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1. Pick out the word which has the different stress from the rest
1. A. nation B. national C. nationality D. native
2. A. volunteer B. voluntary C. voluntarily D. volume
3. A. college B. collect C. hospital D. problem
4. A. orphan B. orphanage C. handicapped D. remote
5. A. donation B. issue C. martyr D. gratitude
6. A. cooperate B. coordinate C. ordinary D. minority
7. A. overcome B. natural C. father D. summer
8. A. vacation B. mountainous C. excursion D. remote
9. A. comfort B. comfortable C. company D. education
10. A. newspaper B. university C. gratitude D. invalids
1. C 2. A 3.B 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. A. 8. B 9. D 10. B
Read the following passage carefully and supply the words provided into the correct space
non-government volunteerism skills exchanges awareness
volunteering expected programs prospective representatives
universities membership
The International Volunteer Programs Association (IVPA) is an alliance of nonprofit, (1)……………organizations that
are involved in international volunteer and internship (2)………………. Membership with IVPA is a distinguished mark of
excellence. Our members are (3)…………. to uphold IVPA’s Principles and Practices as guidelines for good
programming as well as meet stringent (4)………… criteria. We stand for responsibility in the field of international (5)
…………… and promote public (6)………….of a greater access to international volunteer (7)………… IVPA offers a
forum for international volunteer program (8)………… (staff, board members, etc) to share information and resources,
develop new (9)………… , and collaborate on cost-saving initiatives. IVPA also serves to guide and inform anyone
considering (10)…………………abroad or developing international service opportunities. This includes but is not limited
to (11)……………volunteers, newly created volunteer sending organizations, corporations, and colleges and (12)
1. non-government 5volunteerism 9skills 2exchanges 6awareness
10volunteering 3expected 7programs 11prospective 8representatives
12universities 4membership
Give the correct form of the words in brackets (hsg 12 tinh Haiduong)

31. Forcing children to use their right hand can cause _________ of school, which can impact their academic
development. (HATE)
32. I admire her_________ beauty. She’s old but she’s still beautiful. (TIME)
33. Although we were in danger, Ann seemed quite _________ (CONCERN)
34. The statue is a lifelike_________ of Chris Jesus. (REPRESENT)
35. The principal said some _________ words to the pupils before the exam. (COURAGE)
36. The _________ horse ran away from the fire. (FRIGHT)
37. _________ are unpleasant, but it will be nice when we get into the new house. (MOVE)
38. The meeting has been _________ arranged for 3 p.m. next Friday. (PROVIDE)
39. Jim is very disorganized and not very _________ (BUSINESS)
40. Her _________ has made her a lot of enemies (SPEAK)
I. Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space (10 points):
Reports that the government is about to _________( 46) the go ahead to plans for the building of a new runway
at London’s Gatwick airport have angered local residents and raised fears of increased noise and exhaust pollution.
The (47) _________ plans also include permission for additional night flights and will (48) _________ the compulsory
purchase of farmland, as well as the demolition of a number of private homes. According to sources close to the
Ministry of Transport, the government is known to be concerned by the increasing (49) _________ of traffic at London
Heathrow, where there are no plans for further runways in the foreseeable (50) _________ . Gatwick is widely (51)
_________ as a better (52) _________ for expansion than London’s third airport, Stansted, which still suffers from poor
transport links. A spokesperson for the Keep Gatwick Quiet association, (53) ________ up of local people, accused the
government of going back on promises made before the General Election. “We were told then that the airport authority
Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – - 1 -
had no (54) _________ of building another runway, and we believe that the government has a duty to (55) _________
its pledges. “Prominent figures in the government are also believed to be concerned at the news, although the Prime
Minister, interviewed last night, is quoted as saying that reports were “misleading”. However, he would not give an
assurance that plans for building a runway had definitely been rejected.
46. A. sign B. make C. give D. approve

47. A. controversial B. debatable C. notorious D. doubtful
48. A. involve B. concern C. assume D. need
49. A. sum B. size C. volume D. length
50. A. years B. period C. time D. future
51. A. regarded B. believed C. felt D. held
52. A. potential B. outlook C. prospect D. likelihood
53. A. made B. set C. brought D. taken
54. A. desire B. intention C. wish D. objective
55. A. bear out B. count on C. pull off D. stand by
I. (10 points) 46.C 47. A 48. A 49. C 50. D 51. A 52. C 53. A 54. B 55. D
III. Read the passage and choose the correct answer (10 points):
The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity
between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C.) and the
languages of the modern world, and we cannot yet translate the Old European script. Scholars have deciphered other
ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the
fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions. When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the 18
century, scholars
could not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in Iran at the end of the 18
century provided a link: these inscriptions
were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite – languages that had
already been deciphered. It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the
more familiar Old Persian language.
Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the
famous Rosetta stone in the late 18
century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian
hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars’ efforts for
several decades until the early 19

century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek
inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European
script and the languages that replaced it.
The incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late 5
to the early 3
millennia B.C. caused a
linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had
existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent
upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed script. The Old
European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European cultural remained for several millennia. The
new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European
language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually vanished.
61. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Reason for the failure to understand the written records of Old European culture.
B. Influences on the development of Old European script.
C. Similarities between Old European script and other ancient writing systems.
D. Events leading to the discovery of Old European script.
62. According to the passage, New Elamite is _________.
A. a language that was used in Europe about 3,000 years ago
B. a modern language that came from Old Persian
C. one of the languages spoken by the Old Europeans
Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – - 2 -
D. a language that was understood by the late 18
63. When does the passage suggest that ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script was finally deciphered?
A. At around the same time as cuneiform script was deciphered.

B. Shortly before the Rosetta stone was unearthed.
C. As soon as additional bilingual inscriptions became available to scholars.
D. A few decades after the hieratic script was decoded.
64. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE of the Rosetta stone?
A. It was found by scholars trying to decode ancient languages.
B. It contains two versions of hieroglyphic script.
C. Several of its inscriptions were decoded within a few months of its discovery.
D. Most of its inscriptions have still not been decoded.
65. According to the passage, scholars were able to decipher cuneiform form with the help of _________.
A. the Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian languages B. Old Persian
C. tablets written in Old European D. languages spoken in 18
century Iran
66. The word “fortuitous” in the 1
paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A. important B. immediate C. early D. lucky
67. The word “them” in the 1
paragraph refers to _________.
A. Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian B. bilingual inscriptions
C. cuneiform tablets D. scholars
68. The word “thwarted” in the 2
paragraph is closest in meaning to _________
A. continued B. influenced C. encouraged D. frustrated
69. According to the passage, Indo-European incursions caused Old European population to ________.
A. separated into different tribes B. move eastward
C. change their ways of living and obtain food D. start recording historical events in writing
70. The author mentions the Balkans in the passage in order to explain why _________.

A. Indo-European languages were slow to spread in Old Europe
B. the inhabitants of Old Europe were not able to prevent Indo-European incursions
C. the use of the Old European script declined
D. the Old European culture survived for a time after the Indo-European incursions
61. A 62. C 63. D 64.B 65. B 66. D 67. C 68. D 69. C 70. B
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed
before it (5 points):
71. The bus came round the corner.
- Round
72. She is proud of being such a good cook.
- She prides……… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………
73. The heavy rain made it impossible for us to have our picnic.
- Had……… ………………
74. His jealousy increases with his love for her.
- The more
75. “If you wanted to use my car, you should have asked me first, Tom” said Mary.
- Mary criticized ………… …………………… …………………………………
76. I dislike it when people criticize me unfairly.
- I object……………… ……………… ……………
77. The mother smiled happily. She took her baby in her arms.
- Smiling
78. It is not certain that Jones will get the job.
Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – - 3 -
- It is open
79. People think that the man stole the car.
- The car
80. Jack may be very intelligent, but he should be careful about this.
- No matter
I. (5 points). ( Mỗi câu đúng 0.5 điểm)

71. Round the corner came the bus.
72. She prides herself on her cooking / being a good cook.
73. Had it not been for the heavy rain / rained heavily, we could have had our picnic.
74. The more he loves her, the more jealous he is.
75. Mary criticized Tom for using her car without asking / having asked her first.
76. I object to people criticizing me unfairly / being criticized unfairly / being unfairly criticized.
77. Smiling happily, the mother took her baby in her arms.
78. It is open to question / doubt whether he will get the job or not.
79. The car is thought to have been stolen by the man.
80. No matter how intelligent Jack may be, he should be careful about this.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underline part that needs correction.
Question 56. Isabella danced in her bare feet and wore loose-fitting clothing garments that allowed
her freedom of movement.
Question 57. Most fatty acids have been founded as essential components of lipid molecules.
Question 58. Antarctic blue whales can be 100 foot long and weigh more than any dinosaur that ever lived.
Question 59. In seeking its representative writers, twentieth-century America seems to be searching
for someone who chronicle the chaos and lack of direction reflected in some contemporary values.
Question 60. The enclosing card gives details about room rates and services.
56.C 57.B 58.B 59.A 60.A
Insert a preposition if necessary. Choose from at, by, for, in, of, on, past, till/until, to, with.
1 He asked . . . his father . . . money.
2 They paid . . . me . . . the books.
3 I thought he would offer . . . Ann the job, but he offered it . . . me.
4 Keep . . . me a place, and keep a place . . . Ann too.

5 They showed . . . us photographs . . . their baby.
6 Buying presents . . . children is sometimes very difficult. . . . the end I bought a kite . . Tom and a torch . . . Ann.
7 Pass the salt . . . your father, Peter, and pass . . . me the pepper, please.
8 When you have lunch . . . a restaurant, who pays . . . the bill? ~ Oh, each . . . us pays . . . what he has had.
9 Paul's a pianist. He sometimes plays . . . us . . . the evening. Last night he played some Chopin.
10 I think I'll be able to find . . . Ann a job. ~ Could you find a job . . . me, too?
11 He sold the picture . . . an American dealer . . . £5,000.
12 He promised . . . us a share . . . the profits.
13 He built a very nice house . . . Jack . . . only £50,000. I wonder what sort . . . house he would build . . . me . . .
14 She is knitting socks . . . refugees. I wish she'd knit . . . me some socks.
15 Sitting . . . the floor isn't exactly comfortable. Throw . . . me a cushion, please, Ann.
16 If you are going . . . the Post Office, could you buy . . . me a book stamps?
17 If you write . . . me a song I'll sing it . . . the school concert. I'll get Paul to accompany . . . me . . . the guitar.
18 Could you lend . . . us your lawnmower, please? ~ I'm afraid you'll have to ask . . . someone else to lend . . . you
one. We've lent ours . . . Mr Jones and he always keeps it . . . ages.
19 I thought you'd be late . . . dinner, so I ordered some sandwiches . . . you; they're . . . the bar. I haven't paid . . .
them: you can pay . . . the barman.
20 I explained . . . him that it was the custom . . . England to wash one's car at the weekend.
Exercise 112 I-, for 2 for 3-,to 4-, for 5-, of 6 for; In, for, for 7 to,- 8 in/at, -; of, for 9 for/to, in 10-; for II to, for 12-, of/in 13
for, for; of,-, for 14 for;- 15 on;- 16 to/past,-, of 17-, at/in;-, on 18-;-,-; to, for 19 for, for, in/at; for,- 20 to, in
Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – - 4 -
Phrasal Verb TAKE
TAKE AFTER = resemble a parent - similar to
Most people say I take after my father. I look a lot like him.
TAKE AROUND = introduce, show
Let me take you around to those you don't know.
TAKE AWAY = A. remove B. leave (mentally, in your mind)
A. Mother took the toys away from the children for misbehaving.
B. The smell of coconut oil took me away to a tropical island.

TAKE BACK = A. retract sth said B. return sth to a store, exchange
A. The politician tried to take back what he said to the press.
B. The gift I received didn't fit, so I took it back and exchanged it for sth else.
TAKE DOWN = A. write what is spoken, keep notes B. remove
A. The secretary took down the minutes of the meeting
B. The building owners had to take down the wifi tower on top of their building.
TAKE FOR = consider, view
Don't take him for an idiot he's actually quite smart.
TAKE IN = A. learn B. deceive C. make smaller D. watch
A. Many students have difficulties taking in all these phrasal verbs.
B. She was taken in by the smooth talking salesman.
C. The tailor took in my jacket after I lost weight.
D. Let's take in a movie sometime.
TAKE OFF = A. launch plane or rocket B. remove C. leave work for some time D. leave
A. The rocket took off with a loud blast and cloud of smoke.
B. "Take off your shoes, I just vacuumed," said mother.
C. I took a few days off of work last week as I was a bit sick.
D. We took off after the last bell rang.
TAKE ON = accept responsibilities
She has taken on more than she can handle I'm afraid.
TAKE OVER = take control of
Mike took over the family business when his father retired.
TAKE OUT = A. date, court B. kill C. remove
A. I am taking Jill out to a movie tonight.
B. The mob ordered a hit on three fingers Tony. They are going to take him out.
C. He had to take out the garbage after dinner.
TAKE TO = A. like B. adjust naturally
A. She has really taken to John since she's been here visiting.
B. The baby ducks took to the water like, well, ducks to water.
TAKE UP = A. begin a hobby B. discuss at later time C. shorten a garment D. occupy space

A. "Who took up archery? I see the bow and arrows over there."
B. This should be taken up at the next meeting.
C. "She's nuts! She wants her mini skirt taken up."
D. "He takes up too much space. Do we have to share a room?"
1. Don't be ……………if I start talking in my sleep. I've done it since I was a small child and the doctors say it's
2. If you don't ………….what you said to my wife, I will have to sack you. She was hugely offended.
3. I was busy ………… my father and making everyone laugh when he entered the room. I didn't see him and
continued my impersonation. So embarrassing!
4. The car didn't stop at the scene of the accident but fortunately, someone managed to ………the number and the
police are looking for the vehicle now.
5. If you ………………tennis, you will feel healthier and get to meet new people too.
6. The old woman was ………… by the tricksters who said they were there to check for a gas leak, but then stole the
woman's silver collection.
7. They agreed to ……………………(me) only if I agreed to a short-term contract till Christmas.
8. Microsoft really …………………….as a company when they developed the Windows software.
9. It seemed unfair that my father would return home from work exhausted and ……………(it) on us poor children.
That's what I remember most from my childhood.
10. They look very alike but they also …………… each other so it's even harder to tell them apart.
11. Do you want me to ………………(you) the procedure again so that you can do it on your own next time.
12. I …………….(you) a generous, kind-hearted person, but now I see I was sadly mistaken.
1 taken aback. 2 take back. 3 taking off. 4 take down. 5 take up. 6 taken in. 7 take me on. 8 took off. 9 take it out. 10
take after. 11 take you through. 12 took you for.
Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – - 5 -
Put in the correct prepositions or adverbs.
1 I couldn't take . . . the lecture at all. It was too difficult for me.
2 He is inclined to let his enthusiasm run him.
3 When he offered me only £3, I was too taken . . . to say a word.
4 He has already run . . . the money his father left him two years ago.
5 Now he is running . . . bills all over the town.

6 She took . . . riding because she wanted to lose weight.
7 I can't start the car; the battery has run
8 The policeman ran . . . the thief,
9 He takes . . . his mother; he has blue eyes and fair hair too.
10 I forgot to turn off the tap and the wash-basin ran
11 That blouse is easy to make. You could run it . . . in hour.
12 I am sorry I called you a liar. I take it . . . .
13 Reformers usually run opposition from all kinds of people.
14 He took . . . going for a' walk every night before he went to bed.
15 Don't run the idea that Scotsmen are mean. They just don't like wasting money.
16 I wish we could sell the grand piano; it takes . . . too much space here.
17 She is always running . . . her friends behind their backs. She soon won't have any friends left.
18 You'd better take . . . your coat if you're too hot.
19 Just run . . . the music of this song for me.
20 We took . . . each other the first time we met and have been friends ever since.
1 in 2 away with 3 aback 4 through Sup 6 up 7 down 8 after 9 after 10 over 11 up 12 back 13 up against 14 to 15 away
with 16 up 17 down 18 off 19 over/through 20 to
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence.
1 He was rather me. He just said 'No'.
A short with B crude to C rude with D tactless to
2 The local people were not very friendly towards us, in fact there was a distinctly atmosphere.
A rude B offensive C hostile D abrupt
3 I knew she wasn't going to like what I was going to say, so I tried to find a…………… way of saying it.
A civil B diplomatic C flattered D well-mannered
4 Don't you think it's rather asking him to lend you more money, when you still haven't paid back what you
already owe him?
A cheeky B hostile C unpleasant D crude
5 I'm sorry I was so when we met, but I was in a hurry and I couldn't stop and talk.
A short B hostile C abrupt D unpleasant
6 Don't be so ! Where did you learn such bad language'?

A ill-mannered B crude C tactless D nasty
7 It's not very to talk with your mouth full.
A tactful B gentle C polite D educated
8 I find his behaviour towards me quite He treats me like an idiot.
A offending B insulting C crude D ill-mannered
9 I'm that you should accuse me of lying.
A offensive B insulting C offending D insulted
10 Don't be ! Say thank you.
A nasty B rude C tactless D crude
11 I'm sorry about all the . . . . . . . . . . . . things I said to you.
A hostile B abrupt C nasty D short
12 Telling him he was boring wasn't a very thing to say.
A well-mannered B nice C flattered D mannered
13 Why are you always so to me? Have I done something to offend you?
A cheeky B unpleasant C tactless D crude
14 I t isn't exactly to be told that you're starting to look old.
A flattering B well-mannered C civil D complimented
15 The interview went very well. Everyone was very to me.
A pleasant B flattering C tactful D diplomatic
16 I dislike him so much that I find it difficult even to be …………… him
A tactful B diplomatic C civil D well-mannered
1A 2C 3B 4A 5C 6B 7C 8B 9D 10B 11C 12B 13B 14A 15A 16C
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best
answer to each of the following questions.
Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – - 6 -
The brain is the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. Some primitive
animals such as jellyfish and starfish have a decentralized nervous system without a brain, while sponges lack any
nervous system at all. In vertebrates the brain is located in the head, protected by the skull and close to the primary
sensory apparatus of vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell.
Brains can be extremely complex. The cerebral cortex of the human brain contains roughly 15–33 billion neurons,

perhaps more, depending on gender and age,

linked with up to 10,000 synaptic connections each. Each cubic
millimeter of cerebral cortex contains roughly one billion synapses. These neurons communicate with one another by
means of long protoplasmic fibers called axons, which carry trains of signal pulses called action potentials to distant
parts of the brain or body and target them to specific recipient cells.
The brain controls the other organ systems of the body, either by activating muscles or by causing secretion of
chemicals such as hormones and neurotransmitters. This centralized control allows rapid and coordinated responses to
changes in the environment. Some basic types of responsiveness are possible without a brain: even single-celled
organisms may be capable of extracting information from the environment and acting in response to it. Sponges, which
lack a central nervous system, are capable of coordinated body contractions and even locomotion. In vertebrates, the
spinal cord by itself contains neural circuitry capable of generating reflex responses as well as simple motor patterns
such as swimming or walking. However, sophisticated control of behavior on the basis of complex sensory input
requires the information-integrating capabilities of a centralized brain.
Despite rapid scientific progress, much about how brains work remains a mystery. The operations of individual
neurons and synapses are now understood in considerable detail, but the way they cooperate in ensembles of
thousands or millions has been very difficult to decipher. Methods of observation such as EEG recording and functional
brain imaging tell us that brain operations are highly organized, while single unit recording can resolve the activity of
single neurons, but how individual cells give rise to complex operations is unknown.
Question 36. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Brain – human’s most complex part of the body.
B. Brain’s main function.
C. An overview of the most complex part of the body – Brain.
D. The brain’s complex operation.
Question 37. It can be inferred from the passage that:
A. Jellyfish and starfish do not have brain.
B. The number of neurons in the cortex is about 15 – 33 billion, irrespective of age and gender.
C. The sponge has brain but not nervous system.
D. Neurons communicate with one another by targeting themselves to specific recipient cells.
Question 38. The word “linked” in the 2

paragraph could be best replaced by:
A. chained B. connected C. bundled D. interfered
Question 39. Which the following is mentioned in the passage?
A. Sponges, which have no central nervous system, are capable of coordinated body contractions and locomotion.
B. All animals have brain protected in skull.
C. 1 cm
in cerebral cortex contains about 1,000,000,000 synapses.
D. Neural circuitry in spinal cord can control even complex response to stimuli from external environment.
Question 40. The word “This” in the 3
paragraph refers to:
A. the brain B. the action of the brain C. response D. hormones and neurotransmitters
Question 41. Which of the following is impossible without the brain?
A. extracting information from the environment and acting in response to it
B. generating reflex responses as well as simple motor patterns such as swimming or walking
C. control behavior on the basis of complex sensory input which requires the information-integrating capabilities
D. coordinated body contractions and even locomotion
Question 42. The word “decipher” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to:
A. decode B. devalued C. observe D. distract
Question 43. Methods of observation such as EEG recording and functional brain imaging tell us:
A. how individual cells give rise to complex operations is unknown.
B. the works of brain are highly organized.
C. single unit recording can resolve the activity of single neurons.
D. nothing.
Question 44. The word “complex” in the 2
paragraph can be best replaced by:
A. compliant B. confused C. complication D. intricate

Question 45. The passage can be described as:
A. informative B. complicating C. romantic D. thrilling
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best
option for each of the blanks.
Any change in one part of an ecosystem can cause changes in other parts. Drought, storms, and fires can change
ecosystems. Some changes (46) ___________ ecosystems. If there is too little rainfall, plants will not have enough
Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – - 7 -
water to live. If a kind of plant die (47) _________, the animals that (48) __________ it may also die or move away.
Some changes are good for ecosystem. Some pine forests need (49) _____ for the pine trees to reproduce. The seeds
are sealed inside pinecones. Heat from a forest fire melts the seal and lets the seeds (50) __________.
Polluting the air, soils, water can harm ecosystems. Building (51) __________ on rivers for electric power and
irrigation can harm ecosystems (52) __________ the rivers. Bulldozing wetlands and cutting down (53) __________
destroy ecosystems. Ecologists are working with companies and governments to find better ways of (54) _________
fish, cutting down trees, and building dams. They are looking for ways to get food, lumber, and other products for
people (55) __________ causing harm to ecosystems.
Question 46. A. harms B. harmless C. harmless D. harm
Question 47. A. off B. away C. over D. forever
Question 48. A. fed with B. feed on C. fed up with D. feed
Question 49. A. flame B. fires C. blaze D. burning
Question 50. A. fly B. in C. go D. out
Question 51. A. moats B. ditches C. bridges D. dams
Question 52. A. on B. around C. over D. under
31.A 32.A 33.B 34.C 35.D 36.C 37.A 38.B 39.A 40.B 41.C 42.A
43.B 44.D 45. A 46.A 47.A 48.B 49.B 50.D 51.D 52.B 53.A 54.A 55.B
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of
the following questions:
Câu 71: Despite his experience in this field, John applied for the job.
A. John applied for the job because he had experience in the field.
B.John applied for the job even though he has no experience in the field.
C.John did not apply for the job because of his inexperience in the field.

D.John was unable to do the job because he was inexperienced.
Đáp án đúng : B
Câu 72: You ‘d better make a copy of that application before sending it to the company.
A. A copy is better than that application form when you send it to the company.
B. I advise you to send a copy of that application to the company.
C.You should make a copy of the application form and then send the company the form.
D.Send the application form together with its copy to the company.
Đáp án đúng : C
Câu 73: We should put off making a decision until we have all the relevant facts.
A.We should make a decision before having all the relevant facts.
B.Not until we have all the relevant facts should we make a decision.
C.Not until have we all the relevant facts we should make a decision.
D.It is not until we have all the relevant facts that we postpone making a decision.
Đáp án đúng : B
Câu 74: It's impossible to cross the road because of the traffic.
A.The traffic prevents everyone of crossing the road.
B.The traffic makes everyone impossible to cross the road.
C.The traffic makes it impossible to cross the road.
D.The traffic makes it be impossible to cross the road.
Đáp án đúng : C
Câu 75: I didn’t know you were coming, so I didn’t wait for you.
A. If I had known you were coming. I would for you.
B.I would have waited for you if I knew you were coming.
C.Had I known you were coming, I would have waited for you.
D.If I had know you were coming, I would have waited for you.
Đáp án đúng : C
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer which completes each of the
following sentences:
Câu 76: She regretted to tell him that ______.
A. she was leaving the tickets at home B.the tickets at home would be left

C.she would have left the tickets at home D.she had left the tickets at home
Đáp án đúng : D
Câu 77: Dr Sales is the person _____.
A.in that I don't have much confidence B.whom I don't have much confidence in him
C.I don't have much confidence D.in whom I don't have much confidence
Đáp án đúng : <
Câu 78: Everyone at some time has difficulty in sleeping but if you miss a couple of hours of sleep, __________.
A. you do no harm B.no harm is done by you C.you’ll do no harm D.no harm is done
Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – - 8 -
Đáp án đúng : D
Câu 79: Having been selected to represent the class at the school meeting ____________.
A. the members applauded him. B.he gave a short acceptance speech
C.a speech had to be given by him D.the members congratulated him
Đáp án đúng : B
Câu 80_________ was the first fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid.
A. Until 1866 B.It was not until 1866 C.Not until 1866D.Until 1866, just
Đáp án đúng : C
Prepared by Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – Pham Cong Binh High School – - 9 -
