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Thời gian: 90 phút
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. loved B. appeared C. agreed D. coughed
2. A. Valentine B. imagine C. discipline D. determine
3. A. heavy B. head C. weather D. easy
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the
position of the main stress.
4. A. teacher B. prefer C. offer D. flower
5. A. military B. satisfactory C. television D. generously
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet t o indicate the correct answer to each of the following
6. Since the flood, the number of homeless people __________ dramatically.
A. are increasing B. had increased C. increase D. has increased
7. Kate: “ How lovely your cats are!” - David: “ ____________”
A. Really? They are B. Thank you, it is nice of you to say so
C. Can you say it again D. I love them, too
8. Staying in a hotel costs _______ renting a room in a dormitory for a week.
A. as much as twice B. twice as much as C. twice more than D. twice as
9. Having been selected to represent the Association of American Engineers at the International Convention,
A. the members applauded him B. a speech had to be given by him
C. the members congratulated him D. he gave a short acceptance speech
10. British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as different as _____.
A. cats and dogs B. chalk and cheese C. salt and pepper D. here and there

11. I have a good job with good salary. You _________ send me any money, my lovely father.
A. mustn’t B. had better C. mayn’t D. needn’t
12. She listened so attentively that not a word_______.
A. she had missed B. she missed C. she didn't miss D. did she miss
13. It’s essential that every student ________ all the lectures.
A. attends B. attend C. has attended D. attended
14. Of all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one ______ the most.
A. that influences farmers B. farmers that is influences
C. why farmers influence it D. it influences farmers
15. Let’s begin our discussion now, ______?
A. shall we B. will we C. don’t we D. won’t we
16. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think we are ______.
A. followed B. being followed C. following D. being following
17. _______, we tried our best to complete it.
A. Thanks to the difficult homework B. Despite the homework was difficult
BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72
C. Difficult as the homework was D. As though the homework was difficult
18. __________is the existence of a large number of different kinds of animals and plants which make a
balanced environment.
A. extinction B. biodiversity C. habitat D. conservation
19. Peter was ejected after committing five personal _________ in water sport game yesterday.
A. mistakes B. faults C. fouls D. errors
20. Edith Harlow has kindly agreed ______. You should ask him.
A. to helping B. to help C. help D. helping
21. The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than _____.
A. the domestic marketer has B. the domestic marketer does
C. those of the domestic marketer D. that which has the domestic marketer
22. - Lisa: “Have you been able to reach Peter?” - Gina: “……………”
A. That’s no approval B. Yes, I’ve known him for years
C. No, the line is busy D. It’s much too high

23. Overpopulation tends to create conditions which may result in ___ of food in developing countries.
A. shortages B. surpluses C. failures D. supplies
24. Although my village is not far away from the city centre , we had no ______ until recently.
A. electric B. electricity C. electrical D. electrify
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet t o indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
25. We can use either verbal or non – verbal forms of communication.
A. using gesture B. using speech C. using verbs D. using facial expressions
26. Thousands are going starving because of the failure of this year's harvest.
A. hungry B. rich C. poor D. full
27. He insisted on listening to the entire story
A. whole B. funny C. interesting D. part
28. Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.
A. taking off B. setting up C. growing well D. closing down
29. It takes me 15 minutes to get ready.
A. to prepare B. to wake up C. to go D. to get up
Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions .
30. So extensive the lakes are that they are viewed as the largest bodies of fresh water in the world.
31. A basic knowledge of social studies, such as history and geography, are considered a basic part of
the education of every child.
32. It was suggested that Pedro studies the material more thoroughly before attempting to pass the exam.
33. In just three months H.G. Wells wrote the famous classic The Time Machine for what
he won a Newberry Caldecot award.

BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72
34. To building their nests, some birds use their bills as needles.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for the blanks 35-44.
Health is something we tend to (35) ___ when we have it. When our body is doing well, we are hardly
(36) ____ of it. But illness can come, even (37) _____ we are young. In fact, childhood has been a very
susceptible time. Many diseases attack children in particular, and people know very little (38) ______ to cure
them once they struck. The result was that many children died. About a century ago, (39) _________,
scientists found out about germs, and then everything changed. The (40) _____ of many diseases was found,
and cures were developed. As this medical discovery spread, the world became (41) ______ safer for children.
The result is that (42) _________ a hundred years ago, the average man lived for 35 years, nowadays, in many
areas of the world, people can (43) ______ to live for 75 years. And what do we expect by the year 2020 ?
Undoubtedly, medical science will continue to (44) ______. Some people will be able to avoid medical
problems that are unavoidable today.

35. A. forget B. ignore C. give up D. throw away
36. A. awake B. keen C. aware D. concerned
37. A. if B. so C. when D. while
38. A. how B. what C. which D. when
39. A. therefore B. however C. although D. moreover
40. A. reason B. origin C. source D. cause
41. A. more B. much C. very D. quite
42. A. where B. when C. why D. whereas
43. A. desire B. hope C. want D. expect
44. A. speed up B. advance C. accelerate D. run
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B , C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to the questions 45-54.
Choosing a career may be one of the hardest jobs you ever have, and it must be done with care. View a
career as an opportunity to do something you love, not simply as a way to earn a living. Investing the time and

effort to thoroughly explore your options can mean the difference between finding a stimulating and
rewarding career and move from job to unsatisfying job in an attempt to find the right one. Work influences
virtually every aspect of your life, from your choice of friends to where you live. Here are just a few of the
factors to consider.
Deciding what matters most to you is essential to making the right decision. You may want to begin by
assessing your likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. Think about the classes, hobbies, and surroundings
that you find most appealing. Ask yourself questions, such as “Would you like to travel? Do you want to work
with children? Are you more suited to solitary or cooperative work?” There are no right or wrong answers;
only you know what is important to you. Determine which job features you require, which ones you would
prefer, and which ones you cannot accept. Then rank them in order of importance to you.
The setting of the job is one factor to take into account. You may not want to sit at a desk all day. If not,
there is diversity of occupation- building inspector, supervisor, and real estate agent- that involve a great deal
of time away from the office. Geographical location may be a concern, and employment in some fields is
concentrated in certain regions. Advertising job can generally be found only in large cities. On the other hand,
many jobs such as hostels, law education, and retail sales are found in all regions of the country. If a high
salary is important to you, do not judge a career by its starting wages. Many jobs, such as insurance sales,
BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72
offers relatively low starting salaries; however, pay substantially increases along with your experience,
additional training, promotions and commission.
Don’t rule out any occupation without learning more about it. Some jobs evoke positive or negative
associations. The traveling life of a flight attendant appears glamorous, while that of a plumber does not.
Remember that many jobs are not what they appear to be at first, and may have merits or demerits that are less
obvious. Flight attendants must work long, grueling hours without sleeps, whereas plumbers can be as highly
paid as some doctors.
Another point to consider is that as you mature, you will likely develop new interests and skills that may
point the way to new opportunities. The choices you make today need not be your final one.
45. The author states that “There are no right or wrong answers” in order to _______.
A. emphasize that each person’s answers will be different.
B. show that answering the questions is a long and difficult process.
C. indicate that the answers are not really important.

D. indicate that each person’s answers may change over time.
46. The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to _______.
A. questions B. answers C. features D. jobs
47. The word “assessing” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by _______.
A. discovering B. considering C. measuring D. disposing
48. According to paragraph 3, which of the following fields is NOT suitable for a person who does not want
to live in a big city?
A. plumbing B. law C. retail sales D. advertising
49. The word “evoke” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. agree on B. bring to mind C. be related to D. differ from
50. The word “that” in paragraph 4 refers to _______.
A. occupation B. the traveling life C. a flight attendant D. commission
51. It can be inferred from the paragraph 3 that _______.
A. jobs in insurance sales are generally not well-paid.
B. insurance sales people can earn high salary later in their career.
C. people should constantly work toward the next promotion.
D. a starting salary should be an important consideration in choosing a career.
52. In paragraph 5, the author suggests that _______.
A. you may want to change careers at some time in the future.
B. as you get older, your career will probably less fulfilling.
C. you will be at your job for a lifetime, so choose carefully.
D. you will probably jobless at some time in the future.
53. Why does the author mention “ long, grueling hours without sleeps ” in paragraph 4?
A. To emphasize the difficulty of working as a plumber.
B. To contrast the reality of a flight attendant’s job with most people’s perception.
C. To show that people must work hard for the career they have chosen.
D. To discourage readers from choosing a career as a flight attendant.
54. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A. To make a lot of money, you should not take a job with a low starting salary.
B. To make lots of money, you should rule out all factory jobs.

C. If you want an easy and glamorous lifestyle, you should consider becoming flight attendant
D. Your initial view of certain careers may not be accurate.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B , C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to the questions 55-64.
BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72
Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32
president of the United States, was from a wealthy, well-known family.
As a child, he attended private school, had private tutors, and traveled with his parents to Europe. He attended
Harvard University, and afterwards studied law. At age 39, Roosevelt suddenly developed polio, a disease that
left him without the full use of his legs for the rest of his life. Even though the worst of his illness, he
continued his life in politics. In 1924, he appeared at the Democratic National Convention to nominate Al
Smith for president, and eight years after that he was nominated for the same office. Roosevelt was elected to
the presidency during the Great Depression of the 1930s, at a time when more than 5,000 banks had failed and
thousands of people were out of work. Roosevelt took action. First he declared a bank holiday that closed all
the banks so that no more could fail; then he reopened the banks little by little with government support.
Roosevelt believed in using the full power of government to help what he called the “forgotten people”. And
it was these workers, the wage earners, who felt the strongest affection toward Roosevelt. There were others,
however, who felt that Roosevelt’s policies were destroying the American systems of government, and they
opposed him in the same intense way that others admired him.
In 1940, the Democrats nominated Roosevelt for an unprecedented third term. No president in
American history had ever served three terms, but Roosevelt felt an obligation to quit while the United States
entry into World War II was looming in the future. He accepted the nomination and went to an easy victory.
55. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Political aspects of Roosevelt’s life B. Problems during the Great Depression
C. Roosevelt’s upbringing D. Criticisms of Roosevelt’s actions
56. Which one of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Roosevelt was elected during the Great Depression
B. Roosevelt voted for Al Smith
C. Roosevelt had difficulty walking during his presidency

D. Roosevelt supported strong government powers
57. The phrase “took action” in the first paragraph is used to illustrate the idea the Roosevelt:
A. Performed admirably B. Exerted himself physically
C. Responded immediately D. Got assistance
58. As used in the first paragraph, the phrase “little by little” means ________
A. the smaller banks first B. Opened the banks for minimal services
C. Opened the banks a few at a time D. Opened the bank for a short time
59. The word “full” in the first paragraph could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. Packed B. Loaded C. Overflowing D. Complete
60. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A. Roosevelt served three terms of presidency
B. Roosevelt couldn’t walk easily
C. All American citizens supported Roosevelt’s policies
D. Roosevelt studied law before he worked as a president
61. The word “affection” as used in the first paragraph could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. Fascination B. Fondness C. Lure D. Appeal
62. The word “unprecedented” in the second paragraph could best be replaced by______ .
A. Unimportant B. Unheard of C. Unjustified D. Unhampered
63. It can be inferred from the passage that the people who liked Roosevelt best were_________ .
A. Poor people B. Bankers C. Rich people D. Average workers
64. In the second paragraph, the author uses the word “looming” to indicate a feeling of:
BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72
A. Reservation B. Determination C. Regret D. Threat
PHẦN TỰ LUẬN: (2 điểm)
Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in s such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it.
65. He started playing football professionally three years ago.
→ He has………………………………………………………………………………………………
66. They say that two people were rescued from the earthquake.
→ Two people are ……………

67. I didn’t know the answer so I failed the exam
→ If I had ………………………………………………………………………………………………
68. The plane couldn’t take off because of the fog.
→The fog prevented …………………………………………………………………………………
69. It’s a pity you didn’t speak English well.
→ I wish you …………………………………………………………………………………………
Part II. About 140 words, Write a paragraph about the disadvantages of the internet.
PHẦN VIẾT ( 2 điểm)
I. (0,5 điểm)
65. He started playing football professionally three years ago.
→ He has been playing football professionally for three years.
66. They say that two people were rescued from the earthquake.
→ Two people are said to have been rescued from the earthquake.
67. I didn’t know the answer so I failed the exam
→ If I had known the answer, I wouldn’t have failed the exam.
68. The plane couldn’t take off because of the fog.
BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72
→The fog prevented the plane from taking off.
69. It’s a pity you didn’t speak English well.

→ I wish you had spoken English well.
II. (1.5 điểm)
Mô tả tiêu chí đánh giá Điểm tối đa
1. Bố cục 0.40
o Câu đề dẫn chủ đề mạch lạc
o Bố cục hợp lí rõ ràng phù hợp yêu cầu của đề bài
o Bố cục uyển chuyển từ mở bài đến kết luận
2. Phát triển ý 0.25
o Phát triển ý có trình tự logic
o Có dẫn chứng, ví dụ, … đủ để bảo vệ ý kiến của mình
3. Sử dụng ngôn ngữ 0.30
o Sử dụng ngôn từ phù hợp nội dung
o Sử dụng ngôn từ đúng văn phong/ thể loại
o Sử dụng từ nối các ý cho bài viết uyển chuyển
4. Nội dung 0.30
o Đủ thuyết phục người đọc
o Đủ dẫn chứng, ví dụ, lập luận
o Độ dài: Số từ không nhiều hơn hoặc ít hơn so với quy định
5. Ngữ pháp, dấu câu và chính tả 0.25
o Sử dụng đúng dấu câu
o Chính tả: Viết đúng chính tả
_ Lỗi chính tả gây hiểu nhầm/ sai lệch ý sẽ bị tính một
lỗi (trừ 1% điểm của bài viết)
_ Cùng một lỗi chính tả lặp lại chỉ tính là một lỗi
o Sử dụng đúng thời, thể, cấu trúc câu đúng ngữ pháp. (Lỗi
ngữ pháp gây hiểu nhầm/ sai lệch ý sẽ bị trừ 1% điểm bài
Tổng 1.5
BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72
