses measuring the satisfaction of statisticians on the quality of data
dissemination on the website of the General Statistics Office of Vietnam.
The thesis uses the SERVQUAL scale with 5 components:
(1) Tangibles- appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and
communication materials. (2) Reliability – ability to perform promised service
dependably and accurately.(3) Responsiveness- willingness to help customers and
perform promt services. (4) Assurance – Ability to convey trust and confidence to
customers by competence, courtersy, respect to customers). (5) Empathy – caring and
individual attention the firm provides to its customers.
1. Research Background
Currently, quality is more interested in the world. Quality is mentioned in all areas
of society such as industry, business administration, service and in data dissemination as
well. Quality of data dissemination is always a key issue in the dissemination of
statistics in particular and statistical activities in general. Improving the quality of data
dissemination is an important task of the General Statistics Office (GSO) of Vietnam
and is the prerequisite for the survival and development GSO’s website.
Besides, the trend of globalization is growing intensively and extensively and
globalization in statistics dissemination is no exception to that rule. Globalization in
data dissemination is a prominent feature in the process of development and
modernization of Vietnam’s GSO in the 21st century. Statistical agencies, regardless of
in developed countries or developing countries, are all in the trend of
internationalization and globalization. The reason for such a phenomenon is that
statistical data are increasingly important and interested by underdeveloped countries,
developed countries and developing countries. Under this context, it is essential to build
a statistical database for dissemination on the GSO’s website.
In recent years, Statistics has compiled many important statistical information
products. In addition to the traditional printed publications, the important statistical
products are dissminated by other forms such as press conferences; leaflets; press
releases; library and exhibition rooms and CD-ROMs or website and internet.
Dissemination of statistical information in recent years generally has been
improved in the GSO as well as in the Provincial Statistics Offices and in related
ministries and agencies. Users of information have been extended, the amount of
information disseminated to the users have increased more and more. Statistical
information collected, processed and integrated not only meets the requirements of the
Party, the State, central and local agencies, but also are popular to many organizations,
individuals inside and outside the country.
1.1. Definitions
Dissemination of statistical information is the provision, publication and
transmission of statistical information to agencies, organizations and individuals using
statistical information inside and outside the country via appropriate forms and
State Statistical information is statistics and data analysis which are collected and
corporated by the national statistical system.
Products of State Statistical information are expressions of the State Statistical
information in the form of the printed product or electronic products.
Forms of state statistical information are forms of transmitting statistical
information for users, for example: Announcement and transmission of information on
the website with internet connection, Release of printed products and electronic
information products (floppy, CD-ROM, DVD and other electronic information
1.2. Principles of State statistical information dissemination
a) To be implemented in an organized manner, under the provisions of the Law on
Statistics and other current legislations; and consistent with international practice.
b) To be decentralized among national statistical system; closely coordinated
between the National statistical system with relevant agencies and organizations.
c) To be equal and transparent in accessing state statistical information; timely
meet the needs for quantity, type and quality of statistical information of agencies,
organizations and individuals as prescribed by law.
1.3. System of State statistical information products includes the
following major products:
- Report on the socio-economic situation made by GSO, PSOs and ministries.
- National Statistical Yearbook; Statistical Yearbook of the Ministries and
Provincial Statistical Yearbook.
- Time-series socio-economic analysis for period 5 years, 10 years made by the
GSO, PSOs and ministries.
- Results of statistical surveys and censuses.
- Statistical database and data warehouse.
- Foreign Statistics and other key statistical products integrated and disseminated
by the national statistical system.
1.4. Mechanisms of Statistical information dissemination
State Statistical information is disseminated free of charge and for free.
a) Free of charge is the main mechanism of state statistical information
dissemination activities, applied to the following State Statistical information :
- Information of the national statistical indicator system; statistical indicator
system of ministries; statistical indicator system of provinces, districts, communes and
other statistical information under the authorities and functions of announcement by the
Director General of the General Statistics Office, ministers, heads of ministerial-level
agencies, presidents of people's Committees of Central provinces and cities and
agencies, organizations and individuals;
- Results of statistics survey, census under and not under the National Statistical
Survey Program funded by the State budget and prescribed to disseminate to subjects as
mentioned in the survey plans;
- Statistical information reflecting the monthly socio-economic situation;
performance-of the annual and 5-year Socio-economic Development Plan, multi-year
socio-economic development strategy and national Goals of the country as well as the
ministries, agencies and localities publicized under their functions, duties and
- Foreign Statistical information compiled and disseminated by agencies,
organizations under their functions and duties specified;
- Other statistical information gathered, integrated with State budget and funds of
international organizations, national statistical agencies under multilateral and bilateral
cooperation programs and made public by statistical agencies.
For free statistical information can be accessed by all users on the website of
b) Charging for fee is an additional information dissemination mechanism,
which is organized, professional and in accordance with Vietnamese and
international statistics law. Scope of application of this mechanism include:
- Detailed, in-depth statistical information used for business and other profit-made
activities of local and international agencies and organizations to whom statistical
agencies are not obligated to provide statistics and there are no funds for collecting,
corporating and disseminating such information.
- Statistical information used for the research and development activities which
are funded to information.
- Statistical information processed, integrated, analyzed and disseminated upon
individual requests on the basis of available sources of statistical information, including
free statistical information.
2 . Research motivation
Since dissemination of statistics is a form of public service, this means GSO is the
service provider. Customers of GSO are primarily data users such as State employees,
local enterprises, international organizations, students, pupils including statisticians.
Statisticians plays a number of roles in the dissemination of statistics, they are important
customers directly involved in the data dissemination process and regular use of data on
the website of GSO for their daily work.
The most severe challenge for the dissemination of statistical information is to
ensure the development requirements and quality at the same time. In fact, due to
economic difficulties and the limited annual state budget for statistical activities in
general and the quality improvement of data dissemination in particular, there are not
enough to cover the cost of most necessary requirements on infrastructure, equipment,
technology, personnels In addition, requirements of rapid standardization,
modernization and integration of Vietnam statistics together with other countries in the
region and the world as well as innovation of forms, methods and technologies of data
dissemination and data quality need great effort and determination.
In modern quality management, philosophy of user-orientation plays a key role.
One of the decisive factors for the survival and development of the supplier of statistics
is the satisfaction of customers on the quality of provided services and products .
Quality should be evaluated by the users themselves, not the providers. Thus, in data
dissemination, assessment of the quality of information dissemination through the
opinions of users, focusing on statisticians is very essential. Thereby, GSO has an
outlook on what its products and its expectations rather than just investment in facilities,
input data and other factors in the data dissemination.
Mission of Vietnam statistics system is to produce and disseminate statistical
information timely, accurately, completely, objectively, transparently and provide an
efficient statistical service.
* However, in fact there still exist some limitations and inadequacies as
- The dissemination activities in general are still separated; there is no system of
statistical information which is connected, shared and decentralized between GSO,
PSOs and Statistical units in ministries and agencies.
- Quality of information is quite inadequated; analysis and forecasting capacity
which are useful for users are limited.
- Information dissemination via electronic products is very limited; Information
on GSO's Website is poor and not updated regularly.
- The development of micro and macro database still gets stuck at GSO.
- The development of data dissemination policy has been started since many years
ago, but this policy has not yet been completed.
- Website address of GSO,, was officially put into operation in
October 2004 in Vietnamese and English. However, information on the webiste is still
poor and not updated regularly. Interface has not been changed since 2004.
Vietnam Statistical system is organized vertically from central to commune,
including central statistics office (General Statistics Office) and local statistics offices
(Provincial Statistics Offices)
GSO is an agency under the authority of Ministry of Planning and Investment,
acting independently in terms of statistics in accordance with the Statistics Law and
other legislations on statistics; performing advisory functions to assist the Minister of
Planning and Investment in state management of statistics; organizing statistical
activities and providing social and economic statistics to agencies, organizations and
individuals as stipulated by law.
Total number of staff in the national statistical system include: 345 people in the
GSO; 2,303 people in 63 Provincial Statistics Offices, and 3,040 people in 697 District
Statistics Offices (data, 2012).
Thus, the thesis "Evaluation on the satisfaction of GSO's statisticians on the
quality of data dissemination on the GSO's website" is really essential in theory and
3. Research Purposes and objectives
3.1. The question of the thesis
To assess the level of satisfaction of the statistics and services of GSO what
factors we need to study?
What elements of the data dissemination that satify statisticians more than others?
How to further improve the quality of data dissemination on the GSO website?
3.2. General Purpose