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Khoá ngày 21, 22 tháng 06 năm 2006
Thời gian làm bài
: 60 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)
(Đề thi gồm 2 trang. Thí sinh chỉ ghi câu trả lời vào giấy thi, không chép lại đề)
I) Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn thành các câu sau (1 điểm)
Ví dụ: 0. I am excited (on/ in/ at/ about)……….taking that trip. Trả lời: I. 0. about
1) After arriving home, they usually (take out/ put out/ take off/ put off) their uniforms.
2) He used to (earn/ gain/ get/ make) his living by delivering vegetables to city hotels.
3) We were all very proud (in/ of/ about/ at) our daughter when she got the scholarship.
Wait here! We’ll come back (in/ for/ at/ since) a few minutes.
5) I always enjoy travelling. My brother, (but/ although/ however/ moreover) , prefers to stay
6) Don’t come to my house this afternoon. I won’t come back (as soon as/ until/ while/
when) 8p.m.
Let’s try our best to pass the exam, (do we/ shan’t we/ don’t we/ shall we) ?
8) We are talking about the preservation of (natural/ naturally/ nature/ naturalize) resources.
9) Some people think that watching TV is time (comsume/ consuming/ consumer/ consumption)
The children laughed (happiness/ happy/ happily/ unhappy) when they were watching the
II) Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong đoạn văn sau (1.5 điểm) Ví dụ: II. 0. bought
Last month John’s mother (0. buy) him a computer. She (1. hope)…… he would use the computer
(2. write) essays. However, he spent all his time (3. play) computer games. As a result, he
(4. fail) the test. When that happened, John realized that he had made a terrible mistake. Now he uses
the computer mainly for typing his essays. He (5. play) computer games only in his free time. Last
mid-year examination he (6. top) his classmates .
III) Chọn lỗi sai A, B, C hoặc D trong các câu sau (0.5 điểm)

Ví dụ: 0. My student is excited of making a trip to New Zealand this summer vacation.
Trả lời: III. 0. B

1) I promise to call you as soon as I will arrive in Hanoi.
2) A new bookstore was opening in the city centre a few days ago.
My friends suggested me that I should go to Hanoi by plane to save time.
4) Dalat is the city where a lot of people want to visit because of its cool climate.
The child is looking at the dolls which are beautiful displayed on the shelves.
IV) Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc (1.25 điểm)
Ví dụ:
0. The teacher is explaining how to write a letter of (inquire)……. Trả lời: IV. 0. inquiry

1) I watch the news every day because it’s very (inform)
2) We could see some strange (express) on her face.
She receives a lot of (encourage) from her friends.
4) The Internet has (increase) developed in every field.
5) The accident happened because of the truck driver’s (care)
V) Chọn từ thích hợp trong khung để điền vào các chỗ trống trong đoạn văn sau (1.25 điểm)
Ví dụ: V. 0. or
ways gradually or cause activities complete stop
To end (0)…………… greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to (1) using

many things that benefit them. Most people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can be
(2) reduced in several ways. Scientists and engineers can work to find (3) to lessen the
amount of pollution that such things as automobiles and factories (4) Governments can pass and
enforce laws that require businesses and individuals to stop or cut down on certain polluting (5)
VI) Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và làm các bài tập bên dưới
Almost a hundred thousand people were killed and half a million homes destroyed as a result of an
earthquake in Tokyo in 1923. The earthquake began a minute before noon when the inhabitants of
Tokyo were cooking their midday meals. Thousands of stoves were overturned as soon as the earth
began to shake. As a result, small fires broke down everywhere and quickly spread. The fire engines
were prevented from going to help because many of the roads had cracked open. It was impossible to
use fire fighting equipment as most of the water pipes had burst. Consequently, over ninety per cent of
the damage was caused by the fire rather than the collapse of the buildings. Most of those who died
were not killed in the earthquake itself but in the fires, which followed. If the earthquake had occurred
at night while people were sleeping, far fewer would have died.
Cho biết các câu sau đây là ĐÚNG (TRUE) hay SAI (FALSE) (1 điểm)
Ví dụ: 0. Two hundred people were killed in the earthquake. Trả lời: VI. 1. 0. FALSE
a. The earthquake in Tokyo in 1923 caused a lot of damage.
b. It happened in the early morning.
c. There were fires everywhere before the earthquake occurred .
d. The firemen used fire fighting equipment to put out the fires.
2) Đặt câu hỏi với các từ gợi ý. Sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi vừa đặt (1 điểm)
a. most/ damage/ caused/ fire/ or/ collapse/ buildings?
b. What/ happened/ if/ earthquake/ occurred/ night?
VII) Viết lại các câu sau đây sao cho nghóa của câu không thay đổi (1.5 điểm)
Ví dụ: 0. He is a good tennis player.
He plays……………………………………….  Trả lời: VII. 0. He plays tennis very well.
1) Jane’s parents don’t allow her to go out alone at night.
2) “You should be careful when you are doing the test,” said my mother.

My mother advised
3) John can’t attend the course.
John wishes
Nam is using my camera. It is of good quality.
My camera,
5) Tom started working here five months ago.
Tom has
I finished my homework in 30 minutes.
It took
VIII) Viết một lá thư phàn nàn theo mẫu SCRAP (50 – 80 từ) gửi đến chính quyền đòa phương
theo tình huống sau. Không ghi tên của mình trong lá thư. (1 điểm)
These days, the sea product factory in your neighbourhood makes so much noise from early in the
morning till midnight. The people here can’t get to sleep or relax and the students can’t study. You
think that the government should ask them to reduce the noise and limit the working time.
Họ và tên thí sinh:…………………………………… Số báo danh:………… Chữ ký giám thò I:………………
I) Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn thành các câu sau (0.1 điểm/ câu đúng)
1. take off 2. earn 3. of 4. in 5. however
6. until 7. shall we 8. natural 9. comsuming 10. happily
II) Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong đoạn văn sau (0.25 điểm/ câu đúng)
1. hoped 2. to write 3. playing 4. failed 5. plays 6. topped
III) Chọn lỗi sai A, B, C hoặc D trong các câu sau (0.1 điểm/ câu đúng)
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C
IV) Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc (0.25 điểm/ câu đúng)
1. informative 2. expression 3. encouragement 4. increasingly 5. carelessness
V) Chọn từ thích hợp trong khung để điền vào các chỗ trống trong đoạn văn sau (0.25 điểm/
câu đúng)

1. stop 2. gradually 3. ways 4. cause 5. activities
Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và làm các bài tập bên dưới
1) Cho biết các câu sau đây là ĐÚNG (TRUE) hay SAI (FALSE) (0.25 điểm/ câu đúng)
2) Đặt câu hỏi với các từ gợi ý và trả lời các câu hỏi đó (0.25 điểm/ câu đúng)
a. Was most of the damage caused by the fire or the collapse of the buildings?
Most of the damage/ It was caused by the fire.
b. What would have happened if the earthquake had occurred at night?
Far fewer people would have died (if the earthquake had occurred at night).
Viết lại các câu sau đây sao cho nghóa của câu không thay đổi (0.25 điểm/ câu đúng)
1) Jane isn’t allowed to go out alone at night (by her parents).
2) My mother advised me to be careful when I was doing the test.
3) John wishes he could attend the course.
My camera, which Nam is using, is of good quality.
(trừ 1/2 số điểm nếu thiếu dấu phẩy)
5) Tom has worked here for five months.
6) It took me 30 minutes to finish my homework.
VIII) Viết thư phàn nàn
SCRAP format: 0.25 mark
Structures and grammar: 0.25 mark
Ideas: 0.5mark
