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Student: Nguyen Van Doat
Advisor: Dr. Ming-Hsiung Hsiao
Co-Advisor: Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Bich
Management Information System Department
August, 2012
A research on evaluating User satisfaction when
applying the VANPRO software at the education and
training of Dien Bien Province
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I. Introduction
II. Literature Review
III. Research Methods
IV. Concluding Remarks
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I. Introduction
1. Research Background (1/6)
1.1. Planning in Vietnam
1.2. Planning education in Vietnam
1.3. Planning education in Dien Bien province
1.4. IT applications in the planning
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I. Introduction (Cont)
1. Research Background (2/6)
1.1. Planning in Vietnam
Work Plan in Vietnam has gone through many stages of
change from the war period, the period of economic and
social self-contained as far as Vietnam options open and
integrated economy. Each stage of Vietnam and is taking
steps to farther innovation, farther improve planning in
socio-economic development.
(Source: Page 44, Document philosophy from the
University of National Economics Hanoi).
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I. Introduction (Cont)
1. Research Background (3/6)
1.2. Planning education in Vietnam
Planning education in Vietnam is also subject to periodic
change the country's development. Innovation management
education is urgently required to improve the quality of
management systems and ensure an effective use of resources
for education.
In the process of innovation management and capacity,
building in management education, an annual education plan
and each stage is considered one of the important tools to help
the Department of Education and training functional
implementation of state management in education.
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I. Introduction (Cont)
1. Research Background (4/6)
1.3. Planning education in Dien Bien province
The provincial People's Committee has asked the Department of
Education and Training for innovation management in the direction
of input from management to management by outputs. It aims to
ensure the achievement of the basic objectives of the industry and
use educational resources for the most efficient way (Source:
Directive 09/CT-UBND on 01/9/2008 of Dien Bien the provincial
People's Committee).
Achieving the educational objectives will depend significantly on
the capacity for the Department of Education and Training,
Department of Education and Training, the school units in the
implementation of appropriate processes and tools to develop
implementation of education policy.
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I. Introduction (Cont)
1. Research Background (5/6)
Planning activities of Dienbien DoET
Planning activities of Dienbien DoET
Dienbien People's
Department of
Schools of DoET
Schools of BoET
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I. Introduction (Cont)
1. Research Background (6/6)
1.4. IT applications in the planning
Application of information technology in data collection,
analysis and assessment of the state of education is very
important and necessary for planning. If the state of education is
appreciated, we will identify the objectives and targets of the
plan. At the same time, we will also have the solution, good for
the development of education policy.
Therefore, in 2008 the Education and Training Ministry of
Vietnam gave the provinces a tool to serve the educational
planning. That is VANPRO software.
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I. Introduction (Cont)
2. Research Motive
On 16/4/2008, the Vietnamese MoET has officially written of 3222/BGDDT-
KHTC requested the provinces and cities directly under the Central
Government shall apply VANPRO software to educational planning.
However, in the province of Dien Bien, many oppose the use of units
VANPRO software. Some units have complained about this software.
However, there are many units would love to use this software and they
use very effectively.
MoET has a lot of effort, time and money to build this software. If Dien Bien
does not use this software, it would be a huge waste and a lot of influence
on the accurate and timely work in educational planning.
User satisfaction for VANPRO software is an important factor affecting the
success or failure of the implementation of this software. Therefore, the need
for a study to assess the factors that affects the "user satisfaction" from which
to propose appropriate solutions for the successful deployment VANPRO
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I. Introduction (Cont)
3. Research purpose
This research aimed to find out the factors effecting
user satisfaction VANPRO software in educational
planning Dien Bien province
From there, make recommendations and propose
solutions to edit, add, and update VANPRO software
to improve the user satisfaction of this software
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I. Introduction (Cont)
4. Chart
Determine research
Distribute questions to
Literature review
Gather data from
Design thesis framework
and hypotheses
Data Analysis
Design questionnaires
and pilot test
Definition success
factors and model
Finding, conclusions,
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II. Literature Review
1. Keywords
2. VANPRO Software
3. User Satisfaction
4. IS Success model
4.1. IS Success model 1992
4.2. IS Success model update 2003
5. System Quality
6. Information Quality
7. Service Quality
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II. Literature Review (Cont)
1. Keywords
User satisfaction
I research on evaluating User
satisfaction When applying the
VANPRO Software at the education
and training of Dienbien province
IS Success model
Because I use IS Success model to
evaluate users satisfaction in my
SPSS software
Because I would then use
SPSS software to process and
analyze research data
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II. Literature Review (Cont)
VANPRO software designed by the project "Capacity building
medium-term education development plan provincial cities" of
the Vietnam MoET in 2007.
The software is designed to serve the educational requirements
planning annual and five-year period of the school, the
Education and Training, the Department of Education and
This software helps the user to collect and forecast the number
of school-age population, the number of students, number of
teachers, facilities, teaching equipment, budget for the
preparation of the annual and five-year plan.
This software is used officially since 2008 in all pre-schools,
schools and professional schools in 63 provinces and cities in
Vietnam Dien Bien province in general and in particular.
2. VANPRO software
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II. Literature Review (Cont)
DeLone and McLean (1992) stated that user satisfaction
is the most widely used to measure information system
success, and they provided a many studies and a list of
the measures used in measuring user satisfaction.
Bailey and Pearson (1983) showed 39 items instrument
for measuring user satisfaction.
Ives et al. (1983) added four items to measure overall
user information satisfaction and developed a short form
of the user information satisfaction instrument.
3. User Satisfaction
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II. Literature Review (Cont)
4. IS success model
The success model developed by DeLone and McLean provides a robust
indicator of the success of information systems (DeLone & McLean, 1992). It
was built on the work of Shannon and Weawer (1949) and Mason (1978),
DeLone and McLean (1992) yielded six distinct aspects of information systems
success: ‘System Quality’, ‘Information Quality’, ‘Use’, ‘User Satisfaction’,
‘Individual Impact’ and ‘Organizational Impact’ (see Figure below)
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II. Literature Review (Cont)
4. IS success model (Cont)
In 2003, DeLone and McLean introduced an update to their IS success model.
The main changes concerned quality, and service quality was included in the
model. They note “quality has the three major dimensions: information quality,
systems quality and service quality”. They also added ‘Intention to Use’ to the
model, they removed ‘Individual Impact’ and ‘Organizational Impact’ and
replaced them with ‘Net Benefits’; further, they added feedback loops to
‘Intention to Use’ and ‘User Satisfaction’ (see Figure below).
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II. Literature Review (Cont)
System quality is concerned with weather there are bugs in the
system, the consistency of user interface, ease of use, quality of
documentation, and sometimes, quality and maintainability of
program code (Seddon, 1997). System quality is measured by
attributes such as ease of use, functionality, reliability, data quality,
flexibility, and integration (DeLone and McLean, 2003).
5. System Quality
6. Information Quality
Information quality refers to the quality of outputs the information
system produces (DeLone and McLean, 1992), which can be as
reports or online screens. Huh et al. (1990) define four dimensions
of information quality: accuracy, completeness, consistency, and
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II. Literature Review (Cont)
The construct service quality has been the degree of
discrepancy among customers’ normative expectations for
service and their perceptions of service performance.
The seminal work on service quality is that of Parasuraman
et al. (1988), which culminated in the development of the
SERVQUAL instrument.
Cronin and Taylor (1994) presented the SERVPERF
instrument, which measures only customer perception of
quality, as a sufficient measure of value.
7. Service Quality
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II. Literature Review (Cont)
The purpose of the study, research and theoretical basis of
this thesis are summarized above.
Along with reference to the results of some researches on
evaluating User Satisfaction" has been published in
scientific journals, newspapers of the authors.
This research is expected to use the "IS Success model"
to evaluate user satisfaction When applying the VANPRO
software at the education and training in Dien Bien
In summary
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III. Research Methods
1. Research Model (1/2)
DeLone and McLean (2003) have demonstrated: three key
variables important "Service quality, Information quality and
System quality" directly affect the "Intention to use - Use".
Following that is "User satisfaction". They also pointed out that
"Intent to use - Use" reserved "User satisfaction".
Scope of this dissertation research focused only study the
effects of three important variables is the "Service quality",
"Information quality" and "System quality" how to influence the
"User satisfaction" after they had "Use " the VANPRO software.
Therefore, from the DeLone model and McLean (2003) to
build the research model for this topic as follows:
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III. Research Methods (Cont)
1. Research Model (2/2)
System quality
Service Quality
2. Research Hypotheses
H1: The system quality has an effect on
the use
H2: The information quality has an effect
on the use
H3: The Service Quality has an effect on
the use
H4: The use effect on user satisfaction
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III. Research Methods (Cont)
3. Measurement of Variables
System quality (SYQ)
User Satisfaction
Service quality (SVQ)
of Variables
Design, navigation, response time,
security, availability, functionality
Contents, completeness,
detail, accuracy, timeliness,
information reliability, format
Responsiveness, credibility,
assurance, empathy,
follow-up service, competence
Information quality (INQ)
Comfort, acceptability
Good/bad, wise/foolish,
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There are 10 departments and 32 units of Dien Bien DoET (29
high schools, 3 colleges), 9 BoETs. I will select 180 samples for
research. 30 samples of DoET, 96 samples of units of DoET, 54
samples of BoETs.
Analyze data using SPSS 15.0
Measurement Scale: 5-point Likert scale
4. Data collection
III. Research Methods (Cont)
Research method: Quantitative
Sampling Methods: Random
Survey Methods: design and send questionnaire
directly and by post
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IV. Concluding Remarks (Cont)
1. Expected Results and Contributions
The results of this research are the factors evaluating user
satisfaction for the VANPRO software at Dien Bien province.
The results of this research will be the evidence to Dien Bien
Education and Training Department proposals to Viet Nam
Education and Training Ministry for editing, adding and
updating the VANPRO software. So that, the upgrade software
will improve the user satisfaction