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Tự học tiếng anh qua 95 cách giao tiếp nguyễn thu hương

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• •
Bien so an: Nguyen Thu Hitcmg
Tat ca cac ban khi hoc bat ky mot ngoai ngifdeu co tham
vong giao tiep duoc bang ngoai ngifdo mot cach thong thao.
Nhifng da so deu thay rang co duoc ky nang giao tiep bang
tieng me de da kho thi bang mot ngoai ngifkhac lai cang kho
hem, cu the la doi vdi tieng Anh.
Nham giiip cac ban co the tic hoc giao tiep tieng Anh mot
cach de dang chung toi gi&i thieu cuon “TU hoc tieng Anh
qua 95 cach giao tiep
Cuon sach gon nhe nhifng chi/a difng day du nhifng man
giao tiep chuan muc, khong nhifng giiip ban tif tin trong giao
tiep md cdn giiip ban nang cao von tieng Anh cua minh.
Than ai chiic cac ban gat hai difoc nhieu thanh cong trong
mon tieng Anh.
Part one: Useful expressions
in spoken English
Nhung cach noi thong dung
trong giao tiep Tieng Anh
hang ngay
Tuhoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
Using address system
Cach sir dung cac hinh thuc ximg ho
V ocabulary

address sir ximg ho
degree bang cap
follow ing sau (theo sau)
in general noi chung
last name ho (ten)
M .D = Doctor o f Medicine
bac sy y khoa
unmarried chira co gia d'inh
Ph.D = Doctor o f
Philosophy tien si
prefer thich hem
professor giao su
researcher nha nghien
scientist nha khoa hoc
tittle tirdc hieu
In general Americans do not use special system of address (or
titles) as often as in other countries. However, there are times
when special system of address are used. The following spe
cial address system are used before a person’s last name.
D.r (Doctor): medical doctors (those with an M.D degree), pro
fessors, scientists and researchers (those with a Ph.D degree)
Mrs: married women only (some married women prefer Ms.)
Miss: unmarried women only (some unmarried women prefer Ms.)
M s: married or unmarried women
M r: married or unmarried men
Professor: college or university teachers (uesd with or with
out the last name)
• N o te: ‘Teacher’ is the address only used by the children

Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
Greeting people and responding
Cach chao hoi va dap Iai Idi chao hoi
V ocabulary
M a ’am = madame ba,
Lousy Te het ch6 noi
phu nhan
Like a m ollion dollars coi
Sir ong ngai
nhir trung so doc d^c
Up to = doing
Out o f this world cur nhir len
W h a t’s happening =
thien dang
W h a t’s up sao roi ha
Rotten qua te
Pretty kha la
G reetings
Form al
'y Good day, Dr Olson. How are you?
> Good morning, Mr. Polinski.
y Good afternoon, ma 'am. You 're looking very well today
> Good evening, sir. Howare you tonight?
y Hello, Jihad. How ’re you doing?
y Hello. I t ’s a nice evening, isn 7 it?
> Hi, Paula. What ’re you up these days?
> Morning, Li. Are you doing O K?
> Hey, Jane. What have you been doing these days?
> Hey, Jack. H ow ’s it going?

Tuhoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
> Hi, Danny. What's happening?
> / ’m doing very well, tliank you. And you?
y / 'm fine. Thanks. And you ?
> Fine. How are you?
'r- Great, thanks. What about you?
> Couldn 7 be better! Yourself?
> Not bad. You?
V Okie, I guess. You doing all right?
'r Can
7 complain. You?
> Fantastic!
r- Like a million dollars!
V Out o f this world!
y Lousy!
y Not bad!
> Pretty bad!
y Awful!
y Couldn 7 be worse!
y Rotten!
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
Making and responding to introductions
Gioi thieu va cach dap lai loi gioi thieu
V ocabulary
third-party introductions thieu

nguoi thu ba gioi thieu
Self introductions
> May I introduce myself? My name is John,
y How do you do. My name is George.
> Please let me introduce myself. My name is John
> / don 't believe w e ’ve met. I ’m Paul Anka.
Formal or inform al
y Hello. My name is Danny,
y I t ’s nice to meet you. M y name is John.
y Hi, 1 'm Danny,
y Nice to meet you. I'm Bob
gesture lam dieu bo
toward huong den
form al trang trong
inform al su6ng sa
how do you do xinchao (l^n
dau tien gap mat)
sam e here day cung vay
s e lf introductio ns tir gioi
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
T h ird-party Introductions
> / 'd like to introduce you to Leo Evans, a friend of mine.
V- I don 't believe you two have met. Mary, this is Leo Evans.
Leo, this is M ary Allen
y Mr David, have you met Ms. Young?
Form al or informal

y I'd like you to meet my friend, Lea Evjns.
y Let me introduce you to Leo. Mary, this is L et. And Le t,
this is Mary
y Have you met Leo? Mary, this is Lep.
y Meet my friend, Leo.
y Leo, meet Mary.
y Let me introduce you two. Mary (gesturing toward
M ary)

Leo (gesturing toward Leo)
y This is Leo. This is Mary
Responding to introductions
A: How do you do, B.
B: I t ’s a pleasure to meet you.
Tit hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
Formal or inform al
A: Hello, B. I 'm pleased to meet you.
B: Yes, i t ’s nice to meet you, too
A: Hello. Good to meet you.
B: Nice meeting you, too
Inform al
A: Hi, B. Nice to meet you.
B: Same here.
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
Starting a conversation with a stranger
Bat chuyen voi ngiroi la

V ocabulary
dreadful weather
open ing gam bits loi bdt
thcri tiet xau
have som ething up
overhearnghe lorn
o n e’s sleeve chuan bi
stranger ngudi la
trudc di^u gi
petrol station tram xang
mention dd cap, noi den
It’s not easy at all to talk to a stranger who speak another
language. Unless, that is, you have a few opening gambits up
your sleeve.
Here are several useful ways of starting a conversation with a
> What a nice day, isn 7 it?
> Dreadful weather, don 7 you think?
y Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?
> Excuse me, haven 7 we met before?
> Sorry, I couldn 7 help overhearing, but. did you mention
something about

> Excuse me, have you got a light by any chance?
T uho c Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
> Excuse me, could you tell me the time?
'r Excuse me, I'm trying to get to the bank. Can you show

me where it is?
y Excuse me, how can I get to the station?
r- Excuse me, is there any petrol station near here?
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
Finding out about people
Tim hieu thong tin ve nguoi khac
V ocabulary
in order to do something
voi muc dfch lam gi
try something thir
hobby / interest so thfch
free / spare time thcfi gian
In order to get to know about other people, you can try one of
the following ways.
> What is your name?
V Where do you come from?
> What are your interests / hobbies?
> What do you enjoy doing in your free / spare time?
> Do you have any special reason for studying English?
y What do you do for a living?
y What is your job ?
y Do you like your job?
y When were you born?
y When is your birthday?
y What do you hope to do in the future?
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
Finding out if people know each other

Tim hieu xem moi ngtfoi co biet nhau khong
V ocabulary
common chung take part in som ething
course khoa hoc tham gia
When there are more than two people taking part in the con
versation, it’s necessary for you to find out if they know each
other or not. It will help people much in making conversation.
Here are some of the most common ways.
y Have you met before?
We met each other fo r
the first time today.
y Do you know each >
W e've kn o w n each
other fo r (two years)
y H ow long have you
sinc e (we w ere at
known each other?
y Have you two been intro
We ha v e n ’t been in
y Did you know each other
We fi r s t m et wh en

before you (came to the
y H a d you met each other
b efore you (s ta rte d the
Tah oe Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
How to make a date
Cach thu xep mot cuoc hen
V ocabulary
arrange thu xep
an other time perhaps hen l&n
by any chance a nay,
khac vay nhe
nhan tien
see somebody o ff tien ai
expect doi ' lVOJ 4
join gia nhap, tham gia
expression tu ngu
wonder tu hoi, ban khoan
After you have made contact and had a short conversation,
you may want to arrange another meeting. In that case, you
can use these expressions.
> Oh, um-uh, are you doing anything this evening, by any
> Um, I was thinking o f going to the cinema this evening.
Would you like to come?
> / 'm going out to the theatre with some friends. Would you

like to join us?
y Er, are you busy this evening? I was wondering if you
might like to come to the cinema with me?
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
> T ha t’d be lovely.
I'd love to
r- How nice o f you, thanks very much
y Mmm, tha t’s a good / great idea.
N o!
y Oh, dear. I'm afraid I 'm busy tonight,
y Tonight’s difficult. Perhaps tomorrow evening, though,
y I 'm sorry, I'm expecting some visitors this evening,
r- T liis evening is a bit o f a problem. What about tomorrow,
y I 'm sorry, but I ‘m going to see my frie n d o ff this evening.
An o.ther time perhaps.
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
Complimenting and responding
Khen tang va dap lai loi khen
V ocabulary
gorgeous dep, di£m le
noticej)hi\n ra
hairstyle kitiii toe
decent nha nhan
backhand cu tat trai/ro-ve
im provement tien bo,
cai thien

new image girong mat mcfi
necklace day chuyen
appreciate da ta, cam kich
decorate trang hoang
make you look older
lam cau trong gia dan hom.
u n b e liev a ble dep qua,
khong the tin noi
give somebody some advice
cho ai ldi khuyen
tip mach niroc, khuyen
model ban m^u
T d be flattered toi rat vinh
deserve a medal dang duoc
thirong huy chirong
electronics major chuyen
nganh dien tir
sweater ao len
glasses ki'nh
Compliments on appearance
> You really have beautiful
e y es , Mary. I ’ve never
seen such a go rgeo u s
shade o f blue
y Thank you, Robert.
That's a nice compli

Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
> Gosli, you look great,
Beverly! Have you lost
> Your new hairstyle is
terrific, Cindy.
> T h a t’s nice o f you to
n otice . I ’ve lo st 10
pounds, but I still need
to lose another 5 or 6.
> Thanks, Gene. I think
I ’ve finally found a style
that looks decent and is
easy to handle.
Com plim ents on skills an d talents
> 1 didn t know you could
play the guitar so well, Nak.
Your song was lovely.
> Joe, your backhand is get
ting stronger every time we
> Bud, your photographs are
unbelievable! I really wish
you 'd give me some advice to
help my pictures come out
> Thanks, Pat. I ’m glad

you enjoyed it
y Do you really think
so? I ’ve been practic
ing everyday, and I ’m
pleased you can see
an improvement.
> Thank you, M axine.
I ’m n o t su re how
much help I can be,
but 1 ’m glad to give
you a few tips
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
> W hat a gorgeous flow er
a rra ng em en t! It's rea lly
> W ou ld you sing som e
more? That last song was
'r That chicken dish was
fantastic, Nahmood. You are
a great cook!
> Th a t’s nice o f you to
say so. I 'm really glad
you like it.
> Thank you. I ’m glad
you enjoyed it.
W appreciate the compli
ment, but I did have a lot
o f help from my sister!

C onplim ents on work accomplished
> You did a fine job on
the room , M ike I don 7
think I ’ve seen it that clean
y C o n gr a tu lation s,
Barry. T hat report you
worte was excellent! I'd
like to use it as a model at
the staff meeting Friday
> I den 7 knpw Iww
y0u did it, Ctrl, but the ste-
re^w prks beautifully nmw.
> Oh, it was nothing, I m
glad I could help
> Thank you, Mr Jones.
I'd be flattered for you
to use it.
> It wasn 7 hard at all.
I ’m electronics major,
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
You deserve a medal for
your work
> Yumi, you did a
beautiful job decorating
your home. It looks won

> Well, thank you fo r say
ing so, but I've got a lot o f
help from others.
Com plim ents on possessions
> Your new sweater is
very pretty, Sue.
> Your hou se is
lovely! I especially like
what y o u ’ve done to the
fro nt yard.
> You know, I do like
your new glasses, Bob. I
d o n’t know what it is but
thay make you look older
> T ha t’s a beautiful neck
lace you ’re wearing.
> Thank you M y sister
gave it to me for my
birthday. I like yours,
too. Is it new?
r- Really? T h a t’s nice o f
you to say so.
> Tha nks I take that a
compliment, I guess. I
think they help mx new
image a banker, don 't
> 7 hanks. I got it in Mexico

last summer.
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
Thanking people and responding to thanks
Cam on va cach dap Iai loi cam on.
V ocabulary
trem edous to Ion
e x p lain so m e thin g to
somebody giai thich
th a n k s a m illio n f o r
som ething cam on ban
mot trieu lan
you b e t! any time ui dao,
on nghla gi chu
info = information thong
p revio u s c o m m itm e n t
cuoc hen trirdc
invite = invitation loi mai
pick somebody up don ai
be dying to do something
rat uoc ao
anniversary ngay ky mem
mot su kien hay bien co gi
coffee cake banh ngot co
nhan Mng hat dieu va nhidu
gia vi (dung an sang).
you shouldn 7 have = you
shouldn ’t have done that

le ra chi dung lam vay
bracelet vong deo tay
salad eater nguoi thich an
rau, “sau” rau.
zillion rat nhieu, nhieu vo
lifesaver quy nhan
struggle with vat Ion
Thanking is an important part of every culture. We thank for
many things, by many ways. We may simply say ‘thanks’, or
‘thank you’ with a smile and one or more short sentences,
that’s enough. We introduce here some of the most useful
T a h o e Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
Thanking for inform ation or directions
> I want to thank you so
much for the map and direc
tions. You have no idea what
a tremedous help you’ve been
> Thank you for all your
help. I think I can find my
way now.
Formal or inform al
r- T hanks a lot for the in
formation. I really appreci
ate it
y Thanks fo r taking the

time to explain it to me. I
hope it wasn 't too much o f a
> Thanks a million fo r
the info.
Responding to tha n ks
> It was my pleasure.
> Y ou’re welcome.
Good luck.
y Oh, you ’re very wel
come. Any time.
y N ot at all. It was the
least I could do.
y You bet! Any time.
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
T h ank ing for invitations
Responding to thanks
y Many thanks fo r invit
Oh. I'm sorry to hear
ing me to your dinner party,
that. We certainly will
Mrs. Gray, but 1 m afraid I
miss you.
won 7 be able to come be
cause of a previous commit

Formal or informal
> Thanks, Anne. I d love
Great! I know we 'II
to go to the beacli this Satur
have fun.
V I appreciate the invita
Good! The play starts
tion, Tom. O f course, I ’ll
at 8:00, so I ’II pick you
up at 7:30, Okay?
> Sure! I've been want
You're welcome. I ’m
ing to go to a soccer game.
glad you can come.
Thanks fo r the invite.
> What a fantastic idea!
I t ’s my pleasure!
1 've been dying to see them
in concert fo r a long time!
Thanks fo r the invite.
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep

Thanking for gifts
Responding to thank s
r- Thank you very much
It was the least I could
for the beautiful book, Mr
Jones. It was very nice o f you
to remember my birthday.
do, I hope you enjoy it.
Form al o f informal
r The flow ers are gor
Don t m e n tio n it.
geous! Thanks a lot, Bob
Happy anniversary.
r- That m as nice o f you to
Oh, it was nothing! 1
bring us the coffee cake. Sa
rah. We II really enjoy it fo r
breakfast in the morning
hope you like it
> Wally, the bracelet is k
Y o u're w elco m e . 1
beautiful, but really, you
think it looks beautiful
shouldn t have!
on you.

> Doris, these vegetables r'
Any time! There are a
look fantastic. And you konw
more in my garden, so
what a salad eater / am.
Thanks a zillion
l II bring you more later.
