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Đề thi nâng bậc chuyên viên BIDV 2012 - môn tiếng Anh B ngữ pháp

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1. ________ are building nuclear weapons? The US, the Soviet Union, and others.
A. What provinces
B. Which continents
C. Which countries
D. Which organizations

2. ________ I will have taken all the English courses in my school.
A. Next year
B. The next year
C. By next year
D. In next year

3. As I________ to the station, I met the Browns.
A. was running
B. have been running
C. were running
D. had been running

4. By next Friday, Sam ________ five speeches.
A. will have given
B. might have given
C. will gave
D. can have given

5. ________, he will have studied English for four years.
A. When Mike graduates

B. Before Mike graduates
C. By Mike graduates
D. While Mike graduates

6. He said that he ________ all day on Saturday.
A. was working
B. will be working
C. will have worked
D. might have worked

7. I ________ it last January when it was first shown in London.
A. have seen
B. saw
C. had been seeing
D. have been seeing

8. She noticed________ away from the house.
A. him to run
B. him run
C. him running
D. him ran

9. I'd advise ________ more exercise.
A. to take
B. you to take
C. you taking
D. taking

10. I remembered________ the race.
A. the horse's winning
B. the horse to win
C. the horse winning
D. the horse's to win

11. Frankly, I'd rather you ________ anything about it for the time being.
A. do

B. didn't do

C. don't

D. didn't

12. We needed ________.
A. the house to be redecorated
B. the house redecorating
C. the house to be redecorating
D. the house redecorated

13. It is difficult to get used to ________with chopsticks.
A. eat
B. ate
C. eating
D. have eaten

14. If you look carefully, you________ find writing scratched on the glass.
A. can

B. are going to
C. shall
D. will

15. I think it ________ soon.
A. is going to rain
B. rains
C. will rain
D. is raining

16. Wait here until I________ you.
A. will call
B. am calling
C. am going to call
D. call

17. I won't be able to meet you next week, I ________ in London for a few days.
A. will be staying
B. will stay
C. stay
D. am staying

18. Next month I ________ Derek for 20 years.
A. know
B. will have known
C. am knowing
D. will have been knowing

19. I________ with the performance, but I got flu the day before.
A. was to have helped
B. helped
C. was to help
D. had helped

20. You ________ mad if you think I'm going to lend you any more money.
A. should be
B. are supposed to be
C. must be
D. ought to be

21. I________ happy to see him, but I didn't have time.
A. will have been
B. would be
C. will be
D. would have been

22. We________ Switzerland four times during the 1970s.
A. used to visit
B. would visit
C. visited
D. will visit

23. "Why isn't Tim here yet?" It ________ be because his mother is ill again.
A. should
B. can
C. might

D. could

24. She thanked ________ so kind.
A. us to be

B. us for being

C. that we were

D. our being

25. Jenny________ leave the hospital only six hours after the baby was born.
A. was able to
B. could
C. can
D. is able to

26. The car broke down and we ________ a taxi.
A. must have got
B. have to get
C. had to get
D. must get

27. You________ whisper. Nobody can hear us.
A. shouldn’t
B. don't have to
C. mustn't
D. need to

28. Although he didn't have a ticket, Ken________ come in.

A. could
B. can
C. might
D. was able to

29. I had ________ decided to take a coat when it started to rain.
A. already

B. yet

C. still

D. never

30. Don't let him ________ it.
A. doing

B. to do
C. do

D. does

31. The brakes need ________.
A. adjusted

B. to adjustment

C. to adjust

D. adjusting

32. We decided ________ at home this afternoon.
A. staying

B. stayed

C. stay

D. to stay

33. He ________ for a job for some weeks but he has not found one.
A. is looking

B. looks

C. has looked

D. has been looking

34. - I realized that my house was on fire. - That ________a terrible moment.
A. must be
B. can be
C. must have been

D. must to be

35. - I saw a ghost last night. - There aren't any ghosts. You ________it.
A. must have dreamt
B. are dreaming
C. dreamt
D. have dreamt

36. - I've had a toothache for two days. - You ________to the dentist when it started.
A. should have gone
B. could have gone
C. may have gone
D. are going

37. There ________motor-cycle races on the sands but as it is so wet they have been
A. were to have been
B. were
C. had been
D. have been

38. - I feel terribly ill today. - You ________those mushrooms yesterday. Mushrooms
don't agree with you.
A. did not eat
B. should not eat
C. shouldn’t have eaten
D. eat

39. Someone ________a meal here lately; the stove is still hot.
A. cooks
B. was cooking
C. must have cooked
D. has cooked

40. He ________the 9.20 train because he didn't leave home till 9.
A. cannot catch
B. could not catch
C. couldn’t caught
D. couldn’t have caught

41. This poem ________written by Keats, but I am not certain.
A. might have been
B. may be
C. is
D. will be

42. My sister has just come back from abroad. She seemed ________her trip very much.
A. enjoy
B. to have enjoyed
C. enjoys
D. to enjoy

43. Life ________very uncomfortable in the Stone Age.
A. must be
B. must have been
C. is
D. has been

44. I ________to a foreign university but the war prevented it.
A. went
B. go
C. was to have gone
D. was gone

45. I’d like ________it but I had no more film.
A. to have photographed
B. photograph
C. photographing
D. photographs

46. There ________a bad accident here. Look at all the broken glass.
A. must have been
B. will be
C. ought to be
D. should be

47. He gave up ________.
A. to smoke
B. smoking
C. smokes
D. smoke

48. Try to avoid ________him angry.
A. making
B. to make
C. make

D. makes

49. Stop ________and start ________.
A. argue // to work
B. arguing // working
C. argued // worked
D. to argue // to work

50. The children prefer ________TV to ________.
A. watch // read
B. watching // reading
C. watched // reading
D. to watch // reading

51. I am against ________any complaints.
A. making
B. make
C. made
D. to make

52. It's no use ________over spilt milk.
A. cry
B. to cry
C. cried
D. crying

1. If he had not given me advice, I ________ again.

A. would fail
B. would be failed
C. wouldn't fail
D. would have failed

2. If you had locked the gate properly, the robbers ________ into the house.
A. would not break
B. should not break
C. should not have break
D. would not have broken

3. If Muriel had come, she would have won. = ________.
A. If she hadn't won, she'd have come
B. Muriel didn't win because she didn't come
C. When Muriel came, she always won
D. She didn't come, but she won anyway

4. After the way she treated you, if I ________ in your place, I wouldn't return the call.
A. be
B. am
C. was
D. were

5. If I ________ the flu, I would have gone with you.
A. hadn't
B. hadn't had
C. didn't have
D. wouldn't have had

6. Don't do it _____ you're not sure of the consequences.

A. if
B. unless
C. in case
D. as long as

7. I ________grateful if you could tell me what duties are involved in this job.
A. was
B. were to be
C. would be
D. am

8. If I met Jenny more frequently, _________.
A. I would have been closer to her
B. I would be closer to her
C. we will be close friends
D. we have become close friends

9. If she________ her meat carefully, it wouldn't be so tender.
A. didn't prepare
B. prepared
C. has prepared
D. did prepared

10. If you wrote nicely, you _________________.
A. would have got higher mark
B. would had got higher mark
C. would get higher mark
D. will get higher mark

11. If I _______ $2 million, I wouldn’t mind taking things easy for a while.
A. win
B. won
C. had won
D. have won

12. If I had known the way to his house, I ________ him last Friday afternoon.
A. would visit
B. would have visited
C. have been visiting
D. had been visiting

13. If you don’t hurry, you ________ be late for school.
A. would
B. will
C. ought to
D. should

14. If you ________ the Queen, I would be your servant.
A. are
B. were
C. was
D. is

15. If I had seen this film on TV, I ________ to the cinema to see it.
A. don't go
B. didn't go

C. wouldn't have gone
D. wouldn't go

16. If you have finished your homework, you ________ check through it carefully.
A. would
B. should
C. will
D. were to

17. If he ________ me to tell it to him, I would do so with pleasure.
A. ask
B. asks
C. asked
D. has asked

18. If a ruby is heated, it ________ temporarily lose its color.
A. would
B. will
C. does
D. has

19. If water is heated to 212 degrees F., ________ as steam.
A. it will boil and escape
B. it is boiling and escaping
C. it boil and escape
D. it would boil and escape

20. If she ________ spices, her food wouldn't have tasted so good.
A. had used
B. didn't use

C. hadn't used
D. wouldn't use

21. If she put enough coffee in the pot, it________ so weak.
A. would taste
B. wouldn't taste
C. would have tasted
D. couldn't have tasted

1. You can eat ________ you like!
A. as much that
B. as much
C. so much
D. as much as

2. Penquay is ________ a nice place that they want to live there.
A. such
B. so
C. so that
D. such as

3. Look at these two pieces of material I have just bought. Which do you like ________?
A. better
B. more than
C. best
D. most

4. You are not half ________ you think you are.
A. as clever as
B. as clever like
C. the clever as
D. as clever than

5. Nowhere ________ the bathrooms.
A. is it as cold as
B. is as cold as in
C. it is as cold as in
D. is so cold

6. Petrol in this country is so expensive ________ we use public transport as much as
A. then
B. that
C. thus
D. than

7. It was ________ that they decided to go mountain-climbing.
A. such a good weather
B. so good weather
C. such good weather
D. as good weather

8. The guide walked so ________ that most of the party could not keep up with him.
A. fast
B. quick
C. rapid

D. lively

9. You'll have to hurry because the ________ train leaves in ten minutes.
A. latter
B. last
C. latest
D. least

10. Mike was the ________ in his family; all his brothers were much taller.
A. lowest
B. shortest
C. slightest
D. littlest

11. Because his argument was so confusing, ________ people understood it.
A. few
B. clever
C. less
D. many

12. Your brother is much taller ________ you.
A. as
B. how
C. than
D. from

13. I don't know why he complains about his low salary all the time. He doesn't earn as
________ as I do.

A. less
B. few
C. more
D. little

14. Alan and Cyril used to hate each other, but now they are the ________ of friends.
A. most
B. nearest
C. grandest
D. best

15. The noise got ________ as the car disappeared into the distance.
A. smaller
B. fainter
C. weaker
D. slighter

16. It was ________ that I burnt my mouth.
A. such hot coffee
B. such a hot coffee
C. so hot coffee
D. so a hot coffee

17. He's the ________looking man I have ever met.
A. most
B. better
C. best
D. well

18. The ________ I study, the ________ I know.
A. most // least
B. more // less
C. much // more
D. more // least

19. This exercise is ________ than the previous one.
A. hardest
B. harder
C. hardder
D. easy

20. Riding a horse is not ________ riding a bike.
A. more easy than
B. as easy as
C. easyer than
D. so easy than

21. These computers are ________ than those.
A. newwer
B. so newer
C. newer
D. newest

22. You are ________ teacher I've ever had.
A. the worse
B. better
C. the best
D. worst

23. The world problems are getting ________ and ________ difficult to solve.
A. more // more
B. much // much
C. most // most
D. worse // worse

24. John is ________ student in his class. All the girls want to date him.
A. more popular
B. the most popular
C. much popular
D. very popular

25. Bob is ________ than his brother.
A. shyer
B. more shy
C. shiest
D. as much shy

26. The school will be closed until ________ notice.
A. farther
B. far
C. further
D. furthest

27. This time he's made ________ mistakes.
A. least
B. fewer

C. fewest
D. much

1. You take sugar in tea,________?
A. do you
B. don’t you
C. have you
D. you do

2. But you don't take it in coffee,________?
A. don’t you
B. do you
C. you take
D. you don’t

3. The lift isn't working today,________?
A. is it
B. it isn’t
C. isn’t it
D. was it

4. It never works very well,________?
A. does it
B. does it not
C. doesn’t it
D. it does

5. The area was evacuated at once,________?
A. was it
B. is it
C. wasn’t it
D. it was

6. There was no panic,________?
A. wasn’t there
B. was there
C. there was
D. there was not

7. Everybody realized the danger,________?
A. did they
B. don’t they
C. do they
D. didn’t they

8. There was a lot of noise,________?
A. was there
B. wasn’t there
C. there wasn’t
D. was it

9. Nobody complained about the noise,________?
A. do they
B. don’t they
C. did they
D. didn’t they

10. Mary hardly ever cooks,________?
A. does she
B. doesn’t she
C. is she
D. isn’t she

11. She buys convenience foods,________?
A. did she
B. didn’t she
C. doesn’t she
D. she does

12. She'd save money if she bought fresh food,________?
A. did she
B. didn’t she
C. would she
D. wouldn’t she

13. Mr. Smith usually remembered his wife's birthdays,________?
A. does he
B. did he
C. didn’t he
D. doesn’t he

14. But he didn't remember this one,________?
A. did he
B. didn’t he
C. does he

D. doesn’t he

15. His wife was very disappointed,________?
A. wasn’t she
B. was she
C. did she
D. didn’t she

16. He ought to have made a note of it,________?
A. oughtn’t he
B. ought he
C. would he
D. wouldn’t he

17. Neither of them offered to help you,________?
A. did they
B. do they
C. don’t they
D. didn’t they

18. They don't allow pet dogs in this shop,________?
A. do they not
B. do they
C. don’t they
D. they do

19. But guide dogs can come in,________?
A. can they

B. can’t they
C. they can’t
D. they can

20. He hardly ever leaves the house,________?
A. does he
B. did he
C. doesn’t he
D. he does

21. That isn't Bill driving,________?
A. is it
B. is that
C. isn’t that
D. that is

22. Nothing went wrong,________?
A. did it
B. didn’t it
C. it wasn’t
D. it was

23. Lions are loose in this reserve,________?
A. are they
B. aren’t they
C. they are
D. they aren’t

24. So we'd better get back in the car,________?
A. would we

B. hadn’t we
C. we had
D. wouldn’t we

25. It'd be unpleasant to be attacked by a lion,________?
A. would it
B. had it
C. hadn’t it
D. wouldn’t it

26. And it wouldn't be any use running away,________?
A. would it
B. wouldn’t it
C. it would
D. it wouldn’t

27. It is a pity Ann didn't come with us,________?
A. isn’t it
B. is it
C. it isn’t
D. it is

28. She'd have enjoyed it,________?
A. would she
B. had she
C. wouldn’t she
D. she would

29. They should have planned the expedition more carefully,________?
A. should they
B. shouldn’t they
C. they should
D. they shouldn’t

30. Lives were lost unnecessarily,________?
A. were they
B. they were
C. weren’t they
D. they weren’t


1. “My boss is always looking over my shoulder whenever I do anything.”
“That_____ bother you.”
“But it does.”
A. shouldn’t
B. might not
C. may not
D. won’t

2. “This movie is boring and too violent.”
“I agree. ______ leave?”
A. Will we
B. Why we not
C. Must we
D. Would we


3. “Christ, you______ the fish in the refrigerator before it spoils.”
“You’re right. I didn’t know it was still in the shopping bag.”
A. had better put
B. had to put
C. would rather put
D. may put

4. “What does Mr. Griffin do for a living?”
“Nothing. He’s very rich. He_______ work for a living.”
A. must not
B. shouldn’t
C. doesn’t have to
D. hadn’t better

5. “Why are you so late?”
“I _____ my aunt to the airport. The traffic was terrible!”
A. could take
B. must have taken
C. should take
D. had to take

6. “I heard that Laura was offered a job at a top computer firm in Chicago.”
“Oh? That’s wonderful! She_____ very pleased.”
A. is supposed to be
B. might be
C. must be
D. is

7. “The hot weather doesn’t seem to bother you.”
“When I had my farm, I_____ work in the hot fields for hours.”
A. used to
B. ought to
C. must
D. had better

8. “They towed my car away from the executive parking lot yesterday.”
“You______ have parked there.”
A. may not
B. should not
C. must not
D. might not

9. “Are you going to have a big birthday party for your father?”
“Not this year, but next year. He____ 50 years old then.”
A. should be
B. should
C. will be
D. has to be

10. “I need some help with this table. _____ you lift the other end, please?”
“Sure, just a second.”
A. May
B. Should
C. Could
D. Shall

11. “Do you know where Mary is?”
“She _________ be at home. She was going either there or to Barbara’s after work.”
A. must
B. could
C. should
D. shall

12. “Look at all the children waiting for the bus. What time is it?”
“It_______ be after 3:00. That’s when school is out.”
A. must
B. might
C. should
D. shall

13. “I heard that Jose has received a scholarship and will be able to attend the university
in the fall.”
“Wonderful! He________ be very happy to have the matter finally settled.”
A. must
B. may
C. should
D. shall

14. “Excuse me. Could you tell me which bus I should take to get to City Hall?”
“Bus number 63_______ go there. But maybe you’d better ask the driver.”
A. must
B. might
C. should
D. shall

15. “George says that we’re going to have a very high inflation rate next year.”

“He________ be right. I think his view is as good as anybody’s. I’ve heard strong
opinions on all sides of that issue.”
A. must
B. could
C. should
D. shall

16. “Do you suppose Carl is sick?”
“He______ be. Nothing else would have kept him from coming to this meeting.”
A. must
B. may
C. should
D. shall

17. “Have you heard anything from Ed? Is he still in Africa?”
“He__________ be, or he_______ already be on his way home. I’m just not sure.”
A. must // must
B. might// might
C. should // should
D. shall // could

18. “Is that a famous person over there in the middle of that crowd?”
“It_____ be. Everyone’s trying to get her autograph.”
A. must
B. might
C. should
D. shall

19. “Isn’t Peter Reeves a banker?”
“Yes. Why don’t you talk to him? He________ be able to help you with your loans.”
A. must
B. might
C. need
D. would

20. “Overall, don’t you think the possibility of world peace is greater now than ever
“It______ be. I don’t know. Political relationships can be fragile.”
A. must
B. may
C. should
D. shall

21. “It______ rain this evening. Why don’t you take an umbrella?”
“That’s a good idea. May I borrow yours?”
A. had better
B. could be
C. must
D. might

22. “______ you hand me that pair of scissors, please?”
A. May
B. Shall
C. Will
D. Should

23. “Larry drove all night to get here for his sister’s wedding. He______ exhausted by
the time he arrived.”
“He was.”
A. ought to be
B. could be
C. must have been
D. will have been

24. “What are you doing here now? You______ be here for another three hours.”
“I know. We got an early start and it took less time than we expected. I hope you don’t
A. couldn’t
B. might not
C. had better not
D. aren’t supposed to

25. “______ taking me downtown on your way to work this morning?”
“Not at all.”
A. Can you
B. Why don’t you
C. Would you mind
D. Could you please

26. “I locked myself out of my apartment. I didn’t know what to do.”
“You______ your room-mate.”
A. could have called
B. may have called
C. would have called
D. must have called

27. “You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. You______ be really
“I am.”
A. might
B. will
C. can
D. must

28. “How long have you been married?”
“We______ have been married for twenty-three years on our next anniversary.”
A. must
B. should
C. will
D. could

29. “I_______ there at 6 pm for the meeting, but my car won’t start. Could you please
give me a lift in your car?”
“Sure. Are you ready to go now?”
A. will be
B. may be
C. supposed to be
D. have got to be

30. “I left a cookie on the table, but now it’s gone. What happened to it?”
“I don’t know. One of the children______ it.”
A. may have eaten
B. could eat

C. had to eat
D. should have eaten

1. "I wish you ________ me to put these things away" he said.
A. will help
B. can help
C. will not help
D. would help

2. The girl wishes she ________ in Nha Trang for the festival next week.
A. will stay
B. could stay
C. is staying
D. can stay

3. We wish that you ________ such a lot of work, otherwise you would have enjoyed the
A. hadn’t had
B. hadn’t
C. didn’t have
D. hadn’t have

4. I wish that we ________ with my brother when he flies to England next week.
A. could go
B. had gone
C. will go
D. are going

5. - Are you leaving? - Yes, but I wish I ________ to go.
A. didn’t have
B. will not have
C. don’t have
D. may not have

6. Our flat is very small. We wish we ________ another bedroom.
A. had
B. have
C. have had
D. will have

7. I wish that I ________the clothes yesterday.
A. had washed
B. washed
C. will wash
D. would wash

8. I have to get up early every day. I wish I ______ have to get up early every day.
A. don’t
B. didn’t
C. will not
D. will

9. I wish they ________ making so much noise so that I could concentrate.
A. will stop
B. would stop
C. won’t stop
D. wouldn’t stop

10. The photographer wished we ________closer than we are standing now.
A. stand
B. stood
C. will stand
D. have stood

11. I wish the contractor ________ this for us.
A. take care of
B. would have taken care of
C. do not take care of
D. will take care of

12. It’s very crowded here. I wish________ so many people.
A. there wasn’t
B. there weren’t
C. there isn’t
D. there aren’t

13. I was lazy at school. I wish I _______ harder at school.
A. have studied
B. had studied
C. studied
D. would study

14. You are smoking at the moment and it is annoying me. I wish you _______ smoking.
A. will stop
B. would stop

C. will not stop
D. stop

15. I don't have anything to smoke. I wish I ______ a cigarette.
A. had
B. have
C. will have
D. won’t have

16. Girls don’t like me because I am ugly. I wish I ______better-looking.
A. were
B. will be
C. have been
D. have not been

17. My computer is old and slow. I wish I ______ a more powerful one.
A. have
B. had
C. will have
D. haven’t

18. Mark and Sally are going to India but it's not possible for me to go with them. I wish
it _______ as it is a country I love.
A. is possible
B. were possible
C. will be
D. be
