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1. (A) He'll help Tina prepare for the meeting.
(B) He's disappointed that he'll have to miss the meeting.
(C) He often works extra hours.
(D) He's afraid the meeting won't end on time.
2. (A) The man will take the camera to be repaired.
(B) The woman will take a picture of the man.
(C) The woman will show the man how to use the camera.
(D) The woman will borrow the man's camera.
3. (A) He'd like to apply for a replacement card.
(B) He needed to see a doctor two weeks ago.
(C) He's pleased that the woman found the card.
(D) He's glad he was finally able to get an appointment.
4. (A) She doesn't understand the man's question
(B) She doesn't have time to repeat the explanation now.
(C) She doesn't mind answering questions
(D) Shell return soon.
5. A) The woman doesn't accept the man's apology.
(B) The woman wasn't bothered by the delay.
(C) The man didn't realize the woman was waiting.
(D) The man waited a long time for the bus.
6. (A) The coat isn't warm enough to wear in cold weather.
(B) She bought the coat last winter.
(C) She needs to have the coat cleaned before next winter.
(D) The coat is the only warm coat she owns.
7. (A) She won't be a candidate next year.
(B) She doesn't believe the news.
(C) The news doesn't upset her.
(D) The news will disappoint Mary.
8. (A) Try to find the woman's roommate.
(B) Buy tickets for the film festival.

(C) Give the woman a ride to the bookstore.
(D) Get a schedule for the woman.
9. (A) He doesn't know many composers of classical music
(B) Annie might spend a lot of money on classical music.
(C) He has known Annie's neighbor for many years.
(D) Annie should try not to get sick.
10. (A) She'll probably be late for her appointment with the dentist
(B) She won't be riding with her class to the museum.
(C) She'll meet the man in front of the library.
(D) She forgot that her class was going to the museum
11. (A) She thinks it will rain today.
(B) Her hobby is collecting coins.
(C) She'll change the money for the man.
(D) She's keeping the money for an emergency.
12. (A) He studies engineering.
(B) He has only recently become interested in philosophy.
(C) He wasn't at the lecture.
(D) He thinks Professor Warner is a good teacher.
13. (A) The reports should have been completed by today.
(B) Only the first part of the report is due next Friday.
(C) Some students didn't finish their reports on time.
(D) Some students haven't started their reports yet.
14. (A) Spend thirty dollars on the painting.
(B) Sell one of his paintings.
(C) Look for a less expensive painting.
(D) Buy the painting without the frame.
15. (A) Exercise less frequently.
(B) Take less medicine each day.
(C) Visit him as soon as possible.
(D) Take a new kind of headache medicine.

16. (A) His job starts next week.
(B) He's eager to start his new job.
(C) His professor was mistaken about the job.
(D) He believes the job interview went well.
17. (A) Janet didn't attend.
(B) Janet's friends did a lot of the work.
(C) The man wasn't invited.
(D) It was canceled at the last minute.
18. (A) He's looking for another roommate.
(B) He's sharing the room with his brothers.
(C) He hasn't met his roommate yet.
(D) He doesn't think the room is too small.
19. (A) The train to Middletown is often late.
(B) The man has missed the train to Middletown.
(C) The next train to Middletown leaves in eleven minutes.
(D) Trains don't stop at Middletown in the evening.
20. (A) Wear his suit.
(B) Prepare for cold weather.
(C) Find out who's going to the party.
(D) Dress informally.
21. (A) She's not sure she'll be seeing Julia.
(B) She'll phone Julia later in the week.
(C) She doesn't know Julia's phone number.
(D) She doesn't think Julia knows about registration.
22. (A) Most of them were written near the end of the author's lifetime.
(B) Many of them aren't included in the library's collection.
(C) They were all highly praised by literary critics.
(D) Many readers like to collect them.
23. (A) The man is a good student.

(B) The man shouldn't work overtime.
(C) She wishes that she had a job.
(D) She doesn't want to work with the man.
24. (A) She doesn't expect to meet with Kevin today.
(B) She can't wait any longer for Kevin.
(C) Kevin is often late.
(D) Kevin has probably overslept.
25. (A) The books are all required for the history course.
(B) Some of the books are for courses other than history.
(C) He plans to read more than just the books that are required.
(D) He's worried he may not finish the required reading.
26. (A) Watch a movie on television.
(B) Go out to dinner with the man.
(C) Go to the tennis court.
(D) Play in the tournament.
27. (A) She wishes she could help the man.
(B) She has a bigger problem than the man has.
(C) She knows a mechanic who can fix the man's car.
(D) The man should buy a new car.
28. (A) She's pleased the man's schedule won't change.
(B) She can't offer the man a flexible schedule.
(C) Whoever works at the front desk must have a flexible schedule.
(D) She doesnt need anyone else to work at the front desk.
29. (A) He wants the woman to repeat her question.
(B) He agrees with the woman.
(C) He wants to talk about the movie.
(D) He wants to see the movie again.
30. (A) Professor Lane is liked by her students.
(B) Professor Lane never gives high grades.
(C) The man deserves the grade he received.

(D) The man should phone Professor Lane to thank her.
2001 - 08
1.W: Tina says you won’t be able to make it to the meeting tomorrow
M: Yeah, sorry about that. I just found out that I have to work over time.
Q: What does the man mean?
2.W: Would you mind taking a picture of me in front of the fountain?
M: Not at all. But I’m not sure how this camera works.
Q: What will probably happen next?
3.W: Oh my goodness. Your help services card is sitting right here in
your file, it should have been sent out to you weeks ago. I hope you
haven’t had any need for it.
M: No, not yet. But it’s nice to know I have it, so I don’t need to reapply.
Q: What does the man mean?
4.M: Excuse me, Pro.# But I’m still confused, could you go over that last
point one moretime?
W: Of course, that’s what I’m here for.
Q: What does the woman mean?
5.M: I’m sorry I made you wait. The bus was stuck in traffic and took
forever to get here.
W: No harm done. I was able to catch up on some reading.
Q: What can be inferred about the conversation?
6.M: That’s a really nice raincoat, Lisa.
W: Thanks. I like it too. If only it had a heavy line in it before I can wear
it in winter too.
Q: What does the woman mean?
7.M: I just heard the news that Mary won the election. That must be a
big disappointment for you.
W: Well, actually, she probably was the best candidate this time around,

and I can always run again next year.
Q: What does the woman imply?
8.W: Do you have your film festival schedule with you? I’d like to find
out what’s playing this weekend.
M: I past it on to my roommate, but there should be more in the
bookstore. I can pick one up for you next time on there.
Q: What does the man offer to do?
9.W: My new neighbor next door is really great. She # fantastic
collection of classical music, I mean dozens of composers I’ve never
even heard of.
M: Hmm… Just be careful Annie, a hobby like that can be contagious
and expensive.
Q: What does the man imply?
10.M: The bus they are renting to take us to the museum? It’s goanna
leave at ten in front of the library. So, let’s meet on the library steps
before ahead, ok?
W: Oh I thought I told you. I have a dentist appointment this morning so
I’m going to meet up with you guys downtown at the museum, ok?
Q: What does the woman imply?
11.M: Gee, you have a lot of change in that jar. Are you a coin collector?
W: No, I’m just saving them for a rainy day.
Q: What does the woman mean?
12.W: I saw you in the lecture hall yesterday on your way out to Pro. #’s
philosophy class. I was quite surprised, I couldn’t imaging you are
someone interested in philosophy.
M: I don’t know what’s so surprising, there are lots of engineering
students in that class.
Q: What can be inferred about the man?
13.M: Did I hear that right? Out reports are due next Friday?
W: Just the introduction, the rest will find out about today in class.

Q: What does the woman mean?
14.M: This painting would go great in my room, but they want 30 dollars
for it and it’s probably mostly for the frame.
W: Then why don’t you # it # separately?
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
15.W: Dr. Smith, this is #, those stretching exercises that you
recommended are really helping with my back pain. But the pills you
prescribed, I think, they are giving me a headache.
M: That’ not unusual, let’s try cutting back two, just one a day, all right?
Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?
16.W: Congratulations, Tom. I heard you got a job with the Wilson
M: Hmm, thanks, Pro.#, but it’s a little too soon for congratulation, all I
got so far is an interview, early next week, on Thursday.
Q: What does the man imply?
17.W: I’m never going to volunteer to help Janet with the party again.
M: I know what you mean. We ended up doing most of the cleaning-up.
Q: What can be inferred about the party?
18.W: This is a pretty small room to be sharing with someone. Don’t you
find it a little crowded?
M: Well, I don’t know about my roommate. But me, I’m used to being a
little cranes. I grew up with six brothers, remember?
Q: What does the man mean?
19.M: Excuse me, do you know what time the train to Middle Town
W: You mean left, the last one was in eleven p.m. and that’s it, till
tomorrow morning.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?
20.M: I’m thinking about wearing a suit to the party tonight, what do you

W: Well, I haven’t heard anything about dressing up. I bet a sweater
would be fine.
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
21.M: If you see your friend Julia in the next couple of days, would you
mind asking her to give me a call, I was hoping she’d be able to help
out with course registration next week.
W: Sure, Pro.#, if I see her. She’s made herself pretty scarcely lately.
Q: What does the woman mean?
22.W: I’ve never seen a larger collection of this author’s books than the
one here in this library. It’s impressive how many she managed to write
in her lifetime.
M: Yeah, actually a lot more than even this collection was suggested.
Q: What does the man imply about the author’s books?
23.M: My boss keeps asking me to work overtime but I always said no
because I don’t wanna jeopardize my studies, but I’m starting to waver.
W: I wouldn’t give in if I were you.
Q: What does the woman mean?
24.M: What’s keeping Kevin? He said last night he’d meet us here by 2
o’clock and it’s already 2:30.
W: It’s so typical of him, isn’t it? Just watch, he’s going to show up in 5
minutes with some wild excuse.
Q: What does the woman mean?
25.W: Woo, are all those books you’ve got there required for the
modern European history class?
M: No, a lot of these listed are optional, but you know me, when I do
something, I do it 200 percent.
Q: What does the man mean?
26.M: Let’s go to a movie after dinner.
W: That’s tempting. However, the tennis tournament is tomorrow, and I

need to get in a short practice session tonight.
Q: What will the woman probably do this evening?
27.M: I just got this car and already it’s falling apart. First, one of the
door handles fell off and now the inside light won’t go on when you open
the door.
W: Hey, what’s the big deal? Falling apart is when your car needs a new
engine, like
mine does.
Q: What does the woman imply?
28.M: Oh, Mrs. Wilson, now the classes are starting again and I could
probably keep working at the front desk if you are willing to give me a
flexible schedule and let me come in and work between classes, I really
would like to stay.
W: And we like that too, trouble is, that means the front desk won’t be
covered and well, the hotel just can’t operate that way.
Q: What does the woman mean?
29.W: You didn’t care for the movie, did you?
M: You can say that again.
Q: What does the man mean?
30.M: That grade on my philosophy paper? It really took me by surprise,
you know I work hard in everything, but I never thought I get such a
high grade, I mean, she actually gaveme an A.
W: We look Pro.# as scare, but, I won’t call her over-the-terrible , so you
really have yourself to thank.
Q: What does the woman mean?
