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Đề anh 8 - sưu tập đề kiểm tra, thi học sinh giỏi tiếng anh 8 tham khảo bồi dưỡng (9)

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I / PHONETICS : ( 1 point)
A \ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others :
1. A . festival B. revision C.habit D. meaning .
2. A.drawing B. improve C. report D. escape.
B \ Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others
3.A. buffalo B.wisdom C.rope D.clothes.
4.A .equipment B. upset C.end D. help
II/. Circle the best answer: A, B, C or D to complete all the sentences (3 points):
1. “ The lost shoe” is one of the …………. Stories I like best.
A. tradition B. traditional C. beautiful D. beauty
2. We must be there 7.30 and 10.30.
A. between B. before C. after D. at
3. His brother often drives too
A. bad B. fastly C. faster D. fast
4. Peter is very proud his school.
A. in B. off C. of D. on
5. My aunt ………… do the housework without modern equipment.
A. use to B. used C. used to D .didn’t used to
6. My train ………………. at 11.30, so I need to be at the station by 11.15
A. is leaving B. will leave C. leaves D. left
7. Nam ‘s hobbies are watching TV and outdoor ……………………
A. activity B. activities C. acting D. action
8. Lee was born in China. Chinese is his…………………………
A. foreign language B. mother tongue C. second language D. new language
9. __________ I help you ? – Yes , thank you.
A. May B. Could C. Can D. Do.
10. You __________ get up early to go to school on time.
A. mustn’t B. should C. might D. have to.
11. Tom told me __________ off the laptop for him.
A. turn B.to turn C. turning D.turned

12.If you want to see my teacher, please come _________ 8a.m and 10 a.m
A. at B. on C. between D. in
III. Rewrite these sentences in Reported speech (1.5 pts)
1. Their mother said to them, “Don’t make so much noise.”

2. The traffic policeman said, “Show me your driving license, please.”

3. “You should stay in bed for a few days”, the doctor said to Mr. Lam.

IV. Fill in the blank with suitable words (1pt)
a. A: ……………………. help you?
B: Yes, thank you. Could you carry my luggage, please?
b. C: ……………………. any help?
D: No. Thank you. I’m fine.
V. Reading (2 pts)
Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union was founded on March 26 ,1931 in Viet Nam. It builds
character, love for nation and encourages good citizenship, soft skills and personal fitness.
Ho Chi Minh established the guidelines for the Vietnamese youth.
The Union has many plans to help the community such as : helping the Handicapped , Cleaning the
Environment, ….
The recycling program can help people to save natural recourses. The “ Rosy Smile ” program
helps raising funds for the poor children.The “ Green Sunday ” program makes the city more
beautiful with clean streets, plenty of trees and flowers. It’s held on Sunday morning every month.
1 / Answer the questions :
1. When was the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union founded?
2 .What does it build and encourage ?
3. Who established the guidelines for the Vietnamese youth ?

4. What does the “ Rosy Smile ” help?
2/ Read the passage again and then decide if each of the statements are True ( T) or False ( F) : ( 1
a / ______. Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union was founded on November 20.
b /______ . The “Rosy smile ” program can help people to natural resources.
c / ______.The “ Green Sunday ’’ program makes the city more beautiful
d /______ . The “ Green Sunday ” is held on Sunday morning every month
VI, Complete the letter:(1.5pts)
Dear Hoa,
Thanks/ your letter. I/ pleased/ hear/ you/ have/ interesting Teacher’s day
We/ receive/ first semester report/ few days ago. I/ get/ good/ grades/ Math/
Language/ History/ but/ English result/ be/ poor. English teacher/ ask/ me/
spend more time/ it/ so /I/ study harder/ next semester.
Write/ soon/ and/ tell/ all your news.
I, listen then complete the sentences with a suitable word.1m
1. Once day the farmer went to the eggs

2. His wife wanted more, so he to cut open all the chicken to find
3. ` , he couldn’t find any eggs
1. After his wife died, he married again. He ……………
a. rearranged b. remarried c. reoccupied d. repeat
2. The new wife was a bad and wicked woman. She was very……….
a. cruel b. nice c. good d. gentle
3. Ann was feeling ill last night. She ……… leave the party early.
a. has to b. must c. had to d. mustn’t
4. I don’t want anyone to know. You ………… tell anyone what I said.
a. must b. musn’t c. have to d. don’t have to
5. Promise that you’ll be on time. It’s important. You ………… be late.
a. don’t have to b. have to c. must d. mustn’t
6. Ann’s eyes are not very good. She ……………wear glasses for reading.
a. has to b. can c. doesn’t have to d. musn’t
7. She helped me …… the box
a. to carry b. carried c. carrying d. for carrying
8. The …………is people who can’t see.
a. blind b. deaf c. mute d. poor
9. She and her mother are very different …………character. She is sociable, but her mother was quiet.
a. in b. from c. of d. with
10. The sun ……at 5.16 tomorrow.
a. rise b. rises c. is rising d. is going to rise
11, When I was a child, I follow my Mom to the market.
A. used to B. like C. get used to D. usually
12. We must be there 7:30 and 10:30.
A. at B. before C. between D. after
13. They’ll arrive Monday, July 14

A. in B. at C. during D. on
14. We received 400………………for the job.
a. applications b. hobbies c. habits d. favors
15. Nam participated…………….the recycling program of Y & Y organization.
a. on b. at c. of d. in
16. Nam is a good swimmer. He swims very
a. well B. quick C. bad D. good
II / PHONETICS : ( 1 point)
A \ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others : 1m
1. A. deliver B. device C. service D. transmit
2. A. promise B. realize C. organize D. surprise
B \ Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others
3. A . chemical B. character C. christmas D. chicken
4. A. recycled B. asked C. enjoyed D. hired
Rewrite the following sentences,beginning each sentence with the given words 1m
1/ "Can you give me your pen?", Lan said to me.
→ Lan asked me
My mother said to my sister, "You should work harder on Math and Literature."
→ My mother said
READING(1.5ms)Read report below:
Report card
Name: Nguyen An Viet
Class: 8A
Days present: 80
Behavior – Participation: S
Subject: English
Marking period: First Semester
Days absent: 3

Co-operation: B
Listening: B Speaking: C Reading: B Writing: A
A = Excellent B = Good
F = Fail S = Satisfactory
C = Fair D = Poor
U = Unsatisfactory
Comments: Viet’s grammar is very good. However, he should spend more time on pronouncing and
Teacher’s signature
Mr. Cuong
Date: February 15
, 2011
Parent’s signature
Mr. Nam
Write True (T) for the right sentences and False (F) for wrong sentences
1. _______Viet wasn’t absent from school this semester.
2. _______Viet behaved badly at school.
3. _______Viet’s grammar was really bad.
4. _______His writing is better than his speaking.
5. _______He co-operated well at school.
6. He went to school 83 days
B) Write a letter, using the information from the word cues. (1,5 marks)
( viết một lá thư sử dụng những thông tin cho sẵn )
25/ 3A Tran Phu street
Ho chi Minh city
November 24,2011
Dear ………,
Thanks / your letter. I / happy / hear / you / have / an enjoyable / Nha Trang Beach.
We / receive / second semester report / two weeks ago.

I / get / good grades for / English / Chemistry.
But / Math result / be / poor. My Math teacher / told / me / improve it.
In a few weeks ago. I / going/ visit / Ha Long Bay / my parents.
We / going / hold / a bithday party / Lucky Star restaurant.
I / send you/ / a post card / there.
Write soon / tell me / all your news.
