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Question 1: Listen and circle

1. A.
1 B.
2. A.
2. B.

3. A.

3. B.
4. A.
4. B.
Question 2: Listen and complete.
Example: 0. - What’s your name?
- My name’s Linda.
A: Hello, what's your name?
B: My name's (1) _______________.
A: How old are you?
B: I'm (2) ____________ years old.
A: How many cats have you got?
B: I've got (3) _____________ cats.
A: How about your toys?
B: I have got two (4) ________________.
Question 3. Reorder the letters.




Question 4. Look and write True (T) or False ( F)
1. They are singing.
2. This is a short pencil.
3. He has got six goldfish. 4. Tuan and his
brother are watching

5. The cat is under the
sofa .
6. It is warm.
7. Hoa is dancing.
8.This is bedroom
Question 4. Look at the picture and complete these sentences.
1. They are
__________ kite.
2. It is __________
3. I am ___________
years old.

4. They are _______
5. She is ____________ 6. This is my
7. It is _____________ 8. This is my

Question 5. Fill in the blank with one suitable word:

sister Her old nine
Tom: This is my (1)…… …………
(2)……….…… ……name’s Linda.
Mary: How (3)……… ………is she?
Tom: She’s (4)…… ………….years old.
girl boys swimming boy
It is break time. The children are
playing. Four (1)____________ are
playing basketball. A girl and a boy is

going to play tennis. A (2) _________
is cycling and a (3) ___________ is
sitting near the swimming pool. A
boy is (4) ___________ in the
swimming pool.
Question 6. Match the question with suitable answer.
1. Where is the ball? a. They are yellow 1. ______
2. How old are you? b. He is sixty 2. ______
3. Who is that girl? c. Yes, it is 3. ______
4. Do you like playing chess? d. He is Peter 4. ______
5. What do you do at break time? e. It is under the table 5. ______
6. How old is your grandfather? f. No, I don’t 6. ______
7. Have you got a cat? g. She is my sister 7. ______
8. What is his name? h. I am nine years old 8. ______
9. Is this your house? i. I play hide and seek 9. ______
10. What colour are they? k. Yes, I have 10. ______
Question 7. Reorder these words into the correct sentences
1. do / break / What / do / time / you/ at/?
2. twenty / desks / There / my / are / classroom/ in /.
3. playing / I / badminton/ like/ don’t/.
4. picture / the table / The / above / is/.
5. there / library / Is / school / in / a/ your /?
6. dolls / How / has / Mary / many / got/?
7. have / Tuan / got / Minh / five / goldfish/ and /.

Transcript - Lời bài nghe
Question 1: Listen and circle.
1 A: What's the weather like today?
B: It's rainy.
2. A: What are they doing?
B: They're playing badmiton.
3. A: Have you got a cat?
B: No. I haven’t got a cat.
4. A: What's this?
B: It's a doll.
Question 2: Listen and complete.
A: What's your name?
B: My name's Thanh .
A: How old are you?
B: I'm nine years old.
A: How many cats have you got?
B: I've got three cat.
A: How about your toys?
B: I have got two robots.

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